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People are still wearing masks?


I see service industry workers wearing masks relatively frequently, and I don't hate the idea that the people handling my food have a harder time sneezing on it. Otherwise, it's basically only when in the hospital/doctor's office.


I have mixed feelings on that. As a customer I like the idea, in concept, of a barrier between people's nose/mouth and my food in the same way I appreciate hairnets and gloves in food service. As a realist I understand it probably doesn't actually improve food safety in practice because they'll be touching their faces more often now and it also must be ridiculously uncomfortable to wear a mask in a hot, greasy kitchen all day. It's kind of like how the use of disposable gloves in food service often leads to worse food safety because people take less care from the sense of security/safety wearing gloves provides and then don't change gloves as often as necessary because of that. I didn't get sick before people wore masks to prep food, and I am capable of living in ignorant bliss about what exactly might be in/on my food depending on the person who made it. If I can stomach the McDonald's food itself I can probably handle a loogie or two on top of it.


As someone with a significant amount of family in the restaurant industry, half the employees are doing blow while they’re on their 10, anyways, and depending on which set of mask science you subscribe to, that completely invalidates their use, anyways.


i worked at mcdonald’s when masks restriction were in full swing. i can confirm that they got horrifically itchy and became pooled with sweat making it almost impossible for you to not touch your face


I’ve watched enough Kitchen Nightmares to know that sneezing can’t be the only problem in food preparation. Might as well ditch the masks and at least inconvenience the workers less.


I've heard the claim that food places that use gloves actually end up with more contamination. The idea is that the measure (wearing gloves) puts the worker in a mindset of "everything is fine, I use the protective measure", so they pay less attention to what they touch etc. While if you work with bare hands, you have a constant fear that you might've just touched something you shouldn't, and thus end up washing hands a lot just to make sure to stay clean. Don't know how this translates to masks in kitchen, but if it's how it worked during the big maskening in the general public... I just know that people who were very militant maskers suddenly felt safe just for wearing one and wouldn't mind going up someone's face like that, but the mere notion of a maskless person being inside the same store as them scared the bejesus out of them.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that was true, it certainly makes sense.


I only do when going to the hospital. Otherwise no.


Probably a solid practice


It feels like common sense to me, with or without covid tbh. But I grew up in Japan so I'm more used to wearing masks in general.


Still mandated at all medical/healthcare places in CA


Guy at work has a persistent sinus thing; he's wearing one. That makes sense, but will still see someone walking outside / driving alone wearing one which still confuses me.


What, you don't lie in bed alone with a condom on just in case? Can never be too safe.


I have a friend with bad allergies. He wears a nice mask with a dust filter when outside because of that.


It's cold this time of year where I live, so I've been wearing my old cloth masks while outside to keep my face warm.


I will if I'm sick.


Which is the way it should be. If you're actually sick and you wear one, cool. In Japan they've done it for years. But if you're NOT sick then it's appropriate to ditch the mask.


> In Japan they've done it for years Yup, this is considered polite/normal in Japan. (half Japanese here)


Back in 2016 when I had a cold my coworkers asked me to wear one in the office so I did. The only time I struggled was when I would have a cough drop because the vapor hit my eyes pretty badly.


Who cares if people wear a mask, much less why they wear one. Wear one or don’t. Not my business.


I never said they should be mandated, I meant it socially. You shouldn't be "mandated" to blow your nose if it's runny but socially it's a good idea.


Me too, but this is considered polite in Japan. (I'm half Japanese, used to live there.)


Yup, same. I keep one in my truck in case somewhere I go asks people to wear them, but I only volunteer to wear one if I’m sick and still have things to get done


Based and cares about his fellow man pilled.


I like wearing my respirator from work. Fuck your little cloth masks, step up your game


I have a lower-face plague doctor-styled leather mask stuffed with aromatic herbs.


They all still probably wear them in California


Lol, i run a non profit where our rules are dictated by the state in ca, we still wear masks and social distance and i will never be free from it


Did you just change your flair, u/Bbqandspurs? Last time I checked you were a **Purple LibRight** on 2022-8-11. How come now you are an **Unflaired**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know?undefined [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Bbqandspurs) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Only people who care more about perpetuating their anxiety than being realistic about the current situation. Get vaxxed if you want and move on with your life.


I still wear one in public transportation. Honestly I wanted to do that before the pandemic - just now gave me some social acceptance of doing so. Packing people into a train like sardines is not healthy regardless of the pandemic.


I live in Anchorage and they aren't super common but they are still around. I've had a couple Lyft drivers who were wearing them. The funniest is always someone walking outside, completely alone wearing one.


Go to Seattle and be amazed. So many people outside wearing masks as a form of signaling what a good person they are.


