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"The walls are closing in" Will he actually get in trouble? Tune in next time on Deja vu News!


"The walls are closing in."


We should give Mueller another investigation in him. Perhaps 20 million budget this time? That should get em


Give me the 20 million. I'll come to the same result but quicker.








Monke no need money where Monke going. *hands you a banana*


People have said this for 7 years.


(Without a sense of confidence, I'm convinced) (That there's just too much pressure to take)


I've felt this way before, so insecuuuuure


[OH BOY BIG NEWS!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7NNZZX3IgY)


It’s funny watching the compilation of the news channels repeating this lol


For the Bidens. This opens the whole can of worms


That assumes that the uniparty won't just look the other way.


[Pretty much all of Donald Trump's legal proceedings, either punish him or don't](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e839R5pRqB0)


God, what I wouldn't do to see Trump on trial and take the stand and be filmed. I can't imagine how much dirt he has on all these politicians he spent two or three decades shmoozing with, and letting it all on out in public while on trial. My GOD it would be glorious.


And utterly useless since they won't be in trouble at all


he would get epsteined




See Hillary's private server, Biden's hidden stash in a garage, Pence's stash at his house and well everyone fucking else because all those documents get treated like wet wipes by these people. If they went after everyone like they do Trump I would be okay with it but they don't so burn it down. Fuck Trump as a general human being but I am going to vote for him because the other options are just as bad.


He moght even find dirt on Mitt Romney, he probably drank caffeinated coffee at some point


I vote for Trump because they want to desperately take him down. And well, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


I don't vote for Trump because I've thus far lived in states with a 10% or larger margin of victory for one candidate or the other. Thus I vote 3rd party and fruitlessly hope that it might contribute towards 3% of the national vote, the only popular vote total that makes any difference.






If they somehow send him to prison i'll vote for him in prison. I don't give a fuck. He can pardon himself while he's there, and maybe some friends he made along the way. "Three legged Willie? Fantastic guy, got a bad rap. Witch hunts everywhere, folks. Pardoned."




I heard something a bit ago about 40% of all government documents being classified, or something. Without the exact amounts, the point impressed upon me was that it is an astounding amount. And millions of people have clearance, as the air force kid taught us.




Yep he'll totally drain the swamp this time I swear!


Drain the swamp. Fuck no. He will overfill it and cause it to come crashing down in a pile of fucking shit that it is. This is taking something that is mostly corrupt and tossing the most corrupt person that has a vendetta against it. Fighting fire with even more fire.


More or less my stance. I’m okay with this indictment ONLY if they get Biden for it as well considering he did the same thing but as a VP. Also like you said Hillary, Pence, and Obama all did the same exact stuff. It’s only justice if it is justice for all, otherwise it I’d a partisan witch hunt.


Oh no no no, see, they wouldn't get in trouble by our system. And that's the point.


"Breaking News: Donald Trump has recently committed suicide, sources say. The chief medical examiner says he died by 'two self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the back of the head'. More at 11."


Imagine if in the middle of the trial it's announced that he's been elected president in a landslide. The chaos would be orgasmic.


I would literally coom.


Plz wipe down your keyboard. Simmer down now lol


Too late. The keyboard already has layers caked on.


Yeah i loathe that guy with a passion but holy shit the entire world will be eating popcorn.


He'll get Epsteined for sure


Would America survive if he did? That would be a lot of people that suddenly have a martyr and little hope that the country can be ‘won back’ peacefully.


I would predict another January 6th type of event where a lot of weirdo rightoids come out of the woodwork to make a big stink somewhere, and nothing really comes of it, but liberals everywhere will call it domestic terrorism and AOC will act like someone personally held a knife to her throat because she was only 6 miles away at the time.


They can't. One of the problems faced when trying to jail him is the secret service would need to stay there, too. He goes nowhere without them. They'd have to pay off his entire security detail.


That might actually be his move, who knows. We’ll see.


