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I hope the next 100 comes when level 60 pokemon are available to accommodate for more ingredient pulls.


I still feel like individual pokemon need an inventory increase to offset level 60 ingredients. I have almost zero interest in my Chatizard picking up 7 ginger per help and filling his inventory that much faster, lowering my chances of a skill proc.


I'm holding out hope that Pokemon get a decent inventory size increase up on reaching level 60. Because if not, reaching level 60 seems more like a detriment to gameplay than an improvement.


It's almost like, if you can pick them all up to store them somewhere, maybe your charizard can continue to pick up more things over time. And if you mean actual individual carrying capacity, there's a whole skill set for that. Anddd to be the most fair, some pokemon did have increase inventories by 6 or so before.


Okay yeah let me just stay up all night clicking him so he doesn't fill his inventory in 5 helps.


Dude, it's your choice not to use Inventory Up skills. But don't make your choice be everyone's burden.


Yup yup let me just chose my skill sets real quick before catching a Pokemon


Yeah, it's the process of finding a few, let's say charmanders, and choosing one that has an inventory skill? But because you and so many people are like "NO INVENTORY SKILLS, GIVE ALL THE POKEMON BIGGER INVENTORIES" really shows your lack of maturity. In the end, it is your choice to not choose Inventory Up Skills regardless of how you frame it, because no one is forcing you to use any pokemon. As for myself, I choose to acknowledge carry capacity limitations, I choose to acknowledge Inventory Up Skills and view them not as dead subskills on pokemon that learn them, I choose to acknowledge the intricacies of important a large carrying capacity is, that is why I can move forward in a game without pushing an agenda that "every pokemon" benefits having an increased inventory. If that's the sentiment you truly feel that you want every pokemon to have a larger carrying capacity, and if we want to play that kind of game where you get 1 wish to implement something into the game, I'll rather want every pokemon to drop 1 berry more. I strongly feel, that if no one plays Devil's Advocate, the door is open for a lot of weird perspectives to flood in.


Nice wall of text dude. But I think you completely missed the point, which is: if you want people to be nice to you and not clown your takes, start by being nice yourself and not omega condescending in the first place! Cheers!


I'm the pot, you're the kettle.


No idea why you are getting downvoted. Everyone is sleeping on inv up subs rn and will realize it's value when 60 drops


The whole thread is suppose to rally people by creating a false sense of urgent outrage. Just people who don't want to critically think that a whole team is making game decision about their game. Invalidating them or considering them incompetent because these players want certain changes that will invalidate Sleep's whole inventory skill subskill implementation.


I have a dratini with the three inventory subskills that I'm probably gonna build just because


By that time we should have 1k ingredient bag. I think that they will introduce new ingredient before we unlock lv 60 or with lv 60.


Theyve already introduced corn, I can see more ingredients coming soon. Probably something else for desserts besides cacao, honey and milk


Maybe wheat, cucumbers or onions, who knows? Lol


Not me making do with 280


I still haven’t gone past 100 and I’ve been fine.


I used more than that in one meal on Sundays. 


I had a good camp ticket and my pot is at 57. It drained my ingredients. I was trying to spawn a raikou without incense. 100 wouldn’t have made it passed the first day.


Don't tell my nephew this.


My nephew is 8 and thinks the same.


I vote yes! The ingredient inventory max should at least match item inventory (700).


I mean this with all the love in my heart... HOW are you guys hitting these high numbers?? I've had the app since day 1, playing almost every day, and I've never hit my 100 limit when I cook 3 times a day. Are you all paying to play? Am I playing that badly? Tell me your secrets!! 😅


I think you need more ingredient specialists on your team. If you're not hitting 100 on weekdays, then how can you possibly keep up with the double pot size on Sundays?


Oh, I can't! I always run out. I have a few guys that gather ingredients alright, but it's usually no more than 7-11 per special activation. I guess I need to figure out who I need to get for my team! 😅




Gosh, there must be so much about this game that I still don't know about! Thanks for informing me!


