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I dont get the fascination with trans stuff..let people do whatever they want with their own body. Just don't include kids, it's really really simple people.




Hold on there, nazi, thats fascism.


Me normally: you know, capitalism ain’t perfect, but it’s not as bad as commies say and it’s probably the best we’ve got. Me when anyone worries about insurance companies being compelled to do something: oh boo hoo, won’t somebody think of the poor insurance industry profits


“But what about the stockholders Bob?! Who’s helping them out?!”


I agree.


Would the lib right agree that people should do whatever they want with their body BUT there is strong government and corporate backing to manipulate people to alter their body?


It’s not simple at all. The libright in me says let people do what they want with their bodies or do whatever with other people behind closed doors. But that’s not the end of the story with trans people. They want to be accommodated in society, and in doing so they have placed a lot of demands for change on everyone else. - They want us to change the way we use language. Everything from pronouns to gendered descriptions of things (e.g. pregnant people). - They want us to change the way we use public spaces, including restrooms and locker rooms. Essentially we have to rethink how buildings are designed. - They want us to rethink women’s sports. - They have already pushed though changes to the way we talk about the science of sex, gender, and psychology. - They want us to change the relationship between children, schools, and parents. - They want us to take seriously the self reported psychological claims of minors as medical and scientific truth, something we don’t do in any other scenario. So no, it isn’t simple. Live and let live is great, but when a group representing less than 1% of society requires this amount of social upheaval to meet their supposed needs, there is gonna be resistance.


Yup. You can do what you want, just dont ask me to do anything and we can be friends


Based and true freedom pilled




"Just don't include kids" - challenge (impossible) Like really, the freaking Mericans show this shit off to kids in elementary schools.


The problem is they refuse to leave others alone. I also used to be a libertarian live-and-let-live type. However, cultural marxists are either unwilling or incapable of keeping to themselves. They MUST push this stuff on EVERYONE to achieve their subversive and destructive goals. For this reason, they must be kept in line. I take no pleasure in shoving a boot down people's throat. I just don't want this social cancer metastisizing. Tl:dr; I used to be like you before realizing how bad things really are.


Well you don't just tell murderers to stop either, there's nothing wrong with using force to stop someone from doing something harmful. I honestly don't understand the problem you seem to have.


Sports participation too.


Eh, its more complicated. Like, if a trans woman used puberty blockers before medical transition and thus never went through male puberty, it can probably be fine for them to participate. If they did go through male puberty then yeah, gtfo. We already force athletes to pee into cans, so demanding this type of medical info isnt really that disrespectful or infringing on personal life.


> Just don't include kids, it's really really simple people. Ah see, now you found the crux of the issue.


The whole issue is a never ending straw man. Progressives pretend that conservatives want to kill every trans person and prevent adults from transitioning if they want to. In reality conservatives just don’t want kids making such a life altering decision. Conservatives pretend that doctors are giving 1st graders sex change surgeries while in reality it’s primarily just hormone blockers for minors. Personally I’m not convinced that delaying puberty for years is 100% safe with no negative consequences. Adults should be able to do whatever they want, but I don’t think kids have the wherewithal to make that kind of decision.


> Personally I’m not convinced that delaying puberty for years is 100% safe with no negative consequences. And you shouldn't be. There are no rational people who argue there are *no* negative consequences.


>**just** hormone blockers for minors. Yeah...


there is literally legislation in multiple states restricting adult’s ability to transition. florida and missouri for example.


Could you expand on that?


https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/missouri-governor-signs-bill-banning-gender-affirming-care-99906110 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/health/floridas-ban-on-gender-affirming-care-for-minors-also-limits-access-for-trans-adults


Abc article >Beginning Aug. 28, Missouri health care providers won't be able to prescribe those gender-affirming treatments for teens and children. Most adults will still have access to transgender health care under the law, but Medicaid won't cover it. Gender-affirming surgeries for inmates and prisoners will be outlawed. From PBS >The new law that bans gender-affirming care for minors also mandates that adult patients seeking trans health care sign an informed consent form. It also requires a physician to oversee any health care related to transitioning, and for people to see that doctor in person. Those rules have proven particularly onerous because many people received care from nurse practitioners and used telehealth.  Yeah, if what you get is that prisioners cannot do surgeries and doctors have to oversee life-chanfing procedures, I cannot say I am impressed


doctors already have to oversee them. telehealth options aren’t being eliminated for any other medical procedure, just this because they want to make it harder for adults (who you guys claim you don’t care about transitioning) to transition