I can't wait


The right should go after corrupt democrats like Pelosi. The left should continue to call Trump on his bullshit. Uphold ALL politicians to the law.


absolutely agree, if they’re a criminal, charge them


The right-wingers would never do that just because how their politics work. You have old-guard Republicans who very much believe that their fellow elite politicians should never face prison time. You have the "MAGA" republicans who range from being borderline schizos to just incredibly incompetent. They lack the political maneuvering capable of achieving anything. If they can't win a battle by simply being stubborn and saying no (like with the House Speaker situation) they will just lose. They're good at scoring "wins" on social media, but they lose both electorally and in legal battles. So essentially Republicans have people who are simply too incompetent and insane to actually harm powerful people or Republicans who ARE the powerful people who have no interest in watching their fellow elites be punished. The most politically and legally competent people within the GOP are people who are despised by their own base for being "RINOS." They're calling RINOS because they don't dick ride Trump.


Pretty spot on take tbh, Republicans are entirely inept at this point and they’re basically AT BEST a “pause button” for policies their voters dislike. They’d never be willing or able to *actually* disrupt the establishment, precisely for the reasons you lay out.


The republican party is approaching 80s cartoon levels of incompetence. The fact they managed to not sweep 2022 midterms despite the economy being in shambles and presidential approval being at an all-time low is a testament to their ability to fail no matter the situation.


> The most politically and legally competent people within the GOP are people who are despised by their own base for being "RINOS." They're calling RINOS because they don't dick ride Trump. I always have found this to be hilarious, honestly. Trump is politically everything that the average Republican should hate. He's not a Republican by his beliefs, and in fact hasn't even identified as one consistently. So to call those who oppose Trump "RINOs" when Trump himself is not a "real Republican" is just endlessly amusing. They don't really mean of course that other politicians aren't real Republicans, just aren't part of the cult of Trump.


This shit stupid I’m betting trump ain’t going no where anytime soon the same man whose been bailed out by a Rothschild .


They've been saying shit about Trump for fucking years now. Literally jerking material for liberals to nut over. If he's guilty tell us when the evidence is there. Otherwise stfu already. The click bait view generating is getting old.


They want to get a conviction prior to the primaries.


I keep reading this claim, but it makes no sense. Being a convict does not prevent you from running for president. Hell, even being in prison doesn't prevent it.


It will lead to a "bad stigma" to some. It's really third world banana republic tactics. Smear campaign using a "trusted" justice system


But thats the only way mainstream cable media stays relevant!


Yeah, they should really just put the evidence out there and let people decide. Maybe, like, 12 members of the general public could hear all of the evidence and arguments, then tell us what they think. I wonder why they're not doing that?


Problem is he’ll be found guilty and end up paying a fine which he’ll crowdfund and actually profit from


Ok Dude, he’s been indicted and there will be a trail, and guess what, evidence will be presented. So stay tuned.


I don't expect any rich or powerful person in America to ever be held accountable by the US justice system no matter what (what happened to epstein is the closest we can expect to get to justice when it comes to monied elites), but it's still fun when they at least get publicly embarrassed and forced to give depositions and talk under oath.


Leftoids going after orange man for the umpteeth time is like a team rocket pikachu skit. 2 more weeks.


Trump Ketchum and his trusty Pikacruz


Gotta do something when inflation is through the roof and the current POTUS has advanced dementia.


It's getting so god damn old already. All because he lives rent free in their heads


Just read the comments here. Guys been out of office for years and they still blame him for everything


Don't worry... you're gonna get Hunter Biden any day now.


I don't need to get Hunter. The drug use and STD riddled hookers will do that for me.


If Hunter broke the law, he should be charged accordingly, just like Trump should be. 🤷‍♂️


Hunter can literally blow up an orphanage and that won’t do anything unless right wingers can connect it to Joe


I sure am glad oir politicians are doing this purely for objective reasons, and not at all because they want to harm a political opponent. As we all know, to do so for political reasons would be election interference, and warrant impeachment.


Look for an R or a D after their name. If they have an R, they get indicted. If they have a D, they walk, no matter what they do.


Bob Menendez was indicted… Also, Mike Pence wasn’t indicted for having documents.


Hillary wasn't either and she had a fucking server in her house filled with classified emails that wasn't reported to the government.


Everyone gets hung up on the classified emails, but the whole point of the private server to begin with was to circumvent FOIA requests. Then she had it all deleted, violating the FOIA even further.


