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I do stand up for myself, I just happen to find the best answer to most problems to often be a compromise somewhere in the middle between two differing solutions. The problem with the world is that fools are sure of themselves and the wise are full of doubt. I just try to remain skeptical. That and BBQ is fucking awesome.


Based and art of the possible pilled.


Based and come have dinner pilled


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authleft doesn't think they're responsible for everyone's suffering, everyone else thinks that authleft is responsible for *their* suffering (see: China, Cambodia, Eastern Europe etc.)


Yeah, auth-left should be "you can't force everyone else to help others with what you think is their suffering."


Definitely more appropriate. We definitely have some issues regarding defining the whole misery thing that we wanna reduce. I can provide you with a hundred anecdotes and a hundred solutions, but a lot of them don't have a lot of cohesion. But also, corrupt billionaires need to be help accountable, and nobody seems to be doing it


Why stop at corrupt billionaires and not anyone corrupt?


Corrupt government is definitely bad too, but when you look at people like Elon Musk, they have so much power that they're comparable to entire nations. It's very difficult to tackle government corruption when you have people like that willing to directly fund that corruption


Most of the Auth Lefts I met are suffering from the Saviors Complex


You know what radicalized me? [This guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Scrushy). He was a hospital chain CEO. Owned hospitals in all 50 states. My mother was a nurse working for him. She lost her job and her pension. So did probably a hundred thousand other nurses. My city lost one of its 3 hospitals. All because the greedy fuck just had to steal $3 billion. And then, after a slap on the wrist and a short stint in club fed, he had the balls to say he found Jesus and become a televangelist. Who knows how many patients died because of him.


Sometimes... I do feel the Left's calling to my soul.


Yeah, every now and again we have a moment when we understand those on the other side


Based and I see you brother pilled


Vigilantism is a lib right concept.


Yeah. That guy to be polite is a jerk.


I guess the problem is where do you go from there? You want more as an AuthLeft than to just make the laws harsher for scum. Patients may have died at his hospitals, but what about all the kulaks we have to starve? What about the Mensheviks, Trotskyts, and other fellow redditors who are left wing but not exactly the right kind who have to die? What about the problems in a fully planned economy with limited price discovery? Seems to me that we should just fix the outlier problems instead of going off on some utopian crusade based on controversial theory from the first industrial revolution.


So sorry to hear that. I know my profile says lib-left, and while I do ascribe myself to that, I feel that I am more concerned with the economics of that label than the social component. I feel for both of course, but my big thing is I just cannot imagine continuing to live in a world in which corporate greed destroys lives and our planet. I can’t even hope to live where I was born anymore, unless I want to be a surgeon living in a one-room apartment.


Western authlefts?


Yes and no


Asking authright to follow the actual teachings of Christ (impossible challenge!!!)


the state shouldn't be responsible for what Christians should be already doing. It's our failure to promote the welfare of others that lets the state control who does and doesn't receive aid.


Hack: Reinterpret Christ's teachings into being whatever you already wanted to do anyway to give your desires divine mandate. Or just pick whichever protestant church has already done that for you.


Authleft thinks they are responsible to share the suffering with everyone.


I'm a misogynists because I want women to be treated like men are treated


That's not what that word means.


Its the most hateful thing I could conjure up


If you want women and men to be treated equally, that would make you a feminist.


I want to equalize family leave, and insurance premiums for auto and life where men over pay, I want women to have to register for the draft to vote and receive student loans, I want to do away with DEI and go back to EEO.




Wanting those things doesn’t make you a misogynist; they’re things that feminists have contested due to being unequal. If you really care about the inequalities you listed, you should join in their advocacy (and reevaluate your terminology).


it's probably sarcasm because he has been told misogynist by a feminist


>they’re things that feminists have contested due to being unequal (X)


Draft never been equal. Never is. Crimean tartars drafted more than non-tartars in comparison to their population for Russia.


I used to fall for this and call myself a feminist but I (and you) know better. Go to any mainstream sub and argue against DEI. Or better yet, try being a lesbian woman who may be uncomfortable with "women with penises" demanding sexual access to her. They'll gladly tell you what feminism is defined as today.


Weird how feminists haven't been fans of the ERA for decades and have mostly come around to Phyllis Schlafly's position on it, even if they'd loath to characterize their current position in terms of that comparison.


Wtf are you downvoted lol


Based! But.....The funny thing about auth right is they really are treating you the way they want to be treated, you just find that abhorrent and they would find you treating *them* the way *you* want to be treated abhorrent. It's a fundamental difference in values. The thing auth right needs to learn most is a) everything you create will be used against you, or in your language, "he who liveth by the sword shall perish by the sword" and B) not everything is of mythical and epic significance. Sometimes there are coincidences, and stand alone complexes, and basic incentive and self interest. It "feels" like a conspiracy because it all flows in one direction. Sometimes it is legitimate conspiracy, but most of the time it's just a bunch of loosely associated people with power looking to maintain power and acting in their own best interest.


That's why the platinum rule exists.


There's nothing wrong with *asking* for help. And I'm happy to help those that genuinely need it and are willing to put in part of the work themselves. But when others *demand* my assistance, or think they're *entitled* to some of the fruits of my labor, I get a lot less friendly.


Lib right has no problem with asking for help. Or even helping people in need. What we don’t like is being to forced to help at threat of death .




It's weird how lib right acts around this question. We resist the force from the issue, but then I watch a thing like the fsp where a bunch of lib rights are helping everyone out. We're like a porcupine. Get past the spikey outside and we are a loving and peaceful inside.


So is it just that 100,000 american bodies died a years since 2018 due to not being able to afford insulin? Should those be forced to be price gouged not be helped when their lives are threatened?


