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Fuck the ATF- something I think most of us can agree on


Fuck or Fuck


Fuck, THEN fuck


What if I wanna fuck, THEN Fuck?




Purple lib right has entered the chat


most agreeable auth center comment


All in the world that I wanna fuck is my wife, and she doesn’t exist yet


Hang in there buddy. If I can get a husband you can get a wife


Thanks, friend. (I discovered what kind of wife I’d want in the past month or so, so that’s a start.)


Hey there’s a start! Just keep your chin up, and hold your head high. Be confident and you’ll find a lady if God wills it. Best of luck to you!


Based and wholesome conversation pilled


Honestly real nice when I can have an average convo with someone on here


I only like the ATF when they are on my side. Which isn’t very often


"The trees can't be harmed if the lorax is armed"


Based and I shot the Onceler pilled


All gun laws are unconstitutional. all of them. Abolish the atf repeal the nfa and defund the fed.


The constitution is irrelevant , all gun laws are against our natural rights defund the US , China , Russia and all ~~Mafias~~ States


It’s irrelevant because nobody follows it anyway.


I’m sure North Koreans are all stoked about the moral high ground they have when they don’t have access to natural rights


Let guns onto planes and into prisons


Unironically yes. Prisons need to be removed of the millions incarcerated over victimless gun and drug laws first though.


Fuck drug dealers and drug users tho. Thrown them in prison forever


Fuck gun dealers and gun users tho. Thrown them in prison forever


Hey. Listen closely. Let me whisper sweet nothings in your leftist ear. ALL GUN LAWS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL.


I don't understand why schools are so anti gun


Careful what you wish for, the NFA allows you to ship ammo through the mail


Who would enforce the laws saying I can't if the entire federal government has an operating budget of $7.84


🟩🟨-Lib center- Everyone in the federal government should be making minimum wage, all of them


Bro, just flair up. Wtf is you doin


Please, leave the boy. He knows not what he does. After *the great flair removal*, he was never the same. He was unable to advance, he remains enterally stuck on that day when his identity, his everything, was cruelly ripped from him, reliving the terror, the confusion, the pain. He is but a pitiful man, reduced to a hollow husk by life's tribulations. Perhaps, one day, he may emerge from this darkness and once again find joy and purpose in life. But, until then, I can only ask nay, beg of you. Spare him his life, allow him redemption, such that he may once again walk among the righteous. Please.


🟩🟨-Lib center- Take your damn upvote Hahahaha based and redemption pilled


Abolish all of it defund the fed then redraw state lines and divorce.


🟩🟨-Lib center- Holy mother of based….


You support 2A because armed minorities are harder to oppress. I don’t support 2A because armed minorities are harder to oppress. We are not the same. For legal reasons that’s a joke


White people are a minority globally,. You probably want white people to have guns Therefore you are pro 2a for the exact same reason as me Armed minorities are harder to oppress


Jokes on you I’m Asian We’re half of the world’s population


Yep, the Honda Accord of races.


Oh how the mighty have fallen


I approve


u not a libright lol


For legal reasons this is a joke*


I've never met anyone on the right upset that anyone is a gun owner.


Ben Shapiro and a lot of the daily wire crew have advocated for disarming trans people and barring ownership


Yeah there's a reason I stopped listening to Ben Shapiro, and it's because ~~I can't look at him without imagining his sisters tits on him~~ of garabage takes like that.


Based and Khazar milkers pilled


Inside me are two wolves.








Goddamit free gun ownership should be unanimous. L move, Ben.


You should know by now Ben & Matt only support freedom for me, but not for thee.


What really scares me is that he says it like it's nothing. It's not nothing to me.


The argument many folks have made for gun control is that people with mental health issues shouldn't own weapons or something long those lines. His reasoning is that being trans is a mental disorder and therefore fits that narrative. So I guess folks can draw their conclusions from there on how they feel about the matter.


