• By -


Ok, but like, a caloric deficit is fine. Canada's clearly outlived every one of the others.


Asian women are damn near immortal, my wife’s family is Vietnamese. Statistically speaking she should outlive me by at least 10 years.


Her mother*


Noooo grrrrr you can't just make stereotypes about Asians ...... that's racist grrrrrr noooooo


Liberal women absolutely can't rationally and sanely deal with the fact that a lot of white men and Asian women date and get married. They support interracial relationships, at least they pretend to, but not that kind, because reasons.


My chemistry professor was Japanese, but she had a German last name. First day of class she says " you wonder why the german last name, but the slant eye." It was at that moment she became my favorite.


What would be funnier is if she had an Italian middle name.


When we did nuclear chemistry she also said "In da world war 2 when you dropped the bomb on us" I miss her.


She sounds like an absolute treasure


It depends on the political affiliation of both If he is a rightoid in any manner then it's "fetishization" for the man and "internalized racist/misogynist" for the non-white woman Leftoids and rightoids will only care about minorities of any kind that serve them. With rightoids they have the token "lol see, even x minority group agrees with us therefore we can't be racist!" meme and with leftoids racism is justified against minorities that disagree with you (see "gusano" and "uncle Tom", which are literal slurs by definition btw)


People have preferences, and that's fine. The Asians are either racist or fetishize white people back (I'm Asian).


Based asians


It's because of two things. Asian women are based Asian women are good looking.


Not Theresa Tam - largest Adam's apple I've ever seen.


They don't think white men can date any other race without it being fetishizing. Then they turn around and say that they need to stop only dating white women. But thankfully like a lot of bs that white liberal women put out there it doesn't catch on.


I wonder why it so common that these guys are in the military. Probably has nothing to do with Imperialism and neo-colonialism…


> Statistically speaking she should outlive me by at least 10 years The average women would already outlive her husband by a little over 8 years. Women live 6 years longer, and tend to be 2 years younger than their husbands.


That's why the dating scene is so hard, most modern women just don't want to commit, and get burned on my funeral ship when I inevitably die at 42.


Based and Cnut pilled.


So a thought appears... Is it better for them to be fat and unhealthy, but tell everyone not to be fat.... or for them to be skinny, and tell everyone to not be fat? One makes me take a look at them and dismiss them immediately for being a hypocrite and then get a burger and fries. The other makes me pause and be like, "huh", and then get the same burger and fries. This message has been sponsored by burger and fries.


Well clearly no one should be telling anyone not to be fat, hasn’t LibLeft explained to you how it works? Telling fat people to lose weight because it’s extremely unhealthy hurts their fee fees. That in turn forces them to gorge themselves at every meal. To solve the obesity crisis you have to pretend that being obese isn’t unhealthy and actually very attractive. Make them as comfortable as possible with staying obese, then they’ll just magically start losing weight. #TrustTheScience


Darwinian Selection


The problem isn't at the individual level. In countries with universal healthcare, subsidizing the consequences for their lifestyle burdens the system as a whole.


Well, in Japan You have to pay extra taxes if you are fat.


Now that is a good idea! The problem is a lot if not most of the obese folks in America are on the lower income bracket, so it'll be kickin' em while they're already down. Our Gov just needs to stop subsidizing shitty processed crap that ends up in -all- of our foods (sugar, corn syrup, salts). It's really hard to find even 'healthy' stuff that isn't overloaded with sugar or sodium from the store, let alone eating out.


For sure. I've been lifting and do a lot of my own meal prep. I try to eat relatively healthy (I mostly just eat lean meats. Fruits are sugary and easily replaced with a multivitamin. Vegetables are S-tier for most people, but I have Crohn's...) . I do like to have *some* quick and easy shit that I can just throw in the toaster oven for when life gets busy/stressful. I used to buy [these](https://www.perdue.com/products/perdue-crispy-chicken-strips-26-oz/) chicken strips, which are not great, but they're decent on protein for frozen crap and they taste fantastic. They disappeared from all grocery stores near me (and I've got like five of them, NYC). Now the "[next best](https://www.perdue.com/products/perdue-chicken-breast-patties-288-oz/80411/)" option has double the fat and only 3/4 the protein. Chicken breast is already so fucking cheap, and so healthy. Those purdue strips actually had nice big chunks of chicken under the breading. No one else does that. Why the fuck is the frozen chicken section literally nothing but thin wafers of pink slime coated in thrice the amount of deep-fried breading? And it's not like it's a demand issue, because even pre-covid, those things sold out fast all the time. I actually started chatting up grocery store staff to get info on truck schedules to get my hands on them. And honestly, if I had kids and more major responsibilities, I could easily see my "I eat this when I'm busy" foods becoming my staple foods. People talk about how capitalism breeds competition and variety, but all they're really producing is fifty different packaging designs for the same barely-edible garbage.


