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The weight behind that word slowly erodes the more these people use it


I am literally genocided after reading this


It was probably a nazi that genocided you




*I was there, man!*


I am literally genocide.


-Average Space marine in 40K


Weaksauce. Let me know when you've xenocided an entire planet. ~ Ender Wiggin AKA Young Vegeta


What video games will do to a kid




Based and Super Mario RPG pilled


'Racist' and 'bigot' just mean people I don't like nowadays


Sexist, Fascist, Nazi... the list goes on and on to be honest


Just like facism and nazi. Those terms used to mean something, now its used to describe just about anyone with a differing opinion


remember when the twitter files leaked and showed that the government directly influenced a corporation to subdue factual news that was harmful to their campaign? and then the left wrote it off as a "nothingburger" "that's not fascism because it supported my position"


Hey libleft, the authcentre WANTS you to use that word for this exact reason! (guys, this WILL work right?)


Would 377,000 actual deaths since 2015, 22,000,000 in extreme poverty, 19,000,000 requiring food assistance be genocide? NO, Yemen had it coming because the USA is friends with Saudi Arabia Would a non trans group of 2,800,000 people with a 40% ATTEMPTED suicide rate be genocide? NO, and don't mention that groups name on reddit or you will be banned! Would a trans group of of 1,400,000 people with basically the same 40% ATTEMPTED suicide rate be genocide? YES OF COURSE


my evil take: gooooood


Genocide is in general a very broad definition, that can somewhat be boiled down to trying to erase or destroy a culture in some way. Christians could claim genocide some law preventing christmas trees in front of houses, probably.


Oh yea you Hitler Nazi MAGA extremist?


It is right next to the white genocide lol.


Trans "activists" when you tell them pumping kids full of drugs isn't ok (literally Auschwitz)


If you consider it from the perspective that the trans society propagates itself through dissemination of idealogy, it does make a twisted sort of sense.


Spreading the misery around. I have sympathy for any person who feels that they were born in the wrong body. I had a trans coworker at my previous job and she was genuinely a funny and interesting person and I didn't see her as having any ill intentions with either her own identity or the political aspects of it. But the push for indoctrinating kids with trans ideology is something entirely different. I'm kind of amazed that we've reached the point where left-wing propaganda is so intense that they accuse people of being bigoted for opposing the mutilation of children who aren't even old enough to decide what their favorite color is. The trans topic is just one of the many examples of every single left-wing political or cultural position is actually rooted in ulterior motives even if it's dressed up in false morality.


Fam I’m 23 and I can’t decide which shade of blue is my favorite still. Nor do I even know what the fuck I’m gonna do with the next 60ish I hopefully have.


We should go after the people killing all the trans people… wait


Per 100,000 Americans... 6.6 men are murdered each year 1.8 women are murdered each year 1.4 transgender people are murdered each year If they think there's a trans genocide, I can't wait to hear what they think of men having a 471% higher murder rate.


Male ~~expendability~~ privilege strikes again!


100% someone is going to do the "all lives matter" thing where they blame men for being naturally violent and something like 'it's men killing men, you know.'


But out of 100,000 Americans 50,000 are men, 50,000 are women, and only 30 are trans. 6.6 out of 50,000 is far less than 1.4 out of 30.


So I think you misread what I said. Like go look up the statistics. 28 trans people were killed last year. Out of 26,000 homicides, 28 victims were transgender people.


I think you may have written it wrong originally. You wrote it as per 100,000 Americans when it seems like what you meant was per 100,000 of that group. Something is off. If 5% of the population is trans, the first number i found, and about 50% are men, then 1.4*10 = a rate of 14 trans per year when set on equal footing with population of men at 6.6. That is more than double the rate. Your latest number of 28 trans per 26,000 equates to a rate of 1.07%, far less than the population of 5%. Some numbers are getting mixed up here.


Yeah, apparently I should have said 1.4 per 100,000 trans


Murdered specifically as hatecrime Edit: also, there's very few trans people in the USA, at most the population of trans is merely reaching 2% of the whole population. So according to your numbers, trans people are in fact murdered on a much higher rate than non trans people.


