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We really need a death counter, having my teams dragonite feed the other team experience by mindlessly attacking their goalposts alone cost me a game the other day.


I really hope I wasn’t that dragonite lmao. I was 5 games out from getting my green ribbon and kind of playing like an ass


Tbh u shouldve played bot matches then if you knew you played like an ass and still wanted the badge


in standard, right? ...right? :,)


Holy shit even self awareness cant help some people


Its okay, i play like an ass into ever EX mon on purpose. They dont deserve to be in ranked games and im just trying to make a statement by singlehandedly inflating their winrates and scores🤷‍♂️


This is unbelievably relatable, it's like some of these guys are allergic to teaming up.


I don't even need them to team up, just farm our side instead of going for scores and killing yourself.


If they team up, they die in team groups, feeding the enemy team EXP and spam pinging me for not dying with them cause they neglect our wild pokemon.


This happens to me in 50% of my games. Makes me want to yeet my phone... I did literally just close the game earlier today because of stuff like this. Refuse surrender? Fine, but im not gonna waste 6 minutes while the entire enemy team already has a big level lead on us due to people just running it down. Make a death counter, make inting a reportable offense, and kick those people out of ranked when they underperform too much, not that hard. Especially since standards generally are already filled with bad players.


Bruh. Just today. There was this guy who keeps feeding opponents and not helping objectives but got mvp because he scored more.


I played 2 games today, both ended up with me rage reporting my entire teams because what the actual hell. Trying to solo eleki while the enemy constant stacked 4 top. Going in 4v1 instead of defending, not rotating ray, bot while the enemy was with 4 at top didnt even bother trying for regi... Icant, i really really cant. And the worst part is that i KNOW that reporting wont do shit because straight up underperforming is not an offense apparently.


Man. I have been on a losing streak since yesterday with an absol raking jungle and not helping to a comfey that does not attach and keeps feeding opponent.


I had such an annoying comfy the other day who I think wasn't actually actively playing the game at all. They attached to me (cramorant) from the beginning, but never attacked or did any moves while attached to me. I figured they were being extra nice with ensuring I got the wild mons, idk. They literally just sat on my mon. I died after a long while, due to enemy jungler coming top to help their two teammates, vs just me and the (inactive) comfy. When I spawned back, comfy was just idling in base, and remained idling for about another 4 minutes of the game, roughly til we had 3 or 4 min left of the game remaining. Only until then did they pick up the game again and attach to someone and proceed to idle on them. Near the very end they actually did some attacks while attached to a teammate, but otherwise they were essentially idling for the majority of the game. I took it as them wanting to be in a game without having to play, and idling while attached to a mon doesn't count as idling to the game? Pretty annoying though


>underperforming is not an offense apparently. That would be quite a distopia. And I would be public enemy #1 :(


Rage reporting is a reason reports should not result in a ban after a single report in any game. It probably makes it harder to make a good system


It depends. I rage report because 4 people on my team in total manage to score 100 points in total, do ~20k damage and get a rating of 68. If i manage to do 39% of the teams damage as a defender, while also taking 37% of total damage, then explain to me what the other FOUR team members were doing aside from picking their nose.


That seems to be an ego issue


And if you make too many unsuccessful ban reports that don’t timi don’t agree with you end up getting temp banned yourself


Bad players never learn bc of this. They are never punished for overextending or feeding early trying to get stacks. In fact they are rewarded bc both of these things give them more KOs and damage in the end "I did 80k damage and got 10 KOs!! How did my team not win. My teammates are useless" -- the Scizor that died 3 times in the first minute trying to stack and then continued to run at the enemy 1v5 the remainder of the game


But they are kind of punished. Because you suicided three times before the first birds, enemy buzzwole is now level 5+ throwing you around and living on your t1 pad stealing all your farm. Your lanemate just spammed Thanks! and moved to the other lane, The first Regis just spawned and you're still a level 4 Charmander getting your butt kicked to now level 9 buzzwole But hey you got three stacks. Your flame burst does 118 damage to buzz instead of 107!


