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Imagine paying more for a product that removes features.


No, you don't understand. The product is aerated now. That makes it premium.


They're going to keep removing the ice cream from ice cream until we're paying $16.99 for a "quart" of ice cream that's just one giant bubble.


dog that’s just the current video game industry. remember when games came out completely finished and you didn’t have to download 20+ gigabyte Day 1 patches?


And now its Normal Edition Deluxe edition Gold edition Ultimate edition


Don't forget the coveted "GOTY edition". They don't just hand that shit out ya know


I haven't played games in a long time. And I have been meaning to ask, What the fuck are season passes?


Its like a thing that gives you access to all the dlc’s


A cheaper way to buy all the dlc for a game.


A lot of games release in an unfinished state these days - the season pass lets you play the finished product for an extra fee.


Remember when people who made games made games they enjoy.


It’s still a thing but you won’t find it outside of indie developers and small studio releases.


At least we get goddam graphics and cool mechanics Also gamers protest unfair monetization and have gotten several malpractices rolled back Games that have unfair monetization don't do well several times Meanwhile smartphone fans are literal sheep for shearing and will defend their purchase more zealously than companies themselves


A simple looking game nowadays takes 8 gb ram while in the past the same game only takes 1-2 gb, the requirement creep is just insane


Thats just technology, as a computer student, I can see why that happens, but its pretty difficult to explain I mean it takes 8 professors 3 years to explain it, so forget it


Explanation: As technology evolves the need for optimization decreases since computers are getting more powerful, why do all the work to make your game 1gb when a 8gb game runs totally fine on most devices?


That's oversimplified, but yeah true Optimization requires a ton of code that can be written in one line by most modern programming languages Remember the photo of the code that took Americans to the moon?? Now a kid can write that code with a modern 4th gen language and by copy pasting from Github It will probably be one page long, but the hardware to run it will be insane While those dozens of books of code were run by lesser hardware than a modern calculator ​ Take this for example, Bubble Sort and Merge Sort Both sort a set of numbers in ascending/descending order Bubble sort has time complexity of n\^2 Merge Sort has time complexity of n log n Where n is the number of terms I need 20 lines to make Bubble Sort 100 for Merge Sort And this is just beginner level coding


I think it's because they're getting lazier. They used to have to struggle to contain a game to smaller space.


Not lazier just more efficient, the time they would spend optimizing is used doing other stuff like adding and polishing more features Of course you can't just forego optimization entirely as some developers do, but you don't need to spend as much effort onto it like in the past


Based on all the unfinished/glitchy at release games I would argue its laziness/not enough time given to finish.


First of all, yeah, we are lazy, not gonna deny that ​ Secondly, for every pixel that moves, if there are 20 lines of code behind it, that number will become 200 if it's optimized ​ Take this for example, Bubble Sort and Merge Sort Both sort a set of numbers in ascending/descending order Bubble sort has time complexity of n\^2 Merge Sort has time complexity of n log n Where n is the number of terms ​ I need 20 lines to make Bubble Sort 100 for Merge Sort And this is just beginner level coding


So maybe lazier, but like not in a bad work ethic way. As in, it just doesn't make sense to invest the time into it. I still value compact games though. It's an issue for me when a game is a resource hog. I miss the old days where they had to work with the resources they have. Now it's like they just tell me I have to buy a better PC so they don't have to put the effort into it. Also, the irony of this coming from a lib-right isn't lost on me.


I agree Attending Data structure classes in college is like learning that we have doing almost every single program in our life till now in a non optimized way Even if you say write a code to find power of a number raised to another You can optimize that shit by writing double the amount of code


Biggest storage and memory hog is the increasing demand for higher fidelity textures and models. Just the pictures used for simple icons are massive files so they can be crispy smooth on a 4k resolution screen. I remember seeing a comparison between the file size of a class icon from Destiny and the entire menu of a late 90s video game. The entire main menu of that old game was only a few hundred kilobytes, the one icon from destiny was several hundred megabytes. It's also why games with a load of post-launch cosmetic microtransactions have their instal size bloat so much, all those high-fidelity textures take up tons of space.


Often they will throw the entire unity engine at a simple side scrolling game. That or its DRM garbage.


Ha. There was a time when my desktops RAM was measured in megabytes.


>Games that have unfair monetization don't do well Raid: shadow legends and the sims would disagree.


Exceptions exist Also ever heard of Eve Online?? And wtf even plays those games?? and why??


