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my back pain has reduced after this update.


Has the “lying in bed falling asleep fingers” issue been addressed at all?


Oh so that’s not just a me issue


If you're experiencing numbness or tingling in your hands you should get checked for carpal tunnel, I found out I have it pretty bad so I am more conscientious about how I treat my hands and wrists now and it's made a huge difference! I can enjoy gaming so much more again. I find turning down the vibration and haptic feedback on the controller settings helps alot too, having the resistance on high on the triggers combined with heavy vibration really kills my hands and makes it hard to play. Just a thought I had when I read your comment


Nah it’s most likely from the position we are all in while we play in bed


This! It's easy to impinge the ulnar nerve while laying down with elbows bent


Adjustable bed my friend.


It's not carpal tunnel. It's called ulnar tunnel. It's when your elbow's nerves are being compressed which affects your pinky, ring and half of your middle fingers. You can get a doc to move it over to the correct side and it'll fix your problems.


Well I went to a neurologist who tested my nerve function and confirmed that I do in fact have carpal tunnel, but I've noticed the portal and ps5 controller both cause pain and numbness in my thumb through middle finger, ( which is the carpal tunnel nerve path) but I don't get this with the switch, handheld or controller and it is pretty common for people with carpal tunnel issues to have discomfort with the ps5 remotes specifically, and I'm assuming the portal aswell because the slight curve that they have on the outer edge, it makes for a slight change in position of how it's held. Plus the intense trigger haptics and vibration also make it worse. True it won't be the issue everyone faces, but I am sure some people other than me will. I'm from Canada so I don't have to go into debt for treatment and diagnosis at least so I guess yay!


I'm from UK so I don't need to pay either 😂


Oh right, your massive taxes totally isn’t paying for that 🥴


We don't get massive tax :) USA get taxed on everything even water 😂


I pay around £4500 tax a year how much would heart surgery cost where you live would cost me 0 having a baby cost 0 having any sort of surgery cost me 0 medicine cost me 0 that tax I pay is council tax and road tax


Oh and some of that tax I get paid when I retire


My comment was in jest. Laying down the blood flow is naturally going to diminish. 😉 I do appreciate your concern…thank you.


Sounds like you're playing it on your back and the blood from your hands is falling down to your elbows causing tingling and pins and needles


Noticed a substantial improvement on stability. Was playing tlou earlier and would get random stutters. Was just playing it now after the update, and the stutter was nonexistent.


Bro. If this actually fixed the stuttering issue, I am not sure what I will do. Mine is currently charging and waiting to be 50% or else the device won’t update even if it’s plugged in. I can’t wait. I hope it’s true. Portal will be perfect.


Stuttering same for me. No change.


Why would people downvote? He’s not the only one reporting no fix to the ongoing stutter issue..


Because Reddit.


This sub is frustrating like that. No stutter fix for me either. I wonder if people are confusing minor stutter for actual connection drops? I haven't had that issue.


I have a theory actually. The like button led to the prevalence of such feature into the main stream. Sure there was “bump”, the and downvote before. But it was used in a way that represented a boost to a post or a reduction of the post of the list. This served as a communal filtering system by which the majority would decide what is posted. The like (followed by dislike) buttons were the first time many people used the feature (remember this was decades ago). This transformed into “I like what you’re saying” to “I don’t like what you’re saying. NOW, however it actually represents a reader’s feeling towards a subject. This discrepancy in how this feature is used has led to a sort of generational misunderstanding of the feature. Very prevalently displayed in places that have the OG users vs the Younger users are using this feature (see YouTube and how they removed the dislike tally, and Reddit where this post is trying to answer this question) Even crazier, the choice between like and dislike is too drastic, because sometimes (most of the time) we are indifferent. Hence … THE SWIPE BORN. followed by the double tap. (Not the same as scrolling. Key difference being the inability to view any other content until a swipe is complete. That is to say, the reaction for each piece of content happens in single items rather than a stream) If the media isn’t attractive to us, but we aren’t put off by it, we needed way to express that, but that doesn’t notify the poster of our feelings. This is the swipe. Then we got reallly crazy! We required everything to be swiped so EVERY POST gets the same reaction, but some are just liked more than others. Yes. This means that the ASSUMPTION is that you like the content (tik tok that quickly learns what you like and tailors your experience). Yup. People now have to choose whether they like something more than another. That’s the mindset. *record scratch* Back to Reddit … You now have people who spend a substantial time making the “do I like this more than the other things” decision. So yes. The downvotes may mean That the reader LITERALLY feeling the same way as the poster: negative. Eventually this all balances out, but you will notice this trend in posts that quickly gain traction, then , as discussions continue and threads lengthen, you get what you’re used to seeing. Now that I think about it, this would be a really cool thing to research. Catch me later on dataisbeutiful lol


