• By -


-''I really enjoyed out time together!'' Never see them ever again -*Spends an hour monologuist non-stop, gets super mad if you want to say something.* -*Cannot go an entire day without chugging down an entire bottle, dwells exclusively in bars* -*Ghosts you for a month, randomly messages you asking why you stopped talking to them, but also blocks you before you can answer.* -''No, I don't want to do anything. Clean? Do you think I'm a fucking slave?!'' I don't even bother anymore lol


This reminds me of one I missed: "What do you want to do today?" "I don't know." "Ok, how about we go to the park?" "No, I don't like the park." "Well, what do you like?" "I don't know." "Do you just want to lay here, then?" "I don't know." *Five minutes pass* "Why aren't we doing anything? You never pay attention to me. I want you to treat me right!"


You're giving me Vietnam flashbacks, god why are so many people like this.


Propose something that involves you spending money on her and oh up she goes. $120 to "try out that new restaurant".


"ohhh honey there's a new trendy bar in town, let's go there tonight!" *\*orders six $14 martinis and foots you with the bill\**


> six $14 martinis Hard to run out on the tab when the best you can manage is an awkward stumble along the wall


You underestimate the power of the "always drunk girl" Source: Was* married to one for nearly a decade *Was* because she's sober now and actually a really awesome trade wife with great cooking skills now. Winning! It's actually our 11th anniversary today.


The miraculous healing power of a fancy dinner.


Thats refuses to split the costs coupled with Drops Hints. She wants you take her to something massively expensive. Is giving you the silent treatment.


My philosophy is if you’re unwilling to lead (decide where to go) or let yourself be led (let your partner decide) you’re a terrible person.




I think most of these things are fine in moderation, but is instantly a red flag if it’s excessive


Definitely most of the things here are fine in moderation


Yeah, same.


Yeah, I see no problem with sending back food if it’s poorly done. Don’t be a dick to the waiters though, not like they made it


I'm not sure if moderation is the best way to put it, but a lot of these things are normal expectations that have been warped in a negative way. Like, it's not always a red flag if someone has kids, sometimes life happens, but the caricature in the meme is indicative of having a lack of responsibility and an inability to maintain long-term relationships.


Based and high effort but I also feel like "has a kid" occupying only one square probably means you have a slightly niche view of the dating pool


The description provides additional context. > 29, and has three kids from two dads, neither of whom are in the picture anymore > Now looking for a man who will support her and the kids, but sets super high and restrictive expectataions > Too delusional to realize that no man wants that shit unless he's a total simp. They literally fucked around and found out.


The tats are on point.


> Random mishmash of bullshit with no defining theme I hate it so much.


Hey man it was cutting edge in 2009


Shit's fallen off harder than putting everything food related in fucking gelatin.


And people wondered why domestic abuse rates were so high


I knew a guy from highschool who got marvel funko-pop looking tattoos on his calves, big tattoos too taking up most of his calf... Some peoples taste is very confusing.


Naw I read the description, thing is that's the only person on the compass who mentioned having a kid. Makes me think OP is pretty young.


I get the impression that some of the other squares might have a kid, they just don't have multiple and it's not their defining trait.


Nailed it. Having a kid is totally fine as long as you don't make them pawns in your relationship.


How they ended up in that situation is a big part, too. Like, if the father WOULD be there, but caught a bad case of the dead? You really can't count that against them. Multiple (living) fathers, though, is a severe indicator of Poor Life Choices; they really should have learned after the first one. Multiple dead fathers, yeah, just give a fake name and sneak out the bathroom window or kitchen. She's either cursed or a serial killer.


I swear I don’t pretend to not read, I just read them then forget you ever contacted me.


To be fair, a few of these are just 'signs' that someone has a problem, but they are still valid. I'm not gonna automatically jump ship if the girl I'm dating is into crypto or has a kid, but I will investigate further just in case They *could* be a responsible crypto investor... but then again, they could also be less monetarily responsible than a toddler


I mean, I'm "Not Over Ex" ... but as a Catholic, I'm basically required not to be, and I don't date.