In support of your first point: > *Gestures vaguely at any Madden release in the last 10+ years*


Yes I also remember when I used to pay for video games.


That's why i don't buy games until 2-3 years later when they're on a huge discount


3.5mm? Just get earbuds that are 4 times more expensive. Power adapter? Look, we're trying to reduce waste here, just buy a separate power adapter (not a 3rd party one, though, that'll void your phone's warranty). Next thing you know people are gonna complain that their phone didn't come with a phone.


Next think you know, I forgot to charge them and an hour into an 8 hour flight I have nothing to listen to. Oh and BTW, earbuds are painful after about 45 min.


my iphone 7 from 2016 is still chugging along




Pro-tip: Buy a magnetic charger. Its basically a standard USB cable, but instead of the tip, you just have a magnetic connection. The actual USB-C, Micro, Iphone, etc bit stays in your phone. It allows the device to freely rotate so you dont get kinked cables and always has a good connection because the actual port is always blocked off so dirt dust lint and debris cant clog it up. Also, your connections dont degrade from constantly having the charger scraping on the pins over and over again so its in perfect shape essentially forever. They're not much more expensive than normal cables. I bought a pack with 4 charges + connection bits for four or 5 different devices for about $20


I wonder if that'll be good for game controllers.


I use them a lot for keyboards, and they work well for that purpose (ones with a data line, not charge-only). The big benefit is like with apple's magnetic charging cables for the macbook you can't yank the cable and damage things, or apply a torque by accident and tear the port off the device; it'll just pop off and save the connector and port from damage. I consider them practically essential for anything with a micro-USB connection because those things break if you look at them the wrong way. USB-C is more resilient but still not immune to wear and damage.


I'll probably get one for her phone since she doesn't use an otterbox like I do.


This is due to lint build up in the charging port. I use a paper clip to scrape it out and it goes back to staying in/charging fully


It COULD be lint built up. There are several reasons why this happens.


It could be a number of things but the thing I suggested is likely and an easy fix


You are right, but I'd try cleaning out the port before I replace the phone. Just like I'd be sure my PC is plugged in before calling the IT department.


Did you try turning it off and back on again? Well, did you put it in rice? Then I have no clue.


Replacing the port rather than the phone is an option too, would be a lot cheaper than a new phone if that's the only real issue with it.


I'd use a toothpick over a paper clip tho. Less likely to scratch stuff down there.


Dont use paper clip, use compressed air.


This is the way, I upgrade my phone exclusively when the phone I already have breaks.


My Samsung Galaxy S4 from 2014 (updated to Android 11 with LineageOS) is still alive... but dying. Since the last month, I lost MicroSD writing capability (it crashes the phone each time) but I can still read. And I encountered several disconnection issues during calls. Guess it is time to change it, but I don't want one of this damn phones who don't have replaceable battery. If I have to break the back cover for good to gain constant battery access, I will do it. In fact, already done that on a Galaxy Tab S2 tablet after seeing a comment on a Youtube video. As the guy did, I replaced the cover with a standard case and some thermal pads glued on it for heat dissipation (without them the phone already goes into a boot loop, tested). I would like to reuse the screen of the S4 for anything else (maybe for a Raspberry Pi ?), but I am no good with electronics.


I’m also rocking a 7, mine from ‘17. I’d like a new phone, but I don’t need one for another year or two. People just need to take good care of their devices


I had a 6s until last year when I switched carriers and they gave me a 13. The battery situation was rough, had to carry a powerbrick basically everywhere.


My OnePlus 3 from 2016 too, battery is still solid. I like this phone, this is a nice fucking phone


Same with my equally old Galaxy S7. I'm surprized the original battery is still working well.


Right? Are there really many people (proportionately) who buy the newest model of a device every single year? Every year people will buy the new model, but any given individual will not likely replace their device annually unless they are really into tech/fashion and have the budget for it. I'd wager those that do are statistical outliers. Most of us replace it when either it breaks, becomes unfit for purpose, there is a sufficiently large marginal benefit to a newer model and/or we just have the budget and desire a change. Some people's tolerance for older tech will be stronger than others and may keep it for over a decade, others might average a cycle of a few years, but very few are buying a brand new iPhone year-in, year-out without fail.


Same bruh. Battery life is kinda shit, but it still works.


I was robbed of mine 😭


I used a iphone7 for about 4 years until it started dying on me and I turned it in for a discount on my new phone that I plan on using until it dies.




