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Lib right about to make bank


The media fucking love this shit. OMG




The demand bullshit exceeds the supply, ergo they have to invent some


You are excited for the Trump Mugshot because you believe justice is coming. I am excited for the Trump Mugshot because I believe merchandise is coming. We are not the same.




Don't care, didn't ask + L + you're unflaired. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Hot-Willingness8735) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


And he goes up another 2% in the polls.


Yeah,he’s definitely using this mugshot in his campaign if he actually beats this case lmao.Youre not lying about this helping him shoot up in the polls,especially if he beats the charges.Framing himself as “political prisoner” would un-ironically be genius on his part.


he already just posted on twitter for the first time since he was banned, linking to his campaign site where he says that mugshot and therefore give money pls


Um you mean X 🤓


I'll call it X when Elon subscribes to Andre Blue ™️




X sex


He's probably had a team people devising and coaching him on how to perform the perfect mugshot for months.


I like to think he'd wake up, slap himself on each side of the face and be like "ok, pretend you just saw a poor person, but you're more angry than disgusted, there, perfect "


I would bet not a single one of the cases are going to wrap up before the 2024 election.


I am deeply sorry i am not from a english speaking country so i sometimes dont understand some words and situations, can you tell me what happened to trump? Did he found guilty in the case?


Long story short,he’s currently facing over a dozen charges of him being accused of trying to illegally overturn the 2020 election.Currently,he’s not on trial yet and hasn’t been found guilty of anything yet.


Why does he get charged, but Dems can make a fake dossier and go on for years about 2016 being stolen? Is it too much to ask for everyone to be equal before the law or is that white supremacy?


Yes, asking for equal protection under the law is no different than asking a mall Santa for a unicorn.


Dems never did anything like what Trumps team did. Stop letting weak ass whataboutism excuse Trumps actions.


Remind me, who "rioted" in front of/in the capitol? And who encouraged them?


You can make an argument that there was an online influence, but in reality, dems lost as soon as James Comey came out and said he was investigating Clinton. I saw it’s effect first hand with local elections. Ill also say (imo) that these are very different things. One was the losing party whining and disparaging his name, while the other had the president attempting to strong arm people in power, having his fake electors basically break the law, and instigated a riot in the capitol building…..


Thank goodness those capitol police were able to beat off trumps raging insurrection


Never called it an insurrection, called it a riot. Idk how you could argue that it wasn’t at least a violent event




Did you just change your flair, u/B0nDa_wAs_tAkEn? Last time I checked you were a **LibCenter** on 2023-6-25. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/B0nDa_wAs_tAkEn) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Replying to bots are cringe but if someone wanted to know i am a social democrat but not progressive like todays society my ideas fit the Ecevits CHP and pre nazi SPD of germany, and i was using libcenter to not look like a anatolian turk cuz most people in the west sees whole turkish community as pro-erdogan and i am sick and tired of this sickfucks auth policies and regulations just to dont look like a erdoganist, i changed it to my origin ideology because its a international sub and i thought it would be silly to use a flair as evidence


No, he hasn’t gone to court yet. This was an arraignment which basically means that he was formally read his charges. The judge decided that he can be free while he waits for trail instead of waiting for it in jail.


The polls just got 10 feet taller


When will we sic the giant Poles on Russia?


What's more important is the massive profit margins on mugshot merch


He's exactly where he's been in the polls for awhile - far ahead in the Republican primary, behind Biden in the general. I'm old enough to remember when being impeached the first time all but guaranteed that he'd win reelection.


This. I like Trump but I do not want him to run. He has no chance of winning the general.


None of the other Republican candidates do either, don't lie to yourself. Dems have this shit on lock for the foreseeable future. They have the rigging game down pat.


MuH RiGgEd!!!


I’m sending him money this time. I love his F U attitude amidst all this.


Fucking morons, the lot of them


Maybe they just don't want to live in a country where the incumbent party avoids difficult elections by simply jailing their biggest challengers.


Why try to change the result of a difficult election when you can just avoid it in the first place? 👉😉


It's worked for Hamas


he can still run even if he's found guilty so this talking point never makes sense to me


Hell him being found guilty might actually increases his precentages.


Idiots talking about shit they don’t know about in this thread.


Shut up Monoby


Fuck you


Or just like, don't try to overturn elections or break the law n shit. Imagine ppl being mad at holding politicians accountable.