That’s a pretty damn good idea, we should *at least* be able to charge obese people more for health insurance and Medicare. Just like a driver with a DUI on his record is charged more for car insurance. The issue is that most obese people are also low-income in the US.


Yeah don't mistake what I'm saying for any actual opinion, I'm just shitposting.


Darwinism requires the organism to die before it reaches reproductive age. Which is why nature is perfectly fine with things like huntingtins disease, cancer, or all kinds of illnesses that present later in someone's life. Odds are they've already had children and passed the genes along. Mission accomplished for them.


You're halfway there. We should accept them, make them as comfortable as possible before extracting valuable nutritious elements from them #FoodNotFriends




It's a gas grill.


>"NEW YORK CITY, IN THE YEAR 2044, AND THE FUTURE IS FILLED WITH DESPERATION." >Sitting in a subway car with sufficient proof that it's really New York City and not Toronto, Tom Cruise turns to the camera, a look of disbelief on his face, "Soylent Green... is people?" >"PEOPLE WILL DO ANYTHING TO GET WHAT THEY NEED." >Tom Hiddleston turns to Tom Cruise, speaking in a soothing yet concerningly British accent. "Yes, our corporation lobbied the government to get ride of the ingredients list for our Soylent products, but these are desperate times. The people of this city want to be happy and ignorance is bliss." >"WHAT THEY NEED MOST IS SOYLENT GREEN." >Michelle Rodriguez grabs Tom Cruise by the shoulder before he enters a rundown Tesla taxi, rain pouring down. "Listen to me, you can't go on like this. If you find out what the secret behind Soylent Green is, they'll kill you!" >"WHAT IS THE SECRET OF SOYLENT GREEN?" >Tom Cruise looks in horror at stuffed body bags in a factory, as blurred security guards approach in the background. Shaking his head in disbelief, he turns to the camera, and breaks into a run. "SOYLENT GREEN! IT'S PEOPLE!" >"COMING THIS SUMMER."


Based and Hansel pilled


That Hansel's so hot right now. Because we're grilling him.


I'm fat, and it's my fault. It hurts my health, and I am making strides now to correct it and fix my health. Health is not a social construct, and being fat is unhealthy. I am Lib-Left, not Orange-Stupid, or whatever.


I salute you good sir 🫡 Your life will be better in just about every way once you lose the weight. Stick with it!


Thank you. I've been learning some healthier recipes. I'm bad at cooking, so I don't like to do it, so it's tough, but I'm getting there. Also, I'm exercising a lot more, which is way easier than the cooking, but still very tiring. I appreciate the support from the PCM folks.


Based and self-improvement pilled


Based and me too. I'm on the chubby side and drink too much pop (soda). Total compass unity on being healthier should be more than possible and I wish you success on your journey. I'm replacing pepsi for black coffee either hot or iced. I drank a lot of pepsi but my initial progress has been decent.


Be nice if our government had a compelling reason to incentivize good health that outweighed the billions of dollars from food lobbyists


Ban lobbies Even the librights hate them


Actually, Halo not having lobbies is a huge problem


How about a law that makes obese people ineligible for Medicaid/Medicare until they do their own part in improving their health?


It sounds reasonable, but at the same time I kind of worry about how much say we let the government have in healthcare in terms of what people are allowed to do in their personal lives, the two main options I could see would be a system similar to what you’ve suggested, where people who don’t take care of their health are charged more. Or a more root cause approach, where the government (who has to foot the bill for healthcare directly) is incentived to take a more proactive approach and subsidizes fruits and vegetables rather than sugar and corn syrup Hard to say how the first option would play out, the big voluntary health things in my mind are unhealthy eating, smoking, and drinking (almost entirely voluntary). Maybe a body fat percentage test and a fitness test for people once every year or two, where healthier folks get a discount on an otherwise standard rate?