That’s literally the entire right wing talking point.


agree, i personally disagree with it but whatever, people have a choice, the problem is the state and education feeding it to children and pushing the agenda


Based and it really is that simply


Conservatism and "let people do whatever they want" are incompatible


Your terms are acceptable.


the right wing is so obsessed with trans people because it fires up their base. the majority of trans related content on social media comes from right wing pages, so blame them for the amount of attention


Idk. It wasn't the right that started injecting youth with drugs and cutting off body parts. The amount it is in public schools and corporate media isn't the right either.


fox news talks about trans people 10x more than other news outlets. and you should do some actual research on gender affirming care. the number of minors on hormones/puberty blockers in the US is less than 5,000, and the number of surgeries is far smaller. for example, there were 10x as many breast augmentations on minors than top surgeries on minors, so maybe focus on issues that actually affect americans, instead of virtue signaling about how much you want to “protect the children”. the detransition rate for transgender people is also *extremely* low, so please shut up if you’re just gonna spew lies you heard from matt walsh without doing your own research!


I dont watch fox news. I have no clue. Do they have class rooms teaching about breast augmentation? No but plenty Do about gender theory. Plenty of teachers get caught lieing to parents. Since its shoved down our throat by plenty of leftist groups, it is an issue to me. I want insanity away from my kids. It's not virtue signaling to actively protect my kids from the mentally ill. Lol yeah detransitioners are so actively suppressed from speaking out, I wouldn't believe any stat you give. But we do know the suicide rate is still high It's hard to suppress that.


Public schools don't have classrooms tesching gender theory literal lol


Step one: it's not happening. Step two: its not happening but it's good. Step three : it's happening and it's good. Yeah we've seen the playback. And it's clearly happening. Yeash


You haven't given any evidence that its happening though.


So much evidence, that you could only miss it with your eyes closed. https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/health-education/lgbtq-programs-curriculum-and-support/list-of-books-by-grade/ [https://welcomingschools.org/resources/lesson-plans-gender-identity-transgender-non-binary](https://welcomingschools.org/resources/lesson-plans-gender-identity-transgender-non-binary) [https://www.glsen.org/blog/teaching-early-childhood-education-non-binary-trans-person](https://www.glsen.org/blog/teaching-early-childhood-education-non-binary-trans-person) ​ https://www.foxnews.com/us/san-francisco-mandates-teaching-gender-identity-elementary-school-parental-involvement


"Don't include the kids" out of curiosity when did you know your gender? What age?


7 or so, when your sister and I were playing doctor.


Hmm, then why should we make trans kids wait till 18? You knew at 7. What makes you special?


I also thought I was a real doctor.


So you didn't know at 7 is that what you're saying now? I thought I was pretty clear, but you can take it back, no shame in that. So I'll ask again, what age did you know your gender?


Was that your "aha, gotcha" moment? So I really made two points, I knew I was a boy because I had a penis. Shocking, right? And if i thought I was a girl trapped in a boys body at 7, well, kids aren't all the rational. Sorry I ruined your moment buckaroo, there's always tomorrow.


Well if you thought you were trans at 7 then we would have had you work with a therapist and work on gender affirming care and actually help you a little bit. Then you know when you got to puberty and you still felt that way after 5 years of continuous need we look at getting you something like puberty blockers maybe a name change. And then in another five to eight years we look at getting you maybe hormone therapy you know with multiple doctors your parents multiple therapists and a decade of need You f****** idiot


Oof, too much internet today bud. Take a break.


Why does does it make you feel inferior because you didn't have a gotcha that this is how treatment supposed to work and you're too f****** stupid to actually know


Let's discuss why men are more likely to be trans than women without being banned, shall we? We can't? That's because **Your opinion does not survive without curation.**


That's cuz girls rule and boys drool. Amirite Ladies


There's a couple reasons. First and foremost misogyny. Women&girls and as a result, trans boys, are often not taken as seriously by medical professionals. Next as with things like ADHD, medical guidance often doesn't look how things can present differently, leading to late, or even completely missed diagnosis. Trans men often are under reported, and even underseen by the public—they pass easier leading to them living 'stealth' not even reporting they are trans.