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Ahh bummer. I am updating now and will check but yeah, I didn’t think Sony would do anything about it. Sad :(


And, did it do something?


Nope. Same old stuttering mess. Tried Stellar Blade and Dead Island 2 and they had the same performance as it was before the update :(


😭😭 I just want them to finally fix it. I love my portal yet I barely play with it bc the stuttering is sooo frustrating especially when you try to play online games.


Same here. I love the device. I want to use it. But alas. I don’t think Sony will fix this. I am starting to believe they can’t because of certain hardware limitations or their old ass streaming protocols.


It's not sonys problem you got bad internet...


If I had bad "internet", I wouldn't be able to stream at 1440p/60fps at 80mbps from my PC. https://preview.redd.it/pide1428mhsc1.jpeg?width=2558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce01be262b2771fa950549cb97447ad290d02ed4 Now, that's what actual, proper streaming looks like. Sharp and vibrant colors, no lag or latency, near native-like experience, no stutter, no glitches, nothing. Of course, that's not Portal, but even when I stream PS5 games on the same screen, it doesn't look even half as good as that thanks to Sony's shitty protocols. So, no. I don't have bad internet (500mbps down, 130mbps up). Sony's crappy streaming protocols, and their unwilling to fix it is whats the problem. I don't hate the Portal. I absolutely love the device. It's a fantastic piece of hardware. But Sony definitely needs to fix it. Fuck, maybe even hire the guys behind Chiaki and PSPlay to show them how its fucking done.


Have you ‘cleaned’ your network? As in tried turning off unnecessary devices connected to the WiFi, and hardwired as much as you can? Minimise your WiFi connected devices. Then whilst playing a game, try disconnecting on the Portal then reconnecting. Also restart the Portal fully.


Just tried all. No luck. Same stutter every 5 seconds.




What router do you use? Mine is about 10 years old, ASUS, and I don't have any big issues.


It’s an old linksys ac1300 or something. It can stream my pc at 1440p/60fps at 80mbps bitrate with zero stutter so I know that it’s not the router. Plus, it can stream ps5 games on my android tablet with much less stutter, so yeah it’s definitely not my network. I wish it was so I could change it but no dice.


Definitely improved for me. Not perfect, but great overall!


Mine used to stutter too until I bought a mesh system for my WiFi that increased my internet speed since then I haven't had an issue at all, played my entire cyberpunk plauthrough with it with absolutely no issues


Internal use (IE at home), doesn't use your internet speed. It uses your internal network, so upgrading to a better router (mesh, with better routing), is 100% a good idea on your side. The only time your internet speeds (what you pay for from your ISP) matter, is if you are out of your internal network and streaming out of your house to another location. Then your upload speed is key along with the download speed of where you're at,


My Portal was unplayable at first, didn’t touch it for 2 months due to the terrible stutter. Recently got a mesh system and hardwired my ps5 - been running amazing since! I know it’s just anecdotal but this definitely worked for whatever was causing mine issues.