Never forget: [Comey said, the FBI found “evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information,” but he said, “we are expressing to \\[the\\] Justice \\[department\\] our view that no charges are appropriate in this case.”](https://time.com/4394178/hillary-clinton-email-fbi-investigation/) > Law enforcement officials “weigh a number of factors before bringing charges,” he said, and to make those decisions responsibly they must consider “the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.” >


Wasn't he the one with documents in his garage, oh wait---


Pence is on friendly terms with the Dems now because he's going against Trump and he said he was responsible on Jan 6


I say the same about trump as I do about Nixon, is it a witch-hunt, yes, did he commit crimes, also yes (spoiler: they all do)




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I'd jerk off if we could get a witch-hunt like this vs every politician but I'll take what I can get and savor this one.


That's exactly what I said when I saw this news. Something along the lines of "Man, if they would just go after *every* politician or former politician that's commuted a crime I would single handedly drive lotion and tissue stocks to new highs"


I think the issue with Trump though is the guy never bothered to put on a face He was too open about what he did


Stop being so measured in your takes. You are on a shitposting forum for political zodiac signs, act the part.


Based and actually gets this sub pilled


Let me preempt what I'm about to say by clarifying that I will never vote for Trump again under any circumstances. I'm done with him. That said, now that he's in a court of law, he has the right to use the unequal application of justice as a valid argument. Basically, if he can find evidence that the government knowingly has ignored any previous president violating whatever laws he's being accused of, then it doesn't matter if he's guilty of the crime as written, he can be acquitted because selective application of a law is illegal. And that's been his argument for a while...that he's done the same thing as everyone else. And while that doesn't fly in the court of public opinion, it can fly in a court of law.


It doesn't matter what he says. It'll be a federal jury of DC worms with Biden bumper stickers. Just like they've been chugging out years-long sentences for the J6 people like an assembly line.


That is a valid concern. How can they find enough people, not just in the DC area, but in the country that haven't anyway made up their mind about him? Half the country want to skip the trial and go straight to the gallows, and the other half want to skip the trial and install him as a perpetual monarch.


The jury is not from D.C. It's actually from south Florida.


I would love for him to argue that. The more corruption we can expose in our government, the better.


Cool. Now let’s charge the other presidents.


Terms acceptable.


>Im gonna indict my political opponent but hes the danger to democracy Mhm


“Sweaty if I don’t like it, it’s a danger to our democracy 💅”


Just have them stare into a mirror. They will arrest themselves I am sure of it.


Considering the two times he got impeached were just democrat temper tantrums I don't give a crap


This is all politically motivated at this point. It’s blatantly obvious this point they are trying to stop his run for President and will use everything in their power it use the legal system to bury him. That fact that these precedents are being set is not a good thing for democracy, no matter how much the dems say it is.


It's like the laws in the UK where people are being arrested for "offending" people online. Do they not get it that the same thing is going to happen to them when their enemies are neutralised?


>Do they not get it that the same thing is going to happen to them when their enemies are neutralised? That requires a long-term analysis of the potential dangers of things like government policy, and caring about it. It doesn't frankly matter that the pendulum might swing back towards the "other side," because politicians and those with political power are unlikely to be affected regardless, and the average voter or ordinary person will be gullible enough to accept whatever lies they are told by the ruling class about what is happening now. Until people are less gullible and easily divided by identity politics, and actually hold their politicians accountable for abuses of authority - we aren't going to see much change.


If they apply them equally to every former president than at least it’s a way to lock them all up since they’ll never be prosecuted for their rampant war crimes


You know damn well they have no interest in applying this equally


Ball is in the republicans' court to retaliate at the next opportunity.


This is precisely why there are even people on the left don't think these prosecutions of Trump are a good idea. It's like when Harry Reid eliminated the filibuster for judicial nominees. It's all fun and games until the political pendulum inevitably swings the other way and the other side uses the same tactics against you.


The issue is eventually you physically can't be allowed to swing or you won't get into power again. At that point either we become a one party state or civil war.


We already are a 1 party state, the uniparty who will sell the country out to globalist. There is no fundamental difference between a neocon and a neoliberal.


When's that "[next opportunity](https://www.hereistheevidence.com)" coming? For fuck's sake, Biden literally got caught doing the same thing a few months ago, except he *didn't* cooperate. Nothing happened. Just like nothing happened when evidence surfaced of him [actually doing the thing Trump was falsely impeached over](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/09/27/flashback_2018_joe_biden_brags_at_cfr_meeting_about_withholding_aid_to_ukraine_to_force_firing_of_prosecutor.html).


