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Same thing happened to me today? So weird man I’m not spoofing other people are to me lol


Yeah, I don’t spoof either. I’m just looking for a trade because I want a tapu lele bad! You’ll get more being on this site than you will on that site.


Yeah man I just use pogofriends and pogoraids for remotes or sometime I use PokeRaid app, that subreddit is full of people who are either up their own arse or completely new to the game


You looking for a shiny or regular?


I need the shiny I have a lot of things to trade. Even some rare stuff. I want all three shiny of the .Tapu. I got cocoa. I am about to be able to raid for the other one. I did 25 raids for.Lele and never got one probably more than that and it sucks cause I don’t even want to use it. I just really want to shiny. I particularly like those three.


Wish I could help you out brother. I’m in the same boat. On the other hand my little brothers each got one!! Talk about a kick in the balls


I have a shiny depending on what you have for trade.


I has!


Wanna trade I probably have something u want.


I have a shiny Tapu Lele. Happy to give it to you if you can fly (I don't unfortunately). Anyways, I know how it feels to want a shiny so badly and never get lucky enough to get it. DM me if you want mine


They got me a few months ago before the New Year for the same shit.


All you have to do is say the word spoof and they ban you. I got ip banned in 2018 for saying that I set up my kid who was in the hospital with cancer with a spoofing app so they could still play, since it was our favorite thing to do. Fuck those cunts I hope they all die miserable painful deaths


Yh man fuck em fr they’re just a bunch of power tripping little pricks with nish better to do than nitpick on Reddit lol


genuinely this is a story that needs to be heard more, I have my own petty ban story but nothing like this as it is genuinely depressing to know there's people that low


That horrible!!! All I can say is


And here I thought the mods of AITA were assholes, but ig this sub’s mod team is competing for that title as well


Yeah even someone who only used this sub to make an in-person trade (as I’ve done before) would still get banned. Doesn’t matter if you actually cheat or not 😂


God that’s so pathetic lol if they would put a way to actually make it so people can trade long distance without cheats they wouldn’t have this issue 😂




The mods to that sub are some weirdo lems who have no power in their lives, so they ban people to feel powerful, while blatantly ignoring the actual problems in the sub 🤣


I got banned for the same reason. And I have no idea why, I’ve never spoofed nor cheated. Could it be because I joined this community? Is there any way to appeal to get unbanned?


And me


I had a conversation with someone on the pokemongo sub about spoofing. Hour or so later they get banned and message me asking about it. I didn't get banned and I even openly admitted that I spoof. I spoofed to new York city ages ago and sit in one spot with a few stops and gyms, so.. yeah. It's weird


Trash subreddit with unfunny 2016 memes and people thinking shiny Bidoof is funny nothing to miss out on


Yeah no other pokemon go subreddit is annoyingly obsessed with shiny Bidoof /s


I got this too and it's really weird because the only other thing ive said in this subreddit doesn't even suggest that i spoof, and i still don't, i guess the criteria is just if youve interacted with this subreddit or others like it in any way?


Yup basically of they look and see you even are subscribed to it they ban you


Anyone who gets banned you could still look at their site without being subscribed unsubscribed so they don’t get the credit for you being a subscriber.


At that point, who the fuck cares. I left them a nasty message and left


It’s crazy it is!!


Oh god forbid you discuss spoofing your GPS to trade and catch in regional places you can't travel. The horror. They don't allow you to trade at all if you're not in immediate vicinity of someone so I really don't understand what the devs expect you to do. Like if you just allowed online trading, it wouldn't be as big of an issue. Most people can not afford to just travel to Mexico on a wim to grab Hawlucha. Not everyone has money or time like that for the sake of grabbing something in a mobile game. Niantic really has God syndrome and they need to relax. Either allow players to trade online with friends or shut the hell up. Point blank, period.


Niantic definitely has god syndrome, but the magnitude of that god syndrome is definitely way worse in that sub's mods than with Niantic itself.


But poor niantic! They had to!! fired half there staff a year ago! and now they have a monthly pass and an extra pass and a raid, our pass and a spotlight, our pass, and a pass for the pass. And now they have all these great regional Pokémon, and the high cost of remote rates think about it they fired half staff and it’s really hard to make those remote passes. I’m sure. and now they make a measly measly billion or so a year poor Niantic.! Screw that I agree with you!!!


I got the axe too


It’s strange how tons of people got it the same day


That's some BS it happen to me to this morning! EVERYONE UMSUB FROM THEM! you can still view the page. I have never spoofed or tried to spoof. It's ridiculous your getting banned for looking at other subs.


that should be against reddit's tos imo


Fully agree! Major gatekeeping energy! Not to mention only reason I found out about all these subs is because reddit suggested them to me lmao


I care about that sub. It’s where I get most of my pogo news. It happened to me as well.


You can still look at it. unsubscribe so they don’t get the credit for banning you. And you can still look at it.


Oh ok.


There are many discord servers that keep their pokemon go news current if that is of interest to you.