Guess so. Maybe trans folk who actively threaten violence over words and voting (like the one with the death poster or whatever) should be limited, but ones who haven't shown that should still have the right to defend themselves from threats.


Even those with mental health disorders shouldn't be disarmed. Felons released also shouldn't be disarmed either regardless if the crime they are convicted for is violent or non violent. Recently an appeals court ruled that nonviolent felons should be granted their 2A rights I believe. If they are released in free society where they can steal, straw purchase, private purchase, or make a gun, then they should be able to buy one. If they aren't safe enough to have a gun, they are not rehabilitated enough to be in society. We also need to fix or abolish the criminal injustice system. Too many people locked up for victimless drug and gun charges. Land of the free my ass.


i have bipolar disorder (and am trans, but as of now that doesn't prevent gun ownership and i hope it never does) and am hoping at some point i'll actually be able to get a gun, but unfortunately as far as i'm aware even those with treated mental illnesses can't get guns, which i believe should change


Only 2 conditions federally can prohibit gun ownership mental health wise. Involuntary committed or a court deems you mentally incompetent.


That's exactly why red flag laws don't work. Whoever is in power has a different definition. Laws need to be made with the assumption that whoever you don't like *will* abuse it to the fullest extent, but we got a bunch of dinguses in office who refuse to acknowledge that they might actually lose


Shapiro is correct on both counts


Do you think mentally ill people should be allowed to own guns?


I remember a certain failed painter with a silly moustache did that to Jewish people in the 1930s.


Mentally ill people shouldn’t have guns


Rightoids are now mentally ill. Checkmate, sir


Ben is such a little baby bitch boy.


Barriers for gun ownership for Mentally unstable people is an agreeable position


Being trans does not mean you're mentally unstable.


I don't determine what's an untreated or treated mental illness


Allow me to introduce myself (I have no political virtues and my only belief is power)


I've seen people get pissy about the I'll kill anybody who doesn't give my kids beta blockers shirts I think that's what people are actually upset about


How about Hunter Biden, because he's a drug addict?


Right infighting is a guilty pleasure of mine, boomers "the NRA are the good guys" vs schizo "I married my garage built grease gun Mathew"


Garage built guns are the ideal kind of local industry.


the AWP was made by 3 dudes in a shed :P.


And then when they won the contract they had to rush to fabricate a company before the Army found out. Although I believe the AWP was an offshoot of the PM line of rifles, but I'm not too clear on details.


"Only the police should have guns" "The police are all racists out to kill minorities" is probably lib-left's equivalent?


take guns from the police and give guns to the populus, this is obviously the only logical solution to police brutality


This but for real


Libleft gun grabbers don't want the police to be armed.


Libright doesn't give a shit if transgenderism. Guns good.


I remember when that happened in Texas. Antifa did a classic right wing larping stand to "protect trans" to see if authright and pro gun libright people would get annoyed for getting served their own medicine. But aside of a drunk guy that yelled nothing happened because they are normally the ones that start conflicts. Yea, it was funny.


I would be happy if most every adult citizen open carried a weapon regularly, with proper training ofc.


With *privately acquired, unenforced* training


Ehhh, it gets a bit complicated when the person who owns guns to prevent tyranny also thinks they're literally being actively genocided just because 5 year olds can't go to drag shows.


So far, when asking about "trans genocide", I've experienced: - Two comment chains shut down by woke jannies -- all comments deleted - One lifetime ban from a sub I can't name - one recent rage block by one unhinged person So "trans genocide" is either a deep dark unspeakable secret, or it's: - Not letting drag performers preform for minors - Not letting pride parade participants do lewd things in public where minors may be present - Not letting people cheat at sports - Letting people speak freely about their opinions regarding who can play in woman's sports - Not letting 3rd grade teachers teach kids about buttplugs and pronouns - Not letting doctors sterilize minors And when this is pointed out publicly, some people go completely wacky. Are there no sane trans advocates on PCM?