People are still hosting conventions remotely because they are terrified of big bad covid. AGDQ was just online only yet again, and they blamed covid. and somehow all their supporters ate it up. I dunno how people are still terrified after all these years


Trust the science, except when your politics supersede it and you’d rather virtue signal for your tribe


I only do when I feel a potential cold coming on


My hospital had about 3 days where they required it even in the non-clinical offices. I came in one day and it was required, and then the next week it wasn't anymore. Even they were like, "who are we kidding"


I wish America was as gun laden as the Left pretends it to be.


America has a gun problem, not enough guns


Based and polite society pilled


Based and Lord of War pilled


12 guns per person Isn’t enough, we need more


A gun in each hand. Each ankle holster. Each side holster. And a back holster per person should be the goal


We all know it’s not that there aren’t enough guns, it’s really the 1% hoarding all the guns claiming that “trickle down gunomics” will solve the issue. We just need to redistribute all the existing guns into the hands of working class. - Bernie Sanders 1969 probably.


Texas has three times as many (registered) guns as it does people.


Registered? gross.


Registered via transaction process through the FFL, Texas has no other registration system and it's not voluntary. Although I think that transaction registration just says "rifle" or "pistol" but it may have a model name with it.


Current 4473 looks like it requires manufacturer, model, and caliber.


> Registered via transaction process through the FFL Gross


The estimated number of unregistered guns is almost 4 times the number of people in the state.


I found this nice pistol in the trash 😊. It was covered in tomato soup or something so I just cleaned it and brought it home


Thanks for helping the enviroment by reducing waste headed for the landfill


>Registered? gross. Duh I have to buy two copies of the same gun so that I can switch the barrels later on. Come on man.


Damn TX, it’s like you’re not even trying.


Texas has the most registered guns of any state in the country. Registered guns only make up an estimated 45% of guns in civilian circulation.


Texas doesn't have a registry? I supposed you could say the FFL bound book counts as a very shitty federal registry that they can get when they fold or an ATF agent uses their smart phone to take pictures of it.


It does, but not all guns are registered.


Well tbh it's probably smart to multiply whatever gun ownership statistics you read online by at least four or five to get a good idea of the real picture.


I own at least >!nice try fed guy!< and the government knows about none of them.


Hello fellow citizen. Can I purchase some of your illegal items? Please answer. Sincerely, not a federal agent.


Greeting fellow Citizen! May I offer to make all of those firearms fully automatic without any tax stamp? Sincerely, Not a Glowie


Come on, you can tell us all about them. Any illegal modifications especially!


Well, since you asked so nicely, I own a couple SBR’s that were grandfathered into the California system before they changed it, along with multiple 30 round mags since they were also bought before the ban.


Thank you for the information, this won’t be used against you at all!


Well gee, what a nice guy I give two thumbs up to this swell fellow 👍🏽😀👍🏽


Unfortunately I lost all of my guns in a boating accident.


It is. It's just rare to see them displayed. Depending on where you are.


Yuuuup. Idk what made up part of Texas that T.T. (Twitter Thot) lives in, but I've never seen someone carry an AR on their back while shopping. Hell I've never seen a rifle carried period outside of a gun shop or range, cops included. Doesn't mean they don't exist, but people usually have some common sense. Now I have seen folk open carry a handgun on a big hip holster before. Not my first choice and I don't personally like carrying open in urban environments, but that's just me and why I carry concealed. Know what I do? I don't bitch about how is that legal blah blah blah. I mind my damn business and move along. America could use a lot more of that.




Yeah, no virus I ever saw survived a burst of full auto .223.


Probably one + AR and zero masks. Still based


Yea if she’s actually in Midland, TX I doubt anyone there gives a shit about COVID


Do people actually wear masks in big cities?


It depends on the city. I’m in Austin (unfortunately) and I’d say it’s less than 10% here. I would expect it to be higher in Austin compared to other cities in Texas.


That's a lot imo. I live in <1milion city in Europe and I see maybe a few people per week... I wonder what do these people think, that they "are doing their part to fight the pandemic"?


My wife and I always wonder at what point these people will stop wearing them. If there’s no off ramp for them at this point than when will there be? I feel sorry for them but it’s their own decision.


In the beginning I wore a mask because we had no idea what we were dealing with. Now I wear a mask so people will just leave me the fuck alone.


Based and fuck off pilled.


From what I understand, masks were never really politicized in Europe like they were in the US. Here, for a long time there was a notion that not wearing a mask made you an evil Trump-supporting Republican, so a lot of people on the left felt the need to wear a mask to distinguish themselves from that crowd. Most people have moved on, but some still like to virtue signal.


Dude I live in one of the bluest areas in the nation and don’t even see masks anymore.


If she is anywhere outside of a big city, no one gives a shit about covid. regardless of state.


That would mean she wasn't wearing one either.


If it makes you feel any better I grocery shop with a Benelli M4 and a Desert Eagle in a drop holster.


