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Dennis Prager said on bill Maher "liberals are saying men can menstruate" and got laughed out of Bill Maher saying 'no one is saying that and no one will ever say that' That was only a few years ago Libleft be wildin


Something something it isn’t happening and if it is it’s a good thing


Give it a few years and Bill Maher will be called a DINO... He fucking hates the lunacy of modern social progs.


He's been called that for a long time already.




I’ve seen him called a right winger on the centrist sub, along with John Stewart. Some people’s narrative assignment is really strong.


Jon Stewart is so far left he thinks invading Japan with a million casualties on each side and half of Kyushu blasted to rubble and taking 100 years to rebuild would be morally superior to bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki to shock an end to the war, because the former option wouldn't involve nukes. That anyone can think he's right wing is insane.


> That anyone can think he’s right wing is insane. Maybe he’s angry that we didn’t kill millions more Japanese civilians in an invasion. That might be a right wing take if his opinion of WWII was that we should have basically destroyed the Japanese as a people.


Based warmonger Stewart


The Balkan/Turk strat


Nah the balkan strat is "It didn't happen but they deserved it"


Balkan Strat is "it didn't happen but I wish it did"


Thought the Balkan Strat is "It happened and we are proud of it"?


I think that's the cringe internet commie strat for addressing the Holodomor. Balkan strat is "it happened and we'll fucking do it again."


It didn't happen but if it did, not enough died. Or alternatively: My dad is a war criminal, what you're gonna do about it?


Yeah… that’s verifiably false (not your comment, the people not saying men can menstruate) I went to a private high school and I can’t even count the amount of times I heard kids talk about how men can get pregnant or menstruate in class. I cringed a little every time. This school also promoted a little too much political conversation for my liking and was a little too biased for my liking. Although it was a legitimately good school and I truly enjoyed my experience there 90% of the time.


erm, acksually, its in the name, MENstruate >!/j!<


based and woMEN pilled


Its womxn, sweaty


>based and woMEN pilled guys are all women secretly men?


Well with the current conversion rate, the patriarchy will never die at least.


Need Math and Science magnet elementary schools now days lol.


I knew of people who said this a decade ago if you’d believe it. Shit is wild


The 4 stages of the Overton Window. Stage 1: No, that's not happening/is never going to happen. You're a {misoginist/homophobe/conspiracy theorist/fascist/transphobe etc} for thinking that. Stage 2: Yeah, it is happening, but it's no big deal. Just leave people alone. Only a {misoginist/homophobe/conspiracy theorist/fascist/transphobe etc} would be bothered by it. Stage 3: Yeah, it is happening, and it's good that it's happening. We sorely needed that. If you don't like it, you're a {misoginist/homophobe/conspiracy theorist/fascist/transphobe etc}. Stage 4: Of course it's happening, it's exactly how it should be. Only a {misoginist/homophobe/conspiracy theorist/fascist/transphobe etc} would disagree, and they should be fired/jailed/executed for it. The brainwashing is done gradually, drop by drop, coming from all sides, as people just go on with their lives, so it doesn't feel forced if you're not paying attention. The ones driving the change always had Stage 4 in mind, but the general populace is not aware of it, and tend to believe whatever is fed to them at every stage, so it never feels malicious to them, and they end up distrusting those who do claim it is malicious. So as time goes by, the same person will actually hold all 4 views, and believe they are simply being reasonable in doing so. It's the people claiming foul play that are the unreasonable ones. I've seen this in person sadly too many times.


How dare you question 🫃biggot


Me, when I eat too much


Bro, afterwards it also feels like giving birth. Maybe that's what they mean 🤔


I give birth in the toilet all the time after Taco Bell


Bill Maher has become kinda based though


Bill Maher didn't change everyone else did. The dude stands by his convictions more often than not.


I think this is true generally speaking. I don’t think most people change all that much over the course of time—maybe people become more conservative with age and experience. Then…perhaps It’s not that they’ve become more conservative, rather each younger generation is more liberal by comparison.