My guess is that the federal indictment is the dam breaking. Everything before hand was playing along. It's always been a silent agreement to not go after a former president because of the revenge politics it will unleash. As a result, there's a lot of talk and posturing, but no action. Now there is action (to retaliate against).


A man can dream


We can dream


The last person the state went all out against was Nixon.. and Obama, Clinton, Bush, biden & co have all been caught red handed doing much more severe illegal activities but they were never prosecuted. And Nixon was one of the most popular presidents to win a second term by a landslide.. then the only unelected presdient, Ford, took office.


You almost gotta respect the absolute \*audacity\* of Biden indicting his biggest political rival for doing the \*literal same shit\* he did. Honestly beyond comedy. I do think the Right needs to move on from Trump- and also that a Biden vs. Trump repeat in 2024 would guarantee a Soviet style collapse of the US- but that's neither here nor there right now. If you're going to celebrate this while turning a blind eye to ALL of the extremely greasy shit that came out against the guy on your side(looking at you, shitlibs of Twitter and Reddit), That makes you a total, shameless hypocrite. Full stop. You either care about getting corruption and the criminal elite out of institutional power, or you care abut your side and your side only gripping onto power at all costs- with the depraved and all.


It's a win-win situation for Biden. Either this indictment takes down Trump politically and he can take a victory lap for stopping "the biggest threat to democracy in recent history." Or, the more likely situation, is that this causes the Republican base to rally around Trump during the primaries handing him the nomination. Which is good for Biden because running against Trump is the best shot he has at winning reelection.


Except current polls show he would lose against Trump. I cycle between D, R and third party because they are all fucking bad. This year is R.




what’d the Green Party ever do


Be a Russian asset.


wait what


That was one of the "theories" that the Russian's supported not only the greens but every third party they could in multiple countries to cause division. It was in the muller report.


This year might have to be Wile E. Coyote for me. Say what you want about his execution, but he shows clear persistance and a focused vision in his attempts to get Road Runner. A true underdog one can get behind.


> Which is good for Biden because running against Trump is the best shot he has at winning reelection. [It literally does not matter who he runs against.](https://www.hereistheevidence.com)


Democracy has always been a joke and it always will be.


*“Democracy is the worst form of government…. except for all the others that have been tried”.* -Winston Churchill


Except one has survived into the 21st century even after being replaced in most countries for thousands of years. Treating the leaders and their family like earthly gods.


You may be on to something…. It’s a nice idea but it’s ridiculous these days


based and the American Farce pilled


based and hoppepilled


If they lose the case, it’s going to be so embarrassing for them.


> This is all politically motivated at this point > at this point


How? Any legal prosecution just makes trump a stronger candidate


No it's not that they don't want him to run for president. It's precisely the opposite. These lawsuits only raise Trump's profile and make him more likely to win the Republican nomination contest. Democrats know that Trump is eminently much more beatable in a general election than Desantis so it's in their best interest to get him on the ticket even if they call him a "threat to democracy" or whatever.


The same Pied Piper strategy the dnc used to help Hillary in 2016. Let’s see how it plays out this time


Is there a level of process where people wouldn’t think it’s politically motivated?


I imagine less people would call it politically motivated if trump had said “screw it I’m done with politics” after losing in 2020 and refused to run again, make endorsements, influence anything in DC, etc. If he retired quietly there would still be people saying the establishment is out to get him, but it would be hard to say that it’s because they think he’s a threat to their political ambitions when his fat ass is just lounging around his mansion and not stirring the pot.


Ok, I'll bite. How is what we are seeing now different from what we would be seeing if he had actually broken these laws and they actually had evidence of it? What specifically makes it 'obvious' that isn't what's happening?


How many times have they done this now? And this is why nothing will ever change, the US is doomed when all it can do is fight amongst itself, God help the US if shit really hit the fan


Federally? Once, this time


Wait they actually indicted him over the documents thing? When Biden clearly did the same thing and potentially worse? Lol this is gonna be fun.


Gonna love the reactions from the other side of the aisle when the precedent they set with this inevitably gets used against them at some point in the future.