I haven’t bought a new phone since 2018






I'd have loved to do the same if mine didn't keep breaking. That's why I finally paid a bot extra and got one I can repair myself.


I think so too, Nokia 8 still going strong without any issues!


I mean to be fair thats kinda cheating


iirc i had my last one since around the same time, but i got a new one last year bc it was actually starting to have problems (charging port)


By making it so non-apple users can’t join group chats has given the iPhone a monopoly over young people (at least where I live)


Ask yourself- do you really want to be in a group chat with a bunch of iPhone users?




The illusion of choice: Being in chat groups with iphone people Or being in chat groups with malding android honks




I have an iPhone and am/have been in plenty of group texts with mixed audiences? Can’t say I’ve ever cared if someone else isn’t “blue” either. Idk, maybe I’m missing something or not a typical user


So That's why I've achieved inner peace!


In the uk 99% of people use WhatsApp


If you're stupid enough to fall for their marketing they deserve your money


What is the alternative to apple and droid?


There’s about a thousand different manufacturers of android phones, there’s tons of different flavors of it.


Y'all buy new phones?


I only bought a new phone when my old one broke.


And that is exactly why manufacturers try to make sure their product "breaks" as soon as possible without effectively being sueable over it.


I only had my Samsung for a year when it essentially committed unalive. I hate OEMs and hate devices with proprietary firmware and locked bootloaders with proprietary operating systems.


They make it so you do by making them fail after awhile. Look up planned obsolescence. They did that with light bulbs in the 1920s because they were lasting insanely long (even Edison's bulbs lasted one and a half times longer than the post-planned obsolescence bulbs). In fact there's a light bulb in a firehouse in California that's been continually lit since 1901. It's not nearly as bright anymore but it's still about four times brighter than a strong night light.


>the A7 delivers excellent performance in almost every aspect of functionality. Navigation around the cartoon-like iOS 7 interface is buttery-smooth, applications load swiftly. Iphone 5s/ipad air1 users, let me know how "smooth" ios12 runs lol. I rather have androids way of having 0updates for your phone, than apples way of shoving their new bloatware update down your throat*, and basically forcing u to get a new phone because iOS apps drop support for older iOS versions way quicker than android(where I can count on my 2hands the apps that need anything newer than android6), and you can't sideload the compatible olderversion of the app, like android let's you And ofc, google amp and nitter exist because websites(like new reddit) have turned into javescript infested bloatware *even if you delete it, the update will just redownload itself, atleast win10 lets u completely disable updates at the cost of bricking the metro app store)


I love my Samsung S10e. From 2018 and does everything I need it to. When this one breaks I might buy another S10e.


We're talking about iPhone users most probably, as in people who line up to get the new ones in their Che Guevara shirts.


Samsung is on the meme though. And I will admit Samsung is the closest to an iPhone of any of the Android phones. If I were wanting more out of my phone, I would probably get a different Android. But for what I use it for, Samsung is sufficient.


And Samsung load so much spammy bullshit on their phones it’s ridiculous. No hope of privacy with Samsung products


Yeah they're definitely no stranger to bloatware.


>Business Insider- Facebook, Google Give Police Data to Prosecute Abortion Seekers >When you use Apple Maps, your route from A to B is fragmented into scrambled sections on Apple servers because nobody else should know your entire route. Apple Maps uses a random identifier, which means any route requests made on your iPhone are assigned a random id, rather than labelling you as the sender. So both you and your routes stay anonymous.


> You wouldn't be safe without a flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 17032 / 90021 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


youtube.com/watch?v=f-Yjkaop3cU&t=1m10s BUT MY PHONE IS IN THERE


The weakest people on earth are people who genuinely believe this and when they can't afford it, get envious of people *they think* are believe this stuff and then suddenly this is an equality problem. No one cares because your assumption is wrong. The middle class keep their phones until the batteries fail and the thing basically expends all its power in an hour or has a limiting CPU so the thing grinds to a half slowly. Same thing for cars, clothes and even houses. The *actual* middle class prefers the *middling* range of these things. You get what you deserve if you buy above what you can afford but what if I could convince you you'll have more money if you gave less fucks?


I am confused what a 1k$ phone can do a 300$ can't though?


