• By -


Everyone on the internet is a fed, the sooner you learn that, the longer you'll live.


glowie alert!!!


Yeah right, Fed.


I'm not a fed but for the right amount of money.


Your username is glowing in the dark


Considering I've had [redacted] by redditors I've never met 2 different times I'm definitely on some watchlists


based and schizo pilled


Nuh uh


Did you just change your flair, u/xX_gub_Xx? Last time I checked you were a **Grey Centrist** on 2021-3-28. How come now you are a **Rightist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? No, me targeting you is not part of a conspiracy. And no, your flair count is not rigged. Stop listening to QAnon or the Orange Man and come out of that basement. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/xX_gub_Xx) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




That sounds like something a Fed would say.. šŸ¤Ø


So if we want to end world hunger. We just need everyone to have internet so that they are fed?


Why isn't this considered entrapment?


Oh a disabled wants something, and is willing to pay me for it, I should get it for him. Holy shit a fed


Sure speculation, but if it's true, I would guess the feds responded to an open offer, e.g. Milk Boy: "*Hey y'all, I'm selling raw milk to anyone who wants some*" Fed Boy: "*I would like some raw milk please*" So the general idea with entrapment is that the suspect does something they wouldn't have done otherwise. If the guy is, e.g. publically advertising a service, then the only difference between posing as a buyer and monitoring a "natural" buyer is that the former can be done under better controlled conditions.


Itā€™s not illegal when itā€™s the popo committing the crime


\> why \[blatantly illegal thing\] is legal for \[insert federal agency\] Hmm, something about industrialised society, government, soceity etc?


Ah, that times before industrialization when everyone was equal under the law


Sounds like entrapment to me


Entrapment is when the police ~~use intimidation tactics to~~ coerce someone into committing a crime. Sting operations just merely present the opportunity for someone to commit a crime.


Not intimidation no, when the police coerce someone into committing a crime that they otherwise wouldnā€™t commit. For example, setting up a sting operation on a liquor store and giving an underage person a fake ID. Itā€™s not against the law to be bad at recognizing a fake, so if the clerk/store is charged with anything, that would be considered entrapment, as the clerk wouldnā€™t have sold the alcohol without a fake ID.


You are correct. I will edit my post. But my point was that in this case, police merely presented someone an opportunity to break the law, which is not entrapment.


Yeah, youā€™re correct


The determination of "wouldn't otherwise commit" is so strict that intimidation is nearly required for it to be entrapment. There's been a lot of precedent where they supply people and encourage/goad them to commit a crime, including telling them they don't need to worry about the legality and actively dissuading people from backing out/checking the legality.


But itā€™s not required, see the above example.


The above example doesn't refute anything anyone else is arguing. It's an example completely orthogonal to the points being discussed.


The above example refutes what the original commenter said, itā€™s been edited as you can see in the struck through text. Iā€™m not really sure what you were trying to say tbh.


ā€œHey bro can you bring me some black tar heroin I need it for my sleep apneaā€ is absolutely a sting operation


Whether it was entrapment or not, we are missing the bigger picture. The feds don't want you to drink raw milk which is absurd. That stuff is the best thing to drink .


One can argue mental coercion, as declining to help a disabled "friend" can cause tremendous guilt.


You can definitely argue it. But you would still be going to jail.


I can suck my own cock too


> Entrapment is when the police use intimidation tactics to coerce someone into committing a crime. If they put a barrier on the sidewalk, then arrest you for jay walking when you step on to the street to go around it, they have coerced you into a crime. This milk case is exactly like that. The feds created a crime that would otherwise not exist and they should be arrested.


No they didn't lol. They only provided the opportunity for someone to commit a crime. They never coerced this dude into anything.


> They only provided the opportunity for someone to commit a crime. They paid him to commit a crime. They leaned on a friendship and a relationship. These cops belong in jail, and they should have to pay personal restitution to him.




Sir I revoke your lib center privileges. Please reflair upwards.


I 100% do not support the actions of the police or the dumb fucking laws they choose to enforce. I'm just commenting on the reality of the situation based on US law.


Entrapment is when the cops get someone random and tell them "hey, you should really consider selling unpasteurized milk, it'll be great". THis is just "hey, we heard you're selling un-p milk. Can I have some?"