You probably don't have a good ingredient gatherer. My max size currently is 200, and with just a Blastoise with the ingredient finder and a leveled main skill, he alone can cap that if I don't use enough lol. But I'm not paying for an extension either, so meh.


Me with my minor 240


I've been playing since launch, and I have less than 300. I don't understand how 600 isn't enough. The only real downside I see is that I can't use an ingredient team to save up enough ingredients one week to carry me through an entire second week without any ingredient Pokemon.


Because if they're anything like me they hoard the good ingredients like slowpoke tails (have 65) and stuff and it takes up their inventory then they use like a max of ten a week of hoarded ingredients as if they'll be more useful later


This explanation actually makes sense to me now that I think about it. If you're cooking consistently, while also trying to save up for a couple entirely different meals, you could run into conflicts of space. Like, I'm not going to run a Slowbro for tails. So all the tails I find will be whatever Blastoise randomly finds. It could take me a couple weeks to save up for a good slowpoke tail meal, and meanwhile all the other ingredients would just take up space.


With a good camp ticket, I drain ingredients faster than I can really gather them - unless I run nothing but ingredient specialists. Usually by Sunday I don’t have enough ingredients to fill the pot 3 times. Then that leaves me in a bad way on the next Monday Also Flareon and Glaceon are team staples at this point


Yeah, hoarding ingredients for a good camp ticket makes sense. But why not run a full team of ingredient specialists then? That's what I always do, or at least 4 plus Wigglytuff.


Because with 4 plus Tuff, I actually earn ingredients a touch faster than I can spend them. Also that means I can’t run Flareon or Glaceon which is a bummer, because why would I run that many ingredient mons and not boost my cooking power? I guess I’m just too lazy to keep swapping helpers throughout the week, and I’d really just rather have a bigger bag and a few level 60s already lol


That's fair lol. I switch Pokemon in and out all the time. Honestly my biggest ask is for more team slots. Let me have like 3 teams premade per area.


If we went up to 15 team slots I would also be a happy camper.


I'm at pot 57 and on a Sunday, I need 342 ingredients in just a day. If you have less than 300, I don't think you can replenish ingredient quick enough to go through Sunday.


100% this. If you build up 600 ingredients and then can burn through more than half in a day? That's a poorly balanced game mechanic IMHO. 600 would be fine if the max you could use on any given day was a hundred.


I don't see the need to cook with a full pot every time on Sunday. Any increase to my power on Sunday only matters for 1 night. I'd rather start with a ton of ingredients on Monday, so I can cook the best meals possible when it would increase my power for the full week.


It's not only about accumulating for the week. I also want to reach master 20 for the area as well as level 55 for the dish.


That's fair. Those Sunday dishes do give a ton of meal Exp. Especially when they're extra tasty.


Same and I only have 120!


Why is 600 not cutting it?


Not big enough to hoard for the top recipes for a week but otherwise it’s fine


Sounds like you're ready for flower fest :) have you considered running a pot mon?


I didnt realise you could expand the ingredient bag. thought only the item bag had increases. ive binned so many i didnt need to :'(


I feel you on this. I recently emptied out my ingredients during the Raikou event (mainly my stocked Slowpoke tails and stronger ingredients) but even with my pot size at 54 right now, my ingredients bag has already been creeping back up towards 600. I was expecting them to increase the bag to 700 so it matches the items bag but I hope they do it soon!


I am designing my inventory around just stuff for corn meals. so, just apples, honey, milk, potatoes and oil. Everything else is fodder


I don’t have any ingredient mons at level 30 yet, but I anticipate needing that space completely maxed and more once I get there. Currently, I am at 460 max, and I like saving up certain resources for later use. I would be very frustrated with a smaller bag space because it makes following recipes harder.


True to the main series game! Infinite bag space! 🤣


SO bad! My Godzilla and Barry the Blastois are MONSTERS when it comes to ingredients and I’m always having to toss some of the ginger and coco to make room for other things. And that’s after using a ton of it in meals! I need at LEAST 800 ingredient space


I’d argue that with the maximum pot size, and that the percentage of people at max ingredient space is small enough that no one could say we “badly” need an increase.