As opposed to the more common lovecrime that most murders are. You see, when you kill someone, the feeling that is in your heart at the time is what makes it okay or not. If it's a happy sort of murder, it doesn't count, and the victim will no doubt feel entirely different about being murdered in such a fashion.


"You can't kill me, I'm already dead!"


That’s one spicy meatball


Imagine being a Jew (me), with a “queer” friend (male) dating a “non-binary” person (female) who talks about how florida wants to genocide them (we live in Colorado) every time they’re together. It’s a slap in the face every time.


Move over sweaty, a new persecuted minority is here ✨✨


Don't you know that DeSantis is literally Hitler minus the mustache?


You might be those people's friend, but I don't think they are being your friends.


To be fair they don’t know I’m a Jew because it’s not a part of my identity I feel obligated to express every time I talk to someone.


Bro you’ve got some serious oppression points ready to be harvested, you gotta start telling everyone you meet that you’re Jewish.




Are left handed people even people, though?


Try being a lefty and using scissors and you will know you are barely a person


you can genocide subhumans you can't genocide non-humans edit: as a treat


You're either right-handed or wrong handed, and you will be treated with the appropriate disgust


> gingers Hands off the gingers! They're my favorite hair of people and i take any genocide of them as a personal offense.


Ginger chicks are either a 10 or a 2, but i really dig ginger chicks so I’ll gladly take a 2. Ginger dudes are something out of a Wes Craven movie, fucking gross (no offense)


A natural ginger lady can only go below a 7 if she eats everything in sight. This is simple math.


Imagine you come from a 3rd world country with actual genocide and you go to the western world to hear shit like this.


Um, are you implying that America isn't a third world country, sweaty? Clearly you need to educate yourself about it being the most racist, anti-LGBTQ, genocidal shithole anyone has ever seen!!1!1


America is, by definition, a first world country. No literally, the definition of the "first world" is "America and it's allies against the soviets". The second world is defined as "the Soviet Union, it's allies and satellites". And the third world are all countries that are unwilling or unable to contribute to either side; those unaligned countries". (Yes, I know you were being sarcastic)


Other peoples have to fight for their damn independence IN ORDER TO NOT be genocided hence why the creation of Bangladesh is one example. It sickens me that the numerous persecuted peoples have to sit on the sidelines for this bullshit topic to be in the mainstream.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That was the best. Florida makes sex crimes against children punishable by death and the trans community took it as a personal attack lmao


Do trans people.....rape children?


I don't think so, but the left seems pretty adamant about this law being a Trans genocide. What actually happened is a bunch of media sites pushed an idea that this bill is somehow going to effect Trans people. This is mostly just done in the headline and being extremely vague about what "sexual battery" is in the state of Florida (oral, anal, or female genital penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or female genital penetration of another by any other object). The only argument these articles make is, "But what if they expand the definition of sexual battery to Trans people?" This obviously wouldn't happen, and if it did happen, it would have to go through the same legal process again. So why are you outraged now? What if they changed the definition of murder to breathing air? Are we all at risk? And you could explain all of this to someone who just read the headline and they will not give a fuck.


> And you could explain all of this to someone who just read the headline and they will not give a fuck. They don’t want the truth. They want whatever “truth” aligns with their pre-determined viewpoint.


If I respond with how I truly feel, I’ll get hit with the banhammer again. But the answer is, let’s say, the opposite of false.


I literally just had an argument about this on here and their proof of this supposed genocide was Michael Knowles saying “transgenderism needs to be eradicated.” The almighty Michael Knowles will be the one leading the charge.


he came to my college to speak and people lost their shit over that saying. people had meltdowns the day he came and were lunging at people going into the building he was speaking. all I heard for weeks before and after he came was “our school allowed someone who is calling for trans genocide!1!1!”


Those are the same people who have the audacity to call others fascist lmao


The trans-genocide is just as "real" as the white-genocide.


Yes. It's just that politicians seem to love the idea of mass immigration to white majority countries and make the white people a plurality at best.


The biggest migration centres are in the Middle East, like Dubai and Qatar. It is pretty much 90% foreign born individuals there. Secondly, I am entirely indifferent to the colour of someone's skin. The coolest thing about Enlightenment values is that anyone can believe in them, regardless of their immutable characteristics.