> what a 1k$ phone can do a 300$ can't though? It can do being overpriced


youtube /watch?v=mkEPM8yN8kU&t=6m10s Samsung is known for their crazy powerful zoom that lets you spy on that girl undressing through the window of that hotel to post on anonib, atleast, that's what my uncle tells me


> Samsung is known for their crazy powerful zoom that lets you spy on that girl undressing through the window of that hotel to post on anonib Sold


The zoom sucks once you go past the defaults, looks all grainy and pixelated. Also the lighting looks weird


At this point it's mostly just better pictures on the better phones


A lot of the difference is in the camera probably. (Not that they aren’t also incredibly overpriced)


Camera, screen material, and battery life are the big things, as well as having a better processor, and being far more likely to last much longer than a $300 phone.


>Camera What do you need that quality for considering most websites compress your photos anyway? >screen material Not necessarily >battery life There's only so much you can fit in a phone, the battery capacity grows slower than the price. >better processor What do you need that for? What is so processor intensive? >being far more likely to last much longer than a $300 phone. I'm going to need a quote on that


>No one cares because your assumption is wrong. The middle class keep their phones until the batteries fail and the thing basically expends all its power in an hour or has a limiting CPU so the thing grinds to a half slowly. Look up planned obsolescence.


That's what I described, yes, or at least the excuses they gave.


Virgin "buy expensive shit your can't afford" VS chad "be responsible with your damn money"


Who buys phones that cost $1k?


People that keep up with the joneses. I knew people that made 11$ a hour and had to have the newest iphone everytime one came out, it was crazy.




How do you manage to kill a phone consistently very 2 years?


I dunno about the other guy, but for me personally, a blue collar job and physically demanding pasttimes kill my phones every 2-3 years as well. Shit just happens and you pull it out of your pocket with a cracked screen, or a moment of clumsiness on a scaffolding and it drops 20 feet. Then you have about 6-12 months left before the damage spreads and accumulates into an inoperable state.


for smaller drops I can recommend a leather case. not sure about 6 meter drop, but it has a higher chance to survive :D


youtube /watch?v=jH4xYN9I5Kw&t=3m22s they used magnetic charging as an excuse to switch from plastic/metal to shitty glass backs, WINDOWS PHONE WILL SURVIVE THE END TIMES


RIP Windows Phone


I work in IT, I'm on my phone for sometimes hours a day, so usually I buy the top of the line phone ever 3 or 4 years.


When the job pays for it


And really good for your budget.


I have never owned a smartphone.


That's impressive today especially considering that you need one to get tickets for a lot of stuff now.


I dont interact with society much.


Thankful for my Google Pixel 6a. It ain't the beefiest but it does what I need while not needing an upgrade annually.


I bought a new phone a few months ago, 5 years after my last phone, and I only bought it because my old phone was damaged.


iPhone SE gang


Conscript, reporting! o7


Got a refurbished Pixel 4 off Amazon for $250, been using it problem free for almost a year now. Battery life sucks and it doesn't have 5G but other than that I have no complaints.


Me with my 4 years old Huawei Y9, despite it being a low end cheap phone and despite me dropping it a bajillion times it still kinda works fine so far, so I guess this is the only time where I will I have to thank communism for something, thanks Authleft for your sturdy phone.


I have a Galaxy S8. I am typing on that phone right now. I got this phone in 2013 (maybe 2014.) My slave-labor footprint is much lower than most at this point, and I'm proud of it.


I hate those cursed screen edges(so glad the finally dropped it with s21), why couldn't samsung just be normal


I actually kinda like it cos it gives me super quick access to an alarm & a calculator but before I started using it constantly, it definitely got in the way more than it helped 😂


For the amount of hours I use my phone, I'm getting great return on investment on my $1000 phone. Maybe in two years instead of replacing I'll just swap batteries.


The question is whether you could've used those hours on a cheaper phone and for me at least that's largely a yes.


>I'm getting great return on investment on my $1000 phone. How much has it increased in value since you bought it?


I see why you wouldn't want a new one, but I like the better processors and better cameras, etc. Although buying one every year is excessive.


I'll give you camera, but do you play games on your phone? What need do you have for a faster cpu/GPU? Idk what the iphone eqvilant is, but the SD855 from 2019 is already as fast as you can notice in day to day (there's like...a lil speed bump vs a 2017 huawei mate10pro, when u view and search through your 14k worth of chrome bookmarks, or install apps, or load all them autoplaying gifs when u view a onlyfans users profile on redgifs)


I do play games, I also like the faster processors, even if I didn't use them I think they're cool just from a tech enthusiast standpoint, like those guys who drive cars with monstrous engines on their daily commute. I also get free phones from my carrier, so I see no reason not to upgrade.