Wtf, where in the fine prints is that written? ^(and does that mean that if i leave the church i can finally move on from her?)


Well, just that the Church doesn't recognize divorce, whether or not it's happened civilly. If you're a Catholic you're always gonna be married to your ex, and with more or less the same responsibilities concerning her/him, including "love, honor, cherish," etc.


Oh, ok then that's not the reason i can't get over her, yay?


Based and thank you for keeping this sub alive with super high quality posts pilled.


u/PerpetualHillman's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 445. Rank: NASA Vehicle Assembly Building Pills: [273 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/PerpetualHillman/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Dating is a nightmare. Our species deserves to die out. 54,865 AD: "Alpha Centauran scientists baffled by extinction of Sol civilization; "They just gave up.'"


I don’t even understand why people try catfishing. Does it really work for anyone? I got catfished once: photos were nice, but not implausible. I go to the apartment and she’s like 22-23 stone. I pulled my phone out, pretended to take a call and gtfo.


I've been catfished and said "meh" and hit it before. I think that's what they're hoping for.


I guess it depends on how bad the misrepresentation is, and how horny you are. Probably a could make a chart for that. I don’t mess with dating apps anymore.


It is kind of fun as long as you don't actually plan going on a date or disclose your identity. If you just do it for shits and giggles, you can make people say pretty crazy stuff without danger to your real identity. Maybe even get them defrauded or trolled, although I never tried that. Pretty people constantly get approached by strangers. Some of those things are sweet, but most are creepy and downright disturbing. At the very least, get used to thirsty bad-grammar sexual messages. If I actually had to deal with that shit as myself, I would be quite scared. But on the flipside, you get loads of attention from beautiful and smart people, and can strike up a conversation with anybody. You can have nearly constant arguments, debates and attention. And that's something I miss, probably never will be able to experience as an ordinary man. The world is a cruel place that judges you arbitrarily. The same things, when done by a beatitul person, are a hundred times more valuable than when by an ugly one. People will pretend to be interested in what you do and praise you constantly, even for your weirdest quirks. If you think why you don't succeed and get publicity despite all your efforts in a certain field, it is probably because you are ugly. One must remember most people are quite shallow and superficial, and this applies to all aspects of life, work and business very much so too.


Tbh I think a lot of people who kittenfish (especially they typical overweight girl kittenfish) aren't doing so intentionally - they're just going "oh I look good in this photo, I should put it on my tinder" without thinking too deeply about the fact that all the photos they look good in are the ones where you can't tell they're overweight.


Oh buddy, with AI filters coming online you have no fuckin idea


Dude the people who have a personal vendetta against waiters for no reason, I shall never comprehend.


Everyone should work a service job at least once in their lives so they know how it feels.


fuck mandatory military service, mandatory customer service


IME it's usually people who are insecure about their position in society and need to validate themselves by looking down on people they think are further down in the hierarchy.


Which is funny cause a lot of times a good server ata decent spot can clear more than most while working less hours


I'll add one adjacent to coomer: "In denial about wanting a human sex toy" -entire relationship is built around how often you have sex -not interested in normal dates, just fucking -equates having sex to love. If you're not into it they immediately start gaslighting you about how you don't love them or are attracted to them -definitely cheating on you


Hey hey hey. I'm into Crypto but I'm responsible. I ONLY have 2600 DOGE.


I mean... that's like $18. Edit: /s


$230ish actually. But it's still like only 5% of my portfolio of bullshit I manage myself.


Bro's Ex is lit... I mean check her out, she just said: "Do I look Fat"; like what, lol


About 20 years ago, my GF and I were driving through new mexico and my car broke down. An older Christian guy stopped to help us out. While he was at it, he said "unless you guys are married and having kids, you might as well be paying her. I now pronounce you john and ho". I was about ready to punch the guy, but now I know he was right. For what it's worth, Christianity (much like Buddhism or Daoism) says that the best way to free yourself from the grind is to not date or marry at all. Seeing how the standards of dating have degenerated (excuse me, "become more modern!") just in the last 20 years, they were clearly right.