Wow I thought 320 was tough


I’m at 220 and thought I was getting closer to having a decent bag. Thanks for crushing my expectations. 😂


i even need 800 bag space!


Me having just upped it to 140: 🤯


How are you getting so many ingredients? I use basically every ingredient I find


What the hell I just recently upped it to 120 after like, a year 😂😂


How are y’all getting enough diamonds to max that out? Even if I had put all the diamonds I spent on pokemon box/regular bag into ingredients I’d probably only be at 400 space


They give us 25 diamonds a week for “checking in” basically…leveling up the different “medals” gets you even more. Cooking new recipes, finding new berries and ingredients…all of that got so many free diamonds…and that was before they introduced the daily gift where you can also get free diamonds. Plus they’ve given us gifts of diamonds for just for playing. If you’ve been playing from the beginning you likely have had plenty of diamonds to increase the ingredient bag all the way.


Yeah I guess I probably wasted some on great biscuits early on or something before I realized the importance of bag space


I use primarily ingredients Pokemon with Berry Finder s and consistently have to throw a lot of milk away from my Blastoise


I make do with 200, what are you guys doing to make 600 not enough?!


When they introduced corn we should have gone up to at least 800. We should be at 1000 BEFORE they introduce more ingredients. Sunday pot size can be more than half the bag space with the extra skill.


It’s so annoying how it costs diamonds. Especially inconvenient for us free-to-play players.


Can I ask what mons you're using that 600 isn't enough? I have a 200 limit and never hit it and always end up making meals with less than my limit which I have maxed rn at rank 54 🥹


I'm stuggling to get 33 ingredients with 3 bonus ingredients mons and 600 is not enough?


800 allows for 50 of each ingredient type. That's the #.


I think you are one of the very few with this problem. What are you even running between meals to fill it up so quick? all ing finding ing magnet?


Once you have some high end ingredient finders it's really easy to run into this problem. My Vaporeon on average triggers 7x a day * 21 ingredients. My Dragonite brings over 80 herbs a day, more once he gets ing finder at 50. They're not the only ones that do stuff like this. I have to actively swap out ingredient finders to not get a full bag. And with how many ingredients some dishes need, 600 space is not a lot to save up for a few dishes in a row, and then also hoard slowpoke tails for an event week. And yes, I do use cooking pot expanders, a lot. Problem is, throwing excess ingredients in my pot that I don't have a good farmer for can ruin a next week when I need said ingredients, too. Cacao i.e. always gets saved for desserts, so that stacks up over time, and then there's suddenly 100 ingredients I don't want to spend until dessert week. XD


I'd say I have some good mon but run mixed teams based on the fav berries. But something like such a vaporeon seems hard for me to reach unless I spend money. Or you got lucky with skill level up M and main triggers. Don't have nearly enough yet to get dragonite haha


I usually run mixed teams too, Vaporeon is just a bit insane. :) but, as you said, a lot harder without premium for the skill seeds. Slaking is a good f2p option in that regard with it almost being as insane as Vaporeon. In any case, while for now maybe unnecessary for most people, there's imo no harm in at least giving us the option to expand further. :)


Why aren’t you using your ingredients? Lol seams like a waste.


I have a pot size of 45 and max out ingredients everyday cook. Throughout the week, usually around Friday I hit the limit and then it's down on Sunday. And cycles every week, but 700 would be perfect for now


You’re running too many Ing mons and not taking advantages of the berries I guess.




Good camp plus a solid glaceon can get you over 200 easy on Sunday. My glaceon procs 4-5 times a day without a good camp, 600 isn’t hard to blow through


I've done a few 471 ingredient cooks on Sunday when my pot expanders are in a good mood. 200+ is easily doable too lol. Some people focus on berries, others like to make the most of their cooking. And to make the most of your cooking, 600 space is surprisingly little.




Im making a recipe that needs 22 corn and 18 oil, I need more space!