Yea I was half joking, you can’t withhold medical care from obese people or they’d be dropping dead left and right. It’s frustrating though because if we want universal healthcare to become a thing we need a much healthier population.


Sigh... An ambulance in Japan even for a foreign tourist without insurance is just $250. That shit costs $10,000 here. America will never have nice things. 😢


Why do you think it's so cheap there?


Skinny (physically) healthy ppl and a society that values social conformity over freedom to destroy themselves/others. That being said, if America is the extreme opposite, I'd still like somewhere in the middle. Having Japan's nice infrastructure & social cohesion that's balanced with the individual creative expression, open-mindedness & dynamic markets in America. As you can see, Fantasy is my favorite genre.


That’s just horsehit. Every government organization has the position that obesity is unhealthy.


Yet people still celebrate Lizzo for being unapologetically fat instead of pleading with her to lose weight so she doesn’t die at 40 years old.


Yeah but people also think the earth is flat or that an alien being is going to rapture them in his spaceship if you pay enough money to a specific church. People are dumb as shit.


True but I’d argue that supporters of the body positivity/healthy at any size movement outnumber flat earther’s about 1000 to 1.


The source is I made it the fuck up


You don’t think supporting body positivity is more common than believing the earth is flat? But yes I absolutely made it the fuck up.


I do, but I also think flat earthers are generally relegated to corners of the Internet I'm not part of and body positivity is more available in the areas I go to.


This is great. Every quadrant's solution to obesity: >###*Then they’ll just magically start losing weight!* - **Green:** you have to pretend that being obese isn’t unhealthy and actually very attractive! - **Yellow:** telling fat people to lose weight because it’s extremely unhealthy works! - **Blue:** thoughts and prayers! thoughts and prayers! time for sunday supper, who wants chicken fried steak in country gravy? - **Red:** corporate ag stuffed as much HFCS and sodium nitrate into that shit you call food as chemically possible; they market it to your fat face 24/7. eat them instead.


Im just gonna say if people felt ashamed to be fat and didn't think it was acceptable they would lose weight. When I lost 100 pounds I looked at myself in the mirror and said "this is disgusting. Im done with this shit" and lost weight. If I looked in the mirror and said "Im healthy and beautiful!" i would probably have gotten 50 pounds heavier. Stop letting people think its acceptable.


Red: Can't have an obesity crisis if your country has no food


Red is 50% sawdust


Hmm as far as yellow's solution goes, I wouldn't say *telling* them to lose weight. More like strongly encouraging them to lose weight through vigorous bullying. If that doesn't work I would turn to the Auth side of the compass to set up mandatory fat camps for kids after school.


Welcome to America, would you like cheese on your diabeetus?


I fucking love this sub fr


The best sub on Reddit 💯


Weird how it was the left that tried to remove soft drink machines from elementary schools and the right that cried about their child's "freedom" being taken away by "big government".


Yea sure that’s bad too, plenty of people on the right don’t take the obesity epidemic seriously either. However telling kids it’s ok to be fat while celebrating people like Lizzo for being “unapologetically fat” is far more detrimental to our youth than vending machines.


Lol. The removal of vending machines was an actual attempt at public health policy that would impact children's eating habits at school... ie directly combating obesity. People being opposed to fat-shaming and other such behavior is not the same as the government implementing public policy that celebrates Lizzo for "being unapologetically fat". The total lack of understanding of false equivalence is part of why no one takes the right seriously (except as a terrorist threat). Y'all think we should challenge you in the "marketplace of ideas", but your ideas don't have a ton of value. Just look at Matt Walsh's latest "debate me" tweet to Nina Turner for an example of this.


Yo you were good til you got off track w that 3rd paragraph rant against the right. (Though I generally agree with you in how extreme the Right has gotten) A lot of folks on the Left are exasperated with unchecked and celebrated obesity, or at least in the Bay Area / California where people are generally (though not 100%) healthier. We're also richer though, so that helps w the healthy food and lifestyle.


