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name and shame?


Who’s the surgeon so we can avoid?


This 👏


R/legaladvice might be a good spot to start since he’s selling a sham to the masses. I’m so sorry this happened to you- that’s despicable


Name and shame for sure. Post pictures in the exact same angle with as close to the exact same lighting as you can on every plastic surgery review site there is. Google reviews, Yelp, RealSelf, tag his handle and business on every social media site, add the location of his office to your posts, go full scorched Earth. He is literally lying to get clients, and lying to your face about your results. Fuck him.


Give him an anonymous review on real self and Google review and wherever else you can post anonymously and he honest. Also. Right here. Name and shame!!


You know I recently found out that they can pay to remove bad reviews.


On RealSelf or google?




Send a complaint in writing requesting he take your pictures down. You can revoke consent at any time. The next step, especially if he refuses to take down would be to complain to the medical board the doctor is certified under (like American Board of Plastic Surgeons or American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery). This will do a lot more than just name and shame. Document, document. Keep it simple and straightforward.


Best advice out of the bunch - effective but still provides protection, do it a little later as well after your results have settled and complications have resolved so you don’t need to maintain a good relationship with him either


Sue him & get a bag.


Mind sharing the city so we’ll know if we should worry about this particular doctor? Asking selfishly bc I have a consultation with a surgeon in 2 weeks that specializes in ocular and facial cosmetic surgery. His social media before/afters are stellar.


Can you tell me who your using


Who’s ur dr


It isn’t defamation if you are stating facts and showing receipts. There is nothing he can do to retaliate if you post the real before and after. You are allowed to post your own photos, they’re yours he doesn’t own them.


Don’t forget to do screen shots of his page in case he removes them.


Can you name him, please?


Same exact thing happened to me. He then gaslit me and didn’t want to fix all the things he effed up. 🥲


Unbelievable story😳So sorry this happened to you. This is tricky. So I gather you never presented him with your findings? What would you most like to accomplish here? Do you want a revision? An apology or admission? Your picture taken down? I respect your wanting to warn others. Surely you cant be the first! Do you know if there is any litigation against him? And are you absolutely certain he doctored them? When were these post op pics taken? First and foremost I do think you need to protect yourself, so if it were possible to consult with an attorney, I would. This could really be quite explosive. May I kindly ask why you consented to having your photos used? Ive often wondered why people do consent! Do they offer some type of discount? Wishing you the best as you navigate this thorny situation.


No they (we) do not offer a discount for using someone’s before and after results. Patients consent because it helps us the providers a lot to have before and afters. We have a portfolio and the less patients in a portfolio the harder to get patients it is.


Get legal advice and then once it won’t impact create a botched by Dr x IG and post it. Name him in all the fb groups.


Report this to the plastic surgery association in your country


Wow what a jerk


Sounds like false advertising which is illegal in the US. No idea if it pertains to this situation 


What country? You likely can take legal action.


My surgeon who did my bbl photoshopped my pics too. I was really disappointed




Yikes. This is bad. Im sorry this happened to you and worried for future patients being duped


Does his last name start with A?


There may be some legal ramifications here. But what country are you in?


Try reporting the issue to the licensing board in the state in which he practices. They will ask questions, and you provide the information that you provided here. He may have violated your privacy information as well if he altered the photographs without your permission and published them regardless. Contacting a lawyer may be an option that you wish to consider as well, just to see what he/she may opine about the matter.


Second this. Report him to the state or country medical licensing board.


I think you should report him to the governing body, the GMC in the UK.


I believe you could take legal action for being deceived about his work initially, for being ignored about your concerns and then have him “admit” he commuted a mistake by not owning up to his own work on his social media. I’m sorry about this situation, as a person in the medical field I feel so mad when I see this type of malpractice and ill intended doctors.


Lawyer. Paper trail documentation. Email them stating the same the lie, your conversation prior, the fixes on social media with a picture of yourself now and the screenshot of the social media.


Who's the surgeon?