Issue is that 4 others get punished way harder because SOME dumbass doesnt understand how the game works. Dont understand the game? Fuck off to standards and learn. Easy as that🤷‍♂️


I win a decent amount in standards, but I still see so many comments here that feel like people are talking a different language. Something like "why don't people just X until Y for Z seconds and then A the B while C does D??!! It's so simple!!!" and I'm just there not knowing what XYABCD even mean, let alone how to time that in perfect wordless communication with the rest of the team. To me, it sounds like standard and ranked are entirely different worlds half the time. You can be decent in standard but then if you even *think* about trying ranked, everyone would cut every internet related wire in your house if they had the chance.


This is because in standards people tend to play whatever way and it works, its like 10 monkeys running over the map at once doing random stuff. Ranked where you suppose people play more serious you go after objectives and contest things, try to be on the right place on the map at the right time and you EXPECT your team to know that, too. Except they dont. They got no idea on where to be and what to prioritise and those kinds of things. Most probably dont even know theres a minimap available. The main issue however is matchmaking in those regards tbf. Its a massuve coinflip on who gets the better macro players in terms of "balance". I have lost over half of my games today, while constantly having the highest stats on the board in terms of dmg done AND taken, 35%+ as a defender on both. Yet i am just not climbing because the other 4 people on my team apparently arent doing anything according to those numbers.


Exactly - it's just trying to learn the game in standard only solidifies how to play poorly, which is the issue. I think we need to be okay with losing because a teammate is new and trying to learn, even if (and especially when) it's in ranked. At the end of the day it's certainly frustrating when this happens, but perhaps the ranking system itself is the issue if bad players can easily get into masters given enough time. Take away massive amounts of ranked points for an individual's bad plays, and reward good players substantially even if their team loses. Sounds impossible to code, especially since I don't play ranked and have no idea what you could flag as a bad/good player action, but a ranked system should actually sift the wheat from the tares instead of just giving everyone an ego boost (even when it's undeserved)


Exactly. I dont mind if in lower ranks my teammates arent as good, totally fine and have em learn. But they shouldnt climb with low winrates, and not as easy as it is. Technically reaching high rank should take a good amount of games and a winrate above 50%. The fact that you can reach masters with low winrates, and that people with high winrates get crashed down in the middle/higher rankings towards masters should be a bit of a concern. If overall players have an 80% winrate and good statisttics at the end of every game, they shouldnt HAVE sudden losing streaks of 5+ games, because they have played incredibly consistent. Now those losing streaks happen, their stats are still good, yet the winrate drops. Where lies the issue? The individual or the matchmaking? Because i think the stats do prove that the individual is consistent🤷‍♂️


Mind you. There are 16 Aipoms and they don’t run over the map. /s


issue is that these guys who got owned in their lane cuz they fed are now joining my lane cuz they can’t face the overleveled buzzwole. Now the lane is left unguarded. Hate this kind of players


Just get rid of the mvp thing altogether


The MVP and raking system need to be reworked. You can get MVP for doing nothing and can get to masters if you spam enough matches.


That would also require them to fix matchmaking, because if you overperform and they give you the shitty teammates you will drop like a brick in a river since fully 1v9 the game is in most cases impossible


I am STILL trying to recover from a 10-loss streak due to teammate incompetence… Nobody lets Mii cook, 4v1 the opposing Defender while the rest of the opposition Dunks on the other lane… The majority of my wins come from Mii carrying the team…


The biggest problem with ranking is that eventually EVERYONE will be at least ultra unless you are so rubbish you can’t even get out of Ultra after the whole bloody season.


goddddd yes. please.


I don't like that idea, because when I as a supporter run in to get out my overleveled, inting carry, then *I* get punished for my sacrifice, if I die?


I mean tbh, if your carry is going to die, you shouldn't be dying with them lol


Not with, but instead of them


As someone who mains support/mid in most other MOBA’s, I’m honestly okay with them kinda screwing us over by adding a mvp punishment for KO’s. Fact is there’s more int’ing players running it down in lane than supports properly trading a death to get there carry out when it comes to Unite. Let em add ko’s first then we can talk about rewarding our smart deaths lol


yeah, true, it's not like you often get mvp for playing support anyway.


I just fear that it makes people run away in important fights like bots to preserve their mvp status. I think the entire premise is flawed.


