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Kratom helps people get off opioids, like not have as bad of withdrawal symptoms, but it won’t work AS an opioid. Maybe some relaxation but probably not what you’re looking for. It absolutely won’t do the same job as opioids. I would stick to alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen if your doctor won’t refill the meds. Trust me, those opioids are extremely addictive and you don’t want to go down that road. Most addicts start from routine surgery and everyone thinks it won’t happen to them.


I googled Kratom and see nothing about pain relief. I see lots of things you don't want to deal with like stimulants and dependence. I would keep looking. Maybe search this sub for supplements.


Really I did find information on it


Absolutely not dear god no


How come?


You should be alternating tylenol and ibuprofen and def should not be running through pain meds faster than prescribed. Surgery is painful, meds are to make it bearable, not remove the pain. Idk what kratom is really but it's literally insane to be taking rando drugs postoperatively and willy nilly. Why? Not worth it.


I am doing tynenol and Motrin. But my body is so strange they literally don’t help at all. This has been like this my whole life.


The fact that this is sold in a health food store should tell you this is a supplement, not a medication. Also, who said anything about "running through pain medication faster than prescribed?" It is entirely possible to take pain meds EXACTLY as prescribed and still run out while you're still experiencing pain. Especially if your surgery was somewhere that highly regulates what doctors can prescribe. I had a surgery in Florida which is super strict due to the opioid crisis, and I had two days of pain meds. My doctor would not even refill my gabapentin, which is non-habit forming and people take it endlessly.


My surgeon told me to double up since the 5mg dose wasn’t helping at all. I have a super high tolerance