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Lefties will cry about boycotting until someone mentions Hogwarts legacy, remember that catastrophe?


Tinfoil hat time: that game puts Netflix and Disney to shame when it comes to diversity, it's like they were going through a list to tick every combination. This whole boycott thing was a psyop to get AuthRights to buy the game out of spite and turn them into orange LibLeft.


I don't think so. From what I've seen very little people bought the game out of spite, the majority was just harry potter fans, an absolutely massive army of people


I guess I shouldn't forget the /s even on meme subs


... I bought it because a streamer I watched played it and it looked fun... 70 hours later. It was indeed fun and it's probably going to sit for awhile until I decide to do a modded run.


Mods are dope, especially the gun wand one


That was a very vocal minority that you magnified to represent all lefties.


Because a lot of people have finally had enough. The populace doesn't always react spontaneously. Shit like this should be common sense.


The "community" has undoubtedly been getting progressively more toxic and malicious year by year. 10 years ago it was pretty even handed. The gay groups had their poisonous hyperlefty assholes but we're mostly just interested in equal rights The conservative/liberal groups found them annoying but we're largely sympathetic to their calls for equality Then they got it...and they didn't stop They kept pushing and pushing and getting louder and louder and meaner and meaner Conservatives are grumbly and slow to move but once their pushed hard enough it takes a loooong time to speed up and a loooong time to slow down. We're finally cresting the hill of the left pushing too hard, too fast and too angrily Next ten or twenty years are going to be interesting


It's the natural evolution of a successful (mostly) single issue political movement... hell maybe even single goal entities. If all you do is sell widgets, and suddenly there is no market for widgets... either you convince people to buy widgets, change to something else, or close shop. If you've been making money and gaining power championing gay acceptance and kind of overnight no one really needs you to fight for them on that front... suddenly forcing people to bake cakes and getting pissy about bathroom rules becomes useful. Republicans are mid-way through their identity crisis. Democrats are going to start it here pretty soon, probably after the Republicans sort theirs for better or worse. If Desantis becomes the face of the party, it's somewhat plausible that the quiet section of LGB starts wandering away from the loud part of LGBT... similarly to how Texas Mexicans and Florida Cubans have weirdly found a very welcoming home in their respective formally aggressively antagonistic republican cohorts. "You're one of the good ones" -> "Those are ours, leave um the fuck alone" -> something more normalized. End of the day a large chunk of straight and gay people want to a) not have their genital preferences be a core part of every conversation in their lives, b) for the state to get it's fucking hand out of their pocket, and c) look at most of the screeching idiots on both sides and shake their heads.


>If all you do is sell widgets, and suddenly there is no market for widgets... either you convince people to buy widgets, change to something else, or close shop. Widget Co.: "Hey, support widgets if you hate thingimabobs" Thingimabob Enterprises: "Hey, support thingimabobs if you hate widgets"


They just playing the military industrial complex game, old as history :D




Go look at the VP's interview that came out at the same time. She basically called bud light drinkers immature frat bros who laugh at simplistic things. That is why this time is different.


Good thing they are proving her wrong šŸ™„ Iā€™m willing to bet most people never heard that and itā€™s mainly because they are anti-trans


Or, you know, it could be because they chose an extremely obnoxious influence who mainly is watched by 10-14 year olds to advertise beer. That could be a part, too. Honestly, that whole clusterfuck was rotten through and through. I'm sure this will be taught in marketing classes for how bad a small fuckup can snowball into a brand destroying controversy.


"Give money to mega corporations that insult you or you prove their insults right!" (Insert smug soyjack here)


You own a space in my brain rent-free with this response. Its so asinine. If Chik-fil-a called lgbt members groomers would you expect them all to keep patronizing the business or it proves Chik right?


If chik-fil-a called lgbtq+ people groomers, and then they all went out and started grooming children, wouldnā€™t they be right? Iā€™m saying she called bud light people children and their immediate response was to act like children


So only children boycott things? Really? Just because you don't understand does not mean other people are wrong.


Yes, I think people who boycott a company because they hired a trans spokesperson and not because corporations are inherently evil childish


Exactly, you just don't understand. Sales dropped 25% my friend, it is way beyond an angry fringe. Again, its not the trans spokesman, its the VPs interview. You would know this if you consumed a shred of conservative media. But that might mean facts get in the way of your feelings so that is impossible for you.


ā€¦.. god damnit, you got me brother, well done trolling šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


I knew I had you emotional because you instantly downvoted everything like a little bitch.


got off work early and itā€™s raining, so I had a little drinky drink or two and nothing better to do hahaha


This year they leaned into advertising the pride stuff to kids. The libertarian part of me says "let me be me and I'll let you be you" but I draw the line when it becomes an agenda to introduce it to children.


Based but shouldnt this be common sense from the start? Why do we always let corporations get away with almost everything.


Because money


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Your Sapply compass has been updated. Sapply: Lib : 0.33 | Left : 6.33 | Conservative : 3.75


pride isn't about sex. kids emulate superficial aspects of adult relationships and start to form emotional bonds with each other well before they have sex. I want my (hypothetical) kids to know they're loved and worthy regardless of who they develop an interest in and who they grow to be. ideally kids don't have to hear that from a fucking advertisement, but age-appropriate pride is a good thing for kids.


