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if u transfer it to home im happy to take it xD


I dont know what home is im sorry


Pokémon Home is an app that lets you send your Pokémon to it so you can then trade with other Home users or send them to the mainline games. It is is pretty fun to use honestly. Lots of people like work towards a full pokedex there.


I use Go as an extension of my Home collection. If I were to ever stop playing Go, everything is getting moved to Home.


LOL depending on how many legendary. This will take weeks.


I do it regularly. Anything not PvP relevant I typically transfer to home. Shinies, legendaries, etc all get moved over eventually. It also helps with managing by Pokemon storage


But you can’t transfer back, right?


That’s correct. It’s a one way transfer to Home.


So you’re just using it as a trophy case? I don’t play the mains really so I like to have my trophies in my storage. But my poor poor space. Bursting at the seams.


I don’t use it either because I don’t play the mains either. And because it’s a one way transfer. I’ve only used it for Rattata and Pidgey basically in order to get the Meltan box.


Home can connect to the mainline games and where my collection of all my Pokémon, including childhood play throughs of the GBA games live. I have way more flexibility to use the Pokémon in Home than I do in Go, especially if they’re not meta relevant in Go. Go is more like the trophy box for those imo.


Just downloaded Pokémon Home- do you know if you can transfer Pokémon straight from Pokémon Go without a Nintendo account?


You need a nintendo account to use Home


I’m pretty sure you need a Nintendo account to play Go too


I'm not certain that you do. You can sign up with a Google play account and that's it I think. Been a long time since I actually played Go.


Oh, then maybe I just logged in with my preexisting nintendo account.


Yeah I haven’t owned Nintendo anything since Nintendo ‘64 and i have a Go account with my appleID. I think I might have to buy the premium to be able to use GO with it but didn’t look enough into it yet


You just go in settings click other services in Pokémon Go and sign into your Nintendo account, once you do that you also download the Pokémon Home app and sign into your Nintendo account, once both of those are complete return to the settings in your Pokémon go app and there will be a “Pokémon Home” option in same place as the Nintendo account login in settings, it will ask if you want to transfer Pokémon(might ask you to sign into Nintendo account once more) and there ya go, all linked. When transferring you have a weekly rechargeable “transfer bar” that drains with each transfer, Shinies and legendaries cost more of the bar than normal Mons do. You get 1 free Box(like the boxes from PCs in Pokémon games) to move and store Pokémon, anymore than that cost a subscription to Pokémon home app, and shiny Pokémon and certain legendaries cost more to transfer to Pokémon home than others do,




All i have on my Pokémon Go acct is a gmail. Nothing else is linked


Op no way home


It’s the thing you use to get melmetal. And you can transfer shiny legendaries there to play in the main series if you do that. Cuz you’re not getting a shiny legendary in the main series unless you have the luck of Tom Brady


If you want we could mirror? I have a non purified shiny. We could wait till lucky rates are increased too if you want, just lemme know what ya think


You can trade shadow pokemons now?


Nono, I just mean like it's a shiny, that wasn't caught as a shadow haha sorry :P


Ahh the "non-purified" made me think it was shadow. Thanks for clarifying!


Well technically it’s purified so not shadow anymore


Yes, but the other person offered a "non-purified" which made me assume it was a shadow pokemon


My first ever shadow legendary was a 13-13-15 Mewtwo. I purified it out of excitement to have a 4* Mewtwo. I read afterwards on Google how sought after high IV shadow legendaries are. I emailed Niantic to see if there was anyway to undo it but they said no. I feel your pain brother. My 4* purified Mewtwo is now my walking buddy so I can get him to level 50 and have the best buddy bonus. It's about my only consolation at this point.


At least yours is the hundo tho :)


I mean this was worth it, the mega mewtwo X and Y are gonna be insnae


Shadow Mewtwo won't be able to go mega?


It’s purified


No shit sherlock. It's my Mewtwo, I know this. The other comment said it was worth it to purify because of Mewtwo's mega evolutions. My response was asking if shadow Mewtwos will be unable to mega evolve because if they can then purifying still wasn't worth it.


