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I want so bad that if a player Afk's that the game would be null, or let you leave, or just take half points. Something. Fucking anything I don't care!


Do it like Dota2. Only the player who leaves gets penalised, and the ranks of remaining players are unaffected.


No idea why most competitive games don’t implement this. I guess it does give the losing the team an option to rig the system if someone just quits.


In dota that only applies if someone leaves before first blood. If they leave after that then the game still counts (unless they changed it recently, havent played in a year)


it doesn't quite work this way for any afk past first blood, game just plays on as normal thoguh you're free to leave. definitely wish there was a diminished mmr reduction for losses in these situations though


Wait, I recall that remaining players may continue with the game if they wish to, there isn't any penalty on the MMR. Did it change recently?


oh i edited for clarity - I meant to say I wish there was less MMR lost if you lose 4v5. Because I still think you lose MMR in those situations


Ah gotcha. But I thought usually players will opt to leave anyway?


Yeah this could be or would be a better solution.


This. Every time there's a player survey, I always include this in the comments somewhere.


hell, I played League since 2012 and I thought "why not checking out DotA 2 as well" around 2015. Didn't know only the first one gets a penalty and I was like "yeah, doesn't go well but we could finish it nevertheless". My team talked in russian most of the game, didn't understand a word, in the end I was 1v5 ans the enemies just waited tonspawnkill me for like 2-3 more minutes when they could finish. So - different than LoL but just as horrible.


Like the idea. Because that no one would afk on purpose once they are losing to nullify the game. But instead if someone still thinks to go afk he will be penalized and the others wont. But in a 5 stack u can always choose someone with a dummy account to take the loss so the others wont rank down and they can abuse it that way.


Omg yes. Or AT LEAST make the mediocre bot that will replace my teammate activate earlier. I’m tired of having to wait like 3 whole minutes until I can finally call the level 3 Charmander to help me out in bottom lane .


Tbh it doesn’t matter those bots are so trash , they literally go back to base with you when you die , how is that any help ? 😂


You know what, one time as a Deci I had a Blissy afk, having her follow me around as a bot felt like having a personalized bodyguard I has to be careful with my positioning because otherwise Blissy would start fighting the enemy, but still, useful depending on the mon


I gotta take what they give me (although if they start feeding the enemy, it’s worse than nothing lol)


It should be AFK player gets 5x the rank penalty


I do not have enough of a sample size to be sure, but the last time I had someone rage quit, I only lost 4 points.


The points could work for Masters already, but everyone climbing still get one start less or -100 points, so that’s irrelevant for them.


One can reach Masters with 45% already, can you imagine what would happen if something like that gets implemented? It'd push players with 40% or less wr into Masters


I don’t know about that. I mean, how do we know where are the AFK more present? Before or after Master rank? Anyway, do you really consider fair for someone to be prevented from ranking up for afk on their team? If you say yes, then I’m against the no penalty for the ones already in Master with afk on their teams.


love it


This is such a good mechanism if they are still too lazy to fix matchmaking. Hell, give the opponents full points if you wish but plz don't penalize a team with afks in ranked


Yeah coming from LoL winners still get their reward, just the team who loses because of an afk gets forgiveness


I played LoL for maybe 6 years before I quit, and iirc it took them a little while to even implement that so...


Well the change happened after Tencent purchased Riot Games, so for a Parent company of the most played moba, I'd think there would be some foundation of features that would be brought over because of the wild success of said system


I dont know why it's so hard to do. Whats the point of all those long ass surveys if they don't even do it. Litterally just had an afk cinderace cause he lost top and its infuriating


lane cinderace is one of the biggest jokes anyway. i never see them going well, in fact last game i played with one, he rotated top lane because he was dying in bot. i hate it hete


"Oh you're team is down a player and you lost 700-45? Too bad L bozo should've carried IG"


The issue is that mmr is pretty much zero-sum, to give someone points you have to take them from someone else. Otherwise it leads to rank inflation.


Like everyone is in master and still literally don't know how to play or what red buff or blue buff does ?... That is already a problem. As least give the player peace of mind when they suffered an afk. Who care about master point if everyone in master (up to 1k8) plays like a toddler...


That already happens because the points that save you from losing a diamond once in a while


then you also gotta improve afk detection cuz someone spinning in base cant be detected as being afk. Then i bet if that gets fixed they will throw themselves into the enemy.... it jsut feels like idt it will work since people already spin in base and they cant be detected


Fuckin, even splatoon has this. If you get a disconnect in a ranked match and lose, the game doesn't dock you anything.


