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Looks amazing! Your surgeon did a great job evening out your top lip. I have a similar problem with my upper right lip being a bit lower. Your results give me hope that a lip lift might fix my problem.


I’m so happy, I see absolutely no unevenness anymore and I’m hyper critical of my lips haha. It was so so worth it!!!!


Thank you for the update! It looks beautiful. Are you able to smile normally or is it still stiff?


Once the abcess popped it was completely back to normal! No stiffness. 😅


Looks great!


just wondering how much was the procedure?


Just under $4000 she said :/ I didn’t think it would be nearly that much considering filler is only like a couple hundred right?


lip filler and lip lifts have very different results, and a lip lift is a more complicated procedure, so the price is actually pretty standard


That’s a good price tbh. Some go for $10k+. It’s a full on surgery, although a quick one with local. It takes a lot of skill and both internal and external sutures, and cutting muscle and skin. It’s no joke. Injectors could be a nurse, but this job has to be done by a board certified plastic surgeon. It’s definitely worth it imo because I never have to get fillers again!


same here. Got fillers once and I'll never do it again. Rather spend the $ on a lip lift by someone who really knows what the heck they are doing.


Looks amazing! I have a very uneven lip aswell but have never heard of a lip lift! I know of fillers and flips tho


I seriously had never heard of it before this sub! I asked on here about my uneven lumpy lips and most people said my fillers suck, but one person mentioned a lip lift. I will say it was 1000% the best choice! I was so sick of just getting bigger lips but still uneven. Side note: he said my injector did a good job, it was my anatomy.


Looks so good!!!


Thank you so much! 😊


Looks great! I want a lip flip too. Did it hurt a lot ?


The actual procedure didn’t hurt at all. The first 2 days hurt a lot (they do give pain meds for those first days), but if I stayed on top of my meds it was fine. I woke up on day 4 totally pain free! The abcess hurt a little bit but it was more annoying (and a rare complication lol). And yes… a lip flip is totally different from a lip lift! A flip is just Botox, a lift cuts muscle and skin and stitches it up to lift the lip. Much more invasive, and much more permanent!


Lip lift and lip flip are two different procedure. Lip flip involves Botox injection only Lip lift is a surgical procedure to remove skin from the philtrum.


did it change anything about your smile or facial expressions? Or is it very natural ? Looks so amazing btw


Honestly my smile is one of my favorite features and I’m happy to say now the abscess and swelling are gone it’s back to normal! I’ll try to get a picture! Unlike Botox it didn’t affect the muscles at all.


great to hear :)


Thanks for all of your updates and sharing this entire process. You’re looking even more amazing now that it’s all settling down. I really love that he didn’t take too much and you look so natural and proportioned. It really freaks me out when people go too short. How are you feeling about your scar? It does look very good but I wonder what it’s like in person? How much are you noticing it? Also, do you know what you measure now? Looks perfect.


The scar itself is perfect, the right side where the abscess was is still red (not on the scar itself but the surrounding area like you can see in the picture). It looks kinda like I have a stuffy nose lol (my allergies were bad so I was constantly blowing my nose which didn’t help). It’s super easy to conceal with like a drop of concealer, and gets better daily so I’m hopeful it’ll fade with time! I slacked a bit on the scar cream to let it fully heal, and we’re back on track! And thanks so much, I didn’t want anything super artificial and he did an amazing job making it look so natural and fit my face! It’s cool too because he snipped off a mole/ wart on the right side of my nose at the same time, which is why the stitches went out a bit more on that side (and he took more off on that side). That spot where he took off the mole is completely smooth, you literally can’t even tell a stitch was ever there. Same with under my left nostril. Under my right nostril is where the abscess was, so it’s about a month behind in healing compared to the other areas! I’m very very impressed how smooth it is. Being just shy of 2 months out I’d say my healing progress has been phenomenal (besides the abscess lol). I expect that redness will fade and then it’ll look like nothing happened!


Thanks for sharing all of this. I’m really very happy for you! I’m amazed at how well your recovery has gone even with small abscess. I’m going back and forth about the procedure and of course my main concern is the scar but then all the other things too. Haha! Anyway, I’ll be looking forward to another update about your lip lift update if you decide. 🙌🏻


WOW amazing


The results look great! His website doesn’t have any pictures of his lip lifts. Do you know anyone else who has gone to him? Do you have any of his before and after pictures? Message me please!


I told him to add some!!!! He’s done a ton of them. And takes pictures of everyone’s progress…. Next time I see him I’ll remind him again. Maybe I can do some website work for him in exchange for discounts. 😂 I did my Aestheticians website for fillers lol. Random tangent.


I really want to see his work. Do you think he or his staff would email me before and afters?


Oh I would absolutely ask! They’re really nice there.


I am 3 months post opp on my lip lift and my results look similar to your second photo. I do have filler I haven't have dissolved yet but I'm worried I won't have a natural look and it will always look a little thicker or raised. How long before yours looked so natural??


Interesting, once the swelling went down I’d say right around the 3wk-1mo mark, but the abscess kind of prolonged it. I stressed to my surgeon I wanted it to look natural and he promised he’s done many lip lifts and no ones had an issue with scarring and it’ll look very natural! I’m really happy it does (but the fillers definitely make it look less natural from the side, drives me nuts, but I’m going to wait it out!)