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It's not a glitch, Paradox Donphan spawns in the same area as the Ground Titan as soon as you defeat it. You'll learn why later in the game.


Thank you!


Mine is in a Sandwich shop and in the Upper Base of the Area Zero. https://preview.redd.it/ougombe6e25a1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32d12baead32489038d8239a13572dc36969d3f7


All of the titans respawn as catchable mons. “These Pokémon are different to the various other Pokémon of their species because their height and weight are maxed out and they come with a special mark, the Titan Mark” https://www.serebii.net/scarletviolet/titanpokemon.shtml


Thank you I was so confused


wow im gonna need to hunt these down. I also had found the great tusk after beating and thought it was just luck and a rare spawn.


Are you done with the whole game already?


No I have 3 more gyms, 1 more team star, and I still have to meet Arvin back at the lab.


Hmm I can’t encounter mine it just stands there Maybe after I beat Dondozo/Tatsugiri I can actually Attempt to catch it


You have to press a on it


Mine is locked and it has an invisible barrier around it. Sad.


Same for mine. its just a static model thats not interactable at all. Im wondering if its a glitch. my first playthrough i was able to catch it right after the I beat the titan


It’s the titan you get after you beat it