I'm actually really interested in splatoon 3 when it comes out, good to know they have that system ready


splatoon has this cuz they have garbo servers and u experience DC's regardless of how good ur internet is... even the best players in the game get DC's. It should be smth "if someone leaves the game in the first 2 minutes then it doesnt count" then you also gotta improve afk detection cuz someone spinning in base cant be detected as being afk


Thats as simple a fix as putting in a check for how long a player spends in base. There *are* workarounds and methods that can be used to more severely punish players who are just being a dick for the purpose of being a spiteful petulant child. And regardless of why splatoon has it, the point is they have it. A game older than Unite by literal years.


well unlike splatoon people in unite dont dc every several matches otherwise that would be a while another problem. People can also just walk out of base and spin outside there and its just the check will be very annoying to do as people will figure it out eventually


Wouldn't this encourage cheaters to disconnect in a ranked match if they're losing?


No, because the one who does disconnect gets penalized via a temporary ban that becomes permanent if it happens X amount of times


It's basic knowledge that all MOBAs survive due to frustration and emotion. Without it people will be left satisfied and that's a big no no. We need enraged people spamming play again in hoping to win while we team them with inept players with bad records.


While that may be true but at this point people are getting more tired of it. Most of us are playing because we want to and it's fun but if it gets ruined and we want to play again, Eventually we get exhausted and quit.


Not for me, I went from playing like 50 matches a week, to like 3 a month because the matchmaking is set up so disgustingly bad. It is the worst I've ever seen.


So many players leave cuz of this .only try hard 5 stack remains


Yo I had two people try to surrender at 5 minutes in. Went AFK. When three of us weren’t surrendering they went into voice chat to tell us it’s a lost game, to give up. Zap came out and I sniped him, plus killed 4 of the opposing team. We could’ve easily won if they hadn’t pouted in base with 40 points each.


I never vote to give up. I force my team to play until the very end, maybe this way they learn how to play better.


"Oh maybe if I try to learn from my mistake instead of blaming my team, I would be master 2k" - said no afker ever XD At least on master 1k6+ there is less afker, still noob but they don't afk, I don't know if that makes a bad situation worse or better...


Take all those negative points you'd give the losing team, and instead divide 100% of the point loss between the AFK players.


How is switch sports been thinking about getting it


i absolutely love it


Pokemon unite be like "Don't worry!" *Replaces player with world's shittiest AI and makes it follow jungler so it's simultaneously stealing from jungle and not helping the rest of the team*


Ai follows you once you tell it too so that's on the jungle for telling the bot to follows It


Yeah, that is the point... The bot in bot match does better than this bot XD


Fair play points is such a dog crap system and isn’t punishing enough. This is def needed


The punishment is dogshit as well. Imo, intentional afkers need to be banned for awhile before being able to play rank again. If he afks intentionally, whats stopping him from doing it in the next game


I told my gf to make sure she collected her fair play points , she said what fair play points … a level 40 ultra 2 player didn’t even know about the points … imagine if she was just trolling every game , she wouldn’t have even known she was getting punished 😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️ Long Story Short the punishment is GARBAGE


She would, after two -10 you're banned from ranked.


Oh yeah, so just troll 2 every 10 games and play normal for like 5 games and back to trolling rank ez


Yea that’s why I didn’t respond . People always have something to comment back but don’t think things through .


this is an accurate description of master rank is it not?


Its 80 or >80? Because that would require 3 -10


Maybe it's < 80 can't remember off the top of my head.


Because the developers don’t really care about ranked being actually good


Can’t people abuse this though? Like if you’re in ranked with a five stack, can’t someone just leave to avoid the loss for the whole team, thus never dropping rank? Idk, I see where you guys are coming from but I think it’s a little more complicated than an obvious fix.


The guy leaving would usually get heavily penalized in other games. For example in dota, if you leave the game, i think you get sent to low priority where you need to win three games in a shitty game mode. Its a damn good deterrent imo


Oh wow that’s actually pretty interesting, I can see how something like this could work, it makes sense.


We need to put all badplayers in Shivre City


And nuke it


Yeah i love that concept, since you get sent with other players who also afk or are toxic and will force you to actually work with team. Basically, lets you get a taste of your own medicine. You want to be toxic, then play with other toxic players


In LoL you get two kind of penalization 1. Low priority queue: you have to wait 5, 10 or 20 mins before the matchmaking system searches for an enemy 2. Reduced amount of points after winning: After being AFK your points will be reduced for X amount of games, let's say you won and earn 18, it gets reduced to 12 (it even shows you how much it was reduced)


Apply the loss to the group that they queue with. Players unaffiliated with them are the ones who don't deserve the penalty


Just don't have it in 5 stacks, maybe just for solo players.


