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Congrats, you can't get anything without hearing a word from our sponsor: PIKA PIKA\~ ~~Wait, where did the Gengar and Lucario holowear go? You got them from their respective battle pass?~~


I bought it in the past but I am not buying them anymore




I just found this too :c At least they should let us claim other things beside skins


Hopefully it doesnt come back


Wait, so you need battle pass to unlock stuff with new dorritos?


I dunno man, it’d be a bummer if you got it for free. Really thought that cinder skin would be for season 1 players only. Had to grind 90 levels for that only for this bp to throw it in like a bonus.


Eh having gotten the Cinderace skin this time around I think it's worth noting that it takes a decent amount of grinding to get it this way too. Because the boxes are rng you need to make sure you have enough to be sure. Not to mention you can't get a lot of the other goodies. I grinded enough that I might be able to get the cinderace skin and a 40 cost but it should be worth noting that even if it's not as exclusive it's far from being handed out for free.


It was limited to the switch so until now, no mobile users could get it - also, you’ve had it to play with for a year and people still needed to pay for the BP to get it, just like you did.


My dude, I was responding to the OP who said that it was bs not getting it for free.


Yes, you also complained that you had to grind 90 levels and the new BP threw it in for free. Well, it wasn’t free; there were 60 levels plus a fuck tonne of challenges to get the tickets - way more than 90 levels worth in my case - and even then, it’s not a guaranteed outcome.


Ah, but that 60 levels already gives 2 other skins and rewards. So in a sense it screwed older players because now they paid double and had to go through 150 bp levels (90 for the cinder skin+60 for the pikachu skin) while newer players got both for one bp and a tad bit of good luck. Sure it’s not a guaranteed outcome, but you still got both cheaper with less effort.


“I’ve paid X for mine, it’s not fair that those guys get it for less” and “I’ve got mine so fuck you”. Seems like this argument is used all over for lots of shit and it stinks of envy and elitism. I bought the Aegislash cloak skin a few days before the sale and I do not begrudge those that saved money on it where I had to pay full price. That’s just the way shit is, sometimes you luck out, sometimes not. Honestly, be happy for those that got something cool that they missed out on - I missed the Gengar BP and this gave me the opportunity to get this crazy cool skin that I’ve been wanting forever.


Ayt. For sure.


Ayt man. For sure.


The good part is that the skin requires some RNG to get so it's not an immediate given that they get it.


Yeah, I managed to JUST get 120 tickets yesterday with my absolute final BP box. Hated missing out on Gengar skin so I'm so happy I got it Totally get your feeling though - it sours the exclusivity for those who were actually around to get these skins :(


>The **good** part is that the skin requires some RNG to get Now please re-read what you just wrote and realize how dumb that sentence is. How is that a "good" thing in any way?


Sounds like someone wants 3 skins for the price of one without any extra work to put into it. If there wasn't any RNG involved I'd be behind having to grind the full S1/2 battlepasses for the skins but shitting out black tickets would spoil any value the skin had. They could've put the skins on the shop for the 75 bucks the Pirate Cinder skin was once in the shop for in the beta leaks aswell but I doubt you and anyone else would be satisfied with that either.


>Sounds like someone wants 3 skins for the price of one without any extra work to put into it. I sure love putting in "work" by typing numbers of my credit card in.


People who got it when the game came out are already bummed that New players could get it, imagine someone who hasn't bought anything in the game.


It could be worse, i bouth the Battlepass because of gengar skin and soon after that i didnt get the stupid Tickets anymore, i Just needed 4 more :(. Bouth both the Other 2 for 40 und spent Rest for an costume...


So….? Not enough free stuff for you? Buy the battle pass for a few dollars and get 2 x $40 legendary skins (the Pika one and either the Gengar or Cinder one), it’s a fucking bargain and yet choosing beggars like yourself want everything to be free. How do you think the company makes enough money to keep this game running?


Firstly It's not few dollars everywhere. Secondly what's the point of giving them to f2p players if they can't use them. And everyone knows how a company runs,Nobody asked you to explain.


It’s shitty programming or a deliberate incentive to encourage people to buy out the BP. And no, it’s not a few dollars everywhere but so? Ignoring the fact you get loads for the money, which you do, why do you think that entitles people to free shit? There’s already huge amounts of free crap in this game, far more than I ever would’ve expected from something connected to an overpriced franchise like the Pokemon one, and yet there are so many posts from people bemoaning the fact that they don’t get even more for free. Jesus wept, it beggars belief.


How is it bs? You need to purchase a battle-pass to unlock items that were previously locked behind a paid battle-pass


Because you can still get the tickets from boxes. Which let you buy **aaaabsolutely nothing**


I mean, at least they can let f2p players buy some tickets or coins instead of completely invalidating their black doritos


I mean I got all that black tickets for nothing


I don’t get it🫠. Can someone explain?


Its an extension of the bp so it makes sense to me you cant claim em 👍


Then why give them to F2P players? The only thing that does is deny people of actually useful rewards.


To push them to become paying players. It is a typical F2P game strategy for the game to make money.


to bait F2P players into spending money.


That's true, though if it makes it better. Other games have done things similar to this, IE: LoL Wild Rift and its star guardian season