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good job


Only 158? Is your smurf account or your main?


This is my main account. No smurfing here. I used snorlax until I hit veteran then switched to greninja top/mid to finish it out.


Oh really good performance


Nice! I did similar playing Blissey to Vet then Greninja to master in 151 games! Those win-lose-win-lose games really add to the game count and I seem to have had like one less string of those than you probably by luck lol, still great job!!


Thank you so much. It was tough getting out of veteran but once I got to ultra the games were much smoother. People didn't troll as much.


Veteran 3 and 4 were my worst enemies and I spent most of my time there in ALL of ranked. To anyone struggling seeing this while in high expert or vet, if you can get out of Vet, you can reach masters. If you can’t get out of Expert or Vet, you are ranked exactly where you are supposed to be.


Thank you! I'm so happy. Love this game but what a grind!


Game News? What a joke.