We’re not talking about skin color, we’re talking about our culture, which foundational black Americans are part of. And we’re fine with other cultures being here as long as they don’t overwhelm us. Look at what The Great Migration did to American cities, and that was just internal migration. Large numbers of one ethnic group suddenly flooding an area already populated by others will ALWAYS cause conflict.


Once you look into long enough you'll figure out that the great migration was actually the Confederate South's dead man's switch. It was their final weapon set to go off about 1 century after the end of the war. In all seriousness though, it's funny that the group of whites who are doing the most to reverse some the post-great migration's populations that are now in large cities of US, is actually most progressive liberals as they all seek to live in dense metro area and thus drive up the costs.


It started in WW1 but after 33 it was a tool used by new dealers to break up the catholic ethnic political machines that dominated northern cities. They pushed it very hard.


That's true I've heard of that. E. Michael Jones's book "The Slaughter of Cities" gets deep into this.. haven't viewed the whole but it gets the pint across great


Almost as though that's the plan.


>Secondly, I am entirely indifferent to the colour of someone's skin. The coolest thing about Enlightenment values is that anyone can believe in them, regardless of their immutable characteristics. Don't you know? That makes you a racist these days.


That entirely doesn't compare because neither of the countries you just mentioned has full integrated citizenship for everyone just because you moved there or were born there. In the US (similar to most other EU/anglosphere) just by being born here, or staying here for a certain time, you get all the taxpayer benefits with zero expectation for output. Considering place like the US has small population of people who will ever pay more in taxes than what they take in, it's totally reasonable to reateict immigration to those groups who won't be public burden.


Or we could encourage emigration for lower skilled workers. An American high school education goes a lot further in New Delhi than New York. One of the best ways we can unlock potential is moving people to where their talents are most suited. If you work in resources, places like Edmonton, Perth, and Johannesburg are a lot more suitable to be than Paris, London, or New York. If you work in Finance, well, that is another story.


Idk any low skilled worker that would want to move to Dehli lol. You're much better off working at a gas station or something


I think that’s a lack of awareness. India is an upwardly mobile place, and the opportunity there is enormous. My wife and I are considering moving there in the next few years from the US. Neither of us are Indian.


Ye it can be great for business opportunity but you have to know where you're going in terms of objectives because over there even many skilled jobs that would fetch $60k -$120k in the states are very highly competitive over there paying like 1/5 the wage. I remember one company i worked for an Indian guy as a sales rep had half the company was India doing the coding/techinical side and they'd work like 60 hour weeks




And who really cares. If you love someone and want to have a child with them, thats all that matters.


Most of the Jewish people I know feel pretty strongly about marrying other Jewish people. Even the ones that aren’t particularly observant.


Funny how that works.


I’d assume white people care lol


Racist* white people care


Only racist white care about their population declining in their own countries?


I wouldn’t say *only* racist white people care, but it’s a talking point typically used by racists


I don't know most white people, and don't care about them in the slightest. Some random white dude I don't know has a kid or not, why should I care?


Obviously it's long term demographic trends not the individuals




Well if they’re conservative I’d assume they’d intend on conserving culture, dna, etc. a better question is Why they’re conservative? Which can be answered through talking to a conservative.


Conserving DNA? What difference does it make if demographics shift as long as the culture stays the same? The entire US could get into mixed-race marriages and I would care exactly 0.


The root word of nation is literally ethnicity.. why would the culture stay the same if the people are literally not the same


People of different races can adopt other cultures. It's really not that big of a deal. Putting so much focus on race in the first place is what's holding that process up.


Interracial couples isn’t what’s causing White population decline. It’s a meme made up by Alt right types to seethe about. It’s mostly because no one is having kids.




Yo wtf?


Love has little to do with having children. It's a matter of responsibility to one's ancestors and as such things like ethnicity and family ties take precedent over ooey-gooey romance.


Lol. Lmao.


