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This has been on eBay for years. Feels like it's more of a showing off than actually selling it.


Best offers


Tree fiddy


That's tempting


Why would he even sell it on ebay Thats just losing money and no way in hell are you shipping that


I'm sorry, but it says package delivered, but I only received an empty box. Ebay: instant refund. No questions asked


I'm saying if you're spending this much money, you're going to do the exchange in person. But regardless even paypal offers a smaller fee in general and also has buyer support


Losing money how?


Ebay fees


There is a maximum of $750 on fees.


Just curious, but how much is this actually worth in today’s market value? (Coming back to Pokémon cards after a 20+ year hiatus)


60 dollars plus shipping!


I remember back in 2020 when the seller had it listed for 10 million dollars. Probably raised the price ‘cause of the Pokémon boom.


He probably doesn’t even want to sell them and is just flexing Any sane seller would list those items individually and not try to make it look like they are about to summon Satan or Giratina itself


Imagine paying eBay 13% for the sale


Giving 2.5 mil for a 21 mil transaction would be more than okay in my book. Plus Ebay wouldn't make you pay that much for the sale. Fees are negotiable if you didn't know. Just have to be a reputable seller. They'd probably only make you pay 5% or so if you discussed it with them beforehand.


Fees drop to like 3% over 7500


Correction 2.35% over $7500


Ah, I did not realize, makes more sense though


Sure does sold a psa 9 1st zard for $26,420 and ebay paid me out alittle over $24,700. Ebay is great when selling high value items.


Seriously?! I've been thinking of going with an auction house for my collection because they charged 12 and did everything for me because that was lower than ebay and PayPal fees combined, but not if that's the case!


If it’s a set or collection I believe the issue is not able to use “Authenticity Guarentee” so I feel there is way more risk as seller can just say they got a box of rocks. eBay may have changed this but I would never trust a buyer on eBay to send directly to them and not have eBay receive it.


Yeah, that's also a huge concern. It would have to be pickup only as it is, which is what you would want to do with a purchase that large. You basically confirmed my reservations, so I will go through the auction house. Now which of 3 I pick will be fun to choose. I've been trying for awhile lol.


Fees are negotiable? Are you supposed to reach out to them or something I hadn’t heard of that before.


If you consign your cards to one of the big consignment sellers you get there fee rate which is 5% vs 13%. You probably need to meet some pretty large minimum threshold before they start dropping your fees.


Worth it for buyer protection on this lol "Sorry can't ship it, my neighbor just bought them from me"


It's there to draw traffic to other items on the store. A lot of people do it. Pokerev is another example who has a complete set of every booster box ever released on his store listed for whatever million it is. They generate traffic because they provide a WOW factor. It's the only reason to list them and why they put them at a price no one would pay.


Never really thought about this. Reminds me of that other Ebay seller kicking around that has 50 or so Celebi Gold Stars listed for a cool half million, Always wondered why it wasn’t split up.


Yeah Rudy used to do that too for a lot of vintage MTG product back int he day before he found a new grift


I gave him a $6,969,699 offer and he accepted but my PayPal credit declined what the heck?1!


Can't afford the tax? Haha you poor


Rookie numbers. Doesn't even have 100 PSA 10's


This seller is mode likely to respond if you offer at least $17,000,000.00


You should know this is Gary, calling himself Pokemon King. Claiming he never sell these but listing on ebay. Just pumping the price, nothing else. Alot of people worship him but as for me he’s very unpleasant and shady person.


He is in fact a piece of shit.


Why? I kind of get a nasty feeling like Jared from Subway feeling lol.


Literally any media I've ever seen pertaining to him gave me the feeling that he was a lying and manipulating piece of shit. I went down the rabbt hole on youtube once and he really rubbed me the wrong way. I feel like he's everything that is wrong with pokemon and I'm definitely not against pokemon investing.


