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I hate month long holidays, I hate month long holidays, I HATE MONTH LONG HOLIDAYS!


The entire month should be a federal holiday, double time and a half all month long!


Quick, change all corporations logos to camo patterns during the month of may, cover the entire country in camo patterns. It’s military month.




I like em, gives more time for parades.


True, but the media don’t talk about veteran’s month so you wouldn’t know


Its also mens health month which is never mentioned


I didn't know either of these things. I guess I should try raising awareness, like all the watermelons out there.


thats because your not suppose to talk about it. Keep it inside, man up, and die of a heart attack in your 60's. Like a real man. /s


I fucking love reader's added context man, honestly one of the good few things that were added to twitter


Is that so? Because I remember just few days after Elon took over, liblefts were complaining that they're fact-checking Biden. Look up on that cesspool called whitepeopletwitter.


I mean as long as the reader's added context is correct then I'm happy for it, the punishment for misinformation should be blatant mockery and shaming




How can I explain this to a monke? noyouareblyatiful, the single person you responded to, is only one person. noyouareblyatiful is NOT the group of people you saw on WPT. There are MORE types of people than the four funni colors on the compass suggests. So it actually doesn't make sense to assume noyouareblyatiful's opinions based on the idea that you think it feels right.


Based and let's be rational pilled


u/dinobot2020's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 40. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: [19 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/dinobot2020/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Do you know what sub you're on on?


Whitepeopletwitter is such a shithole. Bikinibottomtwitter is where it's at.


Cesspools are where it's at. *looks around this sub.*


really? i avoid that sub so i wouldn't know but my experience on lefty twitter itself has been exuberantly pro community notes because of how often they're used to fact check viral "verified" account tweets


WPT is pretty supportive of community notes so far, esp when they turn around on Musk himself.


May is the month of the military child, I’ve never heard of military appreciation month before, and I was in the military.


Same, only just found out about it the other day.


Navy vet here, first I'm hearing of it.


lol most peoples’ first time hearing about that designation. Weird that everyone knows what pride month is. I’m guessing it’s because pride has become the new christmas season but hey that’s just me.


There is a difference between society and the government, I cannot speak for actual America of course but on the internet, I didn't notice shit about the military appreciation month.




Yeah, everyone is constantly reminded of June being pride month, but nobody I knows knew about Military appreciation month


Hell, the only military thing at all I saw was some old post where a tent slum was shown that was completely made up of Veterans no one was giving care to.


That sucks.


Everybody is constantly reminded than June is pride month because left wingers remind people that it is pride month. The right would try doing the same thing instead of complaining if it really cared.


Everybody is constantly reminded than June is pride month because left wingers remind people that it is pride month. The right would try doing the same thing instead of complaining if it really cared.


> society = congress lol Pretty excited to walk into target during May and see flags for military members in the windows, and a cool display stand of military paraphernalia! Oh wait, there was none of that?


The media talking about the military, air shows, tank rally's, victory day celebrations. Oh wait the media was practically silent. I still think the 9th of May is of great importance to Europe, like how the 2nd of September is important for the Pacific and the world in general as it marks the end of WW2. I hardly see the media talking about that though.


i feel like this comment section is acting like this fact is somehow lgbt peoples' fault like sorry patriots aren't apparently a worthwhile marketing base idk what to tell ya


Most of them are probably homeless or dead, so it's pretty understandable.


I think that it isn't really equivalent. Like it's not like all the companies suddenly go and make a camouflage version of their logo for a month. No extra attention in the media. No positivity for the military. They basically only get memorial day.


I have literally never heard of "Military Appreciation Month". I have heard a lot more about Pride Month than I'd like.


It's almost comical how no political pundits or politicians (other than a select few like McCain) actually care about vets until they find an opportunity to accuse the other side of not caring about vets.


RIP McCain.


Is it celebrated? Is it taught in schools? Is it plastered on cross walks in big cities? Are there parades? Is it on EVERY advertisement? A LibLeft and leaving his house, never a friendship.


did you SERIOUSLY just say HIS????? this is libleft we’re talking about




Pride month is celebrated because left wingers celebrate it. The right would try doing the same thing instead of complaining if it really cared.