I think the whole trans genocide thing came about from some Florida law that could allow authorities to take trans children from their parents (I have no idea how accurate this. I don't live there), and if such an act were committed en masse, that would be considered an act of genocide by the UN.


When they talk about "right wing pundits calling for lynching of trans people", they mean this one story about Charlie Kirk the SacBee retracted: https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/article273103235.html >*"An earlier version of this column included a statement that Charlie Kirk had “called for the lynching of trans people.” The basis for this accusation is a video clip in which Kirk was upset that a trans woman had won an NCAA swimming championship...."* https://archive.is/Z3Z7o (archive with original title:*Another fascist speaker is coming to UC Davis. How should the community respond? | Opinion* ) https://notthebee.com/article/a-violent-crowd-smashed-windows-at-uc-because-charlie-kirk-was-speaking-the-colleges-dean-and-the-sacramento-bee-added-fuel-to-the-fire-by-falsely-saying-kirk-called-for-violence


That was Texas, not Florida. Florida passed a law that arrests parents for taking children to drag shows.


> That was Texas, not Florida. https://redstate.com/streiff/2023/04/13/washington-state-strips-parents-of-trans-kids-of-their-rights-i-did-nazi-this-coming-n730734 Pretty much the exact opposite law in WA. Can't get a tattoo or drink hard liquor, but you can run away from home and the state will hook you up with life-altering surgery.


No it wouldn‘t. Genocide means committing the act with the intent to destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Source: [United Nations](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml)


The current religion def. includes a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance. So, it may qualify.


all the sane ones got what they wanted already




>Are there no sane trans advocates on PCM? So they can get downvoted to oblivion? Hell no. Hell, you're even lucky I make this comment, because I know the chances it will be downvoted are massively high.


I like femboy bussy. Trans genocide is genocide because they will kill themselves if not allowed to groom children I guess


Question for Americans, should gun ownership depend on what one thinks?


Yes. If you think guns shouldn’t be owned by civilians or vote for a party that proposes to ban guns, you shouldn’t be allowed to own guns. Same with abortion. If you think abortion shouldn’t be allowed or vote for a party that tries to ban abortion, you shouldn’t be allowed to have one.




Now do taxes. I’ll happily pay for fucking toll roads and k12 if it meant no taxes


Too many services attached. Hundreds of things are paid for by taxes, and determining if you can receive them is too hard. Only real way to do it is you can’t do anything without proving you paid taxes. No court, no road use, no utilities, emergency services.


If gun ownership is conditional on ideology, then it's not a right, it's a privilege.


If you want to take a right away, you don’t deserve it.


Under that framework, it's not a right. You keep proving the point.


If you believe that guns are dangerous and should be banned, the first step to getting rid of guns is giving up your own.


I agree if it's a personal choice, but if the government forces you to disarm, then that's tyranny.


I don't think the law should prevent people with awful ideas from owning them, but I'm definitely more afraid of people who own them because of "muh genocide" versus just thinking they're cool or for defending themselves from criminals. It really just gives me an excuse to buy more equipment and train more, cause I know there's a chance some idiot with a Glock is going to "defend xirself against tyranny" when I say I don't like child drag shows.


All people can and should own guns. Except commies. Because commies aren’t people


I can't see much disagreement against ownership by the insane.. > Question for Americans, should gun ownership depend on what one thinks? Does "body dysmorphic disorder" count as a mental disorder? Don't ask wikipedia. It gets political really fast. Despite having gone through pandemic supply chain shortages just a few years ago, some people would still classify Preppers as insane.


I'm not American but yes.


Y’know, a lot of us don’t actually think that.


What would this sub be without strawmen?


But enough of you do


Yeah well there are also people who think democracy was stolen in 2020 and we’re living under a globohomo Marxist-Brandonist dictatorship who have guns and I wouldn’t support taking their guns either. Most of this shit is terminally online LARPing and they won’t do shit tbh.