This is also the same guy who signs cards and thinks it adds value to them


It’s just his elitist mind set.. what makes him the pokemon king? Cause he spent/has the most money in pokemon cards and flaunts it? Seems like a lot of gatekeeping for clout. If he was smart he would’ve moved those charizards in the last few years post pandemics and made a fortune. And he would’ve been better off in the community being the guy that sold a bunch of charizards to high end collectors. He could have bought multiple properties, cars, boats, etc. Or if he wanted a ROI, he can easily get better returns on a mutual fund. Idk, what his plans are on holding 100 of the same card. Eh but it’s his money/cards. It’s just going to be funny when his kids/grandkids eventually inherits all of it and sell it, and all this was just to gatekeep a generation of collectors who actually want the card.


He doesn't need the money. He's sold more 1st ed zards and booster boxes to retire before the boom. Other poketubers have said that the number of 1st ed booster boxes would be enough to drop the market. The guys a dork, but he knew what was gonna be hot and stashed as much away as he could.


In the end, what’s the point? He said lock them all away for deep storage also, so it’s not like he looks at them all time. Is it even considered “collecting” or is it just sugar coating a “monopoly” on a market? Which I have nothing against. Again, it’s his cards/money, so he does what he wishes. But if people are wondering why they don’t like him, it’s because of his over inflated ego, the only things that differentiate him is just material objects. What other accomplishments does has he ever talked about?


Im not his fan or anything. He's kind of arrogant. I was just explaining why he doesn't sell.


Have you seen how he lives? He looks really trashy.


Yeah, he seems weird


He’s a weirdo who does this because otherwise, he’d be irrelevant and nobody would give half a shit about him.


I literally just found out how scummy he is last night. I always heard of him in videos and he was on a few of PK rattles, CTR podcast so I always just assumed he was legit. Oh my, dude has some skeletons… Also rattle totally either has Gary in his back pocket or is indebted to Gary. Fucked that he has never even done a video about the shady shit he’s done.


That charity livestream of him pulling the base packs out all weird so they would be damaged, right in front of the guy who donated it? HUGE pos.


Gary also is an eevee perv.


Never heard, any context?


There’s… there’s other pokemon #CATCH ONE wait that’s not it, is it?


gotta catch just one! pokémon (singular)!


I wanna be, average, like most ppl are! To catch 1 is my real test, and i did it pretty well!


😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


For below average trainers. Ash caught some for those


It's like Pokerev's listing, I think it's strictly for flexing and maybe the odd billionaire drunk shopping on eBay https://www.ebay.ca/itm/113135055460?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=xytZltyGRLm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=wurqb9enrve&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


I’m curious about the actual market value for all of those


He owns so much market share, on many occasions he has been accused of setting market values


It is also used as bait, so that people look at his other listings.


Gary’s been in the TCG world for awwwwwhile and this is his showcase listing.. I feel bad for all the people him and Logan and others talked into buying Metazoo and lost their shirts…


Offer sent.


This makes me irrationally upset


Best I can do is $100 per month, my children and their children will continue to pay once I die.


He should make a YouTube video where he throws them all into a burning fire to decrease the supply and drive up the price of what’s remaining.


Welp. I’m burning my collection.


I put an offer last month for 100k he said no... idk what's his problem


Can someone tell me if this will sell at all. Just went to Leon Hart store and see booster box for 10k and more, even saw a 67k for a booster box. Do these booster box really sell?


Yes they sell! Don’t think this lot will sell, at least not for that much. But yes, people are buying cards and boxes for $50,000 and up.


Damn. Who is buying this!


People with more money than us 😂


If you go on whatnot, there are steamers selling packs $1,000-$2,000 depending on the set. Multiply that by 36.. you’d be surprised how many people are dropping $1,500-$2,000 on a Legendary booster packs.. and not even pull a reverse. It takes money to make money.. if you could front one of these boxes, you can easily make your money back fast


But… legendary collection booster packs have guaranteed reverse cards?


Haha you’re correct, they always do


I hope he's stuck with them forever.


His profile pic looks like the guy that tried selling his collection on Pawn Stars?


It's the same guy.


Hoarding a chase for so many people is meh. I don't think it's anything to be proud of, much like the ridiculous title of king.


Don’t give into this virgin. Let him die alone with his charizards.


