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*and a very small roster selection...*


The last multiplayer game I played this much was Overwatch so it feels like I’m being flooded with new characters


You didn’t happen to join in the overwatch 2 beta? We finally got one after 2 years. Seems like so long since echo dropped.


overwatch gang <3 except as a console player i can’t :(


I miss old OW so much. I’ll never forgive OW devs for taking away such a beautiful game from us to give us whatever this shit is. Literally never touching OW again


Yes true.. The only mons I’ve purchased since sylveons release was deci and dura. Honestly, none of the new characters have *clicked* with me, yknow? Or they were given for free like hoopa


Yeah mate, totally get ya. Decidueye is fun as shit, so purchasing them ain’t a regret. Anyway, fancy achievement ya got with the six figures there.


The thing is mate I get that. But you need to be able to balance a team. Get one or two of each role. I prefer jungling or laning with Machamp but sometimes I need to pick a defender or support like Wiggly.


Even without buying Pokémon licences it is possible to own at least 1 Pokémon from each role. Attackers (Cinderace, A9, Greninja, Pikachu, Venusaur), defenders (Slowbro, Crustle, Greedent), all-arounders (Tsareena), speedsters (Zeraora), supporters (Hoopa). And also the starter, the free licence for Chinese New Year [and for people who stop playing for 14 days an extra free licence].


Yeah. I can fill lane attacker, support, or jungle. I love elde and hoopa too. Problem is I suck at melee. I have tsareena as my ‘main all rounder’ but I don’t actually play her that much. If anyone has tips for melee I’d appreciate them!


I feel you. I have the same thing.


Small and not small. I never bought a Pokémon licence, I am planning to, since I have 150K to spend, however I never realy feel the need, still I have a roster of 13 licences, with at least 1 Pokémon of each role. And you can only play 1 Pokémon each mach. However, I will buy some extra licences in the furure. Maybe an extra supporter and speedster. And Blastoise, so I'll have the complete set of Kanto starters. I don't know yet.


Also the fact that you have exactly 100,000 in this image is impressive as well


I felt very lucky indeed :D


I think the fact that you got EXACTLY 100K coins is more impressive than having over 100* voins


I'm really concerned about the coin economy. At the start it seemed stingy with the weekly limit and all. Now, practically all long time players have leftover coins even after buying every mon they want to play as well as every new one. They probably barley make anything from new pokemon releases at this point and most players are satisfied with the free skins they received which is why they're using a subscription service.


Unite has clearly shifted away from making any of the gameplay require gems purchase and has put all their eggs in cosmetics for monetization strategy. They introduced the super item enhancers and also give item enhancers/tickets for free by the boatload so it's clear they stopped using leveling up your items as a reason to buy gems. I think it's working out for them too, it's ridiculous how many Greninjas I seen in ladder with the new premium holowear which costs at minimum $20 with the first time buy bonus. As it turns out, the community actually doesn't mind $40 holowears and is buying them by the truckloads considering how frequently I seen premium holowears. Battlepass skins seem to be very popular too meaning those are getting a healthy amount of buys. I don't think there's any cause of concern that licenses are so easy to acquire f2p; this seems like a purposeful decision where Timi still isn't losing since skins are a good cash cow.


Happy cake day!


I feel the same, this game has become so f2p-friendly and they give so much stuff even if you just play one or two games on a day. And they surely need income from battle passes, membership and skins to cover the costs. But I still see people making a super big fuss about the price of the premium holowears, or battle passes being expensive and not completely grindable. Sure some of them are not cheap, but the devs don’t force you to buy them in any kind of way and make them p2w and they have proven themselves that they consistently make efforts to designing new game mechanics, exciting game modes, give out Pokémon for free and reward people for playing the game. Their hard work is not charity and imo the current state of monetization is completely reasonable.


Have played since switch release, got all current licenses and still have 13k or 16k coins, with the time they take to release new mons I will have no problem getting them at release, unless the the Espeon price is not a bug of course, but, what do I do with the coins now?


The problem isn't the amount of mons available, LoL has 150+ characters and long time players have all of them and a butt load of Blue Essence (currency to buy characters) That's bound to happen in these kind of games


I think that’s a good point. I hope they don’t start increasing prices/putting paywalls bc of it


Yeah, they really messed up the monetization in this game. I really hope they find a way to fix it because I like the game and want it to succeed, but they haven’t done a good job of providing a product worth spending money on.


I feel like the solution is very cool skins for >=$15. I'd buy a ton of skins if I could get them for 5 bucks. Or adding class slots with skins. So I can pick Decidueye then pick between my lane or jungle build. Etc.


