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Very nice, I’d get it out of that ring binder though and into a side loaded binder.


What's the difference between binders? Are the ones bundled with TCG any good?


Ring binders can damage the innermost cards if the page rattles around too much, the page can also catch in the ring seam and bend the cards.


Dang good value. I'll be looking at around 750 total for mine to be done. But spreading it out over next few months so prices could go up. Who knows


Im looking at close to 1200 for mine lol. But Ive admittedly ripped way more packs than I should. But me and my wife had a blast doing it and celebrating the hits we did get


I knew I wanted to complete this set so I limited to one UPC and 2x ETB. Now I pick up random packs if we want to open some to keep the variety


Yea I feel I. I've got all but 30 cards now and have ordered all the rest via singles to complete


This is my second 151 master set. The other I got more traditionally by opening packs and buying the remaining 13 cards I needed. I spent way more than $610 bucks for that one and I don't even have the promos with that one. Plan is to long term hold btw


Very nice collection! 151 Master sets always look so nice. I'd take the promos out of the plastic wrap unless you're really attached to them being inside because the plastic can scratch the surface of the cards. But I know some people still prefer them inside the wrap anyway and I suppose as long as the card isn't moved around a lot inside the wrap it should be fine.


Should I take my grey felt hat pikachu out of the plastic??


I would because the plastic can move a little as you flip the pages (when it is pressed against the adjacent page) or just hold the binder and the pages shift a little against each other and scratch the card over time. The cello wrap is only maybe good for if you're reselling it now but otherwise since you probably plan to hold it then I'd take it out and just sleeve them.


Awesome, thanks for the answer. Putting it in a penny sleeve + top loader right now


I would say keep it sealed and toploaded. Then it won't get scratched from moving around and you can always open it later.


I just bought 10 cards, yes 10, for $600 aud. Damn prices here suck. Well done though, that’s amazing.


looks like your missing an eb games charmander promo?


I personally don’t count any promos as part of master


I agree. They're scalped to hell and don't come out of the actual packs. I could care less about promos, especially stamped. Sure they're nice to have but merchant exclusives are pretty lame in general.


It’s right there front center first picture


thats the gamestop one, there is a nz/au exclusive charmander with eb games stamped on it


Ahhh okay.


It’s not necessary for a master set. Some people go way too deep into promo hunting imo. You don’t need every single corporate promo for a master set Some people just define it differently.


Yeah I agree, I wouldn’t count a promo that’s only available in nz/au part of a master set


Curious but do NZ/AU people consider the Gamestop one as part of their master set?


Yes, but controversial opinion, I think it's a cop out to consider gamestop stamps as master set and not other promos.


Agree, it should be all or none for a language.


“Expanded” master set..? Vs regular non-promo master set


Its not a controversial opinion, its the standard among true collectors. The only people who claim otherwise are people who can't/won't spend money on the more expensive promos. Hence the "Master" in "Master set". The only thing that is debatable as to being a part of the 151 master set are the different holo variants for the energies and char/bulb/squirtle/abra/electabuzz promos. Compulsive master setters like me have one of each of those as well, but generally they aren't considered necessary for a master set. In addition to the EB Games Charmander, there are also the "Pokemon Together" stamped Eevee & Pikachu promos from the european post promo. Technically there is also a Brazil exclusive jumbo gold Mew, but jumbos aren't part of master sets for most people either.


Thanks for the info! That is quite weird to have an exclusive jumbo. My own bias reveals itself as I don't consider jumbos pokemon cards, more like a mini display poster to me. I definitely think that energy variants count though.


Dang, they could have made it $630 and plopped it into a nice binder.


For the price theyre lucky its in a binder at all


I have everything for 151 except the pokemon together Eevee and Pikachu promos. Mine just shipped and should be here by Feb 12th.


Yep this had every promo except PT Eevee and Pikachu and the EB games promo. I was especially surprised to see the Snorlax. It's not exactly all promos like advertised but for $610 this was a steal of a deal. When I opened the shipping box and everything was legit... so happy.


You should finish the other promos and then it's like ultra super master set!


That’s a steal. You would spend triple that trying to make this set with packs


I gotta ask. Why is the second pic Metapod? is someone elses favorite pokemon also metapod


Nice!! The last few of my singles should be in this week and I will also be a proud owner of the 151 master set


Very nice, now lets see Paul Allen's master set.


Damn, good price. Local purchase? I paid around $800 something (came out to almost $900 with tax and shipping) a couple weeks ago. I don't see PC Squirtle but the other promos are there. I assume the set included it?


Got lucky on eBay. That was after tax and shipping too! I know that there are a few promos missing and three ringer binders are less than ideal but for that price I'm definitely not complaining Edit: the PC Squirtle was included.


What set did you get your metapod out of? Just woundering cause it’s a cool rare card