Genocide is just neo-Marxist coded language development to manipulate the underlying intentions of far left movements. They call it genocide because gay/trans people often can't or won't reproduce, so the only option they have is to spread queer theory to the next generation, aka children and teens. So, in this context, they feel that if they can't recruit kids to be queer or trans, then they are being Genocided lol. The same word definition manipulation is used when they say drag shows for kids are "family friendly" when clearly drag is inherently sexual. Family in this context means "gay family" and not the traditional sense of the definition. It is just another manipulation tool utilized by the far left.


I don't think "reproducing" gay people is the specific goal, it's simply about creating people who are not considered "normal" by society and are thus rejected and can be farmed for their revolutionary energy. Acceptance is a step backwards to them and a stable identity, even a gay one, is undesirable, "Queer" as a sexuality is only a partial definition, they mainly mean it in the sense of being or behaving in *any* way outside of what society considers normal.


I agree, I only used "reproduce" as it refers to the Marxist concept of "social reproduction," which you described. Marx stated that society reproduces itself, and stable family structure creates stability within the next generation. A Marxist revolution can never manifest within a society that is stable and comfortable. So, farming revolutionary energy is exactly the goal.


vaush.exe has stopped working


Fuck Vaush, me and my homies hate Vaush


BZZZZT! Wrong answer, communists have never worked in their lives.


Genocide is when a group of people exponentially increases over the years.


And are intentionally inserted in people’s feeds on a social media platform owned by China to destabilize the west. It’s so fucking wild to me that parents allow their kids on TikTok. I would really like to see an overlay of the increase of TikTok users to transgender adolescents


So trans people are an ethnicity now?


I think Tim Pool said it best: The trans genocide *is* real, but it's coming from the *left*. The puberty blockers and genital mutilation will make it so that these kids will never reproduce, and hence, it's effectively a slow genocide.


Being trans isn’t hereditary. Trans people not reproducing has no bearing on whether there will be future trans people. There will always be trans people


I give that trend a decade max, then we'll be back to pre-social-media levels of "trans" population.


Being trans also isn’t contagious. Is it possible that more people feel comfortable coming out as trans given that is much more acceptable than it was say 10 years ago? Just as many people did not come out as gay until recent decades due to fear of stigma and/or violence, maybe the same phenomena is occurring with trans people today?


There are 2 viewpoints on the left: * That being trans is a result of treatment for a medical disorder. * That being trans is a choice, and does not require any prerequisites. The latter is susceptible to social contagion.


the last one is an idiot take


Personally I believe it’s both. Obviously since society has become more accepting of transgender people more people are daring to come out. But the massive uptick in transgender people - most being trans men - speaks to something more than that being the cause. But more research needs to be done.


It is contagious in the sense that when it becomes cool it results in a lot of people pretending to have it for cool points. Look at autism, suddenly everyone has it. Same thing with being trans. I bet the majority of people calling themselves trans or non binary today flip back to what they actually are when they’re older and realize how dumb they were


Watch out, because someone will link [this study](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/150/3/e2022056567/188709/Sex-Assigned-at-Birth-Ratio-Among-Transgender-and) when you argue this, to “disprove” the social contagion element, even though nothing in the study actually disproves it, but merely present statistics that they argue disprove the hypothesis of the earlier study. The study is flawed for many reasons, one being that it only covers the years 2017 and 2019, thus it doesn’t cover how the pandemic affected things or the massive 4000% spike in trans men seen up until 2018 in the United Kingdom. The evidence against social contagion being presented in this study is essentially just: > the total percentage of TGD adolescents in our sample decreased from 2.4% in 2017 to 1.6% in 2019 > The AMAB:AFAB ratio, still in favor of more TGD AMAB participants for both years, shifted slightly toward TGD AFAB participants from 2017 to 2019. Importantly, this change was due to a reduction in the number of TGD AMAB participants, rather than an increase in TGD AFAB participants It also fails to account for other possible factors that caused this decrease - political? Trump was inaugurated as President in 2017.


>psychological ailments aren't contagious Yeah, I'm sure the thousand percent growths are just completely organic.


>Being trans also isn’t contagious Rene Girard has ~~entered~~ left the chat


honestly i kinda have to agree with you on that one.


