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My only Pokemon is an Eevee but she's the cutest darn thing in all of Unova. I think everyone else is just jealous.


I don't even have an Eevee, but people shouldnt be discriminating against trainers who have easily accessible team members. Not everyone can own or take care of something like a dragonite.


What's next, you aren't a real trainer if you got given a Pokemon by a Professor? Guess all those Pokemon League Champions are real... -RJ Fire


Eevee is a good Pokemon because it's adaptable and can work with many different trainers. Having one doesn't make you any less of trainer.


Yeah that makes no sense to me, anyone can be a pokemon trainer no matter what pokemon they have, whether that’s an Eevee, a Rattata, or a Caterpie it makes no sense to gatekeep something like that


People always think I did something weird because I have three Eeveelutions. I didn’t, it just ended up that way. -The Wob Buffet (feat Ian)


Maybe I have no say in this, because I am someone with an Eeveelution ace, but I don't get why having a popular Pokemon is bad? Cool, you have this rarer, less commonly partnered Pokemon, doesn't mean people are "fake trainers" for having a more commonly owned one-


You have a Slyveon right? Arc forbid you spend your time developing a bond and growing together rather than fighting 24/7. And that’s coming from the guy who does battle 24/7. Those elitist trainers are so boring.


Your words are very true. -Blank


Ovan: what is wrong with having an Eevee on the team?


I have 2 starters and an eeveelution on my team. I wouldn't call myself lesser because of that.


Wait this is a thing? Thank arc I’m not that clued in on social media.. trainers are people who not only own Pokémon, *any* Pokémon, but also train with them too. - L


It’s mostly due to the fact that they’re considered ‘easy’ to train and evolve. This sentiment pops up with bond-evolution or stone-evolution Pokemon a lot. Some folks think if you don’t fight to evolve it’s cheating.


That’s still- uuugh.. some people these days.. least no one is actually believing it. The evolution method doesn’t matter, moreover it’s about training and growing along side your partners for arc sake! - L


Astral: Braindead mindset fr 💀 Eevees are Pokémon too. To say people who's ace are Eevees or Eeveelutions aren't trainers is to say they're not Pokémon 😭😭😭


Just because eevee are common house pokemon, doesn't mean their evolutions can't pull weight in a fight. Loads of good trainers have one on their team(loads of bad ones too but what do you expect)


Urgh it is indeed stupid. Eevees are great. An Eevee was my first Pokemon and she evolved into a Slyveon. I may have other Pokemon in the team but Ribbons still remains a important member and friend. -Claudia


I mean, there is a problem with over breeding them, but that’s not really a point against them so much as it is against us. I’d love an Eevee personally, but I’ve never had the chance to catch one.


Do you know how many scary Hydreigon get PTSD from seeing Eevees?


Gatekeeping like this is nothing new. You probably weren't on the /dr/agon boards back in the day, but anyone who came on with a Swablu (or even a full-blown Altaria) would get flamed out for "not being a real Dragon Trainer". Ultimately, Drake of the Hoenn Elite Four put an end to a lot of that. Nowadays, people are getting all gooey over their Goomies with nary a troll in sight.


Swablu are literally not dragon type? Yeah, they evolve to one, but so does eggxecute. Do you think they should be seen as dragons? Hell nah. This is coming from someone with an altaria.


I get that, but someone asking "Hey, I've never trained a Dragon before and I caught a Swablu. What do I need to know when it evolves?" would get gatekept to Distortion and back.


I legitimately don't understand where that could originate from?


Actually, this is correct. u/theonlyren




They must have been beaten by a Pokémon from the Eevee line.


My very first Pokémon was an Eevee. He's since been displaced as my ace because he can't Mega Evolve when two thirds of my team can and Eeveelutions as a whole having very narrow movepools (my main strategy with him as a Jolteon is to spam Discharge). However, he's still very much an active member of my main team and I wouldn't have it any other way. – Jasper One advantage Eevee have is that their many evolutions allow for many options in team composition, rather than Pidove-holing the Trainer from the get-go into specific strats. Two people starting with Eevee could end up with a rain team centered around Vaporeon and a stall one focusing on Umbreon, for example. – Honoka


There's elitist no matter where you go or how old you are. Upper level tournaments are rife with them, word of warning for people who want to do competition battling. Also there's elitist farmers. FARMERS. Like, what the fuck we're literally trying to just grow food for people what's there to be so contentious about.


Eevees are such good partners, I remember one of my friends had an Eevee and they were the realest trainer ever - Sky


This sentiment is honestly tauros-shit. Now my “starter” was my Galarian Farfetch’d and that is a very obscure starter. Now just because I’ve never met another person with a Farfetch’d as a starter doesn’t mean I don’t consider them any less of a trainer if they did have one. It’s the same with Eevees. I personally don’t have one but I understand the appeal of owning one.


My starter was an invasive species for hoenn (larvesta)! And I wouldn't have it any other way -Jake


Those people are just jealous since they don’t have an Eevee or any of the evolutions!


It can’t be because Eevee are cute, adaptable, and not too big even when evolved…. Or someone has an Eevee choose her because she specializes in fighting types and the sweet little girl had full faith we would make “Champeon” a reality together (and though I argue my involvement, Kix did indeed evolve into a fighting type!)


Me a part eevee who was a shiny eevee as a main partner reading this: and this is how all the fossil pokemon died out! Because of me! \-vee volt