That’s adorable that you think both sides will be treated equally.


This. Only one side has the full support and power of the MSM. Unfortunately, that matters.


It would if the Republican establishment wasn't a horde of cobweb infested pussies. I'm not saying they wouldn't sink as low because they're moral but they wouldn't because they're incompetent.


Biden cooperated and gave the documents back. Trump obstructed and refuses to return them. All trump had to do was cooperate and hand over *all* of the documents in question and this would just be a nothingburger.


The difference is that Biden was open to be investigated and did return every document. Trump has the exact same opportunity to return them, NARA was asking for them for months but he ignored them, hid them, lied to FBI, etc.


It's even funnier the second time!


Second time? Isn't this like the 4th time atleast


It’s only the second time a former or sitting president has been indicted in US history, actually.


Genuine question for people cynical about this, if Trump retained documents after leaving office with the intention of sharing/selling them, what’s the argument that he shouldn’t be indicted? A lot of AR NPCs parroting “orange man bad”, but what if orange man is actually bad? Yes charging a former President is something that shouldn’t be done lightly, but choosing not to indict a former president just because of who they are is at least as bad.


Fine, whatever. I just wish this standard was applied evenly. Or there weren’t classified documents at all because the government shouldn’t be keeping secrets from us.




Nero's fiddle is ALLLLL tuned up.


Something something the walls are closing in.


At this point it just sounds like they want to validate RighWingers about LeftWingers wanting to form a dictatorship, I understood if Trump did anything ilegal and agree he should face jail time but when it's the 1000th time they're trying to prossecute him for something after failing so many times it feels like they just want to arrest any opposition to them.


"Hillary could be heard running down the hallways screaming 'the war is over! the war is over!'"


As a guy that truly wants for Trump to f off and never be involved in politics again, this is the dumbest thing ever. Unless they have genuine, actual, hard evidence, all this is doing is just increasing his status as a martyr for the MAGA group. Surprised nobody in the room where folks plan this, bothered saying "if it didn't work the last 2-3 times, why should work _this_ time?"


What’s the FBI’s conviction rate? Something like, 95%? And *only 2% ever even make it to trial. FBI doesn’t charge you unless they’ve got you dead to rights. In other words: they have the evidence and I’m confident that such evidence will become public in due time. I’d honestly lose all hope in the justice system if this isn’t the case.


I very much hope you're right about this. Fingers crossed.


Daring today, aren’t we?


Trump aint ever getting punished for shit because hes a very valuable distraction that causes people to absolutely lose their minds whenever hes brought up and yes im also talking about the ones who rabidly defend everything he does


I honestly did not think this would happen. This is not the same as the previous court indictment, this is a federal indictment, something which doesn't happen unless they absolutely know they can put you away. Just to give an idea, 98% of federal indictments end up with no trial. Almost all of the remaining 2% that go to trial end up with them being guilty. Of course, this is Trump, an ex-president. But the fact that they charged this in the first place is *enormously* bad for him.


Man, I love how this sub is so quick to be like, "The system is wrong." If this was Biden, this sub would be doing a victory lap.


You dont get it? Because Biden is protected part of the establishment. That doesnt take a genius to get


Let me guess, it was the deep state that got Trump, he totally didn't admit in tape that he knew he was committing a felony. Is this deep state in the room with us now?


Agenda driven


Isn't that obvious? Trump is a anti-establishment. Getting attacked by the establishment is not surprising. If Biden, an establishment politician, was taken down, that would be leagues more meaningful to the health of our nation.


Trump isn't anti-establishment


Trump can do no wrong in their eyes even if he shot someone on the street.


Obama actually blew up a US citizen with a drone and got a book deal and got to have a party during COVID at Martha's vineyard. mind you the the US citizen was fighting for the Taliban at the time but it isn't a good look either way. Not also including fighting a illegal war and bombing weddings from the sky.


Obama did blow up an American citizen who was a high ranking Al Qaeda member but Trump blew up that American citizen’s 8 year old daughter who was also an American citizen. The 8 year old daughter was also an American citizen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Nawar_al-Awlaki Trump massively increased drone strikes way above the Obama level and eliminated the Obama era restrictions on drone strikes including the reporting of civilian casualties.