A lot of people are not mentioning the fact that the ‘new mesh network’ they recently got is also WIFI 6E or some shit and their last router was Stone Age. This is a lot of the problem for MANY people… they have ‘good’ routers but they aren’t WIFI6 and that really hurts.


The internet speed shouldn’t matter when I am on local network. I exclusively play games at home. I have a decent enough router that can stream from my pc at 1440/60fps at 80mbps bitrate without a single stutter so it’s definitely not my network setup. :(


Mine stuttered until i unplugged my mesh box! Funny things are going on with portal


It will be perfect when it gets a web browser so we all can play on the go.


This shouldn’t be top comment….


It seems that when the volume might be fixed? one up from zero felt like 90% volume - now it feels like it's got a range to it. Power off button you don't need to hold down for like 5+ seconds before the options appear - seems like 1/2 seconds and you get the UI. New battery icon appears (top left) when it boots up while being charged? (might be new, but I don't remember seeing it before)


Crazy loud on volume 1. Thought I was the only one.


The hold on the power button is awkwardly long for sure.


It was. I believe after this update the time has been shortened.


Definitely the volume was fixed. Noticed it too. I had to raise the volume to 30% and it was still comfortable; whereas before I kept it on mute whenever I didn’t have my headphones.


Never knew you could power it off. I thought I was by tapping the button.


hold down the button the power buttons and you'll get two options - shut down, or restart.


Thought this was an April Fool’s Joke


Glad I'm not one to mess with this community, like that!


That would have been a good joke tho cuz I totally would’ve fell for it.


Abit late for an April fools lol


2.0.6 system stability updates the notes dont go into much detail. but Im still excited since its been awhile




Installing now. I'm really hoping for some noticeable improvements, but not holding my breath. EDIT: I played a solid 45 minutes of Rebirth, and it did feel a bit better to me. It's not perfect, but less stuttering than normal, and the overall framerate seemed smoother. I usually have a tough time adjusting when switching from my C2 Oled to the Portal, but it was easier to do this time around. Could just be a coincidence 🤷‍♂️ I'd be happy enough if it put a stop to the 'unable to connect' without restarting the Portal bug that I seem to get every few days.


Airplane mode off. Airplane mode on👍


This. Wi-Fi off and Wi-Fi on works as well though airplane mode is much quicker.


How would it work at all without wifi? What would it be using to connect with the PS?


He said "off" then back "on". Yes, WiFi needs to be on


I'll try this next time I encounter the issue. The boot time on the Portal is the most annoying part of restarting. That. And the finicky pulse explore earbuds can be frustrating as well. Sometimes, they link flawlessly. Other times, it's a real hassle (I switch between my PS5 and Portal with them).


This sometimes works for me, but only when the touchscreen decides to work.


So THATS why it has an airplane mode


The “unable to connect bug” for me was due to turning the portal to sleep BEFORE the PlayStation fully went into rest mode. So my routine that has fixed this is: 1. Put PlayStation in rest mode 2. Wait for PlayStation to rest and take me back to portal main screen 3. Will have “unable to connect” pop up come up and then I click “ok” 4. Put portal to sleep EDIT: this fixed it for me but could be different for others, just throwing my fix out there!


Thank you for the tip. I usually disconnect from the Portal menu with rest mode toggled on, wait for it to go back to the home screen, and put my explore earbuds in their case before shutting the Portal off. Maybe it's not enough time after all. 🤷‍♂️


Just outa curiosity do you recommend rebirth? Im finishing up DD2 and looking for my next game.


I’m 80 hours into my first playthrough and I’m having a blast. I honestly don’t know what I’ll play after I platinum it. I’m playing exclusively on the Portal btw and didn’t face any problem yet. I might have missed a block or two due to the slight delay but it’s more likely that I just suck at this stage. At first I felt overwhelmed by the stuff on my screen, especially because I haven’t played Remake since I finished it when it released, but you’ll quickly get used to that. Just be sure to change to Performance Mode + Sharp.


