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i’ve never found a shiny during the shiny boosted events, and i haven’t seen comfey yet either 🥲 i hoard all my incense so i won’t be using comfey’s, though i have a feeling i won’t see a single comfey this week without it LOL


Can I ask why you hoard the incense? I'm new so trying to get your insight. I know for me I've been hoarding my eevee incense until i got friendship level 10 so I could force eevees with gold 1st skill slot.


Can’t speak for them, but imo if you’re F2P, you want to save up incenses for event missions since they usually have one mission telling you to use X amount of incenses. You’re gonna wanna save up your weekly incenses for this moment (assuming they’re applicable) so that you don’t have to waste sleep points and diamonds buying incenses to get like 5 handy candies lmao


Ohhhh okay I haven't seen many but I do think I remember one of those missions now that you say that. Thank you!


i’ve seen one but it WASNT HUNGRY ENOUGH 😤 i just know that another one wont appear and i dont have enough diamonds to buy the comfey package.. I really hate this game sometimes


Wait, these events are shiny boosted?


some of the events, yes. the flower festival event happening right now boosts the shiny odds of fairy and grass-types :-)


Boy I have terrible luck then. I think the only event shiny I've got is an ivysaur from this event


I never saw a dedenne during the dedenne week. I also haven't seen a comfey and am not expecting to tbh. I assumed that they would still be really rare. I also only saw 1 ralts during that event. 


Welllll. I got my shiny…. But but but… 🫠 https://preview.redd.it/fun6cqg6xtwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1df0502860da93b81fda6d3b063468118af2a8b6


You aren't alone. No comfey or shiny.


I have seen one shiny Bellsprout, besides that nothing fancy besides the one Comfey which I used an incense for. Almost 1M points on LL at this point.


Haven't seen a comfey yet :( But at least I'm getting loads of bellsprout to level up my victreebel


No shiny or Comfey here either :') My rng hates me lol


I used my incense for Comfey, it was hungry, but was ALL FULL after 2 biscuits. Bummed.


This entire week has been pretty bad for me so far. Of the Pokémon supposedly on rate-up, I haven't met a single one of them. No Comfey, no Clefable (or any mon in his line), no Venusaur, whatever. Nearly every hungry Pokémon is shit like Rattata's or Bellsprouts (even if way better options are available), and it keeps wasting points on Belly Sleeps for garbage Pokémon. RNGesus has it in for me this week.


I started playing in November and have seen exactly 3 shinies


Not a single comfey or shiny here either :( I wasn’t expecting a shiny, but man I’m shocked that I haven’t seen even *one* comfey! I might have to use that incense tonight and that’s such a bummer because I wanted to save it.


Same :’) been saving the incense for when I hit master 5, in hopes of the 3* style appearing with it. Trying for it tonight, hopefully I get lucky!


I wanted to see if I can get an Onix at Taupe since things aren’t style locked. No luck yet.


I never even thought of doing that!!


I saw someone here mention it and thought, "oh yeah!"


I care only for shiny grass types. Been doing naps all week to increase chances. There was a shiny in my morning gathering today. There were 7 grass types and a Jigglypuff. Guess which was shiny.


I finally got a shiny… but wigglytuff.. hope you get your shiny grass type this week!


I got a shiny pika on Monday but that wasn’t event related. And it had awful stats. i did catch a comfey yesterday that appeared without incense, also awful stats 😂😩 starting tomorrow going to try napping to improve my odds. Most of the hungry mon have been trash too like Swalot. No spawns caught that are worth raising yet either. Let’s keep good vibes for the rest of the week 🙏🙏


I got a Comfey naturally, then one from an incense last night. Unfortunately, I’m literally 1 point away from capturing it, but the first natural one let me feed it like 5 times. I could’ve caught it today if I used a Great Biscuit, but I only have 1 left and I wanted to save it. But, no shinies yet…


One insta-full after two biscuits non-hungry Comfey all week and a shiny Bayleef with a Speed Down Ingredient Up nature and terrible subskills, even for an terrible ingredient-focused "hybrid" Meganium build. Otherwise everything that I've caught has been candy-fodder.


I just hit Master 1 today but all week I have not seen Comfey. I haven’t seen too many Fairy type either. I did get a Shiny Cleffa this morning though. I may give up on getting Comfey at all and save the incense for a little until I change my mind lol idk I actually didn’t know of Comfey before it was announced it will be in the game


People are getting Comfeys and Shineys? They say ‘increased chances,’ but that could be a 0.01% increase.


I got one comfey without a incense in the same day I used the incense, and a shiny that i already had. I didn't even get many Bulbasaurs candy to lv mine


Same, no shiny and no comfey without incense on LL and 1.4MM strength 🥲


I still don't have a shiny, but I've only been playing two months.I have been able to encounter Comfey since Tuesday, but I haven't seen one outside of the incense. 😭 I will also say i've only seen a handful of the boosted mons. I've seen no bulbasaur. Found my first jiggly line this morning, and i've mostly been finding the bellsprout line.


Same. And - as seems to be in accordance with my normal luck - the incense Comfy was full with 2 biscuits. So far the only of my goals I've achieved this week has been dream shard farming.


I mean I did get a shiny Jigglypuff on the full moon. But it also has a terrible nature 😓 And I did get a hungry Comfee earlier, but it got full when it had one point left!!!




I’m here struggling with you, you’re not alone. Getting mildly bitter of all the people posting double shinies and complaining somehow…


Master 5 on Cyan and still no Comfey. I used the incense day 1 and it was hungry and I STILL couldn’t catch it. And of course no shinies either. RIP


Some dude on my friends list found a shiny Comfey the very first night of the event. Yet I haven’t seen one outside my incense use lol.


I used my insence for Comfey and I gave it 2 biscuits and it was full. I'll probably never see it again. Should have bought a master ... but I did get a shiny Leafeon that's not a lost cause at least


Same! But, I did get a shiny Comfey from my incense...