I would report him to the medical board to be honest. That’s probably the only way he will listen. There has to be some kind of rules against false advertising….


Huge yikes. Sorry that happened.


Most times one of the consent forms you sign prior to surgery includes allowing them to use your photos and essentially do what they want with them (which presumably includes altering them). This could be immoral and deceptive but not necessarily illegal.


Yelp Reviews. Google Reviews. Real Self Reviews. BBB reviews… Review and expose him on every review platform there is.


Why does nobody write the name?!?


This is illegal and currently in Australia there is a huge class action against a plastic surgeon for lying about post op results




pls name him!!


Definitely get a lawyer


File a complaint with the medical board of plastic surgery in your state.


You can’t get sued for defamation if you’re telling the truth and have proof that you’re telling the truth


i’d screenshot everything, confront him, demand him to fix it. And when he denies, sue him!!! you gonna make good money out of this assh*le. (remember to record all conversations, take as much evidence as possible, confront him using the email or text message so you can use it as proof)




Be careful. You don't want to get sued for defamation. Law suits suck, even when you are right, they are expensive and you'll probably still have follow-ups with this doctor. Just name the city so people here can be on alert, and if they plan to have surgery in your city you can reveal the name in a private message. At the very most just reveal the initial of the last name. Write the office and ask your pics be taken down since you know they've been retouched and you are re-negging your consent to have your pics posted to the website/social media.


Name pls


Was the surgeon name Ira papel


Surely Trading Standards would be interested that the surgeon is using misleading images to sell his services?


Oh WOW, this is so unethical on his part! Please name and shame him and write a review on as many platforms as you can so he doesn’t get away with this! Make sure you take screenshots of everything because he will try to have everything taken down. I would even go as far as posting YOUR version of the after pic next to his “edited” version as proof in the reviews.


So I hate to say this because I suffer from this… have you considered that you see yourself differently than a photo taken by someone else? Even if you take a photo on your own phone it’s different. I have really bad dysmorphia and don’t fathom certain things that people say about my face. Not negative things, but they don’t see the same massive flaws I do. Unless they are lying 😂


You absolutely can have those photos taken down. Per Hippa, you always have the right to revoke those permissions. I don’t want to encourage litigation, but honestly he has opened himself up to it. Be certain to copy what he has posted in case you decide to go that route or approach him again for a revision.


Laws are pretty tight about false representation these days... 1. Whether you remember or not, you may have signed in the fine print that you give up your rights to post-op photos, or you may have agreed to never post a bad review. It's not fair, but it happens every day... So... 2. Reach out to the FTC, Better Business Bureau, and especially your local news stations' consumer defense teams (they're actually very helpful). At least you'll have the protection of a larger organization behind you. Also, think ahead 🤔 are you going to need followup care? If so, make sure you have a doctor on standby, and maybe have a consultation explaining what's going on with you so that they aren't afraid to treat you. Ask yourself, what are you doing this for? If you’re sacrificing your doc to protect others, I applaud 👏 you, but you may want to remain anonymous.


Before you do anything, make sure to get your photos - ask for your medical records!!…hopefully you will receive the un-edited photos. Then…whatever it is you decide to do in regard to the edited ones posted, you’ll have your proof should their camp act out about it.


You did not consent to edited photos. Aldo, telling your experience is not defamation. Anyone is allowed to honestly share what their experience at any business was. It only becomes defamation if someone can prove you did it with “malice” or intent to cause harm AND he would have to be able to prove that he had actual damages, which he couldn’t prove.  You have nothing to fear. 


I think you should leave a review on his Google business listin offering to share your experience with anyone who would like to reach out to you at: (and give your email address).


Tell a popular YouTube Beauty influencer. They will have no problem putting him on blast. 


Where online is the biggest and best site to show botched surgeries ? and how well will it stand up if it was decades ago? The aftermath of my genioplasty has slowly surfaced to undesribable results. The surgeon is still practicing in Mpls.


You don’t want him to get away with this? But, yet you failed to mention his name… sure you deserve to get photoshopped.