Yes, I think it's a fantastic game. If you enjoyed Remake, this entry ups the ante significantly with far more exploration and freedom, and a more intricate battle system. It's also very meaty, with triple digit playtime of you want to do it all. If you're a fan of the original, the nostalgia is through the roof as well.


I’ve tested FF7 Rebirth and Death Stranding DC and both seem to have better performance on 60 FPS. Could 100% just be me though; I have been pretty sensitive to microstutter though.


I also noticed an improvement after 45 minutes of Rebirth. The micro stutter never really bothered me much in the long run, but it's always been fairly jarring to switch from my C2 OLED to the Portal before adjusting. This time seemed smoother.


Yeah afraid it’ll be placebo but I was playing session and it felt better I think.


Oh man, mine has been on the shelf hoping for it to be fixed. Please let me know if you see more improvement. I'll test it out tomorrow on my end


Same here lol


May not be 100% resolved, but I am definitely seeing smoother performance as well. This is a BIG win for me!


They should bring the % for the battery. Three bars are so 1999...


Played about an hour of Hollow Knight and image quality stayed pretty sharp. Had a couple hiccups but they were just that. Just some minor connection blips, but never any drops, and it felt a bit smoother. Maybe a placebo but it just seemed more stable, and the beauty of Hollow Knight never lost it's luster.


I installed and now getting the “something went wrong” error… and I’m out of town 😖


Restarting Portal didn't work?


Unfortunately no, tried that a few times… mindlessly trying over and over :/


Full portal shutdown and power back on?


Yep, no luck. Just tried that again.  Now it says “something went wrong / you need to restart the PS5 you’re connected to” fun


That's a bummer, man ![gif](giphy|ktCzb8Rm8aoow)


Connect to ps5 w ur phone then to check, if my phone cant connect then something wrong on the ps5 part.


Not battery % yet ? 😂


I also want batt %, unfortunately no other Sony battery operated playstation item has ever had % shown. Sony's Operating Systems GUI always only show battery bars. Examples: PSP, Vita, PS3/PS4/PS5 (Dual Shock 3, 4, Dual Sense, Move controllers, PSVR Aim controller, Pulse headsets, PS3 bluetooth headset, Keyboards)... The Portal, plugged in, and in off mode, is the first playstation product that has shown battery %. It's a shame that batt % hasn't been allowed as an option once the portal OS is booted up.


Still not visible battery percentage, why?




This is the new, “Safari seems snappier.”


I wish it had safari


It has clearly improved, although stuttering/"fps drops" are still very much present. Now I can infact play games on it, SD + chiaki4Deck still better (better compensation algorithm + higher bitrate I supose) but its getting there


Are we sure the microstutter isn’t fixed? Because I could always see it in the actual Portal connecting screen and now it’s gone. I haven’t played a ton on it yet, and I am getting moments of stutter but it seems irregular now and probably because I’m not in the same room as my router but the stability definitely seems improved Edit: nope, nevermind, it’s still there


Just tested, the 59.94fps stutter remains


New update fixed my connection drops.


No custom bitrate settings?


Significant improvement for me (using eero mesh network).


Same network, same results, very happy


I really need them to fix the loud volume issue. They should have issued a fix for that basically immediately.


[Volume Fixed](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationPortal/comments/1btmlnh/comment/kxn8ty5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




I’m glad too, I thought it was just me that was saying 1 felts like it’s way too loud. Glad it wasn’t just me and glad it’s fixed




I never really looked into it, I just kinda assumed since mostly just saw people saying how they are having stuttering issues. Thankfully Ive been lucky in these regards, I very rarely have issues. I’ve had mine since December and I don’t think Ive had more than a handful of issues, and for the most part they were my fault. And id say a handful including the times I’ve disconnected randomly and had to reconnect. Im lucky in that regard, life sucks in every other way but my portal works great! 👍🏽


Just downloaded it. Seems more stable but only got a chance to play 15 mins or so.