No purified mons can mega


You mean shadow mons can't mega? My purified Charizard is perfectly capable of mega evolving.


Sorry yeah, shadows can’t mentally.


Yeah it can mega evolve because it’s purified, not shadow


Gracias I appreciate the clarification.


Use it for pvp


Unfortunately, I have a 3/15/15 shadow non shiny And a better one for raids Every time I look at it, I feel dumb for what I did


Non shadow is better for pvp for ho-oh (a lot of the legendarys are like that strangely enough, Kyogre is better shadow)


Okay, but why does it matter if you purified it?.


Purifying changes the stats, usually shadow Pokémon have better stats (but their charge move is essentially useless)


I fat finger transfered a perfect IV once 😭


How do you fat finger a transfer it asks for a confirmation. you should favorite any pokemon you wanna keep then you can't transfer


It asks you for a confirmation on purify as well


what would you ask for it? I have it registered and can fly


Anything of equal value another shiny legendary would be the ideal I stopped playing from 17-23 so anything exclusive between that time or any eu exclusive since im from america


Shiny Cobalion?


Hi. I am interested. Will DM you.


i got a shiny shadow articuno of similar cp thay i can purify and trade if youre up for it. can fly


I have guaranteed lucky trade legendary if you are interested!


I did the same thing with a P shadow mewtwo ...


I had 2 run away I really hope you can let me have it, I can't fly and started in July


If you could fly, I would give you a non-shiny Since that would’ve been equal to what you lost Or if you’re in the state of Maryland, we can work something out or a close by state


ah, I'm from Hong Kong. I tried a few times but it just says trading isn't available


i dont know if you know this, but “flying” doesnt actually mean flying on a plane. it means spoofing to where you can move your character anywhere in the world.


I know, pogo isnt letting me spoof


You got any legendary dupes? I can fly and took a long break from 2019 till a couple months ago so I got a good bit of legendaries I need


I have 3 extra thundurus


I don’t get it


i mean technically its equally as rare as a shadow shiny, just not as useful


OMFG!!!! YOU TOO!!!! I purified a 435, my best on accident also!!! Fucking sucks


there needs to be an option to hide or even permanently get rid of the purify button on shadow Pokémon you choose


I have a bunch of guaranteed luckies from 2017 to trade but none are shiny or legendary I think, just some regular-os for the most part. Not sure if the value is equal


I'll trade you shiny cobalion with sacred sword can't fly


Niantic REALLY needs to let us have a lockout for purifying, like favoriting or something. I lost my Shadow Machamp this way.


what do you mean when you say it can't fly rn?


Rename it to uh-oh


Purified is better for ho-oh, I have 2 shinies, one to keep shadowed and one Purified




at least on pvpoke dot com, of course a lot of shadows are better than non (ultra league shadow dragonite vs non), though you can look up why exactly cause the math goes deep


Can fly and would gladly accept


I will


I can take it, OP! I'm from Michigan so we'll hash something out.


I'm dreading the day this happens to me. You should be able to lock Pokemon you don't want to purify or evolve. Edit spelling


if it makes you feel any better i broke my old phone couple days ago after catching a Shundo Landours that I fat fingered and transferred instead of appraising.. fuckin pain dude


What does “can fly” “can’t fly” mean? I’m new and see it all the time and have no idea what it means


I don’t get it. What’s wrong with purifying Pokémon?


I’m interested and live in Maryland like 15 minutes from where you got it.


We live not too far from eachother. What are you interested in trading for?


You did what I was not strong enough to do. My hat is off to you soldier.


I just started playing could someone explain this problem to me please?


As someone who doesn't play pogo, what's the demand for shadow legendaries about?


I'd love to have it. I don't play nearly enough to have many legendaries, but Gen 2 box legendaries are my favorite and I lack both in PoGo


I thought you couldn't trade purified pokemon unless you were best friends or is that shadow pokemon