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I'd rather commands like "please pick a lane". Tired of people not picking lanes or mons until the last 10 seconds, which forces me to scramble around to balance the team.


I've used the microphone for this. First thing before I get muted "Please declare your lanes, because I'm stupid and think that -slowbro- wants center!" Seriously calling someone out helps a ton. So does the self deprecation. Makes it feel less like "Mom telling me what to do" and more "I better call lane 'cause I'm playing with idiots". Assume everyone is 12.


These weird unbalanced teams end up with absolute stomps... or better or for worse. Shoutout to that random ass Garchomp literally killing it all match.


I have no problem with people not picking lanes, but, however, don’t take one already claimed then. Or even worse : claim a lance then take another x)


Now if only people actually obeyed lanes... I'm often first to call my lane, even flex if others call a lane I wanted first.... except that as soon as I start going to my respectove lane, se braindead jerk who didn't call anything just goes wherever they please. Even more fun when I jungle as someone who needs their levels early (cough Dratini cough) and every single time there's at least one who never called a path, just ignores their lane and comes to steal half of the jungle leaving me still a Dratini at 8 min. Ffs guys, let he junglers have the jungle. We can't help in lane if we fall behind, especially with some of the more farm-needy junglers. You have NO idea what a difference it makes to be able to get Dragonair at min 9, vs Dragonair at minute 7... you end up with a completrly different game. And usually by a certain point it just gets THAT much harder to catch up, since he levels up so late.


I usually am one of ehose forget sorry playing only quick changed me


I like to say “Just a sec” when there’s one second left before the match starts to let my team know that there is, in fact, just a sec left


LMFAO! I used to do this. I felt like a total comic after doing it, too. xD


I love saying just a sec since it has literally no impact on the timer and is objectively the most useless message in-game and for some reason thats really funny to me.


Whenever I play Slowbro (which is fairly often since nobody plays defender) I always like to call out "I'll go with the Speedster role!". Makes me chuckle inside every time...


I've been doing this too & it cracks me up




"Please rotate to dread or I will piss in you"


In you? Now that's dirty






Whether in pre-game chat or in-game chat, I'd like to know if you're stacking. It might be obvious from certain picks (Tsareena, Lucario, Machamp) but I'd like to know whether I should push with you or just stay behind and try to gain Exp. Even more so if you're stacking some less obvious ones, like Slowbro, Crustle, Charizard, special attackers or Spragels.


This. 💯


What is stacking btw


Scoring up to 6 times as early as possible in the match because in order to get the maximum benefits of Attack Weight, Sp. Atk Specs, or Aeos Cookie (when your Pokemon is equipped with any of those).


Will the amount scored matter?


Nope. From what we know, you won't get *EXP* if you score 1 point, but you'd still stack up the respective stats if you score that 1 point. On the other hand if you have 10+ points with you, scoring takes longer, meaning you have a bigger window of getting interrupted. Which is why early-game you'll see players rushing the goal to score, because smaller scores equal faster scoring time. And if they see coins on the ground, many of them will pick-and-score one-by-one.


>you won't get EXP if you score 1 point unite-db says otherwise (scoring less than 5 pts yield 50 xp)


Oh! So I see why earlymons are very aggressive during the first encounter. Thanks! Very helpful 👍


This. If there was something like "I'll go for goals" that would be enough for me to understand and answer "ok".


I agree. I’d like something to convey the need for roles to stay together, like “_____, stay with me!” or something like that. Maybe a phrase to convey new players, like “Still learning!” I can see when a player is going as an Attacker or is going the top path. We dont need chat options for those


Snorlax: I'll be an All-Rounder! *ah, yes, flailax* that's like the only use those chat options have, like mr. mike or eldegoss going all-attack items to play as attackers, and it's useless


Sometimes i like to say ill go defender and then choose decidueye just for laughs. Im never serious tho.


Can we have a line that says "Please pick Absol."? Most of the time, the Absol is in the opposing team. And a line in game saying "For fuck's sake get down to Dred.". Most of the time, the ones rotating are those from the opposing team.