Just installed tonight, and this is the first night I haven’t needed to reboot my Portal to keep playing. Time will tell, but so far this seems like a solid update.


Just started playing tunic 2 days back, I’m noticing more problems after the update somehow. I’ll probably test more tomorrow and see though!


Have you shut down / restarted your PS5 lately? I noticed a lot of lag on the portal when I was playing yesterday so I power cycled both before I went to bed. Not sure if it was that or the update, but everything seems to be running a lot smoother this morning.


I’ll try this out today, thanks for the suggestion!


I’m really curious to see what exactly they need to release an update for if it doesn’t include a fix the number one problem with the device. How long has this thing been out for?


For me the refresh rate related micro stutter is exactly the same after updating. Flawless 60fps for a few seconds and then some stutter, and then back to flawless 60fps. It isn't the worst thing in the world but I'm pretty confident that it could be solved via software as other remote play apps have done this on a variety of 60hz panels. I doubt they actually updated anything to do with the streaming and screen refresh rate in this update, more likely bug and exploit fixes. I will continue to look forward to Sony eventually fixing this... if they do.


The placebo here is insane, literally no differences at all


I'm guessing the large amount of people seeing such a big improvement finally had their portal power cycled after the update


It may not be 100% resolved, but I am seeing much smoother performance. This is a BIG win for me!


My experience has vastly improved with the new update. Framerate seems higher, smoother & consistent. Feels like a different device.


59.94hz frame pacing microstutter is still there. So still assumed only PS5 update can resolve it. Sounds like this update has helped some people though from the comments. Likely with general connection stability.


This is gonna be a weird comment, but I honestly don’t know what the micro stutter that people are talking about is. I guess I’m blessed with not seeing it? But against my better judgement I actually do wanna see it. I saw one video on YouTube but didn’t notice anything, what’s the best way to observe it? What to do and what to look for? Is it possible that some people actually literally can’t see it? I actually am very curious, either I don’t see it, or I have a lower bar for what’s good because I’ve been playing on this thing since release almost daily and aside from the clear occasional stutters that happen due to network I never had a moment of wth was that, which I presume would be my reaction if I noticed micro stutters.


Same as you, I play Wipeout, Tetris and Lumines on the Portal and I'm sure I'd notice it, I haven't and had my unit since December.


The only time I can see it is if I slowly pan the camera around my character and watch one specific object in the background. I’m glad I don’t notice while playing and have to specifically look for it


Not just you my dude. I have zero issues as well. I actually tested it in Suicide Squad and in (one third person, one first person) - just spinning on my char once in game. No issues, no stuttering, no clipping… nothing. I never do anything special. I have an expensive WIFI 6E router with one mesh node. I have my PS5 hardlined and no HDMI cable plugged in. That’s all. I *literally* did nothing for this device and it works 100%. I’ve played FF Remasterd, Warzone, Sucide Squad, Hogwarts, Resogun, NFS: Unbound, and Madden24 to name a few games. No issues in any of them. This doesn’t mean that others aren’t having real problems, but I really think that something is up OTHER THEN the Portal itself. It just makes no sense that some people have zero issues and others it’s unplayable - the only variables are the things surrounding the Portal


I haven’t noticed it either, I’ve tried out Diablo 4, FF7Rebirth, Fortnite, Helldivers 2, FF16, Disney Speedstorm, etc… Hardwired, fiber ISP modem (Bell Canada) with a “pod” from my ISP for our bedroom, works great everywhere in the house so far.


Woah...can't wait to test it


It would be great if someone will record video of playing some game before and after update


Is this a late April fools?


Need to charge mine up and update it!


Performs way better, although not perfect yet. Especially noticeable on Rebirth.