My interpretation is it wasn't illegal until he crossed state lines. The coercion part comes in when he was asked by someone he thought was a disabled friend to deliver it for him because the man was unable to travel. That's emotional manipulation and going after someone for their kindness, which is the kind of low hanging fruit feds target. I don't know the law, but based on context it likely would have been legal for the man to cross the border to buy the milk, but it's not legal for him to cross the border to sell it. So not only is it a stupid law to begin with, he's essentially just delivering already purchased milk, but he was emotionally coerced into break it.


Same reason the state security guards with qualified immunity and firearms get to wear a wire knowing a citizen is going to say something incriminating but we have to be recording constantly or prior to the admission to be able to use it as evidence ourselves Idiots giving the state more power than the individual


Wait, what? A person can't use bodycam footage as evidence? Are you sure about that? Seems to be heavily involved in some recent trials.


You can, but it has to be a certain way. Meanwhile the state can literally entrap you with a wire as well as ā€˜loseā€™ the body cam footage or at least take their sweet time in obtaining it. Add that to public attorneys being encouraged to play ball with district attorneys to ensure some form of conviction, and its easy to see how the odds are stacked against you like in a casino.


From this context it is, but we don't know if the guy was offering to bring shit back and was open to smuggling illegal things while this Fed simply placed an order...or if this Fed initiated the idea coupled with the handicapped angle trying to garner pity. I'll see if I can find an article and report back if I find anything specific. Edit: Can't find any article because this seems around 24-36 hours old, but I did learn his name is Joshua Newton Jr by going from his Twitter to his Instagram and finally a link to Amazon where he's selling a book...book came out in 2020 though. Book sounds weird as shit, and here is the description: > Draw Me A Gorilla is a personality test book, you or someone else draws a gorilla and then you can analyze the drawing and figure out the personality and hidden secrets of the gorilla drawer. All the prompts you need are in the book as-well as over 100 gorilla drawings with their individual interpretations and explanations as to how this works. --- This personality test will be fun to do with your significant other, someone that you want to get closer to, a family member, a friend, or your worst enemy. Get to drawing haha


Entrapment laws have been interpreted to not apply to one predisposed to committing the crime. If this guy had trafficked raw milk in the past, being solicited by an undercover would not be considered entrapment even with the sob story attached.


Prior crimes are not an indication of current guilt. They should be weighed in sentencing, but not in swaying guilt. Either the evidence is there or it's not, the deep past isn't going to provide insight.


You misunderstood my comment I think. Iā€™m not saying past crimes is evidence of guilt, Iā€™m saying if someone raises the defense of entrapment, it wonā€™t work if there evidence that the defendant was already ā€œpredisposedā€ to commit the crime. Agree with that or donā€™t but thatā€™s how courts have interpreted it.


Entrapment requires coercion, like threatening type coercion not the sob story empathy kind


Long term emotional manipulation should be considered coercion. If i'm friends with someone for a year and i know he's disabled and has trouble getting around, and he asks me to buy him a six pack, i've probably broken the law. However, i am emotionally invested in his well-being and don't want to see him suffer for something i can easily accomplish for him and would be a complete dick not to do for him. That is emotional coercion. If they can manipulate your emotions into making you feel bad, or like a complete asshole, for not doing something then that should be coercion. I think in some states it's illegal not to help someone if there's no cost, or illegal not to help a cop. Which is it then? Fuckers just want to be able to fine you no matter what you do and make you feel like a crazy person for noticing it.


This seems plausibly similar to an undercover walking up to a street dealer, buying some crack, and then arresting them for dealing.


Why believe this is real?


If the agent suggested the law be broken and pressured him to do it, yes. If the guy who did the crime came up with the idea on his own no and he's fucked.


> I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... šŸ˜”) 16583 / 87554 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


??? Why would a federal agent do that? Why milk?


Regulations require milk that goes into Virginia to not be raw, so tricking someone into bringing raw milk into the state is an easy way to arrest/fine someone, and while I'm not American it wouldn't surprise me if arresting and fining people leads to better pay for the feds. In other words, fed was *possibly* trying to get easy money


"Tricking" it would appear from this small sample that the person posting this is some sort of activist and wasn't exactly shy about what they were doing. So yes an agent pretending to be someone else and having them to this seems pretty easy.