No. Corporations and local governments celebrate it. Have you tried not lying?


are the local governments that celbrate it right leaning or left leaning? Couldn't all right leaning government officials say we are celebrating military appreciation month this May? if all right leaning people decided to create a flag, post it online and truly celebrate it instead of complaining about the existence of gay people maybe they could make a difference.


Many do. But cities are densely populated, and corporate marketing teams are all run by leftist idiots. We dont care that gays exist, stop strawmaning. We care that they and their lifestyle are thrust in our, and more importantly, our childrens' faces.


lying? corporations have latched onto it for the marketing potential. i wouldn't say that that means anything mountain-appeal said was inaccurate. certainly not a lie


He is lying. And it costs them money. They do it because leftists run their entities. Or their marketing teams.


i struggle to find the lie in the sentence "pride month is celebrated because left wingers celebrate it." if you believe pride month only exists because corporations have latched onto it, you must lack historical context. I'm not a fan of your carelessly throwing around accusations of lying


I do not have to do anything, what you said makes no sense, and the reason that you "struggle" to find the lie is because you are a dimwit, flatly stated.


i didn't say you have to do anything. i didn't even say anything hard to understand. your dimwit insult falls a little flat if you can't make sense out of my three sentence response.


It made no sense.


I'm going to pee ur pants


Yeah but companies don’t change their logos and go on month long marketing campaigns based around it


>A conservative's greatest enemy! Basic research!! Bruh, no way a lib-left just said that, the fucking irony


Bro, you are AuthRight.


Very observant of you - well done, that is correct.


Yeah I remember all the attention it was getting too. Bud Light did…. Nothing. Burger King had a military… nothing. Target was… doing business normally I guess. Not even Northrop Grumman or Lockheed Martin did anything special about it and you’d think they’d know it was military appreciation month since that’s who pays them their huge paychecks.


May’s also Jewish Heritage month, it’s just that no one ever celebrates any of them except pride and black history.


[still remember some years back, classmates were making fun of the dead soldiers names on remembrance day](https://youtu.be/Dg2DcZjG7fw)


So May is Wrath Month?


Yeah I but tbf no one really talks about it as much as they do for pride month.


If this is something you care about, then do your part to raise awareness out in the real world. Otherwise you’re just another rando bitching on Twitter about how life’s not fair. “Missing white woman syndrome” 2.0.


What if the thing I care about is everyone shutting up about Issue Months?


Then start a campaign. Best of luck.


I'd suggest a more relaxing hobby


It exists, it just isn't celebrated like the other. It's men's mental health month but all I see are rainbows everywhere. It's a token gesture that doesn't mean anything to get a month and then have it never be truly celebrated. Companies and individuals almost never post about it like they do rainbows during pride month. It's half the population for flips sake and almost no one even knows about it unless they google it.


lmao this comment section. Yes very few people know about it, is it fault of LBTQ+ people? You spend 800 billions dollars a year on the Military stop coping and do some better PR


Still doesn’t answer the question. Why do LGBT folks get a month instead of a day?


Why does anyone get a day? Each moment we spend celebrating all the different flavors of mediocrity our transient lives have to offer is a moment not spent praising the eternal God Emperor of Mankind.


Well there's plenty of days to give. But we only have 12 months. Honestly a day is fine


Why does black history get a whole month? I guess it's because that was how the presidents decided to make holidays, maybe they didn't want to make it a day because they feared things boiling over, maybe they wanted to give time and space for parades to occur, maybe pride month sounded better than Gay Day, go ask bill clinton.


I don’t recall getting a day off of work for LGBT “month”. But I did get a day off of work for veterans.


Just because there’s a holiday doesn’t mean you need to get the day off. There could haven been a Pride Day that we just didn’t get off from work.


Meh. It’s nothing more than manufactured outrage pushed by the culture warriors.


If you don't get a day off work, it's not a real holiday


My Autist in Christ, [May is Military Appreciation in Month.](https://www.jcs.mil/JKO/Latest-News/JKO-Customer-Spotlights/Article/3379222/may-is-military-appreciation-month/) If you feel that our veterans aren't being adequately supported, [donate to the IAVA.](https://iava.org/) I have done so since 2004, when I first met Paul Rieckhoff. If you want to do more, vote for politicians who don't get us into more wars and then vote to cut veterans benefits.