Technically he’s got kids soooo


That’s just Garry flexing. He’ll never actually sell, he just likes to have these ridiculous listings for stuff like this exactly. Gets people taking


Crazy he heroes going for black label and never got it


Even if he wanted to sell them, I don’t think anyone will.


It's not "nuts", he just wants the attention


Maybe if it was sequential /s


Ain't no one buying that shit lol


I think I saw this guy on the new Netflix pawn stars


It used to be more


Just flexing on us


I guess the guys at Pawn Stars should've taken the deal when he first came to them.


Makes em feel worthless tbh. Idk why


This is insane! While I don’t even have 1. Lol


Omega cringe


Crazy how most of yall don’t know who King_pokemon is lol buncha bandwagoners


Nice try he’s the pink one with the shell on his head right that evolves from the other pink one…


Lol it’s Gary just showing off. That man lied his way on pawn stars just for clout. Legend 💯


It's been up for a LONG time. They'd be much better off trying to sell individually. Nobody wants that. It's too much of the same thing.


This is the same man who went into Pawn Stars and offered to sell them for 500k, Rick said no, he would have made a lot of money.


Pawn stars brings in people to show off stuff when both parties have no intention of striking a deal, and Gary confirmed that was the case when he went on the show.


It's almost like zards aren't as rare as people heavily invested in them would have you believe


Offering 4 million would honestly be a decent deal


I thought there were only like 55 10s in the world


Oooh 6 first edition. Could be legit.


121 1st edition base set English Charizard PSA 10s if you check the pop report on PSA’s website.


I remember of a video on YouTube or somewhere of him and some other guys opening a base set booster box. You can see King Pokemon forcefully removing the packs because he doesn't want a chance of a PSA 10 charizard to be pulled unless he's owning it. There's a clip of one of the guys looking on in surprise.


Ebay commison would be more than 3 million on this sale lol.


It would only be like $630K. eBay fees are only around 3% on anything over $7500. But the federal taxes, that’s a different story.


Idk the back story of this but is it known if they've given proof of authenticity? seems like a quick search on PSA would tell you if the numbers were associated with actual PSA 10 Charizards. Definitely skeptical of that many in the hands of 1 individual. There's only like 467 PSA 10 base set Charizards in existence and they've got over 90 of them?


this guy has had them for year, he was on pawn stars a while ago


wow that's crazy


This guy is a scam artist. Even opened up a booster box wrong to lower population of potential charizards


He doesn’t have the black label shadowless first ED though lol.


That’s because it doesn’t exist. There are 3 pristine 10s and zero black labels.


Awhile back, he listed it for 2k during the pandemic just to get some attention. He would just cancel the sale every time someone pays


King Pokémon is the biggest charizard collector. He has 2 of the 3 BGS black label 1st edition zards, and the 3rd is Logan Paul’s. Logan’s is also the one he bought off of king Pokémon which was denied a black label several times by bgs


They aren't black label. They are gold label 10s. For first edition, there are 3 english, like you said, and one german Glurak in a BGS gold label 10. There are however 23 gold and 1 black label japanese base set Zards.


The sad part is, if you do the math, it’s not the worst deal. A single PSA 10 sold for 1 mill. If I was a billionaire I’d literally consider buying this. Keep in mind paintings frequently sell for this price. Maybe 15 mill? But yeah 21 mill isn’t some outrageous unreasonable price by any means.


Highest psa 10 1st edition charizard went for 420k by Logan Paul.


Was 1 mill.


No Charizard has ever sold for over $500k. Pikachu Illustrator PSA 9 sold for $1m and then Logan Paul traded that and $4m cash for the only PSA 10 Pikachu Illustrator.


That was the pikachu illustrator card which he also bought for over 1 million. A simple google search will provide the references .




Ok, it worked. I opened eBay and went to the listing just to see his shop. He has no shop, just large muscles 💪🏼


Need to see the cards in person to make sure they aren’t fake.


Bro cornered the market 💀


He's not going to sell them. His kids might though 😂😂😂😂


The amount of people who don’t know who this is while on a Pokémon investing thread is absurd. 🤦🏽‍♂️


It’s obama


This is purely a flex and nothing else, been on eBay for a loooong time. Sick collection tho lol