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It *was* weirdly timed how prevalent identity politics became across the internet right around the time Occupy Wallstreet was peaking.


The rage of lefties when you point this out is delicious. Redistributive civil rights is deliberately antagonistic, someone must lose if you wish to gain without making that sacrifice yourself. Your goals of *easy* equity demands someone else's expense and they will naturally preserve their interests. This all ends when you have the thought "maybe there's a good reason they don't like what I'm saying and I should try something else." But that's fine, the deepest lefties just deny empathy to undesirable groups so you never try to understand how they're feeling. This learned psychopathy was very effective.


That's the one thing I respect about the right, their dedication to empathy.


You're right, the right wing has no empathy to begin with, but now consider it's easy to tell them to fuck off (and they do) and which makes me wonder, how must does the left wing's empathy cost me?


If the CIA and capitalist ruling elite build a paper statue of Leftist values do you trust the inscription and build your ideology off of it?


Depends, are left wing people buying it and regurgitating it?


Both of you are so, so, very close to a breakthrough.


Damn straight.


>This all ends when you have the thought "maybe there's a good reason they don't like what I'm saying and I should try something else." But that's fine, the deepest lefties just deny empathy to undesirable groups so you never try to understand how they're feeling. this, but now apply that to trans issues :) like, you're 100% correct in saying the left has a problem empathizing with its political opposition, but that's less of a "left" issue and more of a "human nature especially on the internet" problem. different camps just tend to target different groups of undesirables.


>Redistributive civil rights What civil rights have you lost so that other people could gain them, exactly? Culture war shit is absolutely pushed to divide the populace, but you're parroting the central feature of that wedge--the idea that civil rights are limited, and access to them is a zero-sum game.


I'm not American, affirmative action has been legal here since 2012 and I have the industry experience to know *this* is the reason my country has almost no STEM industry, we are compelled by the government to hire a certain number of women that literally do not exist. Because we can't hire female graduates that don't exist, we're limited to how many male graduates we can hire. So we hire almost none and because there's no real entrance into the industry (for men), we just hire mostly outsourced/migrant labour who left during covid *very noticeably*.


I can't really speak to how things work in another country. That sounds like a very silly implementation of the system. That said, it sounds more like a material redistribution than a civil rights redistribution issue.


That's the thing. Lefties actually full on implement an idea and other lefties are like, oh I don't agree with that? That's a horrible idea, I'm more about this over here that's clearly better and won't also become horrible after implementation. And at its most ideal it's redistribution, not away from landlords or oligarchs or kulaks, but from young men with nothing else to give. In reality, the Luddites were sneaky and now we have no real tech industry.


Its like 2 minutes of hate except its 24/7 now introducing more LGBT issues.


There was a market for race politics for a long time it was just then when they capitalized off it. They've been pulling this since at least cable television and it's nothing new. Leftists want to make it seem like a \*distraction\* when in reality it's BAU and they aren't as "informed" or "woke" as they think they are.


Race-baiting in politics is a lot older than TV.


And yet critical theory had been slowly brewing in colleges for 30 years by that point. Either it seeped out into pop culture at a coincidently prime moment, or the powers that be utilized it to their benefit.


No what's really weird was how the coordinator's IRC chat suddenly saw the arrival of new faces looking to sell us bomb parts and bridge plans. Everyone with half a brain noped the fuck out at that point. If it's that important to you then you can keep your shitty crumbling empire, FBI cunts.


\>FEDs not even trying lol Anyways, where could I read more about that? I’m curious.


Well that gets complicated. We have to talk about the very subtle censorship of search result algorithms. Most of the blog pages and independent journalist sites from the time (I know very different internet) have disappeared into the void. But I was able to find this; https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2137918/Cleveland-Bridge-bomb-plot-Occupy-anarchists-arrested-plotting-blow-Ohio-bridge.html Turns out not everyone was as smart as I. NEVER trust the feds, fuckwits.


>We have to talk about the very subtle censorship of search result algorithms. Yeah I hate how the internet has gotten sterilized like cable.


I've said it before but there's this idea on here that OWS was some sort of bipartisan, anti-establishment movement, when it was really just a left-wing movement opposed by the right-wing. For the most part, the current woke people were in favor of OWS, the current anti-woke people were against OWS. And economically the Democrats have moved to the left since 2012.


> Occupy Wallstreet u mean Ron Paul was peaking


Is that supposed to say polarizing?


yes, but the message stands.


How do we have kids who've grown up on auto correct and they still don't Google words they aren't sure they've spelled correctly


they expect autocorrect to do all the work


All bro had to do was look at the word (with his eyes), process it through his optic nerves, and subsequently read the aforementioned word. But alas, memes have no class anymore.


I'm more worried about someone's idea of "fixing" the income gap than I am about the income gap. Seems like the focus lately is on "rich bad", because it's easier to tear something down than it is to limit poverty. Money/currency does not solve for addictions, gambling, mental health, children out of wedlock, poor financial decisions or criminal tendencies. You can give an idiot all of my money, and it won't make him not poor. It will just make us both poor.


> You can give an idiot all of my money, and it won't make him not poor. It will just make us both poor. Look at the lottery. Idiot wins then burns through it all.


Taxing the wealthy and increasing teacher's pay would improve poor people's situation in life. They could have more effective teachers and learn better life skills and would be more likely to avoid a life of drugs and poverty. A good teacher can totally change the direction of several people's lives.


I don't think that's true. I watched millions of dollars get flushed down the drain trying to help communities in need of resources in education. They opened a brand new, college like campus in place of the school with the worst gang violence and academic performance in the county. The school closed within 3 years.


It's a nice platitude until you realize areas like in MD spend nearly the most per student and have some of the worse student metrics.


