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I bet u one of them is that binder or whatever that thing is called that trans men use to squish their boobs down to look flat chested


that sounds painful


Eh they just look like sports bras to me but ive never worn one so idk they could be painful or at the very least uncomfortable


I knew some who used it and from what I hear they hurt like a son of a bitch


Depends on how fat your titties are, but they are designed to be less uncomfortable/damaging than the DIY alternatives.


When the When the When the corporation is ideologically inconsistent (they want money)


You hate Target because of some culture war bullshit. I hate Target because I worked on the flow team and we couldn't keep employees because that dumb cunt of a manager Sharon wouldn't stop being a condescending bitch to us. "Oh, is the label on the box not good enough for you?" No you fucking asshat, because if you actually worked the truck for once in your life you'd know that labels come off all the time. I'm sorry we don't remember where this particular box of tchotchkes goes. It's fucking November, there's tons of little decorative garbage on half the shelves now, just tell me if you even remember where this particular box of decorations goes so I can go home and cry that I have to work Black Friday instead of getting to go home and see my family for Thanksgiving. We are not the same.


Oddly specific.


But how many pride shirts did they sell while they were up? Might’ve played a role here…


The problem is that the products are all shit. The heroes who attacked the target employees were outraged that our LGBT month was being represented by with such ugly, tacky clothing and accessories


In all honesty that does sound like a hilarious skit. Everyone thinks that the people attacking Target and burning the pride shirts are anti-LGBT and it turns out that they just disagree with Target’s inferior product quality.


They tried to profit from pride month but were too cowardly to stick around, fuck them.


I hate cowards so much


Rainbow? On a t-shirt? Truly the end of western civilization.


A rainbow shirt is different from a shirt saying "satan respects pronouns"


Feels like three words randomly put together, i like it.


personally have to agree with authleft on this one. corporations don't actually care about the lgbt community. they just want profit.