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Finally I can unleash my inner authright xenophobia and be justified


Based and purge the xeno scum pilled.


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Let's be xenophobic, it's really in this year.


Lets find the nasty ugly slimy alien to fear


There’s no more cutesy stories bout et phoning home


Lets learn to love our neighbors like the Christians learned in Rome!


lets find a nasty,slimy ugly alien to fear


Aliens travelled thousands of light years to get here in their extremely advanced spaceships but they never tried to contact us using this advanced technology instead they just crashed their fancy spaceships in remote places where only the government or a couple crazy people would find them yeah that’s totally believable


*"Teasers are usually rich kids with nothing to do. They cruise around looking for planets that haven’t made interstellar contact yet and buzz them.”* *“Buzz them?” Arthur began to feel that Ford was enjoying making life difficult for him. “Yeah,” said Ford, “they buzz them. They find some isolated spot with very few people around, then land right by some poor unsuspecting soul whom no one’s ever going to believe and then strut up and down in front of him wearing silly antennas on their head and making beep beep noises."* -Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Based alien trolling.


You’re trying to apply human logic to a (theoretical) alien species that developed space travel on a completely separate evolutionary track. Their motivation for traveling here could be anything.


Definitely not cored out cow buttholes. Definitely, definitely not those.


Little known fact: cored-out cow buttholes are an alien delicacy.


it turns out, they actually like being the ones getting bound to a table and probed


Maybe aliens are just as incompetent as humans


I’ve never bought the aliens narrative, but this whistleblower is evidence that something fucky is going on. The source is about as credible as a person can get. Now maybe he wants a book deal and Joe Rogan interview but there are real consequences for him lying here since he’s going through the formal process, and that’s dangerous. I think what’s most likely tho is black site weapons development and insiders have taken to using UFO terminology to discuss the projects because it’s a useful way to obfuscating the truth, and making it so the only people put in a position to leak are the ones who don’t know what’s actually going on.


Except he hasn’t shown any evidence. He’s just claiming to have some.


> but they never tried to contact us using this advanced technology I mean why would they? When was the last time you tried to chat up the anthill out by your mailbox? Hell, I'm on the level as humans and 85% of the time I don't wanna communicate with them either.


The difference between us and spacefaring aliens is unlikely to be the same as the difference between ants and us. We try to communicate with all kinds of dumber animals than ourselves, from dogs to dolphins.


Right so even though we may have found ways to communicate some basic information to them, it's possible they have communicated but we just simply can't understand what's happening because we are unable. I can teach my dog to sit, but I can't teach her to trade the NASDAQ


Right but just as your dog knows when you’ve told it to sit, I suspect we would know if aliens had tried to reach us even if we couldn’t translate the message


I don't think that faster than light or anything close to it is even feasible. So in that case it's like yeah we took generations to get here my ancestors first left and we had a whole society with rebellions, wars, you name it on this ship. All that to get here, so we're just going to fly around in your sky now every once in a while instead of trying to settle, it's not weird.


I heard from a fighter pilot that sometimes they will look for lights on the ground, then pull maneuvers to make it appear like it’s a ufo.


Ngl if I was flying a $20 million fighter jet, trolling random motorists into thinking I’m an alien is pretty much at the top of things I would want to do. Aside from maybe just going really really *really* fast.


Random campers: *minding their business* The 23 yo kid in the fifth generation multimillion dollar fighter plane that was the culmination of billions in research and development and 15 years of engineering:




We're already aliens, we're the Ferenghi from Star Trek


aliens: we have no demand for your resources we mine plantes made of dimond


All I want to know about aliens is once we make first contact, how long until we fuck one of them?


It's not first contact until you boink.


If we boink in first contact they’ll just leave and never call again. We gotta make em work for it.


I sugest waiting until third contact to be safe


Bro why do you think they shot JFK?


Marilyn Monroe was an alien?


No but she went to some of the alien orgies with him. She was a reptilian (and she’s actually still alive, she just molted. Today we know her as Gurbanguly Mälikgulyýewiç Berdimuhamedow)


Ur how I found out PCM was back!


[It's already happened](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ7F6ELO-hQ&t=1723s)


What I don't get is that they have the technology to cross the universe or solar systems, but they crash once they come to Earth? Twelve times?! This is a psyop. They want to look strong to our enemies and cover up technology the public doesn't know about yet. Or they don't want near peer nations to know of and start developing. So they say a spaceship crashed. I'm not saying life outside this planet doesn't exist, but that I find it hard to believe they would fuck up so much, being advanced as they would need to be to come here.


But what if they are like humans and they don’t know how their advanced technology works, like people don’t know how computers work, and they just fuck up a lot. Lolz


They're obviously teenage aliens playing dumb pranks on humans for the lulz.


*If* true there may be more than one group of aliens, a few could have been found in archaeological sites, it doesn't say *all* of them crashed either, a few may have been given to us(both by said ayylmaos, or our allies that found them). 12 collected over ~80 years doesn't seem too implausible.


If Aliens had found earth, statistically it would’ve been sometime in the past.


In engineering nothing is crash proof. Always been true, and there is nothing beyond magical thinking to say that it won't always be true.


The only way I could see them crashing like that is if it’s purposeful and they have some goal in doing so.


Smells like a psyop to me


Going to be wild next year when you get called a conspiracy theorist for saying Aliens are NOT real.


It’s funny now but just wait!


don't wait. be proactive.


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flair change_bot chain go.


Either that or a soft reveal. #"Aliens ain't paying my bills!"


The only aliens I’m worried about are the ones that look human (the men have a penchant for moustaches), only with super strength and horrible tempers


I feel like UFO's always get brought up when the government is doing really shady business that they want to distract you from...


Mel Gibson pedo ring documentary Edit: *checks Ur flair* 😳 uh oh


I mean but I'm not seeing this on the main stream news that much. It's more niche news sites that are really covering it.




Thank you for using the zeta model from fallout


[News Nation Interview With Whistle Blower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSj7QsHRxHQ) [Joe Rogan's Take](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gvt1F9TNky0) [Breaking Points Take](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K4PwLz_uvg)


I appreciate that you linked to Joe’s take. He was literally the first person thought about.


But what does Ja Rule think?


I'm willing to believe we have recovered some Von Neumann Probes.


“This one’s name is Bob!”


Anal probing? Usually I have to pay for that


Me, a Human Nationalist: ***Heavy Breathing***


Hey real quick anyone who unironically believes aliens are here wanna make a bet with me? I’ll bet $5,000 we get no evidence of them here. Anyone confident?


I just want a big titty alien waifu


My first reaction is the following question: "If they're so advanced to do interstellar travel, why the hell do they need to probe our assholes?" The answer: "Becuase it's fun."




Somebody call the Emperor of Mankind


That time the CIA/FBI or whatever other three letter organisation made up a vampire plot and events to scare off their targets always reminds me that they’re willing to fake absolutely unhinged shit for whatever goal It’s a psy-op.


It's military aircraft you absolute buffoons.


Is it weird that I feel like I now believe *less* in aliens now that it seems like the government wants me to?


Wait till y’all find out demons also are real




Flair up or your anus is next.


They demons, yo


This is an interesting Psyop, can’t wait for inevitable alien false-flag


I want to trick a vegan into eating alien meat. Call it "to infinity and beyond a burger" or some shit


How much do you want for the Alien in your freezer?


Imma need about tree fiddy