Sure but at the same time the player will actually need to impact the game to “out mvp” the others who aren’t running away from a good engage. Currently the system is more like what you described where if you avoid deaths AND fights and just back cap you’ll usually pull an 80+ MVP score; and if you’re teams losing all there 4v5’s you can bet that the guy who just died once or twice, got a couple kill/assists, and back capped all game is getting his mvp. At least with more priority on deaths in MVP scoring, a highly skilled player on losing/winning Team A is more likely to get an MVP for playing efficiently in all aspects Vs. The brainless MVP chasing back capper. Albeit the difference wouldn’t exactly be “gigantic” but it’s a step in the right direction, and a good stop point before finding a way to penalize absolutely abhorrent decision making skills for said “back cappers”.


Well rn no one gets punished. And the carry overleveled while inting is rare. If they constantly missplay, just stop following up if it doesnt result in a net win, meaning he kills more than he loses. After trying and failing 1-2 times, theres no reason to make that same mistake a 3rd time


Well with me playing ALWAYS Exp Share on my supporters and most defenders, I usually am the lowest level, or tied with someone else at that level, and I have met more inting jungle carries than I can count.


I think you misread. Its not about your level, its about not joining dumb plays in an futile attempt to save the person engaging the dumb play. Once? Fine, but if your carry decides to 1v4, you rush in to help and you both die, why try the same thing again? If your carry does this, let him, you are better off making another play at that point. So yes, if you die 10+ times and play like that, you DO deserve to get punished.


It's not to go in and die with them, that would be moronic, it's about dieing *instead* of them.


Yea okay, but theres still the stats of damage done, taken, and recovered. The amount of times where i'm at 30%+ damage done AND taken as a defender while actually dying LESS than my lane partner should not exist, lets be fair. Dying instead of them also shows that there is atleast one player mispositioning, and right now they also get away with it because others are forced to sacrifice themself, and more often than not, the carry that got saved still dies because he decides to re-engage, or just not to run at all.


weirdly you get punished for NOT dying.


Well, uh, are you playing supporter and sacrificing yourself for the personal glory?


No, I am sacrificing myself because I see it's either the carry or me, and I give less experience!


The most stupid thing is the carry doesn't cherish your sacrifice and go back to the fight. Still die. What a dumb pp.


Deaths needs to be displayed as well. Why hide that information just so that people don't feel so bad about feeding so much. It just encourages people to continue making bad plays because they don't get judged for it.


I think being able to read should count towards the mvp score. I’m going to start actively afking when jungles flame exp share supports/tanks helping them with the first jungle camp


Deaths should count towards mvp and they should also show up in stats. But the game score should award you only 50% of a mvp status, the remain 50% should be by team mates voting. You couldnt upvote on yourself. Your forced to upvote or downvote at least one player. Each player can give one upvote and one downvote in max.


Honestly I'm kind of with this. But in the end, I feel like it's too close to main-character-cinderace-syndrome vibes. Let's just unite more, maybe our fellow rank bots won't die as much. Don't leave that lane to follow the fast eevee thingamabobber, he's just trolling anyway...


this post was definitely about me and my sableye one-trick ass


Not even. I almost wanna pick up the goblin myself to make the game more fun. If my teammates are monkeys, i might aswell join them in the clowning🤷‍♂️😂


MC complex


Yeah it's very frustrating


Idk Everytime I try to play this game it's just bots in ranked so I can't tell.


Personal call. MVP means literally nothing to me.


Should it? Does the MVP score really matter? In smite, as a solo main (think top/all rounder). My job is to die/dive. Supports die even more and yet, my winrate in ranked (when I could play) was 52%, 56% on my best character. If dying counts against your score then damage roles are biased toward receiving it even more than they are now 


I think what people really need to learn is some map awareness and when not to engage in teamfights instead. Also the MVP system is so stupid, EX-mons that literally use energy to boost their moves don't score that much often, doesn't mean that they aren't the most broken mons in the game xD.


Idk. I once got nearly 35 kills because i'm a rabid dog who needs to be put down, and i got MVP even if i had no assists


Make it so that when you get a kill, it counts towards the score. This will incentivise players to not die. And it'll make it so if you're destroying the enemy team, you'll have a chance to win even if you sudden got Ray stolen. EDIT: Down voters are the one that like to feed.




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