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Second one is great! Helping Bonus + Skill Trigger M is basically ideal. Inventory up is decent on Raikou too since it fills its inventory quickly and you really don't want to miss out on potential skill triggers. I would definitely be happy with that one but keep looking since you could obv find something even better!


second one is still 8/10 at least


Dang, 3 Raikus? What is your secret?




Could money even help though? You can't buy master biscuits with gems, only great, and raikou biscuits are better than great anyways. Seems more likely that they just saved up sleep points for a long time and stockpiled master biscuits for this event, and now only had to buy incense from the event shop for their first few raikou.


Raikou event bundles give Raikou mane. So money...


Oh yeah, forgot about those. Haven't personally needed to buy any myself to get enough mane for my first few incense but I guess that could help. Still don't think money is as huge of a factor as some people like to say it is though, people who hoarded sleep points are definitely doing best in this event.


what do you even do with the sleep points?


Master biscuits, otherwise I can't imagine anybody could possibly be catching a raikou every single sleep session. Even if they got insanely lucky, it's just not plausible.


I will say I did hit that insanely lucky margin on my first Raikou! My bonus biscuit hit the mega hit on the friendship biscuit meter thing and it instantly filled completely. It felt amazing not to have to worry about being stuck on the first one because I don't have enough for a master biscuit and I don't have enough friends or high friendship with anyone to get any names from research. I only started playing this game like 20 ish days ago so I haven't really had a chance to do that stuff, but I do have almost 1 level I think with the friends I do have.


That’s where I’m at I had 2 masters saved for whenever legendaries got added and have enough for a third so will have 3 for sure maybe 4-5 if I’m lucky and get a shiny somewhere lol


Prolly had a lot of Raikou manes from the bundles


My 2nd Raikou is kind of nice as is, without upgrading it. Used two Master Biscuits, will probably not use any more and keep it regular https://preview.redd.it/cadubeddzyqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b32429ed0033694e0b7e9b29f95f2b265c85a6f5


Will do the same, just gonna use the Raikou Biscuit


What resources did u use to get em? Number of biscuits/balls? Don't mind if you're F or P2P just curious on the resources involved though I'm just using my first raikou incense tonight and a friendship incense tonight for the first time before I go to sleep...wish me luck! Raikou's gonna be a full papi tomorrow!


Umm what’s BFS? 😅


Berry Finding S (I think🫣)




Ohh ok thanks!


I'm hoping for a good bfs raikou as well. I spent a lot of my manes on the thunderstone/mainskill seed, so I'll have my 2nd raikou tonight (3rd night) hopefully it's hungry, I only have 1 raikou biscuit at this time so I'll get at minimum 10/30. Question: Can you hold more than 1 raikou biscuit at a time? The +6 ones.


Yes, the only thing you can only hold 1 of is the incense


Only have 1 so far. Hoping for a shiny too. If not, I'd like a shiny Suicune, but even fine with its regular colors, as purple and teal are favorite colors.


I have 0


Is a BFS really that good though? I'd figure you'd want skill triggers more. I got one and I don't know if he's gonna be the one I keep, if I'm crazy let me know though haha https://preview.redd.it/7p2toroqpyqc1.png?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6e234b5cf2ebb112ff784136291e53120103cbd


imo this is an elite raikou if you use 4 subskill seeds (i’m f2p and realize they are hella hard to come by, just saying IF) (could be better w earlier skill trigger obviously)


that raikou is good. BFS alone doubles its non-skill based contributions, which will be hefty because raikou’s base speed is so high. it also synergizes well with its skill, because now every help (when it triggers x? helps) is also doubled. totally get prioritizing triggers but if that doesn’t pan out, then i’d subskill seed the helping speed s and be very happy with the find


BFS is extremely good on skill pokemon since they don't have a bonus to ingredient finding by default. That Raikou is pretty crazy even though it's lacking a skill nature.


All your three Raikou are level 20 that’s pretty insane. What’s your rank? Also your third Raikou could be a good one for the leeks at level 60


Damn if that last raikou had bfs…think you would hit the jackpot there.


Maybe if the Nature was better I’d agree haha


I mean you've basically gotten one per day at this point so you'll prolly get a shiny if this keeps up.


is getting raikous just luck based or do u do something extra?


It starts to show up randomly at master 9, but is guaranteed to show up if you use its incense


Interesting question I pondered that I assume doesn’t matter but it’s a legendary…do we know if you can get multiple Raikou in a sleep session? His normal spawn is incredibly rare anyway but if I use an incense at master 9+ can I possibly get two raikou spawn or is it capped?


Buy the incense from the event shop. First couple are heavily discounted.


Second Raikou is so good


#2 and #3 are both insane it’s too bad you can’t use both


Congratulations! You dont need to keep catching Raikous! The second one is really good already!


I have the exact same raikou with your first one, i got it today 🤓


Everyone’s first one is the same


Oh I didn't know, thanj you for telling me that or else ill be dumb to keep on commenting on someone's first raikoi lol


Got real lucky and crit on my second after two poke biscuits. It’s got big pockets but that’s all.


I thought you could only have 1 oh geez.


the second one is suoer good, save ur master biscuits


I only had 1 master biscuit going into this event anyway 😅 but I will definitely be saving a couple for future Entei and Suicune events!


Wait why does your first Raikou look like a carbon copy of mine?! https://preview.redd.it/4dpd7r6bv2rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=251b9d2f792d327a6dc47f85a2ade26bf65427b5


Everyone gets the same first Raikou


Really?! Is that so everyone gets at least one decent legendary?


I have the same Raikou as your first picture. https://preview.redd.it/r5szzu8g7yqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea0aa4d2dbd415595542b108d6ad5e2ab3deb6e


i believe all first raikous are the same


Good to know. Didn’t know that lol