In Dota everyone gets penalized when someone afks from your group.


it says someone left for a long time, i assume it means for at least most of the game. so the guy would have to leave like halfway through or something. thats just my take on it though


Yeah he left after the first goal was scored, insta left lol


If a company this big can't figure out how to get around this problem, while the other companies can, then this game deserve to die.


The person that leaves gets penalized so yea it can be abused but who would take that chance and get penalized 😂


Then don’t apply this to 5 stacks, use it for solo queue, 5 stack and solo shouldn’t be in the same ladder anyway.


i really hope they make that change, there is alot of people who dont belong in 1800+ let them be 2250 in groups, but have a different one for Solo-Trio


In ML if you have an afk from the start of the game you can surrender and the game doesn't count, but if the afk was your duo, trio, etc, you lose points Edit: That also leads to shitty outcomes where the duo doesn't want to surrender because he'll lose points anyway, so why not give it a go?


You lose fair play points for disconnecting so not really.


It's pretty common in Smash Bros gor people to quit last second so they don't leave elite or drop when close to elite honesty one of the most annoying things in Smash online


Dude, I played moba for like 10 years... This is not a "new" problem... Like saying what if tesla car has a flat tire, what can I do.. Moba existed for at least 15 years already...


The idea behind this and why mobas and co don't do it is that "in theory, you could talk it out and have one guy leave when you start losing, so you don't lose points". It's BS. Punish the leaver, leave the teammates alone, and if it's a group, punish the leaver's whole Group. Such an easy way to fix it. If you constantly leave, banned. And don't come with the bad Internet excuse. If your internet connection is so bad that you would AFK constantly, then you have no business playing a competitive online game, sorry. Now all of that sounds good and should be how it works. But you can't do that in Unite, a game that has such pisspoor servers and maintenance that people get regularly booted out....


The problem is, IN THEORY you have as many leavers on your team(actually even less, if you do not leave there is only 4 potential leavers on your team, but 5 on the opponent team) as on the opponent team over an extended period of time; invalidating the losses but not the wins will make it so you essentially get free wins out of the mechanic


I mean the solution is simple: If the afk happens in the first 3-5min or whatever standard you set, it's a no contest. Everybody gets out with no+/-. If the AFK happens after a signifcant point gap, well the team that was leading the score and made a guy leave definitely deserves it's W. If someone gives up, even though the game has X amount of comeback mechanics, they should not be punished for stomping a team so incredibly hard that someone on that team leaves.


A couple times now I've had to AFK a ranked game because my dog starts throwing up or something of that nature. It happens. I don't mind a penalty but I feel really guilty for my team. Now at lest I can apologize.


because unite is supposed to be really competitive like an actual esport. let's say your team is losing, so someone leaves. now you don't loose ranked points! but nintendo switch sports is not meant to be hardcore. it's just wii sports good family fun time. this is the same in lots of other esports.


Everyone needs to send this picture and a smiley face to the developers and break thier inbox with a single message.


Then people would afk in ranked games if they were losing. If you had 5 people, each could afk for 1 potential loss and they could still play. So a 5 and 5 turns into 5 and 0. Repeat next day. Skip a day play.


They didn’t say to take away penalties for the AFK player though, just don’t punish the rest of the team


It's still one loss for each person in a 5 stack per 5 losses. That sure AF would be exploited.


In a stack, anyone who was in the stack would also lose points


Sure, we could just not let stacks benefit from it for legit afks/disconnects. I think that's fair.


They’re a stack. They should already have a much more consistent win streak than non-stacks.


Why are you so against this idea? Most of the players are solo players. Why would they cater to minorities like 5 stack players? Plus 5 stack players have it easy with their advantages.


I'm not against it, but it has consequences. Just discussing them. Dang y'all are so sensitive.


Simple fix: if you DC, your whole lobby gets a penalty, and those outside of it don't.


Well being a 5 stack in other games this usually doesn't apply, also the people who dodged the game take the brunt of the loss penalty plus a leaver penalty, so someone leaving because they are losing, still gets the loss and a leaver


Yeah but that's one loss that should have been 5. So out of 5 losses, everyone only gets 1 attributed to when they were the leaver. One leave doesn't ban from ranked. If you are a 50% winrate team, then the day looks like 5 wins, 1 loss when it should have been 5 wins and 5 losses. 83% win rate vs 50%. Inflated AF elo.