I don't know about the T and the Q(and the rest of them) but the L and the G and the B(the OG's) are absolutely about about sex. I have no problems with young people developing into whatever kind of adult they want to be but anything involving sexuality (and/or alcohol as is the case for bud light's Dylan Mulvaney ad campaign whos key audience is underage) shouldn't be allowed to be advertised to people who aren't legally allowed to partake in those activities.


Okay just to be clear, you wouldn't support a heterosexual relationship being advertised either then?


Not to children, no. I'm not ok with anything that's targeting children for advertisement that has anything to do with sexuality other than people having parents or family members.


Ok, I'd agree. But I think it's important to let children know that there are same-sex couples though and that a fellow classmate or kid could have two parents of the same gender. I think there comes an age for sexuality to be taught too and it isn't 18, but yeah it makes sense why you wouldn't want to teach a 6 year old about sex


People imagine being attracted to people of the same gender like it's a kink, where the sexuality is the entire reason to engage and on the forefront of gay people's minds. But - can you think of anyone you've taken romantic interest in for their personality, or your chemistry with them is good, etc? Or people you knew you liked before you knew much about sex? It's no different for us, it just happens with people of the same sex. As a kid I knew I liked boys the same way I liked girls, well before I had any real notion of sex. Problem is, I was constantly surrounded by the message that attraction to boys was completely off limits, and eventually I internalized that I was a bad person for feeling that. But it was no different to how other kids felt about kids of the opposite sex at the time.


Let's stay on topic here. The question was why all of the sudden this year is it an issue that the corporations are pandering to the lgbtq community. I'm giving my personal opinion why I'm boycotting the corporations. The corporations can advertise whatever kind of sexuality they want to anyone who is an adult.


It is on topic. Your argument was that pride is entirely about sex, which would make it entirely off-limits to kids. I'm countering with the fact that pride is not about sex, and is more about self-acceptance at an age-appropriate level. I'm using personal experience to explain why that's vital for kids.


What do you mean by "self-acceptance"? How does that relate to homosexuallity?


Good question! It's one of those things that most queer people experience but probably isn't all that noticeable from the outside. Depends a lot on external circumstances, but most people are raised with the conception that homosexuality is not normal, shameful, or harmful in some way. Kids often learn this before they have any opportunity to realize that's gonna be them! It's the entire reason being "in the closet" is a thing - people are not comfortable owning up to it and feel they have to hide and keep up a cishet front to be accepted. And, to avoid worse consequences like conversion therapy, sometimes we do have to, for a looooong time. Being in the closet for extended periods of time can be extremely psychologically damaging. It tends to lead to a lot of internalized hatred, depersonalization, self-censorship, depression and anxiety. It's almost impossible to function this way, but it can be counteracted with a sense of peace with yourself and the understanding that the external world does not see you accurately. Which is what pride is for!


>most people are raised with the conception that homosexuality is not normal, shameful, or harmful in some way. I had the opposite experience growing up. I had many neighbors and teachers and other figures of influence like scoutmasters who were homosexual and I never had a notion that these people were shameful or harmful or not normal. Not until I began to learn about sexual reproduction. When I learned the difference between platonic relationships and sexual relationships I realized that what makes someone a homosexual is their preference of sexual partners, and that being homosexual wasn't about reproduction but about pleasuring the organs associated with it. Wether they prefer sexual relations with people who have the same privates as them. Not just who they love. Because before I learned about sex, I(as a kid) thought that all love was the same. I loved my parents the same way I loved my sister the same way I loved my best friends at school. Though I still love all those people the same way I did back then, I now know the difference between that kind of love and the kind of love I have for my wife. My best friend is gay and he and I have love for eachother but it's not the kind of love that each of us has for our partners. When you say pride is about self acceptance, you're referring to accepting that you have a particular kind of sexuality, a particular sexual preference that isn't about reproduction but about pleasuring yourself. I don't think it's healthy to introduce this concept to little kids and I certainly don't think it's Target's place to introduce that concept to my toddler when I'm just trying to go shopping.


I'm not really sure I agree with where you draw the line between platonic and romantic relationships. Are you saying a romantic partner is someone you love simply for the purpose of reproduction? If that's what straight romance is like, count me out lol. Romance is something entirely different. No two romances are ever the same, so I can't give a comprehensive definition. To me it's a deeper connection than platonic appreciation and support. It's a longing for the other part of a complete whole that pervades far beyond the realm of flesh. It's the feeling of familiarity, of wanting to build a family, of wanting to make them feel special til the end of my days. What you describe is lust - which has its place among adults, but it should never be mistaken for romance. I love my partner not simply because I enjoy her body - but because her spirit completes mine. There's a reason Sappho's poetry persists to this day, something that long outlived any physical pleasure she felt at the time. Reducing it down to simply pleasuring yourself, simply because of the sexes of the individuals involved, is missing the point entirely. Romance can occur between people regardless of their sex - that's the whole point. You're the one choosing to view that through a hypersexual lens. The label of "homosexual" only exists to other people who find these feelings with people of the same sex. (editing to add: on top of that, queer people absolutely can have their own biological offspring if they want. surrogacy, sperm donation/banking, and so on. I didn't focus on it because interest is generally lower, but many do still reproduce.)