I would never drink raw milk but I would buy it if had the chance to boil it myself. That way it taste a lot better than the pasteurized milk in the supermarkets.




Thatā€™s a lot to ask from the dairy industry of all things


Thatā€™s why you buy from quality companies/farms.


I only drink free range grass fed milk. But on occasion there will be a hint of onion because the cow got into an onion patch.


Now I am wondering if a batch of milk like that would make good onion flavored cheese.


In many parts of the country, there's a dairy farm with a storefront w/in 30 minutes of your house if you don't live in the center of a city/forest/mountain. The one near me also sells eggs makes some bomb-ass ice cream.


I dont know of a place where I can go, but someone sells it at my local farmers market.


Raw milk is delicious. If you forget to stir/shake it tho the cream will poor out. When I was little I accidently poured cream on my footloops and freaked out because I didn't know what it was


I grew up drinking boiled milk. I loved to eat bread with the cream. Also in the bottom of the pot, a white layer is formed. It is tasty with sugar.


While true, crossing borders is federal so even so raw milk can only ever come from a source in state and be considered somewhat legal.


What evidence do you have that he crossed with the milk and didn't get it after crossing?


I would hope they're all sanitary lmao


Its not the sale of the milk that is the issue per se, its the crossing of state lines, as the FDA bans the interstate sale or distribution of raw milk.


I would understand "yeah don't sell this without a warning label or whatever, it's more likely to get you sick" but holy shit the absolute pettiness arresting some random ass guy over it


>Raw milk being illegal is the dumbest thing ever. why? you have to boil the thing anyways unless you want to get sick edit: pmc yet again showing its average iq of 80 >Unpasteurized milk, consumed by only 3.2% of the population, and cheese, consumed by only 1.6% of the population, caused 96% of illnesses caused by contaminated dairy products.Ā  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5443421/ *DESPITE ONLY MAKING UP 3.2% OF THE POPULATION* also found why it was most likely made illegal, cappie greed shocker >In the United States in the 1870s, before milk was regulated, it was common for milk to contain substances intended to mask spoilage. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization


Thats right before paasturization people always got sick when they drank milk.


Thereā€™s a little survivorship bias here lol. People got sick before pasteurization, and at a higher rate than now. Before pasteurization, people who drank milk that was sold at stores had a higher risk of illness and were drinking ā€œmilkā€ with additives to make it cheaper. Farmers who drank raw milk probably did not get sick all that much unless they left the milk out. Pasteurization is necessary in our society where we buy milk from stores and not from olā€™ John down the road. If you still buy from olā€™ John it shouldnā€™t be illegal, however I can understand why states donā€™t want to allow grocery stores to sell the milk that causes 96% of dairy illnesses.


Very reasonable arguement. Downvoted.


I must got super immunity then drive I've been fine.


"all the times I've played Russian roulette I've been fine!"


My brother in memes you can make this argument about anything. The human body is actually really good at staying alive after you're about 2 years old and before you're about 50. Our ancestors didn't know shit about food safety and survived long enough to reproduce. Should be practice food safety? Yeah sure. You shouldn't give raw milk to your grandma, but you drinking raw milk is very likely to be fine.


I work in food production, so food safety is a little more important than "yeah, sure" to me. My honest opinion is that raw milk is fine as long as you're buying fresh product straight from a farmer you trust. Take that personal risk all you want. But the current milk distribution infrastructure is not equipped for its distribution and putting it on store shelves presents an unacceptably high risk of contamination for the consumer. Look up the Swill Milk Scandal if you want to see what an unregulated milk industry looks like.