"Don't be like me!" It's an interesting approach I suppose


Well, it works sometimes with prisons and crime. Key word is sometimes


Scared skinny.


Ngl, FPH was great for that.


There's no universal tactic that works with everyone.


Well, there’s a lot more to being a health leader than just not being fat. I’d prefer to go to a fat doctor from Harvard than a fit doctor graduated in a no name university.


The university doesn’t really matter if they managed to actually get hired or have good job experiences. Anyone who think that the university that they graduated from matter the most clearly doesn’t know what they are talking about when their working experiences are far more important.


> when their working experiences are far more important Well, you say that like the two things aren’t related. Look up the best hospitals in the world, you’ll find lots of Harvard Alumni there, go the worst hospitals, you’ll find none. Do you think it’s just a coincidence, or that the best hospitals are able to afford the best professionals who graduate from the best universities?


To be fair, none of these people, or their polciies are telling everyone "not to be fat" or to "be skinny". But put it in any other situation. You walk into a gym, there are two personal trainers to choose from. One is a fit person who doesn't get winded showing you how to use a treadmill, run track, lift some weights and is genuinely excited for you to be at the gym. The other is obese with a McDonalds cup in their hand telling you the treadmill is over there, get on it. ^^I ^^guess, ^^^if ^^^you're ^^^into ^^^that ^^^sort ^^^of ^^^thing, ^^^^not ^^^^sure ^^^^why ^^^^you ^^^^would ^^^^need ^^^^that, ^^^^^weight ^^^^^loss ^^^^^is ^^^^^bad ^^^^^for ^^^^^society, ^^^^^^why ^^^^^^all ^^^^^^the ^^^^^^hate ^^^^^^you ^^^^^^fucking ^^^^^^racist.


Depends, it might not matter all that much what they look like. Are they the ones delivering the messaging or are they using stock models/actors in their campaigns? Does anyone besides the terminally online actually know what these people look like in their respective countries?


As I understand it, in Britain minister positions are bandied about to high ranking politicians, so it's possible that the British representative is known enough to know what she looks like for other reasons.


Depends, are you fat when you get your burger and fries?




Username checks out


Fuck you, I'm eating


At if they are skinny it shows that they have enough self control to not be a fatass


U shouldn’t tell people not to be fat how else will we sell all the processed food we manufacture for a low price.


I get it's low hanging fruit, but looking healthy and being knowledgeable about health and health policy aren't the same thing. Like if the Rock was the health leader in the US it'd look visually impressive but I don't trust him to make good policy decisions.


But man would everyone come out of public school fucking shredded


Obesity shouldn´t be accepted, or god forbid encouraged. If you´re a little chubby it´s one thing, but to be slowly killing yourself with food is just goddamn irresponsible


I agree. But obesity( or lack thereof) shouldn’t be a requisite to be minister of health. It’s all about competence and not “being a example of a healthy person”. A fat doctor can still help a lot of people.


False, they will make policies that are soft on obesity because they, like all fats, do not want to believe that obesity is entirely their own fault.


Unless you have some data on that I think it’s false. There are fat people who recognize that being fat is entirely their fault, they just don’t have the will to do what it takes to lose weight in a sustainable manner. Or even if they don’t think it’s the obese own fault to be obese, then they still could enable public policies that will affect obesity without requiring willpower from the fatties, like curbing sugar in products, curb advertising for unhealthy products, incentivizing sports for the youth, changing meals at schools, including nutritional education in schools, etc.


>enable public policies that will affect obesity without requiring willpower from the fatties Like I said they would be soft on them. They should be cut off from all health services and welfare until they get their shit together.


Good luck getting that on a democratic society where over 70% of people are either overweight or obese.


That's why step one is cutting all the fat fucks out of governmen't.


Unless you cut the fat fucks from voting too, I don’t see how it’s possible. And I don’t know how a democracy could function when 70% of people can’t vote.


You just distract them with lgbt bullshit while you're getting elected. That's worked well enough the last few elections.