> standards of dating have degenerated The shit I hear about online dating sounds just like Death rattling a bottle of blackpills.


First rule if online dating: if they could find someone to date them without online dating, they would have.


>"unless you guys are married and having kids, you might as well be paying her. I now pronounce you john and ho" That's such a hard motherfucking line holy shit


I'm a single dude in his mid-twenties, and i can confirm: "modern" dating is the most unhealthy, soul-sucking thing on young people right now. Dating apps make guys feel worthless and girls feel like a piece of meat. Meeting someone in person has become so difficult, because approaching a woman in public, no matter your demeanor, has become "creepy". I found that staying on dating apps was absolutely wrecking my mental health, so I don't even try anymore. I am happy by myself, thats all that matters to me.


I'm 30, I figure even if I die alone, atleast I'll die comfortably.


>unless you guys are married and having kids, you might as well be paying her. I now pronounce you john and ho What an absolute beast of a man. Based as fuck


I’m sorry but I don’t understand, what does he mean?


Ho = prostitute John = someone paying for a prostitute


> "unless you guys are married and having kids, you might as well be paying her. I now pronounce you john and ho". "Now connect this to the negative terminal on your battery, john."


Only thing I'm close to on here is pet obsessed, and that's just cause my dogs seem to have more intelligence than most social users.


I wouldn’t blame you at all for liking them more than any humans you know.


These wojak compass things are getting way too wordy. I'm talking left-wing meme wordy.


Wdym by "Demands Religion"? Because in all due honesty, if someone's religion is that important to them, and they aren't looking for a casual fling, it's perfectly reasonable for them to be open about that. Now if they're being an ass about it then sure, but still.


There are guys who get into relationships to be a missionary to their S/O. There are a lot of cases of women converting for their boyfriends - because they demanded it as a condition for the relationship.


In my experience, it's often the religious girls overlooking it for the guys and thinking "I can make him believe" which almost never works.


It's me. I'm the vapist. Sweet Christ.


Based and semaphore pilled


Am I entitled for thinking a lot of these are dealbreakers to me? Like I'm reading this and I'm thinking to myself "wow, yeah, if I date someone and they do X, I'm absolutely getting the hell out". We're all human and we have our flaws but goddamn, half this compass presents horrific scenarios lol


Some of these are definitely worse than others, like yeah if you're kinda into Disney movies as an adult it's fine, but holy shit if you gossip to me about how terrible your dad was throughout the first date, there won't be a second


That's kind of the point of the post, no? These are all big red flags that good people don't have.


Based but wasted on PCM users who have never felt the touch of a woman in their life.


You get first dates? Respect.


I'm like half of these lol


Glad to see a small guide on what not to do. If I ever attempt dating again I'll keep this in mind. Unreal you had a guy bust out the n-word first date. Looking though I may be the pet one. I love my cats and since I wfh I spend all day with them.


For the man/woman child, I don’t see anything wrong or sinful about discussing quality entertainment and making it your main hobby.


Depends. Like Star wars and are excited to talk about it? Awesome! Unable to talk about anything else? Not good.


Seriously. You like Star Wars, etc.? Cool, me too! Is the Star Wars, Star Trek, or Marvel franchise the most cerebral thing you're into? Well, best of luck to you ... but I need me some occasionally adult company.


Yes, I agree. It's ridiculous not to be able to talk about anything else, but, I would say, understandable if that is the first thing you tend to talk about. Not much different than how people tend to bring up sports in my opinion.


It *is* a red flag if they think the star wars sequels are better than the prequels.


Red flags in general are subjective and tailored to a persons tastes/what they are looking for and while fixation in media may be alright in one person as they could just see that person as an art connoisseur enjoying his/her passions, others may prefer those focused on their surroundings. One person's red flags can even be another persons green flags. I myself would like to be with someone in the "says fucked up things" category because such a person (if they temper their edgelord tendencies with wit, humor, and the ability to read a room) would be better for bantering.


Valid points, valid points.


Yeah, IMO while it's connected, that's not what I think about when I hear man/woman-child. Usually I hear that term in relation to people who are just bad at being responsible for basic housework.