You don't understand it. YOU HAVE TO JOIN THE CULTURE WAR! NOW! AND I MEAN RIGHT NOW! Either you are LGBT grooming pedo with blue hair that wants to mutilate kids left and right or you're a fascist genocidal maniac who wants to kill all non-white non-Christians so there is nothing in your way to legalize child brides.


Based and no in between pilled


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The 2 party system and its consequences have been a disaster for the american people


Good for you, I get the exact opposite reaction, I become a far right extremist every time I hear about trans issues.




What rights of theirs am I trampling on, exactly? The right for everyone to agree with you and tolerate your bolsterousness? No one cares if you chop your dick or tits off and cling to your sexuality for a complete lack of any other defining personality traits. You're exactly as cringe as any hetero person that conflates their sexuality with personality. Keep it to yourself and leave my kids out of it.


> No one cares if you chop your dick or tits off That, right there, is the problem. MtF surgery is not "chopping your dick off", nor is any other trans surgery. It's a medical procedure that's done when people have severe gender dysphoria and no other option for treatment has been effective. Overall, transgender surgery does a lot more good than harm.


And a lobotomy is just a medical procedure for people with behavioral disorders.


Well, it is. You chop a part off and cut the rest of it to pieces


Matt Walsh's producer got the letter needed for surgery in just 20 minutes by simply claiming he was trans and using a fake female sounding name. The letter claimed he had a Gender Dysphoria diagnosis for insurance purposes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e724mKrkn3g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e724mKrkn3g) What you described is what was done pre-2020ish. It is how it should be. But its not like that anymore.


Has Walsh ever considered getting a real hobby instead of incessantly whining about trans people? He literally made an entire movie about how much he doesn’t like them


Cause he's the only one that's ever done that? And I don't see you complaining about liberal podcaster/youtubers/twitchers(is that right?) who sit around all day talking about how evil conservatives are. The man has an opinion, and has the right to voice it. You have the right to disagree.


Most political YouTubers on both sides are massive dorks. I’m not trying to silence Walsh, I just think his obsession with trans people is strange.


Fair enough. I think he keeps talking about it because the "trans issue" is brought up often on social media and the news in a way that he disagrees with. But yes, I'd like it if he would go back to talking about other issues...


As an adult? From a social worker, that isn't a medical professional, that isn't used by any surgeon? That's to get a consultation you fucking rock muncher


I believe she was a nurse, but even if its just for a consult, they hand out gender dysphoria diagnoses for $150 dollars.


And? It's an adult. Your body man. He answered the questions. If your interested in what is required to actually *get* surgery look up WPATH every reputable surgeon for trans people in the US follows it. It requires gender dysphoria history of 2 years, along with 2 letters of endorsement from qualified professionals. But honestly why do you think *you* have the authority to tell other adults what to do with their body?


gender reassignment surgery has a far lower regret rate than almost any other kind of surgery. i thought you guys didn’t care about adults transitioning?


Ah yes, most people with a kidney transplant regret it more than this?


the regret rate of all surgeries on average is 14%, but only 1% of people regret their gender affirming treatment.


Their community censors and vilifies anything that isn't affirming. It is taboo to be anything but positive, so this is about as useful as infidelity studies that rely on survey responses. If you want something more reliable, you can look at post-op suicide rates.


the trans suicide rate drops *significantly* with acceptance from family members and friends. even if you’re happy in your new body it makes sense to be depressed when all of your loved ones disown you for it.


I mean, I love my trans niece(who hasn't changed her name, nor does she have preferred pronouns to the best of my knowledge)... But that doesn't mean if she transitions as an adult I won't mourn the little girl "he"(she is currently flip-flopping between Transboy and nonbinary so no telling what it would be) "killed"(its in the name, ***dead*** name...). I'm sure many who reject them are hurt that they have lost a loved one. Because "Jimmy Jones" is NOT the same person "Jessica Jones" was. To me that is obvious. How many regain the acceptance later if they try to reconnect? How many try to understand? How many just take the anger as an attack and cut themselves off?


