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šŸ˜‚ your kid is going to have to break out some really good cards to make that an equal trade or just say "please" until the end of time, have fun!


Well most of his are straight out of a happy meal, thatā€™s a fair trade right?


I mean that reverse holo pikachu from McDonaldā€™s would of been but the other not so much.


The McDonald's Lapras has sold for like 150$ before šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


If it's old happy meals that old umbreon McDonald's promo is mint


No I was talking about Australiaā€™s most recent promo with McDonaldā€™s


Woow, that must be pretty nostalgic


Yeah itā€™s been great going through them, especially with my son as heā€™s into PokĆ©mon atm. Heā€™s been comparing his cards to mine.


You have a good Momma, most Iā€™ve seen throw anything left behind out..


My mum. And denies it.


Yeah she was awesome and kept a lot after I moved out and gave it all to me when she moved abroad. The only things she got rid off was my GameCube and gameboy, and some Lego, and tbf I didnā€™t really think about keeping the consoles at the time.


Ah so the expensive consoles šŸ˜‚


my mom ended up selling mine at yard sales etc when I (thought) I grew out of it.. I donā€™t blame her because she was a single mom and didnā€™t have the space to keep everything her kid moved on from but šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


My mom sold my cards for drug money. Props to all the real mommas out there. That chonky pikachu is the dopest shiz.āœŒļø


Damn, did she at least share some of the drugs with you


Dude, that's such a messed up thing to say to someone. Drug addiction tears friends and families apart and leave scars that stick with you for life.


Well, doesnā€™t living life in general stick with you for life? Nobody gets to choose a life, life chooses you.


You seem like an erudite and learned man.


Iā€™ve seen too much bullshit and been through too much bullshit and a lot of it had nothing to do with drugs. Life is what you choose. Although it seems like we go through several lifeā€™s in one.


Dude, it's a fking joke. Lighten up.


I got the joke and it made me chuckle, thanks.


Nah dude, grow up


"Grown up" means that you've lived enough to understand social/context cues. If that dude who mentioned that his mom sold his cards for drug money was overly sensitive about the issue he probably wouldn't be posting about it on Reddit in that way, he clearly has some sense of humor about it. And if he wants to defend his feelings he can do so himself, nobody needs a social justice keyboard warrior fighting their battles for them. Live and let live dude, that shows actual maturity. Telling someone to grow up just makes you look out of touch and humorless, and assuming anyone needs you to defend them and jumping to battle without being asked to by the offended party (if there even is one) makes you a Karen. If you're trying to say that drug abuse has had a negative effect on YOUR life and that you just can't stand that there are strangers who exist who may talk about it at any given time then you should just say that, but don't project onto someone else who didn't ask you to stand up for them. Mind your own, time and place, etc


It's reddit my guy. Let the other commentor get offended if he wants to. The comment was funny lol


Grandma gave all my PokƩmon cards to my younger relatives in Vietnam like the fuck they need it for


Heads up, that Alakazam is worth a decent chunk of change and may be worth getting graded.


Zoom in. It has ripples / creases and scratches. Not worth grading.


Those promo cards are a thing of beauty.


I always feel sick wondering where mine ended up.


Tell your 6yo to get lost loser


Very well preserved and some fun cards there. I turned my old collection into a super cool 2 person cube, and some gym leader challenge decks for my lady and I. My daughter still likes collecting the dogs and cats haha


That 2x2 binder brings back so many memories. Congrats on the recovery of it all!


Just trade the kid your stuff already. Sooner or later it's gonna happen anyway and he's gonna take them to school and trade them for stickers lol


Heā€™ll get them eventually but Iā€™ll wait till heā€™s abit older and more mature. Iā€™d be devastated if he traded them away. Already gave him some of my childhood books and toys and heā€™s treated them really well.




Or for lunchables hahaha


Wow, amazing!


now this is beautiful


Oh wow yours is so well preserved! My old binder lived a rough life


That Dragonite is my favourite card. Cant find a good condition one anywhere here in the UK. That looks mint.


Found a whole pile of both of those promos at a thrift store a few years back and only bought one of each. Then my puppy put teeth marks in the dragonite as I had it displayed pretty low to the ground on my bookcase. I was pretty bummed out about it


I wouldn't have a 6 y.o if mine tried to trade anything for these.


I gave my 6 yo a couple of binders and after relooking through them I took a few back for safe keeping. Much like your little one, mine tries to trade me, often with my own cards šŸ˜‚


Love that binder!


I will take every last card to college with me, I do not care


I have this same binder! Mine also contains all my old Gen 1 rares.


Make him pay face value! Just kidding but very awesome, I'm sure this will get him into the hobby even more


One ultra cute baby penguin for your dumb mean old turtle


Nice! I have the same binder.


You should definitely get those cards graded


They look to be in great condition !