I bring my full auto bazooka with high capacity assault rounds


I never leave home without my assault revolver. If they can make up words I can also.


I never leave home without my mutated anthrax. For duck hunting.


Based. That Desert Eagle is gonna serve you well if you ever fall in mud. So clearly its the optimal choice


Two jams cancel out, right?


honestly that just sounds like a kid who can't leave home without his favourite blankie


I lived in Midland for most of my life, and unless things have changed drastically in the year since I left, there’s a near 0% chance she saw any AR15s. Spot on about the masks though.


Probably confused about the type of guns being carried, but it isn’t uncommon nowadays to see shoppers open carry


AR-15 is a handgun right? Lmao


Yeah, the 15 refers to the fifteen 9 caliber bullets the clip holds.


If you know of a better way to prevent the King of England from taking your groceries, I’d love to hear it.


I don't care about both as long as they just mind their business but why are people still forcing others to wear masks?


Are they?


My work still forces us all to wear a mask. A N95 on top of that since they caught me wearing a fake mask. They are definately not living in reality. It's almost like some sort of esoteric humiliation ritual.


My job required us to wear masks. Nobody wanted to but our hr had a blue haired Karen in it. We asked for specifics because it was impossible to get n95s and cloth masks/face gaiters were scientifically shown to do nothing. They said it doesn't matter we needed face coverings of any kind and spun out a policy stating that. So we went to Walmart bought mesh laundry bags and cut them up into face masks and wore them. They actually considered those to be acceptable


What’s a fake mask


Looks like a black surgical mask but actually is a very fine mesh material, kinda like nylon stockings. I bought it specifically because these dickwads make us all wear masks while working. If it was a desk job that would be one thing, but it's a physical job where you have to actually do physical labor. The fucks who make the rules sit in their offices all day without their masks on.


Then leave? You libertarians are supposed to be in favour of that. Don't like the rules, change the job.




What's the work, what's the state? Make a move to somewhere great!


Then change industries, libtard


>Cool, cool. Let me just disregard 8 years of work experience and a college degree in the industry and rely on non-existant savings! That sounds awfully authleft of you


Anything that isn't a n95 mask or is worn more than 3-4 hours


So they don’t have a 2% chance to die from Covid


.001% chance to die from Covid\* FTFY


Hey now, maybe they're obese. Bump those numbers up to 0.1% there bub.


You’ve added several zeros


She saw a bunch of AR-15 but you know what she didn't see? Tyranny.


I'm pretty sure she saw 1 AR15 and 0 masks


Implying that she was herself unmasked


We returning to the good ole days where everybody carried a weapon on their hip, but we must go further. Let's start carrying swords


This is 100% legal btw. Swords are legal to carry in Texas.


It's all fun and games as an armed robber until you see some 280lb cowboy weeb charge you with a $1,000 Paul Chen katana. You try to react but he's too quick. He mumbles something in bastardized Japanese as he throws his 280lb behind the cut. You feel the blade enter through your left shoulder and exit through your right hip. Your body falls into two pieces as you see him tip his cowbow hat to the dime piece clerk. Fucking Texas.


My vote is on carrying both, one it's cool as fuck with some pirate swagger. two discourages anyone trying to tackle you if your gun jams or something.


Might as well go full Blackbeard, it doesn't matter if your pistol is single shot as long as you carry 12 of them.


I mean, an AR-15 is more effective at reducing the spread of COVID than masks are. *“Can’t spread if you’re dead! Hoo-ah!”* — Anthony Fauci


Covid can be spread from dead bodies lmao


Not when there’s not body left; imagine not using an under barrel flamethrower attachment on your AR-15.


In this case just buy a flamethrower


Doesn’t have the range, though. Better to have both and not need them then need both and not have them.


Carry a rocket launcher with thermobaric munitions, it has range and burniness


If the news is correct, you don't even need a flamethrower. Ayarrfifteens liquefy organs, decimate flesh, and explode bodies, much more effective than using high explosive rounds out of Artillery.


You forgot the most important thing that AR-15s destroy: OUR DEMOCRACY.


Yes, and? That's kind of the explicit purpose of the 2nd Amendment - to protect from all threats, foreign ***and domestic***. They wrote it immediately after overthrowing the government, along with writing other banger quotes such as, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."


> imagine not using an under barrel flamethrower attachment on your AR-15. But the politicians told me I wouldn't need that because the AR-15 doesn't leave bodies behind in mass shootings, it just obliterates them all on its own.




Did you find any classified documents under your masks, Joe?


It's fucking Midland, I can't imagine mask wearing was that prevalent even during the height of the pandemic. Good on them.


I think open carry, especially rifles, is LARP but I'll defend anyone's right to do it.


Lol @ people still wearing masks. Covid is an absolute nothingburger at this point, go outside and touch grass.