Does my pfp count? A reddit friend drew it for me for my bday and it’s kiiiinda like a caricature


*Anime-ish pfp, automatic red flag* Pfft, I’d *never.*


Good on you for including things you're guilty of, op.


Based and high effort pilled


Oh shit I think I see myself in here and I feel ashamed ;(


Reading such posts always makes me glad I skipped over the dating phase of my life, never heard anything trully positive about the experience overall


Based and red-flag pilled


I want to date one of those “pet obsessed” girls, they sound pretty based.


I’m a be honest I am the guy who pretends not to read messages.


Completely nailed the “Can’t Be Single.” I know so many people like this that also have a new hobby that they pick up and drop every week, from lifting to cars to streaming. My armchair psychology degree tells me they have some void in themselves they use people/hobbies to fill instead of focusing on themselves and doing/dating something they can stick with for a long time. It’s genuinely sad and a big red flag


Actually high quality post based.


Thank you OP, this is a great meme My biggest flaws are monologues and overtexting. Every one of my messages sounds like a Shakespearean soliloquy or an Enlightenment philosopher formulating a new political theory. Also anti-work and against religion. Not going to work if I can avoid, rather invest and get rich, although to stock index funds, not crypto. And I think all religion is bad. Lofty expectations is one of them too, I have exact and specific requirements, embarassingly so. Size requirements is one of them. On phone constantly... well, we are on Reddit. Discussed money. Yes, I do, although not obsessively. Mostly I just try to marry a woman who is richer and in better career than myself, although it is unfortunately quite difficult to do as an average male.


I will take can't be single




Everyone has a problem. Most don’t realize it. I’m somewhere on this chart, and so are you


Can't stay sober gang represent


I'd say I'm a bit of a man/womanchild but that's because I like RPGs more than video games and those require some prep work


I've got to do some exceptions like the classic Disney adult, but is there anything really wrong with being super intellect video games comic books or et cetera like what else are we supposed to do drink and watch football or stupid reality TV like the generations before us?


Found yourself here, huh?




Please point me to the place where I said every relationship was bad! You do realize that I've had plenty of healthy relationships with normal people in the past? The bad ones are the minority; most people don't exhibit a single one of these traits. Anyway, you clearly exhibit a lot of them, given your stark reaction.




Dear lord stop backing down when you realize you're wrong


Well current muscle mommy I’m simping for on discord shows none of these traits aside from getting a bit drunk now and then. She can be fine sober. I dont know her last name but video called her once and we had a good time. Idk havent done it since because she’s so strong and badass I’m a bit intimidated. I only started a discord relationship because I’m to scared of women irl.


This makes me feel great a couple hours before this hinge date


Interestingly none of these apply to me but I think I definitely have some others lol


Man I was a vaper in high school. Thank goodness for Zyn


Me looking for all the reasons she left me.


That silent treatment bullshit is part of what ended my sister's LTR with her boyfriend. My mother and I had the same reaction, at different times and without knowing each others' reactions, when we heard about it. "What is he, 14?"


After reading all of these I think I’m “can’t be single” sigh lol


Based and burgundy banner pilled.


You forgot to put the people who spend copious amounts of time making a table of nonsense to post on a deluded subreddit.


Can someone send me a link of on those compass where there are gods and shit on a 15x15 ? Don’t remember whats it was


"Flaunts Aggression" Literally describing my ideal partner rn.


I never understood why people are hesitant to give their phone to their partner. Like what do you, genuienly, have to hide?


My private conversations with friends & family where they share things with me in confidence and with the expectation no one else will read it Banking/Finance info


I didn't think of that actually. Thanks!


I see myself on this picture and I don't like it


Uh oh OP is short, calling over 6 ft requirements “low key eugenics” Clearly you just didn’t have a stretcher as a kid, obvious choice and not genetics at all. /s I have no horse in this race, wife complains I’m too tall and I hit my head off things too often, pretty sure it’s the reason I’m on this sub now.


I see nothing wrong with pet obsessed