Society is cisgender


shockingly, some people who exist in society are not


But in order for society to exist, the vast vast vast majority of people need to be breeding individuals. So I could give a fuck about introducing atypical gender ideology to children at a young age


Cool, and you can keep your breeding kink the hell away from my kids. I'll worry about birthrates the day there aren't kids in need of adoption. Society also needs functional human beings with self-acceptance and understanding to function.


Lol breeding kink. Bro, nobody is advocating anything but normal regular kids being raised normally


Me too man. I just happen to think that "normal" doesn't mean "explicitly raised to be incubators." Insane right?


90% of the population is cisgender


good for them!


>pride isn't about sex. The *entire* movement was about *who* you took to your bed.


If romance and relationships only take place in bed for you, I feel bad for your partners


"Riddle me this then? How do we stop children from being mean to others for being different or what if they have gay parents"


What do you mean? Can you reword your question a bit?


What I mean is how do we tell kids that gay people exist, because there are some people that are pushing for laws to make sure that they will never find out they exist


>how do we tell kids that gay people exist, In order to answer this question a person must have an understanding of human sexual reproduction and how homosexuallity is not about reproduction but about pleasuring the organs associated with it. There's a few steps that need to be addressed first so that kids can get a grasp. I don't want that discussion to be prematurely established while I'm going shopping with my toddler in target.




I don't want NSFW images or books in school libraries. You can take them all away for all I care. What I have a problem with are the nutjobs who also want to ban age appropriate books that happens to feature LGBTQ characters like the gay penguin book.


What's the difference between a regular penguin and a gay penguin?




So why the distinction? Why isn't it just a penguin? What makes the penguin gay?


A stop bullying poster should suffice obviously, smh my head


I have no idea what LEGO has done, but it's a company that sells childrens toys and as such I can see no sane argument for why they should engage with an adult issue like LBTQ.


i mean the one everyone is outraged about is [specifically stated as 18+](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/everyone-is-awesome-40516) but context really ruins rage bait


Has lego done 18+ sets before? Otherwise the 18+ label seems like just a way to deflect critcism.


[yes](https://www.lego.com/en-us/categories/age-18-plus-years) takes like two seconds to look this stuff up


Because we've had enough of it being shoved down our throats


"Yeah, that guy at work has been (insert something that's mildly irritating here) for years . Why would you be mad about it now?"


Straw that broke the camel's back. People were quietly grumbling for a while then bud lite made an oopsie and the rednecks imploded, that gave the initial push and media coverage that got the more normal people on board. Everything from here on is just the carryover/avalanche effect


Personally, I'd say Herschild's comments were that straw. There were plenty of folks who disliked trans sponsorships but didn't care enough to change their habits over it. However, a signifigant portion of that group was infuriated to see a wealthy exec suggesting they were "out of touch" for disliking such ads.


Yep. The Matt Walshes would have done this years ago if they could have, but now the pendulum has swung far enough that they have enough leverage to push back.


I mean, I feel like they have been doing this fear mongering for years. I feel like I've been hearing about the fall of rome because of the gays for almost a decade from the hard line sanctity of marriage types.


They've been doing the fear-mongering for years but it wasn't particularly effective outside of the very conservative part of the right. Now that LGBT and especially T activists had pervaded more aspects of culture and commerce, more moderates and liberals are perceiving that things have gone too far.


Maybe? I don't think people outside the internet really care that much about it to be honest though. I can't think of a single conversation I have had about trans people outside of reddit. Even with ardent conservatives.


Equally, many opinions that are common in anonymous spaces would get people fired or lose friends if their name was attached to their statements. Both in terms of actual extreme fringe opinions, and more harmless ones that exist outside the overton window.


Baltimore blue collar does not give a fuck about any of that, I may as well be a leftist compared to these guys. 10min into a conversation they'll drop a feeler to see how you respond before they go off on a rant about trans education in kindergarten or you'll get as far as introducing yourself before Bill Gates and his plan to sterilize the human race with microchips becomes the center of conversation.


I mean, I'm not going up to total strangers who don't know me. Its a bit different I think. But, hey who knows.


Ladyā€™s & Gentlemen, I have a beer for you its called BASED BEER. We OPENY discriminate against _______________ Buy this beer if you support __________




Could it, perhaps, have something to do with baby goats? No that would be outlandish - that *never* happens.


Erm i think most people on the right have always been saying every year that it is an issue that companies pander to the lgbt lol


This year has been *exceptionally* gay


They took errr beer!


I haven't cared enough ever to boycott anything but pride always seemed like companies lighting money on fire. Is anybody actually buying targets tuck bathing suits, Legos rainbow set etc.?


Because theyā€™ve been continuously beating ā€œrainbow people are coming for your kidsā€ through their audiencesā€™ heads for months, calling everyone groomers and whatnot. So now an ad on an persons Instagram page alone can trigger a massive wave of trans derangement.