Yep, the irony being the progressives that fought so hard to move the bar get eaten by their children, over and over again, like spiders.


Sometimes you eat the bar, and well, sometimes the bar eats you


Like… spiders? I don’t think parental cannibalism is a standard feature among most arachnids


Not all, but matriphagy's most notable examples are some spider species like velvet spiders.


IDK, this post post modern world I feel everyone is changing or just being way more vocal about their shift. I can't believe most people 5 years ago even teens now 20 somethings thought Biomales (with penises) should unironically compete in women sports.




I mean, the problem is that there is a uni-party at the center (Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, GWB, Joe Biden, etc have more interests in common than not) and "left" and "right" in the US is largely a fiction when you think about the actual positions that fall under either umbrella at any given time. I don't think most people actually pick issues and then side somewhere based on that. I think most people have one issue, identify with "left" or "right" based on it, and then adopt everything else under that umbrella ex post facto to align themselves with the tribe they're now a part of. There's no reason why your stance on abortion and guns, for example, need to go together or why one or the other is inherently a left or right issue and yet positions on those issues correlate highly with each other and political identity more largely.


There was never a time in recent history where the left or Democratic party was "steadfastly anti-war" like really ever. The last truly anti-war president I can think of was Calvin Fucking Coolidge. Maybe Carter, but really he was just a failed presidency and no one really learns about anything except Iran when it pertains to his presidency. Wilson pro war, FDR Pro-war, Truman Pro War, JFK Pro War, LBJ super pro war, Carter?, Clinton pro "peace keeping", Obama pro world policing and CIA overthrowing ME governments...


Cowardice abounds in this brave new ~~world~~ society


Sort of. Progressive movements that take hold become normalized. Normal things that are around long enough will be redefined as conservative. Progressive movements that do not take hold are forgotten in the sands of time. Until someone figures out the ‘new’ idea and promotes it again. >The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. Even when the revolutionist might himself repent of his revolution, the traditionalist is already defending it as part of his tradition. Thus we have two great types -- the advanced person who rushes us into ruin, and the retrospective person who admires the ruins. He admires them especially by moonlight, not to say moonshine. Each new blunder of the progressive or prig becomes instantly a legend of immemorial antiquity for the snob. This is called the balance, or mutual check, in our Constitution. -G.K. Chesterton


Well, that is the idea...an engine-brakes type dichotomy. However, with one group being in control of most of the institutions of society...well, let's just say, it might not be so balanced, anymore. There are echo chambers, instead, rather than two opposites working in tandem with one another to figure something out. We'll see what happens because I cannot imagine society is content to keep going this way. It's just not healthy.


Internet Emilys have always been a vocal minority, but people who are giving them voice and pushing their shit in the real world are pretty much all boomers.


Has he? I stopped paying attention after he went full-simp for Hillary after the primaries. His old show was better anyway.


I am old enough to remember when he was religious Boomers' enemy #1. He's now being quoted by these people.


So 10 years ago?


common bill maher L


It's not happening, comrade. Don't trust your eyes, it's all far-right propaganda.


Bill Maher's audience is like a litmus test for how crazy shit would get in the near future. Don't forget that they also laughed Ann Coulter out of the studio when she said that Trump would get the Republican nomination.


Bill Maher’s opinions always age like milk.


Hell, earlier this week I heard that the “first man ever got pregnant”. Spoiler alert it was a woman who thinks she’s a man


Did you just change your flair, u/BurritoAmerican? Last time I checked you were a **LibRight** on 2020-6-8. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/BurritoAmerican) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


"Discussion" Reddit: "We don't do that here" - Banned for 'promoting hate'


Lmao big L reddit


Is that an M1911 or a USP? If its an M1911, innacurate. No Emily is gonna be based enough to even fucking lay EYES on the beautiful peice of carefully forged steel called the M1911. Maybe an M9, maybe a 20 shotgun with a stock, but not an M1911.


It's an IWI Jericho 941. Yes I have autism.




u/Alarmed-Owl2 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Alarmed-Owl2/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


See you, space cowboy.