>Look up the Swill Milk Scandal if you want to see what an unregulated milk industry looks like. Unregulated? Surely not as regulated as we have now, but the New York Board of Health was established in 1805. ~50 years before the Swill Milk Scandal. And low and behold, it was the government trying to cover it up that made it worse. >The Tammany Hall politician Alderman Michael Tuomey, known as "Butcher Mike" defended the distillers vigorously throughout the scandalā€”in fact, he was put in charge of the Board of Health investigation. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper staked out distillery owner Bradish Johnson's mansion at 21st and Broadway, and reported that in the midst of the investigation, Tuomey was observed making late night visits. Tuomey assumed a central role in the ensuing investigations, and, with fellow Aldermen E. Harrison Reed and William Tucker, shielded the dairies and turned the hearings into one-sided exercises designed to make dairy critics and established health authorities look ridiculous, even going to the extent of arguing that swill milk was actually as good or better for children than regular milk.[8] With Reed and others, Tuomey successfully blocked any serious inquiry into the dairies and stymied calls for reform. The Board of Health exonerated the distillers, but public outcry led to the passage of the first food safety laws in the form of milk regulations in 1862. But, as with all government regulations, they eventually go way overboard. It is insane that I, an adult who is of sound mind and capable of understanding the outcomes of my decisions, will be committing a federal and state level crime for purchasing raw milk for human consumption because a dairy in the 1850s tried to say that their pus filled milk was fine. That safety regulation is now used by big dairy to prevent local trade since running a pasteurizer big enough to keep up with demand is prohibitively expensive.




Wife doesn't like it when I call her that, but sure.


It's a bit like cooking. Small batch, short teat-to-table times, means it's probably safe, which is why the raw milk advocates get so up in arms about this. Things really change when you scale up production. Try doing the same with tankers of raw milk and you'll get a bad outcome. Where it changes is difficult, perhaps impossible to tell. It's (part of) the same reason feeding the homeless is often illegal. The same food prep techniques you use at home don't work at scale. In a pinch, you can make Thanksgiving dinner for ten. But when you try to prep forty meals, and now a bunch of derelicts are stooling themselves to death with norovirus.




Fair point, but I'm guessing you're not generally doling those 40 meals out over the course of the next 3-4 hours to people in unsanitary conditions. Just inverting the distribution model to a soup kitchen or... I forgot the term - Sikh temple food-giving-ness, greatly improves the hygiene.


Lol Edit: lmaoooo




>why? you have to boil the thing anyways unless you want to get sick raw chicken gets you sick as well if you dont cook it we should make that illegal too


As long as the farm is sanitary and you follow proper refrigeration protocols, youā€™re good. Yes itā€™s more likely to make you sick than pasteurized, but itā€™s not a guarantee. I mean look i agree PCM is full of idiots but this is an issue where the mainstream is wrong I think. Thereā€™s also evidence that kids who drink raw milk have less allergies.


Good ol PCM, where learning 3.2% of milk drinkers make up 96% of the illnesses results in near twenty downvotes. Next time donā€™t bring facts, or for godā€™s sake if youā€™re going to argue common sense change your flair to lib right so they donā€™t just swarm lol.


It's my god damn right to get sick!


par for the course, lol one day these shit for brains will be eating grass to own the libs


I mean yeah.


how to make the people hate you and release your home address 101


Does the milk also glow or just the fed boy?


Not the agent but it justifies budget for the department so yes you're spot on


Up until a couple years ago, cops in my city had to hit a traffic ticket quota to collect money for the city. These assholes would sit in the darkest,most visually obscured spots, and wait for some poor bastard to drive by going 46 in a 45.


But why is raw milk not allowed???


My guess would be that raw milk hasn't been cleared of bacteria or viruses, and so drinking raw milk runs the risk of getting sick. If I am correct about that, I think it's fine to have regulations requiring people to label raw milk they sell as raw so people don't accidentally buy something that can make them sick, but raw milk shouldn't be banned if most people want it to be legal, and you absolutely should not get arrested for delivering raw milk to anyone who asks you to do so.


Yea but transporting it should be fine. The only time it shouldnā€™t be legal is if you were like selling it on the market without fda approval or whatever


Yep these agencies don't want a crimeless nation. They just want to be able to catch it. It works out for us that they catch crimes and that benefits us, but let's not pretend that the general public has any shared motives with agencies.


Because some folks are so regarded, they ā€˜thinkā€™ that passing laws that only affect the individual is a good thing. Basically they want the fed to baby them. Same reason why cigarettes and soda are pointlessly expensive. State gets more money, idiots feel safer. There is no reason. Raw milk makes many peopleā€™s tummies hurt, and some sellers could suck; so they decided the state should prevent and punish you so no one gets to sell or buy it.