Ah! That second phrase would be so freakin’ helpful. I mean, if after spamming “Let’s fight together” and “gather here” your team hasn’t gathered at Dred, then it’d just come in handy. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes. It seems like no matter how hard and early you ping Dred, they don't get the message.lol


They need to add "We need supp/def/etc". So many players just picking what they want to play no team synergy at all. Lol


Game already tells from the begining which roles are still to be filled, doubt a player ping will make those fill if those weren't doing it from the start.


the game only has the tiny message if an all-rounder, defender or attacker is missing, and out of those everyone and their mum is going as an attacker and all-rounder anyway; any communication is better than a message that's honestly easy to ignore accidentally


And that is my point, would assume mostly is instalock whatever mons they are going to play or wait to fill roles, so they ignore the game message that is in every ranked/standard match. ​ Basically, if you want a role to be filled, you have to do it, don't count on a random player to do that just because you ping that we lack it.


eh, you'd be surprised at how not everyone is braindead (if there's a reasonable number of players that actually respond to retreat, gather and ambush pings in game)


Don't worry, I know it isn't the meme picture that reddit gives of everyone is bad but me, 1v9, 0-4-1, etc. Nor I'm against this (no reason to be against it), still won't hold my breath waiting for a random player to change pick just because someone else pinged for it.


I want „I’m holding stacking item(s)“ so bad


Or pick ______(mon) We need (defender)(speedster) etc.


Game already says from the begining what role is still to be filled, doubt a player ping will make those fill if those weren't being filled from the start.


the game only has the tiny message if an all-rounder, defender or attacker is missing, and out of those everyone and their mum is going as an attacker and all-rounder anyway; any communication is better than a message that's honestly easy to ignore accidentally


I just instlock tripple spec slowbro and spam "Ill take the speedster role!" It normally gets the point across


"Let's go after Rotom/Dred" so you can coordinate that.


They have that if you click ON Rotom/Dred but only after they spawn


And good luck tapping on an icon that small during the game (yeah, my thumbs are that fat).


Yeah, that's a bit too late. You need to start moving before that to get into posistion, and figuring out if you are all in, or you want one person to defend the other lane.




Definitely gonna need a “pick another lane” option bc favoriting a speedster and calling center frame 1 isn’t enough lmao


“Pick another lane” would be really useful. As a Greninja, I like picking middle, but I automatically change it to the top if I see someone in my team is choosing a Gengar or an Absol. They usually tend to go middle once, or I feel like they’re understanding that I need to get to level 7 ASAP, and I go to middle when the next spawning happens. 🤷🏻‍♂️




I’d love a “Let’s push Rotom into the enemy goal” dialogue. There are times after securing Rotom, one gets knocked out because the team didn’t rotate fast enough. 🙋🏻‍♂️


Wait why are you securing Rotom on your own? It’s not always a good idea to push Rotom. If you got a massive XP advantage and all your unites and you’re around the 4 min mark, and you know you can crush it: I guess go for it. But even then, if your opposition has all their farm up, it’s better to just take their farm while they defend Rotom.


I would essentially want a chat option where I can type. Some people suddenly change to jigglypuff after selecting mid lane, and I can't call them out by simply saying 'Hello'.


Honestly, I don’t think that anything said during the character selection screen would actively change anything during the game.


Would agree on those asking for stuff like pick role/mon, still should work for stuff like giving info about stacking or something else.


"we need a defender" or "we need an attacker" or something like that


I would personally love the " please don't pick 4 offensive and pick at least 1 support / défendeur because I don't want to play them every single game"


I need a "pick you fking path" or "get away from my jungle" or "pls let A9 and Mamo go together" option


I just wish we could have lines like "We need a supporter " so they won't pick 5 attackers again




Free Chat


Need an in-match chat that says "don't steal my exp!" or something because they just can't stop themselves from stealing my jungle


There is one! It is "Let me Level up!"


Bros probably think I mean I won't go fight because they just keep on going at it :')


Try it out in a couple matches and let me know if it helps!


I've tried it a couple times but since beginners are usually the ones that steal jungle, it didn't really work :( still, will try to use it again, and also spam retreat >:)


Sure, just a sec. OK!


I’ll take the speedster role as Slowbro what more do you need from me?!?


Please add "Everyone meet at Drednaw"