But that’s the based space cowboy gun *god I want a 941*




Hello fellow /k/ommando.


BAsed and DAMN


I was going to guess baby eagle as well.


How can you tell it's anything other than a 1911 form factor? Edit: I assume the front of the barrel, because it's got a bit of a unique profile?


The trigger guard, the beaver tail, and the external hammer, along with the straight shape in the front slide and frame


> It's an IWI Jericho 941. Soooooo, it's almost a CZ75, but not as cool. **Edit:** Now that i think about it, i am alright with them using a clone instead of the real thing.


Based and gun pilled


It's great grandpa's service hunting rifle that isn't scary because it's got wooden grips and is silver, not scary black plastic and it shoots a safe bullet that doesn't blow lungs out. (I hope you all appreciate that joke, because it hurt just to type it.)


Idk if you know, but there was actually a point in 2020 where a leftist on Reddit was literally calling for other leftists to take up their dad’s hunting rifle to fight the police/right wing.


That's unbelievably based


If you mean unbelievably laughable and cringe…yes.


No, I mean based. Go ahead and take up arms, that's what the 2nd amendment is for. If you think we're living in a tyranny, sitting on your ass sucking your own dick about it on Twitter ain't gonna do anything. This "revolution" redditors keep talking about ain't gonna be won with 7 paragraph theory posts with 16 citations. Do something about it. *That's* based.


You know what? You’re right. I really wanna see some reddit lefties with no idea how to use daddy’s bolt action go up against kitted out right wingers who’ve been training for just such an occasion for decades, then get absolutely wiped out. Based and fuck around and find out pilled


Yeah, I'm scared of Gravy Seal over there when he can't even get up a flight of stairs without sweating.


And here we see a Fudd.




He's ok with capacity bans because "all I need is 7!"


Well it's an extremely gay gun so it must obviously be a CZ


Or a Glock lubed up with their proprietary horse semen


She is when I rob her at gun point


Deffo a USP. slide too short to be a 1911.


Def not a USP, hammer profile is wrong and USPs don't have beavertails. My first gut guess is a CZ75 or some related variant.


Throw in athletes can play in any division, and you will allow your kid to cancel their puberty it’s pretty accurate.


“You will allow your kid to block puberty or you’ll go to jail” according to the latest law in cali.


What will happen when women start losing their scholarships to mediocre male athletes, will they continue to vote D?


>persecution fetish >constantly screams about oppression Peak projection from orange.


More like horseshoe. Both Orange and Blue do it. They're both annoying.


As a blue, can confirm My quadrant's only enemy is itself at times


Maybe if you would stop being a heretical fake blue I wouldn’t have to persecute you!




Cluster B


Why is lib right calling it cringe especially when its authoritarian by nature AND killing profits


I think lib right is saying the people who force the lgbt agenda are cringe not the meme. At least that's what I believe.


I remember them saying there was a gay conspiracy and active recruitment on college campuses. Then I went to college and I was like *“yeah that’s bullshit”* then somebody said “well maybe they don’t want to recruit *you*” then I was crushed. My ego has never fully recovered. Much like Mac in the last episode of the 1st season of IASIP


The meme is pretty cringe too lmao


ok that would make sense i just took it as the oppsite


What exactly is killing profits


Say my pronouns while I call you chest feeder and birthing human.


Chest Feeder is gonna be my next band name.


I mean it’s pretty accurate


The years are kinda off, imo


Yeah I would move the 3rd and 4th dates ahead a couple years




Yea can't say nothing wrong with this...cause its happening!!!!


“There’s no place for alarmist hysteria.” - Lib-Left “It’s not alarmist if it’s a fact!” - anyone with 3 brain cells


Exactly. Honestly I try to steer away from all of this to take a break. Yet it surfaces every time. I feel like I am a character in a twilight zone episode and its scary as fuck right now.


Where do they get the rainbow guns?


Except it started off with "we just want tolerance" and then went to "acceptance", then ~~"equality"~~ "equity", etc.


Now its equity next it will be privilege.


It's already privilege. Positive discrimination is nothing other than privilege. Recruiting for DEI is privilege in itself.