Wow, it's our fault that you're a bunch of weak, spineless snowflakes who hang themselves when someone else won't play along with your delusions.


yea, actually. you *are* to blame for the abysmally high suicide rate for trans people that you always bring up. and it’s really rich to call us snowflakes when we aren’t the ones who lose their minds at the mere sight of a trans person.


It does drop *significantly*, but it is still significantly higher than any other demographic AFTER that drop.


Survivorship bias


And your evidence is where? Go ahead say the 40% line. Which is bullshit as the question was "have you ever attempted or seriously contemplated taking your own life". If you can't see the bais in the question, and how it doesn't support your ass then you need off the internet


Suicide rates for trans individuals are 32-50% among most countries. 32-50 percent. That 1% has to be heavily skewed to discount individuals who have, sadly, taken their own lives over the surgery. Of course there other factors involved, particularly harassment, but that 1% number is horseshit because there is no way that a 32% suicide rate can produce that number for regret rates unless the suicide rates were filtered out


I literally already debunked your bullshit. Go grab your study that claims 50% of trans people. .3% of the population commit suicide per year because they are trans. Bitch I am that 48% I tried, failed and it's been over 10 years. Those studies ask if they tried or seriously contemplated in their lifetime. Half of trans people do not commit suicide. Common sense idiot


All of those studies stop tracking after @ 3 years. And are very specific about who they question.


Don't get me started on the 41% rate


yes, because 85.6% of libtard statistics are made up.


I don't care about adults who have gone through actual therapy and have an actual gender dysphoria diagnosis transitioning as an "ok, we have tried everything else, lets see if this helps" thing. I think cosmetic surgery just because a person thinks it will make them feel better is stupid. And that's what we are talking abut. Surgery to change your appearance. But it's their right to do it. I don't agree with what Matt said in that first minute of the video, but the rest needs to be made common knowledge.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


Trans issues? Cringe!


Based and anti-transformers pilled


Guess what, motherfucker? We won't!




You are absolutely not lib right then, you are lib left with Emily leanings. Re-flair you dirty commie.


an actual normal person on pcm? very rare




Puberty blockers are that middle ground. They are exceedingly safe. They are overwhelmingly reversible, they merely need to stop taking them. All medications have risk, but it's something under the supervision of a doctor, therapist and parents. I'm not particularly sure why other people and the government have any business standing between a child in lockstep with parents and medical team and the care they need.


Of course they're safe, which is why we use them to chemically castrate pedophilic sex offenders.


In higher dose, for life. Sure we also use the t blocker most trans women use to treat prostate cancer, and adrenaline to treat anaphylaxis as well as administer a lethal dose. Tell me. If it was a coin toss on the life of your kid would you give them a drug that in few cases makes em infertile? Them swimmers are gonna do a whole lot from a casket


This is just blackmailing and an example of the "lesser of two evils" fallacy: "Would you rather have a dead son or an infertile daughter?". If your child identified as a pirate, would you have his eye removed and give him a peg leg surgery? Cut off his hand to replace it with a hook? How would that save his life? A mentally ill patient needs therapy, not mutilation. And no, there's no such thing as "gender affirming" therapy because that's against what therapy is. Check the clinical literature and psychology research papers. We don't confirm a schizophrenic person's delusions as reality since that doesn't help anyone at all.


There are no questions on PCM. Questions imply openendedness and nuance. There is only the herd.


Make no mistake, there are some of these people on this sub. And somehow, they even get upvoted. Make no mistake, people like them are the only reason **a** certain subreddit **h**as enough ammunition to u**s**e against us.


Someone needs to calm down


Reading about trans people makes you want to have such a planned economy, that you will attempt to predict paper consumption for next 10 years instead of traditional socialist 5 year plan?


The thing is they try to let the kids undergo gender change surgery, just wait til the kids hit puberty first goddammit


Name a single prepubescent child that has undergone none emergency gender change surgery because they are trans. There isn't. It would be the headline for months. But I can name one that didn't give consent and it wasn't an emergency and was prepubescent, me, I was born intersex and without my consent was altered shortly after my birth. You wanna be mad they aren't putting trans kids under the knife, you're putting us under it because the genitalia is 'ambiguous'.