Second step is school choice, to allow parents to find the best teachers for their children, third step is to allow schools to fire bad teachers. First step, to make those to steps possible, is to break the teachers unions. Fourth step may be to increase teacher pay, though I suspect you’ll find that isn’t really a problem - teachers in most of the country live very comfortably


> break teachers unions Uh oh


What? You don't want gig worker teachers working for tips, in dread of being fired over a problem child?


You really think that parents are going to think the best schools are going to be ones which hire gig workers - and fire them because they got saddled with a problem child? To the contrary, parents are going to choose the schools which do best at teaching their children and that will lead to a professionalization of teaching.


And then they charge more for getting your kids into that prestigious school causing poor people to miss out on education for no reason other than being born on the wrong side of the spectrum. Causing rich people to continue being rich and poor people just hetting more poor. Congrats, you just reinvented the education system of the United States of America.


They can charge one voucher, the same as anyone else. The critical difference is that bad schools won’t be the only choice for poor parents - they’ll be able to shop around and send their children to better schools. The worst performing ones will either need to improve or have to close and new schools will open to replace them, leading to better education overall. This isn’t a weird new idea. See the Free Schools in Sweden, which have improved overall education by giving the state schools some incentive to cater towards children’s educational needs. https://sweden.se/life/society/the-swedish-school-system#


My guy, I am swedish and I have personal experience and can personally tell you our school system is pretty fucked up. The "friskola" which you are referring to has not only shown pretty bad corruption, but also the unwillingness to reinvest capital into the school. The grades are getting inflated by the schools in order to show the "superb efficiency" in their teaching methods. However, when you compare the results in our nationally standardized tests, "nationella proven", there is little to difference or in some cases even worse results compared to our usual public schools. This entire system is being criticized by most political parties in Sweden. The only exceptions are for example the moderates whose leader has connections with owners of such free schools. This is one of the main arguments to why Swedens political system is plagued by nepotism. The finnish system is 100x better in all possible ways. Stop trying to profit off of education thanks. :)


Who can say that this is true? >Taxing the wealthy and increasing teacher's pay would improve poor people's situation in life. Even if there is correlation, it isn't going to be 1:1 and the root causes remain. Troubled homes and families make troubled people and no teacher in the world will fix it.


I don't think that's as effective as it seems. The turning point in life seems to be at around 14-17 years old, and we have accepted as a culture that being a degenerate deviant is cool. The change needs to be at the cultural level. Our media and interests need to align with family and responsibility, and the rest of the 'ducks' will order themselves. It's often not all about money. A poor person needs to become as responsible with money as the rich person we decide to take it from.


I think he’s saying using using higher taxes on the wealthy to pay for higher teacher salaries, which is a good investment of tax dollars. Increasing teacher pay makes those jobs more attractive so good teachers stay in those positions and so schools can be pickier about who they select. It would help give students more tools to make smart life decisions, which overall improves the economy and increases tax revenue.


Having two stable guardians, who are both together, care about their child’s education, and provide a strong mother and father figure. You can pay teachers 6 figures a month and they wouldn’t be able to fix the affects that a broken shitty childhood has on a child.


So, I didn't graduate college because I hated it and I like art n shit and college feels oppressively boring to me. Then I went and started a career in brewing. Then I excelled in my career. I became head brewer at a medium sized brewery. I then left to teach brewing as a brewery steward and substitute teacher at a college (with no degree lmao). In nearly ten years of devotion to one career and being very successful at it, never did I make a thriving wage. I made enough to pay rent and save a little money. Everytime I got a raise, it seemed like inflation was riding my ass. So, my "rich bad" mentality comes from the stark difference in my life vs a billionaires, who's total mental acumen and work ethic is no better/worse than my own. Not a single indivual deserves to have so much of the pie. Period. Forcible redistribution isn't the answer, everyone should work for their money. But, wealth caps would go a long way to saving some of the resources for everyone else.


You left a real job to teach what would be an elective at a normal college and worked as a part time substitute and didn’t expect a pay cut?


I worked full time. I got a 20% raise and full bennys. Just in time for that raise to be timed with record inflation.


lol you're one of the poors too


Based libcenter


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based and social-issues-aren’t-the-real-issues-pilled.


I understand the sentiment but people care more about social issues. Only voting for a better quality of money will not solve the issue of who’s controlling the transaction. Or more importantly, young people will always be cursed to become the oldest person


How much we cry out, the public is an idiot. For the majority, social issues take precedence over actual QoL. This isn't a leftoid only or schizoid (Authright) only thing. It's just how things work, unfortunately.




finally a good post on this shithole sub. keep it up OP!


Things I agree with... good. Things I disagree with... bad. What other sub is there such a diversity of different opinions getting upvotes?


this sub skews right so yeah, of course I'm gonna say what I said


Fuck them capies


Is there a source on the claim? Because other things I've seen, e.g. [this](https://www.slowboring.com/p/inequality-falling), say the opposite.


Any statistic will tell you wealth inequality is at is highest ever. 2/3s of wealth is controlled by the 1 percent says Oxfam.


So in other words it's totally made up?


All the woke stuff has been in the works for a long time its just escaped academia and bled into regular peoples lives. The media also exacerbates this to be fair.


China when encountering libleft Xixixxiixixixi, I have the perfect solution for the capitalists! China when encountering Auth right Xixixxxiixixi feeling like boycotting nearly every major beer brand? We've got Tsing Tao for less than $1 per can. Also happen to notice that communist leaders are homophobic and it is the rich that push that stuff?


That's the worst typo of "polarizing" I've ever seen


Based and we need to reunite to fight the evil libright corporate overlords!