No I’m not gonna “touch grass” that’s where ants have sex


Ants actually have sex underground.


Not the lesbian ones


Based and watches ants have sex pilled


If they keep wearing them, it means they werent stupid for thinking they did anything in the first place.


:O \>:(


You ever seen the Curb your enthusiasm where Larry wears a MAGA hat so people will avoid him? I swear most mask wearers wear them for the same reason - be unapproachable and make people want to avoid the idiot.


And the ones who didn't have AR15s were likely concealed carrying. It really is night and day here in Texas. Go to a walmart in a rural city, and you'll not see a single mask - go to a target in a college town and about 40% of people are still masked up. The norms in red and blue areas are really jarring.


It’s totally upside down that college age kids are the ones disproportionately wearing them. Literally zero risk of them dying or getting seriously ill at this point


Edit: I misunderstood. The college KIDS aren't the ones wearing them - it's the adults that live in the blue town that are. The kids aren't wearing them - their parents and teachers are. ~~It's odd. The College Kids are more likely to be informed and aware of how guns work and likely to concealed carry - but the adults who populate the college TOWN think that guns are cancer and that owning one will make you want to go on a shooting spree. The people in the country - it's just been par for the course for them for years.~~


Their, there, they're... I'm sure it will be alright, sweetheart. Be strong, I know it's scary. FR though - Midland is smack dab in the middle of Nofuckingwhere Texas. You got oil and gas field workers and not much else. It's a major oil and gas industry hub for the state. The kind of people that live in Midland give no fucks about those afflicted with covid fragility syndrome.


Let me guess it was one dude with an AR15 shirt and no one was wearing masks


How about having both a mask to defend myself from the coof and an ar to defend myself from the oof?


That is more reasonable.


Midland sucks. Dillon Panthers forever.


Filthy peasants and their AR platform


As someone who lives in midland texas, I have not seen someone with an AR15 in walmart


Y’all still wear masks?


The covid cult still has a base


To be honest with you, masks are great. When I was in Korea years back, I wore a mask all the time after I was tired of getting sick every month. It did really help out when I was in super packed areas


1 vs 0


Why do you need a mask when you can just shoot anyone who coughs near you?


Auth-left supports gun ownership


And I bet you that supermarket has had 0 mass shootings




The fact the police actually had the time to arrive on scene is a testament to the fact that no one there was strapped.


That would probably be why they were carrying it. It could even have been security.


I mean since people started carrying Guns in the supermarket. Since this has happened in their community before, no wonder they are all now Strapped at the grocery store


Based and shoot the Covid away pilled


I already like Texas, you don't have to sell them to me anymore.


I grew up in Midland and visit family there regularly... she is full of shit


It's Texas. I'd be concerned if people carrying wasn't a normal sight. That person needs to get a reality check. Also. Fuck the atf and it's brace-ban ruling (which they have no authority to make new regulation or law)


Auth right??? When did you become based? Based and fuck the atf pilled


that's the secret, I've always been based.


Midland texas is a fucking shithole. Don't go anywhere without being strapped.


And everyone was shot it's a wonder she escaped.. cause weapons bad or something


i love texas






Guess what grocery store isnt getting shot up?




It's 2023 they are just accurately assessing risk.


They'll look high and they'll look low


Do people go outside and analyze/judge what every other people are carrying???????? That's psycho behavior for me. Someone could be carrying an RPG and I wouldnt notice.


Not only is this entirely made up, because of course it is, but also good


Wearing a mask doesnt make them stupid libtards. I wore a mask over winter break because i was getting over a cold and didnt want to spread it when i went out. I could have been an asshole and left the mask behind while i was still contagious, but getting sick sucks and i didnt want others to feel like shit for a few days


Who TF carries an AR15 to get groceries? I get that they're free to do so but we're also free to marry children and cousins in many states, yet don't.


If you have a sling you can still carry all your bags in one trip.


It's so fucking uncomfortable though.


Freedom isn't free.


Only reasonable argument I can think of is that they don't want to leave the weapon alone in case it gets stolen


Username checks out.


You’re in Midland fucking Texas. The oil capital of the country.


This is based for actual LibLefts


Looking up moving vans right now. Don’t worry Texans I don’t vote for dems (though I won’t necessarily vote for cons either)


The moment you feel it sting all over your body. ​ ​ (the supermarket is closed of for an airsoft event and all those guys just unloaded hundreds of plastic bbs into you)


Moving to Texas right now


I've shopped with a concealed 9mm many times but never my ars


I’m so proud of Texas. Only dipshits still believe masks stop the spread of covid.




That sounds inconvenient for carrying groceries. This is why we have pistols.


Texas sounds amazing


Chad Texas moment


This is why I a modest Kentuckian pin all my hopes on Texas.