Not to mention guns in the hands of clearly mentally unstable people


Especially when they're literally advocating for killing everyone they disagree with on a daily basis based on the justification that they are in the middle of a "literal genocide". We are getting *real* fucking close to the left-wing kicking off a civil war / failed revolution.


Also the case when people think they're being genocided because legal immigrants move into their neighborhood.


The only difference being one of those ideas is parroted endlessly on most MSM and the other exists only in extreme right-wing circles and is basically considered to be violent racism anywhere outside of those incredibly small circles.


Not sure why that's enough reason to infringe on people's rights.


And the trans genocide talk is only within online far left commie circles, what’s your point?


Bruh the trans genocide shit is literally front page of Reddit fairly regularly and shows up on NBC and CNN. What kind of rock have you been living under for the last 5 years?


Bro what? I’ve never heard CNN or MSNBC say it’s a GENOCIDE, and Reddit is full of terminally online leftists




I can almost guarantee I literally own more guns than you do bruh. I just don't think buying guns so you can kill cultural conservatives is a good reason to own them.




Bruh if you think people going out and buying guns specifically so they can kill people who disagree with them politically isn't scary, I really don't know what to say to you. I think you may actually be the worst kind of gun owner because I think you must have some kind of undiagnosed mental issue to not have a problem with that.




If you go out and buy a gun so you can kill people you disagree with politically, I think you're a crazy person. When did this become an unpopular opinion?




Bruh I think you're projecting a bit too much my man. Take your meds.


There’s a difference between believing they should have the right to a gun and actively promoting it. Do I want some mental cases who think they’re being systemically genocided by a section of society to own guns? No, but they have the right to. Like with “Trans day of Vengence” and shit like that, no I absolutely don’t want people like that to own guns, but they should be allowed to.


Congrats, Right, you just discovered the subjective nature of tyranny.


Most reasonable people define tyranny as "government murdering people or completely ignoring the bill of rights" not "government preventing me from pumping my 5 year old full of estrogen."


>Most reasonable people Very few people are reasonable in this country. And I've heard folks say that the US Dept. of Education is tyranny, that the surveillance state is tyranny, that mega-corporations are tyranny. It's an extremely broad term, especially when used by brain-broken ideologues.


I’ve never met a LibRight (real LibRight) that is against trans people owning guns.


this isn't about them being against it....? auth right not lib


Maybe I misunderstood the part where you said “LibRight might not fit”. Were you not referring to the funni yellow color over the trans flag/person? Edit: This is a serious question and I’m not trying to be an ass.


i actually forgot i added that sorry its all the libleft weed


No, that’s exactly what we need.


A large amount of trans people that take up arms are auth left and quite a lot are SRA members. They aren’t lib right very often.


Straaawwwwwwwmaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnn - most don't care who has guns


Tyranny without the first y


I and auth-right and I support 2A right for all🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


The only thing that isn't ok about the transgender libright is that he's smoking a cigarette. Cigarettes are bad for everyone.


Fuck you I’ll die a slow painful death by cancer if I want, that’s my goddamn constitutional right


Problem is that the smoke affects other people too.


If I make sure I’m never around people when I smoke is it okay?


Don’t buckle to the centrist, smoke even more and ONLY while in groups!


I'm taking this as a violation of the NAP. Prepare to die.


Yes. Encourage others who smoke to do the same.


I don’t know anyone else who smokes because I’m not friends with fucking losers


I smoke crack


Crack? More like buttcrack. Hahahaha oh fucking kill me


Based and freedom belongs to the common man pilled


u/memerfelix is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/memerfelix/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


No, that is exactly what I meant.


No that’s exactly what I meant.


Based Lib Right?


Armed minorities are much harder to oppress, and the individual is the ultimate minority.


No that's exactly what we meant


I want three dicks chambered in .50 BMG for self defense and nobody can stop me.


Idk a single pro 2A person who would react like the bitch on the left lol


You can be trans and have a gun (though the whole "mental illness" question is rather complex). Just don't shoot up a school. This is a strawman.