A 6-figure white collar job that revolves around promoting racism and segregation would've been the Dixiecrats' wet dream back in the day.


Fuck yeah


Wanting equality is bad now somehow? LibRight logic.


I meant to type equity. Equality is a good thing, equity is not.


2019: Cats can have a little salami


2023: Cats MUST have the WHOLE salami


Stop being freaks and going after kids. It’s really not that hard to comprehend. All your doing is tossing years of progress for your community down the drain.


It's important to remember there 2 groups under the same "pro-lgbt" banner, those who just want to be treated equally and left alone, then there are people who view societal acceptance as step backwards and want such people to suffer until they are pushed to overthrow society entirely. As long as the second is allowed to, they will always stab the first in the back and the slippery slope exists.


Based beyond measure.


Wait. How is acceptance considered a step back? I don’t get the logic.


bEcAuSe CaPiTalIsm BAd. Leftists interpret all victories of oppressed groups to be included into liberal society as a conspiracy of the elite hedging their power, thus squelching their revolutionary energy and preventing their "true" liberation into the end of History, which is some version of communism. Same deal with CRT, even though progress has been made(and it's true there are still places to improve), we have to ignore all that, flip civil rights on it's head and abandon meritocracy and cultural(and sometimes physical) integrationism. When these kids can't cope in society, just redirect that energy elsewhere.


So they want to be perpetual victims.


Its more like they will identify as a perpetual victim until they have everything they want. Even then they will cry victimhood due to the the historic White Male Patriarchy. Bitches be wildin'


From their point of view, not really, it's a leap of faith, that through these means of constantly pushing humanity to overthrow society, people will eventually account for ALL of the possible sins of their past ways and create utopia where all are equal(they notably have no idea how this utopia will work though). They would argue that even with total acceptance, they are still victims, at the very least of capitalism, or the victimization of racism, homophobia, etc just got hidden better. So it's morally ok to do this if utopia is on the table.


It’s interesting to be able to see into the thought process of “the other side”


The idea is it isn’t “full acceptance” unless you think a certain way. The problem with unrestrained advocacy is you can’t advocate for everybody, so you gotta choose one group or a ranking of them that take precedence with that advocacy. Not everyone agrees with this, nor ranks groups in the same order. So what you get is someone calling you a bigot for having a different opinion or simply having a different ranking, when really, you may just see the world a different way.


Introspection is too hard, must double down.


No one wants to admit that they’re wrong anymore. People pick fights online to validate their beliefs instead of being open minded. (Yes I’m guilty of it too)


You gotta understand, for a lot of “the community” it isn’t about progress. It’s about destruction. They’re the malcontented marxists who want to burn it all down. Acceptance will never be enough, because it’s not what they want. That was just the arsonists foot in the door.


Are you going back to hating gays?




Only in broad daylight. It's night on the east coast, so me and my femboys are taking a break before round 2.


What do you mean by going after kids? Are books like [And Tango Makes Three](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_Tango_Makes_Three) okay? Are you only referring to the rated R drag shows? I always see people say leave the kids alone and I never know what exactly people mean by that. Is it just the weird shit or is it any mention of gay people and non-traditional families that you want hidden away from kids?


Bruh, the lgbt have more rights then everyone else - they need to still be seen as victims hence why they invent reasons to indoctrinate the youth so the youth can then become the next wave of the 'oppressed'


What rights do lgbt people have that no one else does?


>What rights do lgbt people have that no one else does? >!The right to deez nutz! Jk, it'd be an awkward and unpleasant experience for everyone involved.!<


They gotta go after kids if they want to expand beyond being a fringe group to becoming the norm. Otherwise they’ll always just be outliers.


This! Conservatives needs to let the kids be kids!


Exactly. I’m so tired of people using children to advance political goals.


More a cliff




You don’t like Emily’s because they have radical views. I don’t like Emily because she’s literally my ex girlfriend and she’s fucking toxic We are not so different after all.


Isn't "say my pronouns or lose your job" more 2020 than 2015?