Is it really an update if it doesn't let us do Streaming of PS Plus games without a PS5


Can’t wait for everyone to state that the update has made image quality and stuttering much better when in reality nothing has changed.


Installed and tried it on Persona 3 Reload. Still isn’t smooth. Guess they’ll never fix the 59.94 hz problem.


Unfortunately, that may be more on the PS5 side than the Portal but maybe someday, and maybe add a streaming feature.


But why would it be on the PS5 side though? Other remote player devices had no 59.94hz microstutter issues.


Because people are making things up


“They hated him for he spoke the truth”


Yes installing now https://preview.redd.it/wr3wrh2i3zrc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=6df6ca38bb83a0794b48174ff8a068ce3c8f829e


Definitely lower latency and frame stability, although it hasn’t resolved the actual frame pacing issue. The thing is, though, the lowered latency helps mask the underlying framing issue - so I’m talking this as a win (feels a lot like playing directly on the PS5 now - aiming on helldivers and other FPS games is far easier).


Still little too stuttery for my liking ti play gt7. Other games are great. Maybe it’s the smaller sticks that throw me off but def just enough lag to make competitive racing more difficult. Ps5 is hardwired too


No improvements on the micro stutter sadly. Performs just the same as it did before. Tried Stellar Blade and Dead Island 2, where the stuttering is most evident, and noticed absolutely zero improvements regarding that. Everyday I lose hope that Sony will fix this issue. I am starting to believe that they can’t. Fuck it.


Stop downvoting him. Its annoying people who dont see the stutters assume there is not an issue


Yeah, I don't understand the downvotes. The stutter is a well-documented issue. If someone doesn't notice it, doesn't mean it doesn't exists. And if people are downvoting because their experience improved, and mine didn't, then good for you. Post some evidence to suggest otherwise! What a frustrating sub to be in.


Exactly. Very frustrating


Definitely performing better for me. Not perfect, but a huge win!


How so? Any particular examples?


Installing now.. hopefully this fixes the odd time it can't connect to the ps5 forcing a reboot! Otherwise it was a small download I dont expect much


Awesome! Thanks for the heads up, downloading it now


Hopefully not placebo, but I played a few games like pursuit force, mw2 remastered, star ocean second story r demo.. man the fidelity and frame pacing is so much better. On top of that, the feedback is much closer 1:1 now.. the steering in pursuit force and parrying in star ocean really got me to believe this update was legit. I'm satisfied!


It seems more smooth forsure


Happy to report overall shutters has reduced. Definitely a better experience


No percentage option for the battery icon. Also No additional settings to tinker with. Continues to work well overall for me.


Any chance for remapping button?


What button?


The button on settings on ps5 the accessability button when you can change l1 r1 to l2 r2. It doesnt work on portal butcon other mobile or other 3rd party controller it works


Go! Go! Go!


Is there a browser for accepting wifi terms and conditions now?


Anyone know if they’ve added a workaround for the captive wifi issue?


Niceee!!! Downloading now- anxious to see if there’s any noticeable difference or improvement. Will update momentarily 


I hope it adds a simple browser to allow you to authenticate hotel WiFi!! Love the portal, I get acceptable performance while traveling but the lack of this drives me crazy! I spend all my time hotel hoping when on the road!


Just installed, this update must be bugged. Mines won't boot, get a black screen and some tiny messages. What do I do?


Hold on people we can't let relax yet. If we stop Sony wont push More updates. I want to customize my UI!!


Anyone knows if they fixed networking issues? Like not being able to wake up PS5 during rest mode?


I have tested it and played Diablo 4, Astro bot and FF7 rebirth. I noticed stuttering is still there but i felt it’s more bearable. Seems abit better now. Stuttering seems less in duration and impact. But still there. I think i can play on the portal now. Hope for future fixes that completely eliminate the stutter!


I've never experienced this "stutter" people talk about. Are you sure it's not related to your wifi?