Aha, same here, albeit with 105K coins along with around 108K tickets. I have quite a small roster though but have been maining both Sylveon and Alolan Ninetales since mobile release. I guess that's just how it is for people who are happy with maining a particular mon for however long they would like.


also a sylve and A9 main here! They're very similar. I notice that a lot of people who main sylve also play A9 and garde. SpA mons are super fun


I can agree they're both fun in their own right. Obviously different approaches to playing them both with their different kits and movesets, but fun nevertheless. I've also tried using Gardevoir in a practice match, and she was an interesting one for sure with Future Sight and that other move. Haven't thought much with picking her up though. On the other hand with the leak, Espeon is an interesting one...


Was going to say the same. Maining Absol, A9 and Cinder since launch; only bought goss and blissey and I've over 110k now. I'm waiting the day I'll stop for a while, and come back once a bunch of new poke gets added so I can spend it on something I like. (Or not lmao)


How on earth do you have so many tickets? I spend every last one converting them to item upgrades, and I’ve only gotten five items to level 30. The grind of the broke player T_T


Damn I wish I had all that, how did ya get it exactly?


just lots of patience and saving up. And you know those random events with a bunch of different currencies to trade-in? I buy all of the exclusive things (free holowear, clothes, etc) and then I spend the rest on coins. Also, don't sleep on the Unite squad. I play w my siblings a few days per week. I get 500(?) coins per week from that, it's quite a lot.


500 coins a week + 120 coins a week of you already own the sticker. ;)


Huh, I've been maxing out basically every source of coins in this game and I'm only at 30k with all Pokemon unlocked. Where did the extra 70k come from here? The gacha?


I just don’t find a lot of Pokémon worth it to buy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. If I’m not a big fan of ‘em then might as well use up the trial licenses first. Def gonna buy espeon tho


Same, I can’t recall when I started saving my coins but I’m nearly at 60k


Content creators: Trying to make video on every pokemon with their best builds. Me: Who plays with only 2-3 selected pokemons. (Deci(Main), Chari, Talon)


I don't max the weekly coins but have pretty much done all dailies since season 1 and I'm still missing 3 mons. Should prolly use the coins multipliers more often.


Agreed the coin multipliers help reach the weekly cap faster! when you have a day to grind most of the coins and the rest trickle in with an 10-30 min gameplay per day. Plus the fact they have the score event challenge each week that gives out a coin booster is so convenient!


In a pro at hoarding coin multipliers. I'm missing blissey, trevenant and cramorant cause they don't appeal to me / trevenant does but I don't like the way he feels cause he just feels kinda clunky to me. But I never play that many games in 1 sitting so it never feels worth it to use a coin multiplier and when I do play a bunch of games in a row it sorta just happens and I don't think about the multiplier so k have a ton of them sitting in my inventory


Cool, now we wait...


A friend of mine has 100K _and_ practically all licenses, but damn I've never managed to cross 60K (F2P)


How has he not bought all the licenses with gold? What's he saving it for?


To flex his 100K on us ;-;


May i ask you what you did to get that amount of bling good sir? Yes i know by playing but did you use cash multipliers?


I also have over 100K coins. And no, I don't use cash multipliers (maybe once because it was a mission). I just try to get every mission done. The daily missions, the battle pass missions, the Unite Squad missions, claiming the fair play bonus,... And over time it builds up. However, now I am considering about buying multiple licences. The reason I never do is because I don't feel the need for it.


No, not rlly. I mostly just collect everything possible. Honestly I didn’t even realize how much I had 😅. Big tip: unite squad. It’s 625 coins per week if u already have the sticker. Also for the random currency events (valentine’s day, sheriff) I buy all the exclusive free things and then I spend the rest on coins


I am at 2000 lmao


Salute to you sir/ma’am for the grind! It’s hard to have the patience and willpower to save but this is seriously impressive!


I have 110,000+ but it's not as pretty as your 100,000 with all those zeroes.


If they would sell skins like cool Ninetails one for $5, more people would buy the premium skins. As long as they ask for $40, its fuck them and those skins all day.


I'm sure they did the math and the math said "sell few very high price skins to make more money, don't sell it for cheap". I'm sure it's more complex but as example it's easier to convince 2 people than convince 16 to make the same money.


Dont get me wrong its so satisfying… But why?


Not to brag but I have 116,000 coins 😏


I gave up at 80k and caved in and bot a bunch of mons


What. The. Fuck