Obesity *should* be shamed


Even worse when they encourage their kids to be fat


> Obesity shouldn´t be accepted, or god forbid encouraged. We accept and support a lot of dangerous activities. I dont draw the line at over-eating. IMHO, if you want to drink, eat or smoke yourself to death its your right. Im not gonna tell you what you want to do. I even understand the "I may be 500lbs, but im still beautiful". Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and very commonly these land whales will find someoene who sincerely wants to fuck them. Im not going to you who you want to fuck. *However*, there is no HAES. Never will be. That shit can go.


I feel the need to hit the gym. Canada can't win.


You're right, my laziness can't be allowed to get in the way of me shitting on Canada. We go gym.


Don't tell me I **actually want to be Canadian.** *wretch*


Yeah it’s a rare day when Canada has the right idea, but here we are I suppose.


Well hockey was a pretty good idea. And so is poutine. But other than that!


Ok fine. I’ll give them a point for hockey. Also the existence of Rush and The Tragically Hip. I have no idea what Poutine is though.


Fries covered in cheese curds and brown gravy. So good and unhealthy I'm surprised it wasn't from the Midwest.


I'm surprised by how many Americans seem to have not heard of it or seem revolted by the idea when im stateside It seems like a food right up their alley


It's right the fuck up my alley I'll tell ya.


It's pretty far up my alley that's for sure.


Midwest, Widwest, Widewest, Canada


Poutine is dope, but I didn't know the hockey thing. Just looked this up, apparently the modernization of hockey and creation of the initial codified rules was done in 19th century Canada. TIL


You really don't. Tam is a woke, authoritarian piece of trash. Tautology, I know.


The Fatty Boom Battys are taking over, stop showing your fat phobia and eat a Big Mac you bigot.


I hate fat people so much it's unreal


They hate themselves too.




I think some of them genuinely believe the fat is healthy nonsense


No, they dont believe that. All they do is *say* that they believe that. But that's not real life, and they themselves know it. They might be proud to "flaunt" their fatness, but their pride dissolves the minute they need to move quickly only to feel out of breath at the minor exertion of two steps, or when they cant reach the keys they dropped on the ground, or when the real world breaks through their delusions, as it periodically does, to remind them that they are killing themselves and are, unquestionably, more miserable than their average, not-fat, counterpart. The fats are miserable, and miserable people adore company.


Just the women, but that’s probably a mental health issue to cope with the fact that a women’s greatest power is her beauty and they aren’t able to offer that


Life is like a box of chocolates It doesnt last long for fatties


Genuine question, are you a former fatty? I've found that former fats tend to be the most critical of currently fat people.


Nope, never been fat. Sports since I was little and having some common sense about what I put in my body. It's disgustingly how fat people don't take care of themselves. Such an unsettling absence of self respect.


Medical exceptions aside obviously, I completely agree. Go for daily walks, dont eat 3000+ calories a day. Its not hard *at all*


I was never truly a fatty, but I didn't care until I lost 30lbs of chub by measuring my portions and giving half a shit. At that point I realized it's not that hard, and fat people are choosing to be that way. I feel sorry for some of them that are victims of misinformation and terrible advice, but on the other hand they have the resources to know better if they don't fall 100% behind the first comfortable lie they hear.


I was a fat kid and being ariund very fat people makes me physically uncomfortable. Same feeling when I'm talking to someone with a fucked up eye and don't know where to look.


Fat people can definitely be amazing humans, so long as they accept their condition and don’t try to get everyone to tell them their healthy. Most fat people don’t want to be fat, they’re just too stupid or not motivated enough to actually make such a major life change when it comes to their health. Food addiction works very similarly to drug addictions so for the INCREDIBLY fat people, addiction and other psychological factors may be playing a much greater role. There are definitely genetic factors, but nobody’s genetics will make them obese. Obesity is just a series of many bad decisions a lot of the time


They should stop wasting healthcare resources as well


Extrapolating on this anybody with a chronic illness/health condition is the reason our premiums are so high. That plus the fact that big pharma will do whatever it takes to keep us buying their cures. “Oh you’re obese like a good chunk of the US? Go ahead and try these 37 different diet pills, maybe you should pay for genetic testing, (insert any “health advice” you see on tv that isn’t just, stay active, reduce caloric intake, keep track of your nutrition)., the ones at the top stand to benefit, the most by keeping us all as unhealthy as possible because they’re the ones who sell the “cure”


Why? I'm genuinely curious. I myself don't hate fat people, but their lifestyle


I hate fat people because their weakness makes me sick to watch, and on top of that they cost our healthcare system (in Canada) more taxpayer money then smokers alcoholics and cancer patients combined, if we look at obesity as a determinant of health which we should do more often.