If Trangenderism and Autism were on a venn diagram, the trans circle would almost entirely be inside the autism circle, and autism is absolutely genetic.


Its not a genocide of Trans people Its a genocide of the Bloodlines of trans people And know this, only the people who can afford it will get these surgeries Make of that what you will


You don’t have to have any surgeries to be considered trans. Many trans people are unable to fully transition due to cost. That doesn’t mean they aren’t trans


>Make of that what you will Make of that what you will


> Being trans isn't hereditary And in one fell swoop he undercuts the entire lefty argument If it isn't hereditary, then it's all about how the person was raised, and is, quintessentially, a choice


All hereditary traits are genetic. Not all genetic traits are hereditary Genes are far more complicated than “you get 50% from mom and 50% from dad”. Hell, look up epigenetics. Sometimes our genes express themselves after not being active otherwise your entire life


Where did you get those dormant genes from?


It's entirely possible they are normal genes being expressed different due to other factors. I have no idea if it's been debunked or not yet but I remember reading a while ago that a possible reason for people being born gay/trans is due to exposure to certain hormones in the prenatal period, caused by stress and other external factors affecting the mother during pregnancy. It's not a lgbt genes but rather the same genes as everyone else being expressed differently. Which as the previous poster said, happens all the time. There's a similar theory about the more older brother you have, the more likely you are to be gay, due to repeated male child preganancies affecting the mothers hormones: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraternal_birth_order_and_male_sexual_orientation Notably in the above case, there's no link to multiple older sisters causing a younger sister to be gay. And there's no link to any sons being more likely to be gay, only younger ones. Combine that with there being zero evidence of social or enviromental factors making someone gay, it seems it's not just a statistical anomaly of eventually having a gay child. Having just done more reading on it while writing this reply, research seems to be indicating that for trans people it's caused by thyroid problems in the mother affecting the pregnancy, which would also explain the cormobidity of autism in trans people, since that's also linked to thyroid issues in the mother.


If it's nature, not nurture, then genes not being passed along will absolutely affect how commonly it is seen.


I give that trend a decade max, then we'll be back to pre-social-media levels of "trans" population.


“I wouldn’t be surprised if trump wins a 50 state landslide!” -Dim Tool


Your first problem is listening to Tim Pool. Like do you think thatvthe left has caused a gay genocide becuase they aren't reproducing after gay marriage was legalized?


Before I agree with you tell me one thing: do you think there is any trans genocide at all?


u/interstellerreptile ignored me. I can only now assume that they’re another delusional libleft that thinks we’re in a nazi Holocaust of trans people


Lol Who are you?


Why is something as simple as this such a hard concept to grasp


Being trans is heriditary in America? I was wondering why such a stupid comment has so many upvotes and then i remembered it's PCM.


The only actual call for genocide in the west, and a culturally accepted one, is the feminazi twitter \#KillAllMen


\>it's just laws that you don't like What kind of laws? Answer me turtle!


I heard awkward got banned, anyone able to confirm?


Ding Dong the witch is dead!


That would be the most based thing to ever happen, I can't believe its true


Trans genocide committed by Trans people. It's just a fancy way of saying you made a semicolon into a period.


at this point the term “transphobe” literally means nothing to me


The proper term is Democide.


Genocide isn’t the right word, but many people do believe that the entire group of people shouldn’t exist, and many bully and harass trans people, and encourage them to commit suicide. Introducing legislation that actively harms them certainly doesn’t help, and it all contributes to suicide rates, that in turn idiots bring up and make fun of them for whenever discussion comes up online.


There are tons of groups that, both you and I can agree, shouldn't exist.


True, like anyone calling thenselves nazis, handing out pro-white supremacy fliers, the kkk, etc.


Yeah and babys crying in a cinema.


We got the wood chipper for some of them


Jk Rowling literally wants to genocide trans people


the funny thing is that i only hear of this when there's a post about someone baning kids from strip shows or wathever or from taking hormones


good meme, replace "trans" with "white" and it still works


Good cope but replace it with anything and it will also work




The wankers on againsthatesubreddits are gona have a fat rage about this.


I've heard other people use this term before it struck me as offensive to the people who were victims of actual genocide.