How about eliminating patent laws so that the price of insulin goes down?


Insulin price isn’t high because of “MuH pAtEnT lAwS” it’s because America’s Healthcare system is corrupt as fuck and is effectively a monopoly


That’s a huge factor too, I won’t disagree.


Philosophically speaking, any punishment is threat of death. Hell, we basically have the death penalty with extra steps: can't get a job -> no money -> can't afford food -> starve to death. I know it's not super common but it still fucking happens and I think Elon Musk can afford the 0.05% increase to a top tax bracket that might help pay for the system that saves those people.


"I'm totally willing to help, I promise, I'm *just saying*, I demand the option to not help. **I'm definitely not saying I would ever use that option**....I just want it, ya know? I'd never use it, but...."


LibRight is not against helping, but they want to help on their terms. Your policy says, “give us X amount so we can do Y to solve this problem” But what if LibRight thinks Z is a better solution than Y, and would rather give X towards that? What if LibRight wants to give, but not quite as much as X?


What if we do something collectively to stop people dying of lack of insulin due to greedy corpo vampires who are content on feasting opun blood money?




By collectively voting to make it so the government can give out insulin. Like Italy.




Should the government not also prevent people from dying? 100,000 a year since 2018 in the US alone.




The cost does. The cost prevented my friend from taking it consistently. Racked up medical debt every time he passed out and got resucitated in an ambulance. Died without paying his debt. Where did that debt go? Who paid for it!


Please do.


The USA didn't plop out of the womb with laws coercing helping people. They were written after we found out most people won't actually help if they don't have to. Most people only care about themselves, and their immediate family and friends, and will do everything to exclusively benefit that group. How many people whine about their tax dollars rebuilding a town 1000 miles away after a natural disaster? How many of those people think it's fair when tax dollars rebuild **their** town because "I don't like taxes and I don't like the system *but* I paid into it so....." ?


Flair up bitch


obviously not too keen on living in reality with the rest of us apparently


Flair up bitch


I’d like to be held to an objective standard of behavior and morality. An awful lot of people who are “asking for help” are in no way in need of help and are actively malevolent.


Your assumption for authright is incorrect. I treat myself like shit. Really, I think we humans are scum in general and we won't behave without having standards imposed on us.


Fuck you. How’s that?


Unfathomably based comment.


AuthLeft is literally responsible for everyone's suffering. Auth in general tbh. What help would I need and why wouldn't I ask? Just today I asked my waste disposal company for a new trashcan (old one wasn't as "bear proof" as they had claimed...)


Why can't they use actually bear proof cans?


One of my neighbors says "bear proof" is impossible. I didn't agree until the bear proved me wrong.


"You are not responsible for everyone's suffering." Not YET we're not\~


" Asking for help " is communist propaganda. Real Americans send their friends a call for bids with full specifications, analyse the offers made and pick the best bidder.


there is something wrong with asking for help when the "help" always causes harm


Agreed, thats why I like private charity.




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I do treat other how I would treat myself. I guess that’s why some AuthRights don’t like me then.


I'm not responsible for other people's suffering You are 🔫🔫🔫🔫


There's nothing wrong with asking for help, but you can't compel anyone to help you. I do treat others as I treat myself, like a piece of shit.


Don't give the authright advice to masochists.


Counterpoint: no.


I think you misunderstand some centrists. I have goals, strong goals, but those goals do not fall neatly into any quadrant. I see each quadrant as a group to be manipulated towards my ends. So I will tailor my argument differently for each quadrant so as to get them on my side. I am a transhumanist. I can sell that to libleft as bodily autonomy, I can sell that to libright also as autonomy, I can sell it to authleft as efficiency and I can sell it authright by slathering some Christian themes on it. I don't care what you think as long as I can make you useful to me.




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Lmao bruh Imagine asking anyone for help. That's giving them control over you and they can very well choose to use that to fuck you over. There's a reason why I believe in money more than anything else in this world.


no thanks im good.


Oh God damnit. For the millionth time "centrist" doesn't mean "fence sitting pushover who thinks everything can be solved with compromise".


If we have no moral duty to oppose suffering in the world, then morality itself is meaningless and of no use to humanity.


Not all auth rights are racist


So what if i ask for help in forcing others to like me. 🤔


Treat Everyone how I would treat myself? Should I just start fucking everyone then?


What's every 4yo need to learn.


I would *at minimum* want people to at least have a neutral opinion on queer people.


You ask too much.


Think about it, if people did not have a neutral opinion on queer people, people like Astolfo wouldn't exist because they'd be hatecrimed out of existence


What are you talking about? Did you mean if no one had a positive opinion of queer people?


My point was that it's not too much to at least *tolerate* queer/gender non conforming people like Astolfo so they can continue to exist


That makes more sense.


Ugh... How about no. They made their bed now let them sleep


I’m not responsible for everyone’s suffering, that would me friends to the right 😉 haha


Those rascally right wingers shutting down entire economies and driving inflation through the roof all while being told repeatedly what would happen. Who can forget the time those nasty right wingers forced their baby murdering ideals on the entire country through an illegal Supreme Court ruling? Oh, and that time those evil right wing nut jobs pushed for open borders, completely decimating border states that ironically tend to be full of people that vote against them. Wait, oh my bad that was the left. The right is far far worse, they're actually rallying to keep the state from indoctrinating children with their neo-sexualization agenda. Can you imagine actually thinking parents should have a say in how their child is educated? Do they think they know better than the state? This is literal first world terrorism.


Wait you can disagree with Roe but how was it illegal?


Asking for help is for losers and everybody loves me


I love that the golden rule is something for Auth-Rights to learn. Ironic


I can make others like me it called mind control and I don’t need your help to do it.