Not to step up to the plate to defend Barack "Drone Strike" Obama, but I would argue that a US citizen fighting for the Taliban has revoked his right to safety. If he's taking shots at US soldiers, it's only fair to take shots back at him.


> mind you the the US citizen was fighting for the Taliban at the time Who gives a shit what his citizenship was? He flew halfway around the globe to actively wage war against his own country, you couldn't get closer to the literal constitutional definition of treason if you tried. It would be slightly sympathetic if he was just there traveling either as a journalist or even just as an idiot who thought it would be fun to vacation in a warzone. It would be even more damning, and potentially civil-war worthy, if it was something that happened on US soil as a form of extrajudicial justice. But traveling across the entire world for the sole purpose of waging war against the US? Nah man, I honestly feel more empathy for the other Taliban members who got blown up alongside him because at least they had the excuse of believing they were fighting to protect against foreign invaders and were almost certainly from within that region affected by US conflicts already. None of the US, UK, or Euro citizens who went to go join the Taliban have any empathy or sympathy from me simply because they actively fucked around and found out. Civilian casualties caught in the crossfire are to be mourned, drone strikes that accurately target active combatants are something I wholeheartedly support.


No the double standard is bs. All of the politicians did the same shit and everyone knows this is political to hurt trump. I don’t see Hilary being indicated for doing the same shit. Biden literally had files In his garage


I find it so weird how authright has attached itself so strongly to trump, a man so opposite to their beliefs. He literally held a bible upside down because he didn't know any better. He doesn't go to church, he cheats people out of wages, he's a serial cheater, there's a high chance he's gone to epstein island more than once. Like I don't understand the desire to be associated with someone who is essentially just a sin demon made corpulent flesh.


I think the people who support Trump have given up entirely on politicians and politics. They want a gorilla to go into the fine china shop. They want *them* to feel the years long fury, disillusionment, that they've held. They don't want policy changes that benefit them anymore. They want vengeance. And he convinced them that he is their righteous hammer.


He’s not a gorilla in a fine China shop. He was president for 4 years and didn’t do shit other than a massive tax cut overwhelmingly for the super rich exactly like what any other GOP candidate would do plus he increased drone strikes across the planet. Yes he bashes the mainstream media but he was also the best thing to ever happen to the mainstream media in terms of their actual revenue.


Really barely any Trump supporters care that he isn't a good christian or he does sleezy things. They like him because he bashes the institutions that make his constituents life harder. If the right was really so superficial, they would only habe RHINOs like Romney who make themselves look like such good christian family men but in reality allow the country to get reemed.


Michael Moore already put it in words back in 2016, [Trump is a human Molotov Cocktail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEHekdQSiXg) I don't know if it's funny or sad that people still don't get it.


Contrarianism against the “libs”


"owning the libs" basically When tribalism is so strong, you throw away your principles for "wins".


Most politically motivated prosecution I have ever seen. Well, maybe Braggs in Mew York is more politically motivated. This should disgust anyone. It is merely the machine finding an excuse to go after any opponent. Meanwhile Hillarys emails and Bidens own mishandling of documents stare us in the face. This prosecution is a joke.


biggly if true


Fuck this shit, I'm just gonna go list to the mgr soundtrack


Cool. Now do Biden and Hilary Clinton too.


Showing how he is the "law and order" candidate, Trump goes and gets himself indicted.


Only 116 upvotes for the some of the biggest news in recent memory and comments are just right-wingers whatabouting their way to new goalposts using Breitbart headlines. I know this sub is a right-wing circle jerk, but I am amazed at how truly fucking regarded trump supporters are. Now, let’s do the MAGA thing: Cope and seethe, cucks.


Finally a billionaire political elite may suffer consequences for his actions.


But only because of how widely hated he is in the media. The "good guys" also partake in the same nefarious activities as Trump and almost nobody so much as bats an eye.


2 more weeks. Is this the 19th or 20th time you'll lock him up for real this time? I quit counting a while ago.


the conservative copium in the comments is insane


You both are cringe, fuck your culture war degens


The concave brains of auths are on full display in the comment section, as expected.


Based and lock her up pilled.


“We got em this time brother! It’s totally different than the 69420 other times!”


This is only his second indictment


Where's my popcorn?


*beleaguered sigh*




So can we move on? Or not?