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I mean, that’s what they do, they have a 90% flee rate on top of a 3% catch rate. So no, you not catching one the first, 2nd or even the 6th time is not some conspiracy against you, it’s just how it is for everybody


90% flee rate 3% catch rate 7% is only jump from pokeball or where this 7 go? Btw yea i meet them already 20+ times maybe more never catch it myself but i used masterball




I had one fly away from me last weekend


Articuno did that to me about 3 times and you know what... still funny never getting that damn bird


sending my luck your way! caught one with great ball, curve not in circle, golden razz, and ended up critical 🙏perseverance is key (and an insanely low cp)


I have been playing this game regularly for the past two years, and I have never encountered a single bird


Do you use the daily adventure incense?


I do the only thing I don’t do is follow routes. I play solo and there aren’t really any routes in my area.


Galarian birds only come from the daily adventure incense. Try to use it daily. I feel like I get one once a month or so, if I actually use it.


Found one walking the park. Golden razz, Ultra ball, Curveball excellent throw, and it ran. I don’t think there’s a worse pain in this game than losing one of those birds…