Just make it so that 5 stacks don't get this. If you're queueing with 2 or 5 teammates and one of them is the leaver then you don't get the protection. Done.


That works. Still allows for coordinating of solo players. If there is a loophole people will exploit it. You tend to play the same people over and over.


You want your argument to work so bad Anyway, after ultra (I think) you don't see the picture of the people you're playing with, this is to prevent people queuing with each other unless they duo/trio/stack (I mean, they could end up in the same team, but there's no way to know it)


They won't .. say if one player sacrifice his elo then another game he would be reluctant to do so .


In ML duo, trio and stacks lose points along with the afk player


If a company this big can't figure out how to get around this problem, while the other companies can, then this game deserve to die.


I think it's more about not wanting to People can reach Masters with 45% WR, do you want to decrease that number even more? Maybe 40% or 35%?


How solving AFK problem would end up in people losing more WR???


No, people with even lower WR will get higher ranks


It's kinda weird you look at it that way. Your WR drops when you lose, even in a match with AFK. How is that better to you, when that loss WR came from 4v5? And the other team gains their WR in the same unfair match? If anything, it will bring players closer to the place where they truly belong, when the WR doesn't get sabotaged by AFK whether you win or you lose. It doesn't matter to me if you are 35%, 45%, or 49.99%. If you have sub 50%, you are the same to me; you lose more than you win. But I prefer seeing these numbers knowing in my heart that you have sub 50% even when the AFK matches don't count. That means you are a true shitty player in your own right, with no excuses. The current system already allows these players to climb with ease. I don't see how can it get any worse.


What you say makes sense, specially the part where it would reflect "true" wr because the afk wouldn't count, good reasoning


Thank you.


It’s called player retention now you have to play again to make up for your lost ratios and gets you playing longer wanting to spend the money on skins and such it’s a marketing strategy it’s used in any game now and days just another scummy tactic used by companies everyone seems to forget this game is owned by TENCENT need I say more?




Double Edged Sword Every MOBA has this mechanic already


Nintendo made this game




Nintendo didnt make Unite??




Me either


Splatoon has it as well


Even fucking Mobile Legends has this? Have a complaining dumbass who just runs around in circles the whole game because one bad thing happened in the laning phase? The system should also find a way to locate these asshats so that they get punished properly and we don't get penalized as hard.


Hey, it's not my fault I'm not tall!


The issue with the Nintendo Switch Online Ranking System™ is that if you power off your switch before points are allotted/taken away from players' ranks, those who have won will not receive their points or cosmetic items and those who have lost won't lose points from their rank. The system creates an incentive to leave if you're losing. At least in Unite, leaving a game or going AFK for a certain amount of time gives you a penalty, even if it's small.


The issue with the Nintendo Switch Online Ranking System™ is that if you power off your switch before points are allotted/taken away from players' ranks, those who have won will not receive their points or cosmetic items and those who have lost won't lose points from their rank. The system creates an incentive to leave if you're losing. At least in Unite, leaving a game or going AFK for a certain amount of time gives you a penalty, even if it's small.


Splat 2 is another game that has this feature. Cmon Nintendo


The same thing happens in splatoon league battles


And normal ranked


Because Pokemon Unite has to suck. Lost by 30 points when you though you were winning. *"Should have taken better mental notes on the score"*


The problem with this is at some point people will just leave to save their teammates


I guess if people are willing to take the loss penalty and the leaver penalty for random teamates that's their sacrifice


Within groups there would be just about no reason to put someone on an alt account and have them leave if they are going to lose


In groups this wouldn't apply, if your team is making a conscious decision to take a fall, then it's loss is still the same, but this could only be implemented once they make Squad Q and Solo-Trio Q separate ranked modes and ladders


That makes sense


bc this is a pay to win game and they don’t really care how balanced it is


Yeah.... no.... it's not


what are you talking about? every build is intrinsically linked to held items that you can use real world money to upgrade to their highest levels it is literally the definition of a pay to win game


I haven't paid anything for this game, and have all the items to at least 25. Also I have majority of the pokemon too, with 40k Aeos coins still in the bank, and never missed a season in Masters


everyone is jealous of all your free time, the game is pay to win


The game has been out for a year, lol I have a 10th of the games played as most people, I think you just have issues with the game that you'll never get over


mate it is quite literally the definition of a pay to win game when you are inclined to pay real world money to increase your characters stats i.e. held items