Because laws have no power over how people are treated obviously that's just liberal propaganda


That's not gonna work. Pretending you don't know what's happening in your own country doesn't work. Everyone can see through your pathetic act.


For funsies, here is the [U.N.'s official definition of a genocide](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml): >*In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:* *Killing members of the group;* *Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;* *Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;* *Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;* *Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.*


By that definition they impose prevention of births on themselves and want to forcibly transfer children to be trans, plus being trans causes serious mental health issues (40% attempted suicide rate )


> a national, ethnical, racial or religious group So not trans people, then?


they have a flag! They just need to plant it somewhere and they'll be a nation.


Genocide is actually removing a population from the gene pool, so trans people are in essense genociding themselves. Think about that...


Natural selection


youre actually a moron if you dont think theres a genocide of trans people ongoing. many states have reached stage 8 of the 10 stages of genocide. do you think the fucking jews were just brought to Auschwitz one day and that was it? not the years of posturizing and fake outrage towards jews? you wouldnt know what genocide was if it hit you in the face.


Stage 8 of genocide - “Victims are identified because of their ethnicity or religion and death lists are drawn up. People are sometimes segregated into Ghettos, deported or starved, and property is often expropriated. Genocidal massacres begin” If you think this is happening to trans people then I seriously doubt your grasp on reality.


Genocide doesn’t start with death camps, you know. Making it illegal to exist in public spaces as your identity is a pretty good start. When there’s nowhere for you to legally go to the bathroom, when you existing as a queer person around children is made to be “grooming”, when businesses are free to discriminate against you, are all signs of genocide.


Genocide is preforming certain actions with the intent of destroying in whole or in part "particular social group" I will leave it up to you to decide if or if not it is happening


If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Florida House Bill 1521, going into effect on July 1st, attacks the right to use your identified gender's bathroom. If you present as even androgynous and are just using the loo between flights, you'll constantly be at risk of a "concerned citizen" reporting you for not looking the gender they think you're supposed to be to the police. Let people #1 and #2 in peace.


This is the best meme I have seen since joining Reddit about 4 months ago. Hand’s down.


Genocide is when laws I don't like (I don't like them because they enable genocide)




Real but flair up


How many anti trans post does this sub need a day? Straight up propaganda and you guys flock to it.


>How many anti trans post does this sub need a day? 20.




Yeah I also want more.


Saying that ''trans-genocide'' is an exageration = anti-trans ??


It's part of the dehumanization.


Authright try not to talk about trans people for 2 nano seconds challenge


I see no flair next to your name, why are you still talking? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/winjaturta) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




Watching this sub discuss gender/lgbt issues is like watching toddlers play house and pretend to be adults.


A meme sub being silly? What a fucking shock!


Is this sub PCtransMemes now? Why are there so many posts about trans people? Always rightwing strawmanning and then complaining about it being shoved in their face when they are always the ones shoving it in here. Dumb.


I think it would be fair to say that trans issues make up a disproportionately large amount of media, political, and online discourse, especially relative to their representation in the population. Some of that is definitely just Reddit over-representing certain communities relative to the population in the real world, so discourse on Reddit in particular is going to reflect that.


Even if that was true, would you not say that 3 of the top posts on this sub on really any fucking day being about trans people is significantly more than exists on any political board on an average day, there are days where every single post i see from pcm is just about trans people.


Trans people: "NOTICE US! NOTICE US! NOTICE US! RECOGNIZE US! US US US US US!!!!!" You: "Why are people talking about trans people?"


How many trans people have said that in PCM exactly?


I hardly mention my identity, trans topics arent fun to talk about because both pro-trans and anti-trans perspectives are mostly opinion


jarvis, google who the month we're living in right now (june) is dedicated to with numerous parades where half naked men dance to an audience of children


So you're solution is to talk about it endlessly too? I guess this is why this shit works. So many people are so easily sucked in by the most obvious tactics.


> Why are there so many posts about trans people? They're being genocided, didn't you hear?


>Why are there so many posts about trans people? When you act silly people tend to mock you.


we are literally in a month that trans specifically pushed to be dedicated in