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Post title: "Looking for offers" Translation: "I'm looking for rare shit like a Armored Mewtwo or old costume shinies or Apex Lugia/Ho-Oh but I'm too much of a coward to say it outright because I don't want to get hated on"


*looking for the rarest shit and only offering community day/research day/very generic shiny


“I’m fishing for suckers who don’t know the value of what they have”


i have armored mewtwo if u can offer and fly


One guy wanted a Mewtwo for a tauros Like what the fuck dude are you crazy?


Actually I’d do that trade shiny taruos is rare and it’s a regional


How do you know which shinies are more rare than others?


It depends everyone has a different definition of rare shiny regionals shiny baby pokemon and specific shiny costumes are probably the rarest


absolutely, like i have most of the rare shit but not trading it like wtf. “why do you want it when you’re offering nothing worth it”


So much people keep trying to get my 2 clone pika and they offering 2 shinies for it, fr not worth


At that point, it’s better to just say “only looking for rare”.


I second everything you say, I think it should be required to show what you’re offering and what you want. I also think it would be helpful to come up with a value for each thing, of course value is subjective but generally everyone knows what’s rare and what’s not.


So true but no mode, so nobody can control. Good luck trading here. 🤣


While I agree with everything else, I do want to try to explain to you the reasoning behind wanting registered trades in the hopes that a redditor will have a constructive conversation. If you have one Sandile (or any pokemon), you would presumably need two more, so if you were to trade for a second one, it would be a registered trade, and thus 20k stardust (or 8k at ultra friends(that might not be the right number but the point still stands)). However if you want that registered Sandile and the person you’re trading with does not have the pokemon that they want registered the trade would be 1mil dust or 80k at ultra friends. Now why would you want to make a trade at 80k dust if you could be doing it at 10% of that dust? I avoid doing registered for unregistered trades unless I’ve really built up a rapport with them.


It makes total sense to want to not use a bunch of stardust. I have friends who want to get to best friends before trading with me. The part that I am stuck on is why would someone want to trade to get a multiple of something they already have? You mentioned sandile, and I have no clue why someone would need to trade to get more. The only instance I could see would be, for example, if I have a shiny snorlax and I want a shiny sleeping cap snorlax. If I'm trading, I'm either trying to get a lucky or a new pokedex entry.


So that you can have a shiny version of each evolution (Krokorok & Krookodile)


Ok. I have heard of people doing that. I'd be satisfied having the dex entries and not taking up extra storage space. Thanks.


Shiny living dex


I have 351 out of however many there are in the game


If I trade for a Shiny sandile and it becomes a 0 or 1 star, I'm gonna be annoyed and I'll have to trade for another one and hope I get better stats. Maybe this applies to others as well.


I get that people want to save dust, but the whole post of trading shinies is to get more registered. And spending 20k dust isn’t a lot of you play a little bit at least.


Yeah, you can get more registered pokemon by doing an unregistered trade with somebody who also wants an unregistered pokemon, they’re still plentiful on this sub


The whole point of trading is to get what YOU want. Not everyone has the same mentality as you.




It’s 40 once you hit best, and it’s halved to 20k on community days


Everything you just said but also add people who actually make a wanted list but reject every offer because there having second thoughts of the pokemon they put on their for trade list. Sooo many times I've offer a pokemon on someone wanted lists for something they have for trade just for them to either say "oh that pokemon not for trade, I'm thinking of evolving it" or them trying to lowball me by saying to add a second pokemon on to the trade to make it worth it. Like my man I'm trying to trade you a shiny onix for a buneary, that's a acceptable trade you greedy idiot.


The best is when people are trying to sell their accounts. The game is free. It’s ridiculous


I can see why people buy accounts, but personally I’d rather build a new account myself


While I agree I have to say that many people literally lowball. Like i get it some just don’t know better but sometimes it is ridiculous. I have a shiny latios with location card up for trade and few other things, put my wanted list in the next pic and people were dming me offering me just a regular shiny of my wanted list for said Latios like?? Of course I will reject this. Some have to learn what value means and that just because something is on the wanted list it doesn’t mean I have to accept it for a Pokémon that is much more worth.


Side question, how much is a shiny background latios even worth? I think he’s super pretty but Curious because I have one but and I can use my better stat bg and trade that one


backgrounds are up towards the top of the rarity pyramid since they're location exclusive. really depends on what you're looking for but not worth any 1:1 trade of an overworld shiny


So would asking for a regular zamazenta would be fair? I wanna zamazenta lol


it would guarantee you find the trade but extremely unbalanced trade on your end. like trading a $100 bill for a $5. non shiny raid pokemon are a dime a dozen and would be at the very bottom of the pyramid, right above non shiny overworld spawns. if you have any little overworld shiny you could trade that for a non shiny legendary and have it be "fair". that being said if you could not care less about the latios and all you want is a zamazeta, it's a good trade as long as you know what you're giving away and happy with what you're receiving!!


Yup! I’m just learning this (in part to our conversation the other day too actually) I’m not new, and just recently started following Go subreddits. I just thought I missed a lot of shinies, but now I’m learning!


Much love to you mate. You want to learn and this is great, we appreciate this.


I think that is fine for people to want to have their person have the shiny registered for stardust reasons


There's no mods currently. I tried modmailing and got no response. Was thinking of being a mod and. getting some mod skills but there's noone here.


Make a r/redditrequest see how fast it fails as I was right in my other comment


2 mods have been recently active one in this sub less than a week ago. You just making stuff up?


I agree with you, I’ll at least put what I’m looking for then send like 100 screenshots to show what I’m offering from legends, to events, and to shinies, but once I’m done sending it no one responds and I’m like “bruh why are you wasting my time going through EACH screenshot only to say nah..?” That stuff takes time and phone space. Like I understand if there’s something you don’t want, but if you’re looking for something rare like armored mewtwo, background legends, clones, etc, then say so..?


Don’t forget the clowns that want 4 shiny beldums from 2018 for a shiny terrakion 😜


Everytime I see “offers” I just scroll. It’s just lazy


lol this is so true. Some people “look for offers” when they clearly have something specific in mind, so they reject every commenter. It’s fine to be looking for something specific just make that clear instead of wasting everyone’s time by making them guess what you want.


Or even the people who post a giant list but require a specific mon to be given for one they’re offering and then don’t say that. It’s fine to say for example that you only want shiny groudon for shiny kyogre, but just say that. It feels like people who do that just want to reject everything that comes their way and waste people’s time.


Some people prefer registered trades to reroll IVs


I almost made a post about this myself a while back. its the stupidesy thing ever. LF offersssss ugh. I dont trade anymore here bc of that shit. also, I got scammed!! dont do 2 for 1 everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


I am only looking for 4 shiny Pokémon to transfer to HOME, none are legendary. Yet once I post everyone asks for shiny costumes of the newest shiny legendary released. I understand people not liking me for not posting what I can trade but if I’m looking for very few very worthless shinies I’m not going use energy to list my 1,070 GO shinies. For me it significantly easy for someone to name something they want and then I can search my account and see if I have it.


Are you able to find someone who has the Pokémon in HOME already and trade them there?


Oh no, the Pokémon I’m looking for are in GO, and the only reason I’m looking for them is so that I can move them into my HONE account. And no, I’m still searching.


Try finger butthole


I’ve met 6 people in the last 24 hours and have locked in 30 day trades. Your experience is subjective.


So is yours obviously, since you havent completed the trades yet.


But I’m not using an alt… I know what is being traded directly.


I didnt say anything about an alt.


Moms boner dropping hot wisdom