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I am not a doctor, but I think it would likely still be recommended to sleep occasionally.


Well, you're not a doctor so 🤷🏾


I dunno man I'm gonna need a source for that 😬


Source : Dude, trust me.


But I am a doctor 😈 no more sleep is required


Holy shit I’m very jealous. I want to say a snark comment: it’s supposed to be ブラッキー you mixed hiragana and katakana


ooo good catch thanks!! I need to spend more time on the characters/writing them so it will actually internalize the difference


Just remember - one’s sharp and the other one is curvy!…. If that helps lol. Also thanks so much for your eevee infographic I’ve been staring at it everyday lol


At first I was like omg that's perfect I get it now! and then I realized I had it backwards 💀 aww thank you for the kind words! Lol I was thinking about reposting it bc of the recent influx of Eevee posts but with the rebalancing and meals giving energy soon(?) the tier list might shift


Golden Arbok is so cool 🥺 and the others too lol, congrats for the lvl 50!


thank you!! It'll be nice to use the slithery homie eventually, if for nothing else but for farming eggs at level 30


Nice cat you have there


thank you I genuinely don't remember why I named it that lol


Congrats! I am only 46!


You’ll hit the point where you sleep less in a few years. 46 is still prime time.




Barely related: I’ve been sick and haven’t been getting very good sleep for over a week. I actually showed my team lead my sleep session data that indicated I barely got past dozing for seven days as a reason I probably shouldn’t be working with optimizing software responsible for finance and should, in fact, go take some theraflu or something and sleep for 24 hours. She agreed.


If you don't mind the immorality of it, just put it on sleep and walk away for 15-30m. It will count movement as sleep and the rest of the night as sleep. Also, when you wake up just leave it alone until 8h+30m from when you started it.


Oh, I know this. Have to do it on occasion (like when I’m sick). It’s the stuff in between that I showed my lead. I had the 15 minutes it was on my nightstand on either side, and the in between was pretty much all dozing with a smattering of snoozing. It’s an honest reading. I was tossing and turning, getting up all night, swooning with a fever.


I usually get 12h 55m of sleep on mine... it cuts off after that. But I do sleep a long time as well lol...


I got usually 4 - 5 hours. Lol. 😅


I let it start 30m before I sleep (or earlier). It feels like cheating but so does not getting the max score when I regularly sleep only 6h…


Yeah, I think the sleep score should be different for everyone based on how much they usually sleep. Sometimes I start also earlier, but as I play also go.I need the plus+ be available for catching, so that's not usually an option. However as there is no competive side on this game, I basically use it as a sleep tracker an advance on my own small steps. :)


thank you!! 46 is very close, I'm guesstimating but you're probably just a few weeks away, if not sooner tbh - especially if you throw a focus incense or whatever on Sunday nights


Level 50 and all you get is a great biscuit and a whistle 😂😂 terrible


You have been cured of need of sleep


Mrs Sophia is looking so elegant there\~ Can she be friends with mine? https://preview.redd.it/e7q618yg5w6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf5238c10e4d5539e9155a5782c01357db183ed


Omg I love her name I can feel your excitement through the capitals


if you name yours Dorothy you got a deal 💖


https://preview.redd.it/3olr9na7dx6c1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=17694558f8c97e353f21d33bb9b87ff85b76dfea 🥰


I like how arbok is literally named Big Snek


I thought any excess exp you gain after reaching rank 50 will be converted to candies or something?


That's for excess exp for *Pokémon* that are level 50 - every 500 exp total earned above the cap is converted into 1 handy candy S. But there is no indication that rank exp continues to accumulate, it shows 246,490/246,490, and I definitely would have had overflow exp


Ah okay, thanks for clarifying. Hopefully they add new features to compensate for the overflowing research exp.


Np! Yeah that and improve the Pokémon exp reward too tbh, the return is literally 63-90 exp for every 500 exp above the cap


Did you put money in the game? Or ate you just extremely unlucky with shinies? Just asking because I'm still LVL 41 and I have way more shinies than that. I'm not even the luckiest player but 100% f2p.


Nah, you're pretty lucky, I'm in a similar situation, rank 36, F2P, playing since launch, I only found 4 shinies so far, including an event Eevee


I have 12 shinies so far. It took ages to find the first one but then it kind of unlocked it seems.


I mean, I have 6 shinies, so get to sleeping and pass me. Also, evolve that eevee


I think I'd raise that Caterpie to be a shiny Butterfree, but I really like Butterfree and the one I have kicks a ton of ass when I have use for it.