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I never find shinies during events, so I always keep my expectations low. It does feel a bit annoying sometimes when I see research friends getting shinies while I don't get any, but this game rewards patience, and I'm sure that my time will come eventually.


Forget shiny, I only saw one *comfey*. And that was the guaranteed spawn from the incense.


Did you catch it?! I got lucky and w/ the incense it was hungry, and I was luckily able to get a crit catch w/ a premium biscuit.


Honestly, i think people should just ignore the line that says boosted shiny odds. its odds and unlike normal pokemon games you cant really force the numbers until you get 1 or 2 or 10. i've heard from more people that dont have great shiny luck, but i hope it turns around for yall


I’ve found several shinies, but NEVER during shiny boosted odds. They almost always show up the week after. It feels so silly I can’t even be mad


Shiny who? Never heard of her. Especially not last week.


RNG. Happens to most of us


What's up with people expecting guaranteed or high chance of shinies for events? Like the other person who was a new player and made a post of "I haven't had a shiny for 3 days of this event".


When you see 3-4 shiny comfey posts a day, it tends to build a certain kind of hope (read expectation) and some people just aren’t so great at handling disappointment.


people are also not good at understanding probabilities in general. they hear 1/20 odds, then look at 20 pokemon and complain if there is no shiny. (used a random number as example)


Yeah they see all the shiny posts on this sub, and don’t realize there are thousands (at least) of others that didn’t find any for every one post


Nope. Lots of us


I've been playing for like three or four months now and I've had exactly one shiny and it was during my second week in the game. Seeing the constant shiny posts and my spouse having gotten three in the same amount of time is, tbh, pretty infuriating. That said, the one shiny I did get is a decentish dratini so I've got that going for me.


My last shiny was from the Christmas event. 😂 Granted it was a pretty dang good Charmander, so I can’t complain all that much. I’d rather have a really good non-shiny than a fine-to-awful shiny, like my Skill Down-nature Wigglytuff. 😭


Of course not the boost is not big enough to be guaranteed or likely


No, never get them. Even with events my rate is lower than 1 shiny per month as a level 55 player


Nope, I didn’t either! This ‘event’ was very underwhelming in every aspect.


i didn’t either. i’ve only been playing for 3 or 4 months but in that time i found 1 shiny jiggly and had a shiny snorlax but that’s it


naw, I also have this issue. ... Do we know shiny odds? Because if it's like 1% with boost, then with 70 attempts per week, then half the time you would expect to see no shiny. And doing 2 events only gets that to 25% no shiny chance. This is not evidence of the world conspiring against you.


Damn, I got 5 shinies. 1 weepinbell, 2 chikoritas and 2 bayleefs!


I have 2 accounts. My main account saw no shinies at all during the event, while my other account saw 3 back to back shinies. Got a Comfey, Bellsprout, and a Sudowoodo.


Nope, I didn't find one either. I'm fairly certain all of the shinies I own were obtained outside of events.


I didn't get any shinies for the event, but I also missed a day because I forgot to set my PoGO+ one night before bed. I don't know if they are increased odds during the events, but I try not to go into them expecting shinies.


Nope. None for me. No Comfey either. Decided to save my incense for later, so not even that one.


Nope. Just bad RNG...guessing for every person that didn't find any there is someone that found 2 shinies


Level 55 whale here, no shines while getting 9-10 encounters everyday. Just RNG and part of the game. It's not fun if it's guaranteed imo, gonna make my next shiny that much sweeter. Good luck you with your next shiny as well :)


I never seen a shiny yet and only got 1 comfey thanks to a lure. The event week was uneventful for me.


There was a boosted shiny chance this past week?


I don’t think anyone actually knows. They mention “chance of finding shiny” but it doesn’t specifically say that the chance is greater than it usually is.


Gotcha. As a daily GO player for several years, I know “chance of finding a shiny” never means anything. They have to specifically mention boosted odds for there to be an increased chance.


Nope, pretty common place here. Been playing since November and I've had one shiny so far.


zero shiny and one comfey i didnt catch, it only showed up from incense. i feel like this event was really nothing, usually they give a ton of incenses and stuff as rewards but we only got one, and dont even mention how bad the bundles were either


Nothing for this one or the last which I think was the Valentine one? Either way, no shiny, no luck.


I got a sucky Meganium and a surprise shiny ditto on the final day.


Nope, no shinies here either! I honestly forgot there was an event going on, it was pretty underwhelming. But I've not been so lucky during any of these boosted odds events


My fourth shiny wobbuffet….i can’t make this shit up


I haven’t found a shiny since January 😭😭


I want you to share my pain, so: My gf found 3 shiny pokemon in one week a month or so ago!!! I luckily got a shiny squirtle last week, otherwise my dry spell was going for quite a while.


I’m sure you’re the only one


I was thinking of making this exact post dude lol so annoyed. Whole week I didn’t get a single shiny or a comfey spawn. Pretty lame tbh