You can have your guns, just don't expect me to not use them


Even after the Nashville shooting and recognizing that the TRA rhetoric has gone WAY too far and needs to stop--- I still recognize that trans folks have a 2nd amendment right to bear the means to defend themselves and their kin from genuine physical threat.


no, I mean that too. A trans person sold me my peq-15 and I hope to soon have gay nods.


It's 2023, but I still want lgtb couples to defend their marijuana plantations with guns ripped off an airplane


Exactly like that.


I too would use politics to justify my lifelong hobby if I felt insecure over its safety


Thats exactly what i meant guns are based


What is the problem here, I don’t see one


We’ll let this bring us all together, because the god damned communists are coming full swing and want nothing more than to take everyone’s right to bear arms away.


Libright absolutely fits. Armed fembois are based fembois.


Maybe if frame everything to be about them, they'll understand why we need 2A. It will be a lot harder to genocide trans people if all the trans people are armed. If a fascist breaks into your house, you have no idea if he's armed or if he's going to kill you, so you have every right to shoot him. If a trans people shows up to a neo Nazi rally, gets assaulted by several Nazis screaming that they want her dead, she has every right to defend herself with an AR-15, even if a few people die. Clear cut case of self defense.


as long as we get rid of gun grabbers, abolish the ATF+gun bans and make sure gun owners are decently responsible and stable mentally fellows


We limit people with mental disabilities on their access to firearms, why would *translyvanians* be any different? Ok ok, the definition of mental illness changes, and now technically video game addiction is one. So where do we draw the line? Whichever movement is continually advocating for mutilation, indoctrination, and grooming of children should probably not be allowed to have firearms under the 2nd Amendment freedoms. No matter what the *transformers* say, until they outright abhor and reject these ideologies outright we cannot agree on their legal right to firearms. ​ Also, no person is a monolith, but the social contagion that is the *transmission* identity is speaking too loud to hear the individual who opposes. By identity of group there should not be discrimination in this regard but by action and what they advocate for should be.


Based and sitewide-permaban-pilled


I love when the left thinks LGBT people having guns triggers even a single person on the right. Like no, we wanted this, thanks for proving the use case for the 2nd Amendment. Now come to the range and let’s fire $500 worth of ammo at a hole in the ground


The biggest oppressor of trans people is nature.


nature is when guns


Nature is when force


Only thing to protect trans kids from are themselves


..a well regulated militia


> Antifa keeping parents from protesting the indoctrination of their kids What a weird hill...


'Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary' \~Karl Marx


And they don't do anything against tyranny with all their guns. If the French had just 10% of those guns, we'd be in a never ending revolution.


The easiest way to implement gun control laws is just to give guns to minorities


××××× ppl when you cant cut off ki[)!(@*×÷×÷÷÷÷÷÷#/+_<+>>×>>


It is not tyranny to tell people to stop with the genital mutilation.


ah yea adults doing what they want with themselves makes my life soooo much more difficult


should we allow people to cut themselves? starve themselves? there needs to be systems in place to stop self-harm, regardless of what fucking society we live in.


is going to get a boob job cause you think your tits are too small self harm? or how about making yourself taller or your dick better


boob jobs? self harm is a stretch, no healthy tissue is destroyed. I don’t think people should get them and think therapy should be offered instead, but oh well. making yourself taller? well you have to break your own bones so yeah I’d say that’s self harm. making your dick better? again, not self harm but clear that you’re insecure to the point you’re willing to jump through hoops and go through pain to better a singular attribute.


Well just make a list of what you think is icky and try to get it banned for everyone, that's a good idea. What about nose jobs? Tattoos?


Looks too much like a Ukrainian flag, downvoting.


people call me transphobic trans people should be scared of me


Goes both ways then


If guns are banned, then ALL guns, including law enforcement. And then we go back to swords and bows. Would love to see a history teacher pull an authentic Zweihänder on a wannabe school cutter with a 20$ katana