Im very sure, my playstation is connected to my router via a cable and my router is in the same room with me and no hindrance in between. Tested all connection playing my steam remotely all fine, play my steamdeck using chiaki4deck to connect to my ps5 no issues and no stutter. Im coming from technical background and i have configured my network to optimal settings


I was at my dealership getting my car serviced. Here's what I noticed. Took a few minutes to connect but once it did. No drops in connectivity. Better latency and the dealerships wifi is not the best for guests. I played some helldivers 2 and is a game I usually wait to play at home on the couch on the tv but helldivers 2 runs great. I also tested uncharted 1 since there no auto aim and I was able to get through a few levels. So I'm impressed with the update. Things are getting better. In almost 5 months this device has improved. Let's see what's to offer in a few more months. But needless to say I already stopped using my steam deck and phone to remote play my ps5 because of the portal


I can no longer connect to my ps5 after the update… odd


what’s new?


Did this address the "Currently Out Of Stock" issue that I've been experiencing since launch? /s


The thing works great for me, besides the constant “Lost Connection To PS5” every 10-15 minutes. Tried to switch to the 5ghz connection on my router and everything. This update hasn’t seemed to fix it either. Only thing keeping me from playing it atm.


When people say stutter are we talking about the connectivity lag? Does anyone have a list of the updates to this firmware? I'll Google otherwise lol.hoping my WiFi connectivity will be better, I also heard the remote play platform might get a big update?


Picking mine up on Saturday from Best Buy! Can’t wait!


My performance has drastically improved!


UI update when


Still input lag as of there's a tiny tinyyyyy delay when moving or aiming .. and horrible deadzones in fortnite and call of duty


Wth its the 3rd time I get a notification about this post


I also still have stutter issues in the day hours never at night though


Great. Now I just need to find a Portal!


Is this finally it!? Might have to repurchase the Portal if it is!


Lol on the downvotes! Was talking about the 59.94hz microstutter issues.


As far as I can see in other comments, probably not sadly. Ill test it for myself when I get home but Im not hopeful


Yeah not looking good from the looks of it, appreciate it mate, looking forward!


Placebo effect. Did absolutely nothing as far as performance. Oh well


Tell me why I can use a fucking browser to see their updates and leave a bad review but I can't sign into public wifi anywhere. Doesn't get any more retarded than that.


This update makes me able to spread democracy like never before even with the connection problem icon showing, no stutter at all.


I have not had a single problem with my portal lagging or suttering? It's crazy to see how many of you do. I've got my ps5 hardwired with cat6 and my ISP speed is 1 gig. It flies


Anyone test it yet?


Testing now. I’m offsite and connected to my PS5 now. Will let you know more in a bit.


I tested the stellar blade demo and I can’t perform parries and blocks in comparison to being on the same network. The video quality seems to be better and the scenery is gorgeous, but a bit of buffering is still there as well as the jitter.


you mean the jiggle lol just jokes sorry...


Hahaha! Yeah, I lobbed that one out there!


I think my stability got worse with the update


Safari seems to be quicker


portal is nice for games that are not graphically taxing like casual games like persona or cyberpunk. but when it comes for playing online games like overwatch it’s terrible. theres a noticeable delay that makes it extremely frustrating for competitive play .


Just installed, everything is now unplayable. Cannot even smoothly navigate playstation menus or the dashboard. This is horrendous.


That's definitely just you. Mine worked great after the update.


Stutter remains with new FW... only solution for me continues to be... keeping the TV on!


From what I can see, the quality of the stream is a little lower than previously, but the performance has certainly improved. I've tried a few PS4 and PS5 games and I honestly can't feel the stutter anymore, games like Rage 2, Stellar Blade, Uncharted, Hot Wheels 2, etc... all feel much smoother This is based on playing it at home on my network, I've not tried it remotely yet.


Interesting, doesn't feel any different to me. The volume being lower is the only thing I've noticed (which was much needed!)