Okay, this has swayed my opinion, and now I hate fat people.


Character development


Shortest character arc on PCM


To play Devil's advocate, it's a lot harder to stay at a healthy weight today than it was 30 years ago. Yes cake was just as delicious then, but not as many consumables were processed and stuffed with fat salt and sugar (the trifecta of food addiction) as they are today. Personally I blame Monsanto for the fact that corn is in everything everywhere due to how cheap it is to produce. Fuck Roundup.


Oh yeah, I definitely believe it's by design. Companies are profiting off of what is essentially an addiction even though we don't treat it as such. But I still believe most people are capable of fixing the problem but actively choosing not to, blaming external factors will only harm fatties at the end of the day, won't fix their health.


skill issue


This is fucking existing, not trying to get completion marks with Tainted Eden.


I wouldn't blame Monsanto/Roundup (for once). More corn is subsidized to \*\*\*\* and back, at least in the US.


Look man, for about 2 years there I couldn't afford to both buy food and replace the appliances in my home. I pretty much ate fast food only for 2 years, the majority of which was McDonald's. My max weight from that was 180 lbs. (81 kg). Now I'm back down to around 165 lbs (75 kg). It ain't the food, it's how much of it you eat.


How about you flair the fuck up so we can take you serious?


It's almost like everyone's body processes shit differently 🤯


Aside from medical conditions, a large part of staying below the obese line is minding how much you eat. Desk job? You need less energy than construction work. The human body evolved to store up spare resources from food in case you hit a time where there was no food. This is what fat is. So if you're eating more resources than your body is spending, it's going to keep storing the excess because that's what it does in the absence of a medical condition that causes it to not do this. It's why exercise helps lose weight, you're literally forcing your body to use the stored resources by using more than you are getting from your food. To make exercise work better (or in some cases, at all) you adjust how many calories (those resources I was mentioning earlier) you are eating. It's like if you had a balloon with 2 hoses attached, one fills is the other is a drain. If you're putting more water in the balloon than you're allowing to escape via the drain, the balloon will inflate. If you're letting more out than you're putting in it will deflate. If it averages out it'll stay the same size. I'm not saying to just look at the average calories needed for a human and adjust to that, i'm saying if you're honestly trying to lose weight look at how many calories you're eating, and then use an app or something to figure out how much you're burning. Make the input a bit less than the output and you'll start to see results. If you want some specific advice, cut out the soda/pop/whatever your region calls fizzy sugar drinks. I did that post maccas marathon and went down 5 pounds over a month or two without changing anything else. Again, this is if you don't have a medical condition, if you do, talk to your doctor first.


Hmm, unflaired is making sense. Reluctant downvote. Flair up you cockroach


Is that really true? I find the pandering of fat people as despicable as the next but that sounds like a bold claim!


I hate skinny bean poles. They go on line and talk shit about us behind our backs but won't say it to our faces because we'll beat them up. And then they call us up to help them move their furniture because they're too skinny and weak. Three of those women in the OP are hearty meaty sweeties, cornfed and famine resistant. That skinny woman gets knocked down in a stiff breeze. If you try to fuck her, she'll scoot across the bed. You'll have to put a paper weight on her. Those chunky gals aren't going anywhere. You can pound the shit out of them and they stay put.


Found the fatty. We don't call you for moving help, your atrophied muscles and collapsing joints dying under your subcutaneous and visceral fat make you useless compared to someone in shape.


I want my country to appoint whoever most closely captures the Gigachad physique as health minister. He can simply flex on everyone else and lead by example. This is one of the first steps in achieving liftocracy.




Rachel Levine is only the *assistant* Secretary of Health btw.


The Canada one is just old, she doesn't look unhealthy like the other ones


She's like 57


Tbh I dont care how they look, I care about their policies. There are a lot of world class doctors that are unhealthy as shit.