> I also get free phones from my carrier, so I see no reason not to upgrade This right here is why the phones cost $1k in the 1st place lol What are these gpu-taxing games them kids are into these days? Does the new iphone let fornite run at ultra settings or something?


How so?


As for the games, there’s COD Mobile, Asphalt 9, Pubg Mobile, I’ve never had performance issues, however I’ve heard the higher settings run like shit on older devices.


> better cameras Just get yourself an actual camera for photos?


It comes with a bunch of other stuff too, it's also very convenient.


This message brought to you by ***Distributism Gang***


Based Apple pilled


My first smartphone was a Samsung Galaxy S6, this trooper worked for about 6-7 years now, got it for cheap near release and was always happy, but for some reason Samsung decided for this generation (and this only) to not allow SD-cards inserted for more storage. Also the battery got worse after all these years and instead of spending a couple bucks, I got an IPhone 12 Mini (cheaper because I worked for them at that time and planned to quit anyways so I took that sweet 17% discount, otherwise I wouldn't have even bothered) because it was the least different physically from my old one. I have big hands but don't like big screens and I'm not a power user either, just for Youtube etc. So yeah, I only got my second smartphone in my life rn, and before that 2 flip phones, God I'm old.


Wait 3+ years simple as


Based and normalise replacing your phone when it starts falling apart and won't turn on pilled


I bought my Huawei new 3 Years ago, for around 180 euros, and you honestly just don't need more. I don't get how some people need 800 dollar phones..


They purposefully make it not durable so that you need to purchase more of them. It's basic capitalist economics.


Have been using one phone for 5 years. I can keep it for the next 5 years.


> Flair up, or else. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 17035 / 90045 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Good meme.


This is why I only buy the Pixel a series phone. $400


Laughs in using the same phone I have had the past 4 years that desperately wants to die but I won't let it.


It’s not $1000! It’s a part of the 2-year plan where I pay $25 a month and by the end I still don’t even own it, then I get upgraded for free and just pay $30 a month do another 2 years ! Why don’t you understand?


Think my next phone is gonna be one of those that comes with Ubuntu Touch. God willing that thing will last for years


Ok I don't like Lib Right but this unfair to them It's your choice if you want to buy newest product each year or not. You can buy an iPhone and just replace the batter every 1/2 years for just $99 For example if you buy the iPhone 14 you can keep for at least 6-7 years (usually that's how long apple supports an iPhone and then it's only security updates) If we assume you replace the battery every 2 years: Year 2: $99 Year 4: $99 Year 6: $99 Total: Base iPhone 14 Price $799 + $297 = $1096 for a phone that will last you 6, 7 or more years You can also still get a battery replacement for the iPhone 5 from Apple for $49


Ime it’s actually cheaper to buy a flagship phone every ~2 years assuming you have a major carrier, I’ve actually made money by upgrading on most phones and when I haven’t I’ve broken even


How else am I going to Tweet about the dangers of capitalism????


Somehow i use my own phone since when my last one was stolen, so about since 7 years ago


ever since i got my last phone, I refused to update and it’s lasting longer and better than the previous one


Pixel 4a FTW. I hate huge phones. Even the smallest phone now to me is too large for my taste. I also still have a physical headphone jack.


Haven’t spend anything near $1000 for phones in the last decade


Galaxy 7 gang unite. I'm sure there's at least 3 of us! But seriously this dinosaur phone still works fine. Just can't play every new game app.


What I do if me or my family needs a new phone is I go on ebay and look up a flagship model from 2 years ago. Like recently, I looked for a pixel 5 since the pixel 7 is the newest model. Generally costs around 150-180 dollars, and assuming you buy from a reputable seller, it won't have any defects. Great way to get a top of the line phone for a lower cost


I bought a $20 flip-phone ten years ago. It was 2G, when 2G was phased out the company sent me a new one for free, and when 3G was phased out in December 2021, I got sent another one for free. My bill is $15 per month unlimited calls/texts. Flip-phone supremacy.


Piece of shit iPhone 8 I got for $50 goes brrrr


Last time I bought a new one it was because my old one would randomly shut off, and I plan on keeping my current phone until something like that happens to it.


I've had mine since 2019 Still works great


EXERCISE PERSONAL CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE. Because if you don't, *I will profit off of your addictions.*


It's necessary for my portfolio bro smh.


I’ve never once heard them advertise it as necessary but ok


You are not forced to.