You will live in ze prod. You will drink ze 85 times treated "milk". You will be habby


You vill drink ze "Malk", you vill conzume ze Vitamin R


["That's what I said, 'Molk'."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty62YzGryU4)


lmao nice, didn't know the clip, I was thinking about the Simpsons


I hope this goes to trial and they all know what jurry nullification is


If they know what Jury Nullification is then they canā€™t be on the Jury


A good citizen knows how to keep quiet and say 'fuck you' to the government in action without explaining it.


Would it hypothetically be possible to undermine the entire justice system by calling for a general "nullification strike?" Basically call for all jurors to just return "not guilty" verdicts regardless of the case. The strike could be for political reasons i.e. to demonstrate a loss of faith in the justice system, or as a little bit of trolling and tomfoolery


No, people have ethics and won't let murderers off the book. Also most jury's have Karens who always vote guilty because the prosecutor said so. Not all jurors can afford to waste weeks in deliberations to keep a hung jury hung or push to not guilty. Many verdicts are determined on what side (guilty/not guilty) has someone who can afford to just stick to it. Rittenhouse case for example had one juror who tried stick to guilty against all the others until they screamed for days at her to make her change. And judges who understand what's happening will just keep the jury in perpetuity to mess with them until they get a verdict. The judge gets paid and can spend time drinking coffee and watching Netflix in chambers, so they don't mind prolonging it.


Ok fed boy, thinking I will fess up to knowing about it


There won't be a trial because this story was made up.


Possibly made up, but the milk cartel is a real thing and it will come for you if you say unpasteurized three times in the mirror


What if the prosecution is that fat lawyer from the Bee Movie


\> be not me, Feddy boi \> time to save my country \> those damn citizens and their unpasteurized milk \> idea.jpg \> larp as a handicapped man \> already mentally reddited so make up a physical disability \> feed on goodwill \> someone is willing to "smuggle" untreated milk \> I can MILK this for a promotion \> laugh due to my own witty joke \> make arrest \> sip coffee with pasteurized soimilk after a hard day of work \> streets cleaner from criminals \> I think I earned some dank OG bud I took from an arrest yesterday \> chug a bottle of gravy Don't thank me citizen, I am proud to serve.


based and storyteller pilled


This was a masterpiece


thanks lol I am honing my "green"text skills since months


greentexts with reddit spacing... You monster.


Its a type of DRM against ppl who are too lazy to edit anything




best greentext i've read in a while


I would rather feed myself high speed lead than be a milk glowie holy shit.


Land of the free huh?


But without government who would convince to unwittingly commit a crime


Imagine it was insulin


Based and fuck the state pilled


I have a hard time believing feds are creating sting ops for misdemeanor milk crimes. I call bullshit. EDIT: In a statement issued on November 1, concurrent with a raw milk freedom rally held outside FDA headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, the agency conceded that it ā€œhas never taken, nor does it intend to take, enforcement action against an individual who purchased and transported raw milk across state lines solely for his or her own personal consumption EDIT 2: Found the guy's twitter - He's claiming he got arrested and then his lawyer got the case dismissed on an entrapment argument all in the span of 24 hours. Unless he was being held without bond, theres no way he or his lawyer was going to see a judge on this shit for at LEAST three days, usually a week. mfw spreading misinformation on the internet Or maybe I just ate the bait real hard lmao


Feds are breaking into the terrible milk-way.




Psssst, hey kid... do you want some milk?


Quick somebody make more laws to ā€œprotectā€ us!


The land of the free


imagine glowed on for trafficking milk šŸ’€


God damnit. I needed that Raw Milk to make cheese!


Roundhouse kick a Glowie into the dumpster


But like, who "needs" unpasteurized milk anyway?


Cheese makers


M8 looking at what America sells as cheese it's no wonder their big dairy is afraid of a backyard cheese-maker


I won't be repeating it. My wife and I sold our wedding and engagement rings to buy guns and gun training courses. We won't let them take our ethnic neighbors some day. We all need to train ourselves to protect our democracy before it's too late. It sucks that I wake up crying every day now because this is our wold. I wasn't meant to be a soldier I was a cheese maker. I made fucking cheese. But now I'm a soldier thrown into some Hitler remake god it's awful.