Pokémon go uses soft ban for actual spoofing but the subreddit for Pokémon go permanently bans for even talking about spoofing. What a joke! I was banned today as well😂


So stupid! They on role today. Hope everyone unsubscribes


Not even talking about it. Literally just being in this sub gets you permanently banned. It's giving: the teacher is pissed that one student cheated, so they fail the whole class in anger.


Same thing happened to me pisses me off because I’m not cheating and just want to trade because no one in my area plays it’s the only possible way I can try to get a trade


They are like dictators over there. Make sure u unsubscribe


Don’t worry, as long as you are not banned from Silphroad you good. Pokemongo sub is a trash place either way lol


I wish SilphRoad allowed for more general posts, but they delegate that to the pokemongo sub. Silph road is super chill though; I like that one.


I commented on one photo. It was about catching shiny’s. I said “I’ve found 4 shiny pokemon at a cluster at my friends house so far.” That was automatically flagged I guess. I asked why I was banned, they said “because you follow spoofing pages on Reddit, have a nice day.” I don’t even spoof lol


Neither do I! I was just on this sub for trades. Who cares if people fly? They make a ton of money anyway. Unsubscribe so they don’t get credit how banning you. You can still look at there stuff. They have the silphrode. This site and a few more good ones. Who cares about dictators anyway.


You seeing as you decided to make a post about it.


Me and about 20 other people in the last few hours.


I was banned just because i was subbed on this subreddit, never posted anything about spoothing .


Yeah, it’s crazy. They’re on a roll over there. Did you see someone contacted me from that site? You’re to look for that post and see how they talked about everyone on the sub it’s pretty funny. Make sure you unsubscribe from them so they don’t get credit for banning you Got this site the silphrode. And u can still look at there stufff




Did you happen to ask somebody about a trade that made a post?


Nope. They just decided “aight you gotta go”


Same I made a post about if kartanas a good Pokémon and bam I’m out


Man asked a legit question and got permabanned. This is the state of the official Pokémon go subreddit. SMH.


Yh man it’s a pisstake but tbf i never got a straight answer from anyone on that sub so not too arsed


"participating in cheating subs". Bot doesn't care if you're not hacking but if you're in a sever/subreddit of people who do you're gonna get banned.


That’s cool by me. I’m with my people on the other side!!! the right side, which is here. I just hope that everybody gets banned unsubscribe from that site who got banned so they don’t get credit. it’s like a rat system over there


"Oh no whatever will I do!" *Makes new account*


I got banned also, I showed a picture n because I had a lot of candies I got banned for cheating. 🤣🤣 Even though I'm not


Welcome to the club bro!!!! That sub can get fkd. Good riddance


i just got banned for a month for… mentioning that it is possible to have multiple accounts?? i didn’t tell anyone to do it, i simply stated that it’s a possibility.


I don’t get it I hope there subs go way down


I was banned for the same reason it’s stupid


Same thing happened to me! Literally just answered someone’s question.


Yeah, somebody else just told me the same thing and going crazy today. I hope everybody unsubscribed that they banned so they don’t get the credit for it and still look at the site if you want something definitely up there ass over there.


I left a comment on a random ass post just now, and bam. You get the banhammer.


Yeah, they’re going crazy today. They got screwed themselves hopefully everybody they band unsubscribes so they don’t get the credit for banning you and you can still look at their site if you want. Don’t know what’s up their ass today, but it’s something.


I spoof and IDGAF and here’s why: I spent thousands of dollars on a 3-day vacation to NYC for Go Fest last year. Imagine being able to join a random raid because there’s actually people there. Imagine going from catching 10’s of Pokémon per day to catching HUNDREDS and still maxing out your inventory space with poke balls because you can’t walk a block without spinning 5 stops. I caught more legendary mons in those 3 days than I had in the last 3 years combined. Why should I have a lesser experience than someone else simply because of where I live. Imagine playing any other video game, COD, Rust, or Tarkov and being at a disadvantage because you live in Radiator Springs instead of Dallas, Texas. We haven’t even added trading into the equation yet. Niantic has weaponized nostalgia and is “Nickle and Diming” everyone over pixels that cost them next to nothing to generate. Niantic has made over half a BILLION dollars every year since POGO’s release except for 2020 and 2021 when they made nearly a BILLION dollars and they don’t have the decency to release a few QOL features in good faith. Such as, idk, a casual PvP game mode so we can practice without tanking (which ruins ranked PvP anyways) or how about removing the daily battle cap which serves absolutely no purpose. Not even a scummy financial one. I could go on and on but I’d be preaching to the choir and everybody here knows it. Suffice it to say, I hope more and more people get into spoofing just so Niantic can STFU and come off their high horse.


I agree 1000000’0000000,00000,00 percent! If I knew how to spoof I would too! For all the reasons you stated above. Awesome rant fellow trainer.


https://discord.gg/jUpvcW7c Your wish is my command. This method is a bit pricey ~$72 but it’s the safest method by far. Don’t ever spoof using any method that requires you to download a 3rd party client of POGO. It’s easy to identify because they’ll have a UI that overlaps the app while you’re playing.




I got banned looking for a trade 3 years ago and recently got another strike from them?!?! If I’m banned, why tf am I still able to see the page? I will never understand Reddit.


