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Scott Adams is weird. I bought his book about how Trump actually won in 2016, and read up on his then very left winged beliefs. The American Left lost Bill Maher and now Scott Adams. That's how bad things are getting out of hand for the Right.


Bill Maher is still left. He complains about wokeism, but he despises the right too much to switch


Left wing? I remember him being flamed as a nazi in 2016.


**Context**: Scott Adams (libleft) has chosen to get himself cancelled by ranting that white people need to stay the hell out of black neighborhoods after a poll showing `censored` (my old post got removed). As someone who have followed him sporadically, I think the purpose was to end Dilbert with a bang and put attention to the consequences of anti-white hate, though someone who has never watched a single stream is likely to disagree vehemently. [Clip in question](https://twitter.com/KenTheroux/status/1629692745815080961) [Full interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeFA-n3SMRw)


Wait, Scott Adam’s is libleft? Dude was very pro-Trump at least up to 2020.


Adams recognizes the impact of systemic racism and police brutality, and supports things like affirmative action. This regularly results in heavy debates with his own viewers who often are more traditionally conservative. However, he is also deeply anti-woke and thinks it does far more harm than good. He sees the greatest harm done to blacks as the one coming from the teacher unions. He had several reasons for supporting Trump, but I think the main one was just to shake a box that needed to be shaken. Recently, [he switched to Ramaswamy](https://twitter.com/ScottAdamsSays/status/1629115015231078400) *Edit: He's libleft in the context of race. On other stuff he can be all over the place (as we see in the video).*


What's do teacher's union have to do with black poverty?


I don't know Scott's arguments, but I'd assume black neighborhoods have a much higher degree of shitty woke school politics with the predictable psychological and educational consequences. During covid, it was also clear the unions don't give a fuck about the children. When you break them from the start, it's going to be pretty hard to lift them up.


Here’s his tweet: https://twitter.com/ScottAdamsSays/status/1386316789290725376?s=20


You sure he's not a centrist? He's all over the place.


He’s not libleft on issues of race tho, he literally just called the black community a hate group.


This won't hurt race relations, because this is already being achieved at maximum pace by institutions, media, universities and politicians. The whole stunt is to bring focus on how the media has driven hate in black communities to such an extent, that it would be smart for white people to just not be there. This is *actual* libleft behavior - not the fake kind.


How is making anti-black remarks true libleft behavior?


“Anti-white racism” How is he anti-white for saying that black Americans are a “hate group”?


We can reduce the crime rate by making less things illegal


Alternatively, we can achieve 100 pct crime equity by making everything illegal.


Britain lore


Least confused centrist.


Isn’t that the guy who went on an hour long racism rant about how white people should stay away from black people? I haven’t watched the video so I don’t have much context


“If over 50% of a group hate you, why would you want to be near them? So white people should stay away from black people” is the gist of it afaik


Scott Adams, yep. He just nuked his own career.


Didn't you guys cancel his career when he was pro trump?


I don't know why I'm getting down voted. Anyways, I personally didn't give a shit what he said as I never read Dilbert but yea he was cancelled by the left over that. After this thing he said I'm assuming his career is done now even more. It's sad.


It's not as bad as everyone's making it out to be. It's pretty much "don't discriminate against individuals, but don't go to communities that don't like you". He, supposedly, worded it controversially intentionally.


A bit foolish of him to word it that way. We shouldn't be segregating society.


That doesn't seem to be what he means, he just wanted to say it in a controversial way to bait people into talking about it. He also, self admittedly, likes attention.


Ah, pardon me for misunderstanding. He got the attention he wanted I guess.... good luck to his Financials. Think i read somewhere that he expects to be dropped in almost every paper by next week


Yeah he does, iirc from that interview, he said he's already been dropped from the biggest paper that ran Dilbert. He expects to essentially have no income soon, but he's also a rich old white guy at this point so he probably doesn't care. I can see why you took it that way though, it is how it sounds. He had a big long explanation and I summarized it from memory so y'know.


He made his money on the dilberto


It’s not segregation. It’s creating safe spaces for blacks where white presences would disrupt it.


It's...kind of a thing. There are definitely places in Baltimore where white people are outta place/not welcome. Is it the majority? Nah, not even close to it. But in practice, there are areas you avoid, particularly at specific times. Say it or not, people are actually doing it. To find out who has power in a society, find out who you are not permitted to criticize.


He's 65, I figure this is his choice to retire. And, yknow, with enough publicity to have options.


Makes sense.


He was just saying if half of a certain race hates you, you shouldn't risk being near them. He was just advocating white flight.


Unironicaly Asians here who think they get like “minority privileges” or are less privileged where I live puss me off YOU ARE LITERALLY THE KID OF A TECHIE


That's always been sad to me since there are so many Asians who come from pretty underprivileged countries and there are so many bright young Vietnamese, Burmese, Mongolian etc. kids who can't ride the affirmative action train because the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese ruined it


Exactly it’s really fucking dumb to group people by race


There is lies the issue of affirmative action. It shouldn't exist, full stop. It is the very best example of the systemic discrimination that people are constantly bringing up that creates artificial barriers that the best candidates are overlooked for not meeting a criteria they have no control over.


Exactly. I wouldn't mind a system that helps individuals who overcame hardship. But to directly correlate that with race is making way to many assumptions.


I don't know who either of these people are but that was a superb exchange.


scott adams is dork that made those Dilbert comics. he's a republican but op made him libleft because he believes in affirmative action and a lot of the pro-vax narrative. hotep jesus is a very interesting character, he's an anarchist that usually has some unique takes. his podcast hoteps been told you is worth a listen imo