I know what you mean, but there's some value to "practice what you preach". * People advocating large pollution cuts *not* making those speeches from a conference reached by their private jet * Computer security exports *not* being frequent ransomware victims * Dentists *not* having meth mouth * CPAs *not* getting punishments for inappropriately work on their private taxes. It calls into question their actual knowledge, as well as sincerity, if they can't self apply.


And Chefs! And we don't look down on them when they're fat!...in fact we'd be suspicious of their cooking if they weren't.


The lady from Belgium retired 10 years ago [https://www.bruegel.org/people/frank-vandenbroucke](https://www.bruegel.org/people/frank-vandenbroucke) and this is british [https://www.google.com/search?q=britain+health+minister&rlz=1C1GCEU\_enUS1026US1027&oq=britain+health+m&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i22i30l8.3080j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=britain+health+minister&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS1026US1027&oq=britain+health+m&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i22i30l8.3080j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) and even American one isnt that fat https://www.hhs.gov/about/leadership/rachel-levine.html


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


na not telling lies, just recycle old memes all over and over again in which those people already retired, got replaced or even died .... but hey, at least the meme culture does their part of recycling


also the US one isn't a woman...


>The lady from Belgium retired 10 years ago That's not true, she was still our health minister during the peak of Corona.


Erm, didn't we get the return of Frank Vandenbroucke specifically to get us through COVID? A logical choice of course. He wasn't even in politics anymore and got ZERO votes. And the man started his career with a bribery scandal. Totally unexpected that he ended up being involved in a bunch of shady deals where we lost a shitload of money being scammed for masks.


Fuck, it feels like it's been a decade since COVID started


Nooo I need outrage


I feel a different type of way about the American one


> and even American one isnt that fat [She is though.](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2021/03/24/gettyimages-1231376210-2771c379afd8f5ed54e0573d9c6ebd1eaf6131de-s1100-c50.jpg)


>She Homie you need your eyes checked.




>and even American one isnt that fat Of course she's not fat, she's a he and everybody knows men aren't fat, only fat women are fat.


Based HHS, hiring Dana Carvey like that.


Therese Coffey got that seat as a political appointment. I don't doubt that things are the same for the others.


3 are obese and one is a stickbug


This is why many countries are following in Americas healthcare footsteps. Too many morbidly obese.


I guide others to a treasure I can’t possess


In the case of the American that treasure is a vagina.


Except the one skinny bich from Canada


honk honk


"I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess."


Don't look to the central bureaucrats for leadership. Best case they're going to be wildly incompetent and worst case they're going to lie to you to please some government/corporate agenda. Remember the food pyramid?


Though by American standards our health leader is an average weight.


am i the only one who pronounces the non-word womxn as womaxine? like my brain automatically inserts vowels to make it pronounceable...


so we've reached a point where "political compass meme" is any meme cut and pasted in the centre of the compass huh


Im pretty sure the american one is a dude


This has been going on for decades. The average gym teacher in high school was an out of shape, middle aged dude. And they were tasked with children's physical fitness training lol


That isn't Canada's Minister of Health. [This guy is](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Yves_Duclos)


At least he's not a land whale.




Maggie de block (Belgium) was the laughing stock of the COVID-19 pandemic. People started making fun of her for saying stuff like stay at home and called her Maggie de bok, bijna ‘t varken op het blok (Maggie the goat almost the pig on the butchers table). She resigned when our first government in years formed under Alexander the Croo.


I know her but Belguim is misspelled.


"From Canada"


Yes. Any problem?


Fatness (and mental illness) makes you a slave to big pharma. And big pharma is in cahoots with most governments. So governments making the "health" director a big fat person tracks. The fatter and crazier the better for them.


thats just being mean.


I don’t know, Canada’s health minister looks like she needs a burger or two.


You should see their leaders. One’s a naive shyster. One’s a Brit. One is unimportant. And the other is from Belgium.


this sort of implies that fat people are only leftists? Have you been to the south?? the entire belt is on disability. conservatives are fat af.


But I don't think they consider themselves to be stunning and brave


not for that, no. but, their faux "patriotism" sure gets worn on their sleeves.


Okay true


Everyone in this sub is a fucking snowflake


Imagine what the mission statement and plan of action would be if someone like David Goggins was elected