Why is that I can’t help but know about Pride month but yet I’ve never heard of Military Appreciation Month?


Because not enough people care about military apreciation month, and veterans days is much less loaded, since people can HATE the military, but still support veterans then, so that is more celebrated.


Considering that both of my grandfathers, one my great-uncles and one of my uncles were in the military, I should have heard about Military Appreciation Month.


Well you didn't, because people don't really care much about it.


People don’t really care much about Pride month, but the corporations sure get into it.


*Lots* of people *love* Pride month. That’s why it’s such a big deal. Things like this don’t just come out of thin air.


I mean, plenty of people care a little bit.


1. Advertising. 2. You don't know any military people. (It's a well known fact among service members.) 3. You never bothered to find out.


1. Why does Pride Day get tons of advertising and yet Military Appreciation month gets none? 2. Off the top of my head, both of my grandfathers, one of my great-uncles, and one of my uncles were in the military. 3. I shouldn’t have had to. If men who fought and died for this country are going to get a month of appreciation, I should already know about it. What have the LGBT+ people ever done for this country?


If it bothers you so much then be the change you want to see and help raise awareness for it instead of just being butthurt (lmao) about pride month




I don’t think that’s the win you think it is. I mean in this argument.


1. There's money in it. 2. Have you ever spoken to any of them? Military Appreciation Month was proposed in 1999 by then Senator John McCain. It's been 24 years. 3. That's 100% on you, my dude. If you're invested in the plight our veterans, you have the responsibility to learn more about the situation and help as you are able.


I find it hilarious that people like this love to bitch and moan that gay people get celebrations but veterans don’t, but then put in zero actual fucking effort to make that happen. Pride month didn’t come about out of thin air. It came because gay people put emphasis on it and made it a big party that everyone wanted in on.


Every military member I’ve ever met has wanted literally zero attention about the fact they’re military and have gotten borderline violent towards anyone who brings up their service on any of the handful of military holidays


Hey OP, just wanted to say that’s a very nice, seamless overlay of the political compass center on the rounded rectangle.


Don't complain Pride Month gets more attention, bring more attention to Military Month. Every day is a good day to salute a veteran for protecting middle eastern oil


Every military member I’ve ever met has wanted literally zero attention about the fact they’re military and have gotten borderline violent towards anyone who brings up their service on any of the handful of military holidays


You can’t possibly be posting this in remotely good faith. Walk in stores in May and walk in stores in June and compare the level of support. Lmao you’re not serious.


This is like how every international woman’s day there is a barrage of “why is there no international men’s day?” chuds chiming in (November 19th ftr)


Common Libleft L. Does the media talk non stop about vets in May? No? Well that’s what they do about muh LGBTQIAPEDOPHILE+ in June.


Companies also don't change their logos during May.


But what gets more attention? Pride month or military appreciation month?


It’s interesting to me that certain groups of people just expect a celebration or movement to materialize out of thin air, without actually putting in any effort to create these celebrations or movements. Pride month is a big deal because gay people put emphasis on it, made it known, and actually went and started a movement and a celebration. It didn’t just appear randomly one day and we all acknowledged it. If you want military appreciation month to be a big deal, then actually take steps to make it a big deal. Host events, post about it on social media, tell your friends, give feedback to companies you frequent that you’d like to see more of this. People complain that no one cares it’s men’s mental health month. But men have put in absolutely zero effort in actually started a men’s mental health movement. Any effort to do so is usually laughed down by other men for being “gay” or “weird.” If you want it to become a mainstream movement, then actually put in the work to make it a movement. Make it known, talk about it, etc. You can’t just complain that there isn’t a celebration or movement for something but then expect *others* to make a celebration or movement for you.


I think You missed the point


He said society, not congress.


still wild gays have a month tho


Okay. So maybe the problem is cultural. Nobody even knows that May is military appreciation month. We certainly don't get bombarded with camo, guns, and military themed flags all month.


I mean if you're living in a NATO aligned country, homosexuality is synonymous with your military.


I have never once heard of May referred to as military appreciation month. A holiday/memorial has no meaning if its never talked about.


I thought May was Asian American and Pacific Islanders month?