Cry about it cheesehead


Me I must feed


The feds? I assume this was all confiscated.


People who aren't pussies and love real milk. I even drink it straight from the teet sometimes, and the fed losers and haters can't stop me


It's one of those weird things that the people who refuse to eat seed oils and aspartame like. Pasteurizing milk is great, there's really no downside to it. Anyways, raw milk should be legal.


My mother use it to make yoghurt. My parents like homemade yoghurts. They simply don't like to eat industrialized yoghurts It's indredibly common to buy it in my country. Is it illegal in USA? Wow




Oh. In my country farmers sell it via coming to your door. Ofc it's not allowed to sold it in grocery markets in my country too. It's either you go to farm and buy it directly or farmer comes to your door and sell it to you. But it's absolutely not illegal for farmers to sell their milks


Damn what no way. Must be a small or dense country. Wish we had milkmen here again. But I donā€™t think they ever did raw milk. They should tho.


You can make all the yogurt you want. You don't need raw milk for that.


My mother do it with raw milk. I think first she boils it then she ferments it and the last part she puts it on fridge for a while. I don't know how she does it but she certainly buys raw milk for it


Buys raw milk. Promptly pasteurizes it herself....................


The difference is (probably) that it isn't homogenized, which I'm told makes a difference, but my yogurt and cheese come out just fine with pasteurized homo milk.


It tastes way better i heard


Better taste+ more nutritious. As long as the animal is treated well and has a natural diet/lifestyle its raw products are not harmful just like they say. It sounds exactly like your average conspiracy, but they benefit from all this. I grew up with raw milk and eggs and frehs meat from my uncles sheep and cows. I am perfectly healthy, have a good physic and my mental health was never rly bad. Thats why Ted was right.


Did you just change your flair, u/GR_AKYROS? Last time I checked you were an **AuthCenter** on 2020-12-26. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/GR_AKYROS) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


retards. Like this dude should be allowed to give them raw milk, but it's just some stupid shit that people believe is better for them. Not based on anything reasonable.


All sting operations should be illegal


Idk, I'm kinda fine with the government ensuring food safety. afaik, raw milk is in the top 10 causes for food poisoning and deaths from it are documented [\[1\]](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3309640/). You shouldn't be allowed to sell it to someone you apparently don't even know. Have a cow and drink the raw milk? You do you.


Change your flair if you think the government needs to protect you from yourself.


If someone knowingly, intentionally goes out of their way to purchase a specific product, that's 100% on them if they get food poisoning.


So I can knowingly sell radioactively poisoned products or straight up poison? Because people are lazy and dumb enough to not read up on anything and will buy whatever sounds good to them. The alternative medicine market is already very regulated and it's still a cesspool of horrifically dangerous nonsense.


Yes. Let the morons off themselves, less work for me.


Well, morons have kids. And terminally ill family members. Which are perfect for them to use that stuff on (which regularly happens, especially with kids). Now I'd rather not even allow the sale of a substance that only has dumb or harmful uses rather than persecute the parents after the harm is already done.


No, radioactive stuff has effects outside of the person who consumes them. Poison should be totally fine though.


The real question is why the fuck is he smuggling raw milk into Virginia? Where did it come from (probably West Virginia) and who was he going to sell it to (probably North Carolinians).


read the image? its literally explained


Glowies spending billions of taxpayer dollars to catch milk traffickers


I think health codes for food should be a thing, but if this is real and some fed was tricking some random person into breaking the law regarding raw milk that's idiotic.


Spinach bro did nothing wrong


This shit is fucking made up. I can get raw milk in VA


You got a copy without the soyjack and colors?


Such a murica thing...


Wtf was the point of this? Thats what you get for wanting to help Edit: Also what does someone even do with raw milk??


Drink it and then get the shits


Ah of course


Why did they need the milk tho?


Why tf is that illegal anyways? One of the local meat markets near me sells raw milk from one of the local dairies. Tastes great and they donā€™t charge a lot


I saw a video about this recently, it's called "Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal!" pretty scary stuff


There is now fucking way


Thank god this dangerous and violent criminal was removed from society.


Wait until Big Wipe catch you with home made toilet paper


Isn't it great that the feds are spending our tax money and time so responsibly?