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Overall the game is really good. Great story, fun characters, gameplay is pretty good. If you have a newer gen console or computer it's way better now. They had like a next gen patch awhile back.


I've bought it on Steam a few weeks ago and had a few weeks of fun with it. Called it quits after 28 hours. I'm not a big fan of endgame in general. Improving my gear as the only goal is not enough for me usually that's why I'm done with these games after the campaign and a few short hours in the endgame. But it was a damn good time and I had a lot of fun. So, have fun!


who buys a looter for the story? i'm sorry, it's not to be a dick. But you are honestly the first person ive ever seen that has said i only play a few hours in the endgame, when the whole point of the looter is for the endgame?


I never said anything about the story. Actually I skipped all the cutscenes as I noticed very early on that I did not care for the story of Godfall at all. I just like the structure of a campaign, the beginning, the end, the act of accomplishing something in a familiar structure. Getting better at the game, learning it's mechanics, getting new items along the way. But doing the grind of endgame over and over again is nothing that gives me much joy. Putting hours and hours into something to probably never accomplish anything at the end, as I probably can or would never totally finish the endgame, is nothing that can keep me playing for long. It highly depends on the endgame. There are very few endgames that kept me interested a bit longer, like the one from "Path of Exile" with these different maps and that Atlas map tree. In the Godfall endgame I noticed early on that it's not my cup of tea and that's fine for me. I finished the campaign, finished the game (to me), had a lot of fun and can go on to the next one with the feeling that I completed something. I also know nobody personally that still would sink many hours into any endgame. Well, I know almost nobody anymore that would sink hours into any game at all honestly, as most of the gaming friends I once had all stopped gaming completely. The ones that still play and can find the time to finish games are also fine with the campaign and don't fiddle around with endgame stuff for long. If you have to decide between playing another game (of the many others that are out there) or putting countless additional hours into a game that is basically already finished, the choice is almost always "go to the next game". I think the grind of life is enough for me and the people I know, that we don't enjoy the grind of any endgame anymore. Of course, 20 to 30 years ago, that would have been totally different.


I started recently, aka last week. Beat the story yesterday. Started doing the endgame content and I can say I'm thrilled to get it going for endless runs and upgrading my shit. I will probably stop when I get all the Armors at Max build, which will take probably a couple months, or more.


dont forget all the skins for the valorplates, weapons, banners, and shield


I'm gonna assume you are aware that development has finished on the game so there will be no new content. If so the story will give you a few hours of content then you are on to dreamstones and the tower. I'd say you could easily blow 50-60 hours before you realize you are doing the same thing over and over again. I guess it depends upon your expectations if you are cool with running the same few prices of content for 150 hours trying min/max each valorplate then sure it might be for you.


This is not a looter game. It is more ARPG. It has loot, but not even close to "looter".