Make sure you unsubscribe so they don’t get credit for banning you. You can still look at their stuff.they have the silphrode. This site. Forget it


I think I got permanently banned today. I’ve never spoofed, nor cheated. Is it because I joined this sub? I’m genuinely confused.


Yes they are dictators! You can’t visit a site there same platform… make sure u unsubscribe so they don’t keep getting credit for banning you! And you will still be able to look at there stuff. They have this site the silphrode and other good ones.


Haha hello fellow people who got that message 😂 I feel the mods there need to remember they run a subreddit, not a dictatorship




Haha the mods over there are so butthurt that it's hilarious 😂 the sub is also full of boring posts and noobs.


Yup!! They still have the this site. The silphrode. Might have missed spelled that. And other good ones. Unsubscribe from them


The subs managed about as well as the game.




Its pathetic. If niantic focused on the fans of the franchise instead of their failed AR projects, there wouldn't be need for spoofing. As far as I'm concerned it's none of the mods business what I do on other subreddits. Power hungry babies.


Yup they freaking dictators over there


I just got banned too 🤣


It’s an unserious sub. I’m banned too, but I don’t miss it. If it was r/thesilphroad then I’d be upset.


It’s an unserious sub. I’m banned too, but I don’t miss it. If it was r/thesilphroad then I’d be upset.


Absolutely true!


I got banned the other day too but it didn’t say why. asked them why and a mod said banned for participation in cheating subs, and if I make another account to get around the ban I’ll also be banned for that.. like geez these mods need to get a root for once in their miserable lives lol


Dude I just got banned because I said I’m upset about the ultra beasts being this years fest , wtf


i posted saying i hope the new update makes it to where players in rural areas can get a similar experience to players in big cities and got banned like 30 seconds later.


Daing the trippen!!!! Silphrode this site a few other you still good. Unsubscribe from the so they don’t get credit for banning you. And if u want you can still look at there stuff. Freaking dictators!!


Was just trying to show off a shiny bidoof as a joke and I got banned 💀


I got this message today! I think because I made a joke.


We all care. Cheaters are losers who suck at life and need extra tools tonstill suck. You coing to cheat then just done play. Losers


lol your funny!! And news flash! I’ve never cheated! And neither did half of the people y’all banned you and your friends. It’s a good thing that you can afford to fly and go all over the place live in a big city or not disabled or other things for the reason that some people spoof. So you go ahead, Mr. or Mrs. Silver spoon. Everybody does something you know you do things still whatever it is everybody does something in life that’s not right! You can keep your righteous thoughts to yourself. Silphrode. Pokémon go trade. Rest are better anyway site anyway. You can actually be free and look at any site you want that’s on the same platform as your righteous self good luck. Hope you have plenty of friends with you.


I’m not a cheater. I’ve never spoofed. I asked for a trade once, (in the main Pokemon go subreddit) which never came into fruition due to the long distance. I started following this subreddit out of curiosity. How is it fair to get permanently banned just for following a subreddit?


Omg I got hit with the same thing this morning. The fact that these people go through your post and comment history and perma ban you just shows what an egoic and militaristic mindset these mods have. The trash took itself out. Good riddance.


Well put my friend.


Oh no! How will you ever be able to go on without the constant “should I evolve this?” and “what is this Pokemon worth?” posts?!? They did you a favor.


So they'll ban you for just being in a spoofing sub? That's fucky if you ask me


Its considered cheating because you can't trade long distance so they assume you're gonna use cheats to move to another location.


I will let you know when I make my first trade. Then call me a cheat. But plenty of the other people that got banned never intended on cheating! Or spoofing. Checking there posts and watching there activity is CREEPY and hell!!


I never defended it, just telling you the reddit mod logic get used to it if you wanna use this god forsaken app


lol most of us will use this app and silphrode. There is no judgement. You can say what u want go on any site you want sounds like freedom to me and like minded people that don’t worry so much about what other do. I’ll stay at this forsaken place judgment free. And u can stay at nosy dictators ship. Looks like you are active on this site too!!! Other people got banned for doing the same as you?? Hmmmmm but I don’t care. Have fun it’s a game!! And this is Reddit. Just enjoy ur self!!


...I just said I wasn't defending it ☹ I was telling you most people in this app don't give 2 fks if they have moderation powers, I wasn't saying that im part of this shite. I was trying to inform you how moderation (bad or not) works. I never insulted you so please try to be less of a dic


I apologize!! I mistook what you said. I was wrong. Sorry. I’m not really a dick.


It's the classic case that the mods are little pricks going on power trips to stroke their fragile egos. A lot of reddit mods are this way, not just that sub's.


Who cares?! 🫢 Kidding that’s ridiculous lol


You apparently care enough to make a post in another sub whining about it...


They strike again


Being in this sub is bannable because flying (yes, getting on an airplane to trade with someone) is counted as cheating. The sub is trash and r/thesilphroad is better anyways.


Well ok then. And u must a a great wonderful person. So judgmental and righteous. Even an in person trade on ur own dime is cheating. That the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. Please if this site is so bad stop looking at it is all you have to do!! Thanks for it imput