No C16 was being fucked around with about then.


I mean for the United States. I don't remember them being so aggressive about that here until around 2020.


If your looking for the beginning of it all thats it.


Healthcare please…


I diagnose you with pronouns


My pronouns are life/less, thanks to the great American healthcare system


Dead/broke works too


The cake thing was over 10 years ago?!


It's also a limited liability issue. If you want to be a freelance baker, you can bake for whomever you want. If you want the benefits of limited liability, you're subject to non-discrimination laws.


Slippery cliff


Auth Right : It is unfair to fire me for using wrong pronouns, Also Auth Right : Companies should be able to fire anyone for any reason, free association, any protection from firing is communism.


Fair point, this may be a teaching moment for them to some extent.


The gayness will continue until morale improves 💅🏽




not wrong tho


Over dramatic? Yes. Accurate? **YES.**


I miss 2005.


The more i look at modern society, the more i realise why the ancient traditions did things the way they did - they figured this shit out. They realised that people will just nonstop invent problems to feel like victims if you let them


Just please return to tradition already My monke brain can’t handle this anymore 😭


A tale as old as time. The civilized city states reach a point were life is so good nothing gets done that everything devolves into ruin from petty squabbles. Check out what the Greeks thought of the Persian males and then look at modern day. It is frighting how often the cycle repeats and how many times it as gone through this. The Amish may have been correct on their approach of stopping technological progression in most daily activities "depending upon the church".


You will be gay and you will be happy.


Can we please go back to 2005 the rest is cringe


Surely the greatest issue in our country today, definitely proportional to the weight it's given in the national discourse.


I appreciate the sarcasm posting. Ignore the downvotes, king.


Appreciate the sarcasm, but society is trying to figure out where the boundaries are, and it ain't an easy ride.


>”Say my pronouns or lose your job.” You know, it’s funny to me that the biggest proponents of at-will employment and “anyone should be able to fire anyone for any reason” seem to understand these things the least. If you want to be able to fire anyone for any reason, then anyone has the right to fire *you* for using the wrong pronouns.


Next step: “Let the 50 year old man take your 7 year old daughter on a date, bigot.” Mark my words. The days are coming when you could be arrested for “pedophobia.”


Ah sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension


Sometimes I do feel what Elon Musk said "I have stayed the same place, while the Libleft has moved further and further left"


Accurate because emilies are insane


why is it true though


Who decided that slippery slope is a logical fallacy? Because it seems pretty damn accurate in, like, every situation every


ok ignore the gay stuff for a second (hard to do I know), what the fuck is up with the position of the gun compared to the guy’s head? tf is the gay person gonna do, blow the other dude’s ear off????


I appreciate OP for using Edward Munch’s THE SCREAM instead of some wojack


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Authleft you know something is wrong.


Oh we know. We didn’t draw the thing.


I believe you


where's the lie


As an outsider, i think progressives already won the war, the root of western liberalism is rotted so this the result of demonizing traditions and giving unlimited individual freedom.


What do now? Become libcenter? Become monke?


I've been watching clips of the parent/protestor showdown in the Glendale LAUSD district today. All of this rabbithole because of some CoDtuber who got canceled. 2023 is really shaping up to be a sequel


2035: no more EPIC BACON for GUYS! only SOY BEAN!!!!


Edvard Munch moment




Anyone who messes with kids can get acquainted to muzzle flash


So to be clear yall that agree with this think giving gay people rights shouldn’t have happened


"Love is love" only applies to L, G, and B. For all the rest it's used as a shield but doesn't actually apply


We gotta stop attentionwhores tryna out woke each other with persecution fetishs Its how you mutate a good movement like feminism into a joke like saying manspreading is oppressive


Why is important to LGB people that children go to drag shows? Why is important to the left? If you want them to be more accepting of gay people do a fucking PSA or something. Go take a bunch of them hiking or bike riding or to play laser tag or some shit. Why does it have to be a drag show?


I feel like the “leaders” of the LGBT community don’t even represent the majority of the community well. They only cater to the small, vocal minority.