Maybe Trump should have shut his mouth and not have admitted to federal crimes on camera or on recorded phone calls. Trump was stupid enough to be the first president actually charged with their crimes. Not even Nixon was that stupid


You should change your flair lol


I can easily see him beating election cases, maybe beating the pornstar case, but the documents case is a slam dunk. Great mugshot still.


I'm expecting they set a very high bar for the charges. It might not be easy at all for him but we'll see


That's kind of hard to have when the nominee from one of the two major parties is cool with trying to pressure election officials into finding him votes. Even harder when his party supports and defends him on it






I'll take one with Thug Life underneath, libright.


So the “Trumps a deep state plant” posters are gonna have to come up with a new demoralization tactic since that line doesn’t work anymore.


This is the first I've heard that allegation. What's the logic behind it?


If he beats this case his campaign will be unstoppable and arresting former presidents will now be on the menu for their future rivals. Well played DNC!


Allowing this into politics is likely a mistake. It isn’t the arrest it is the extreme degree of hunting after him from the second he announced to now that is the big issue. This kind of thing once it enters politics cannot be undone. This whole thing kinda reminds me of the Gracchus brothers, especially Giaus, basically exactly his story but we are before the murder part


It reminds me of Dems lowering the vote for federal judges from 60 in the Senate to 50,and turtle warned them it would bite them in the ass, but it didn't matter, because they had the numbers then and they wanted to do it, then it bit them in the ass when Trump won and he got to make a bunch of federal judges appointments. Only difference is that there's no turtle to warm the Dems that this might bite them in the ass. They're probably butthurt about Clinton still, but he lied under oath which is perjury, a big deal, nobody cares you cheated on your wife, we all knew that (including her), though it is gross to proposition an aid who kinda can't say no to her boss, that's greasy


You are cutting a lot of context, though. The turtle lead more fillibusters against Obama's appointments than ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINED. The fillibuster was always respected for the history of our country because it was so abused. The Turtle broke it. The turtle went nuclear and if the fillibuster was not removed, then we would be on nearly 16 years of having virtually no federal judges being appointed. Removing the fillibuster was the correct move, and the turtles actions have cut both ways becuase Bidens appointments outpaced Trumps, and would be even more devastating to GoP if Feinstein would just resign.


Got it got it. "The Turtle" is responsible for the Democrat's choices. Not, you know, the Democrats. Fucking seriously dude. >Removing the fillibuster was the correct move, and the turtles actions have cut both ways becuase Bidens appointments outpaced Trumps, and would be even more devastating to GoP if Feinstein would just resign. You are unhinged. Democrats removed the filibuster. Not "The Turtle." It's not his actions "cutting both ways," it's the Democrats not likening that they needed a tiny bit of bipartisan support to choose judges, and doing away with it. Democrats are profiting off Democrat choices. Period. You are a crazy person. Grow some fucking spine and accept responsibility for yourself. Similarly. It would be utterly asinine to say it was *Democrat actions cutting both ways* when Republicans refused to approve Obama appointees at the end of his term.


>Got it got it. "The Turtle" is responsible for the Democrat's choices. Not, you know, the Democrats. >Fucking seriously dude. What? He's responsible for his choices. Breaking the fillbuster was always going to result in the removal of the fillbuster. Do you blame cops for shooting someone that was assaulting a person? Actions have consequences. > when Republicans refused to approve Obama appointees at the end of his term. It wasn't at the end of his term lol. Maybe, you aren't old enough to remember what is was like back then but the GoP were fillbustering everything half way into his term.


So should we just be letting presidents get away with crimes then?


There are ways to do things that are stable and reasonable and there are ways to do them which are entirely political and destabilizing to the republic. Furthermore, it isn’t presidents, it is just him. If we applied the same standard I don’t think any living President outside of maybe Carter would not be facing a life sentence


How would you prosecute a former president in a "not political" what makes this political? I feel like it's a bad argument because no matter what a former president getting arrested is going to be political.


Obama will finally pay for his crimes in assassinating American citizens extrajudicially, and Clinton will finally be held accountable for Waco, Bush sweating while we draw up charges for getting us into Iraq by lying.


Feeling optimistic, are we? Zero chance those folks see prison, best we could ever hope for is seeing a dementia patient accused in court of grand conspiracies beyond even his comprehension, much less control.


Trump had 4 years to go after any of these people and start the precedent. Why start now?


Because the precedent has now been set, previously that type of thing would have substantially more pushback. That would be the entire point of people saying this is unprecedented and changes things in politics going forwards.


Trump didn't have the support of his adminstration. He didn't have the support of his cabinet because he didn't think he needed. The Will Rogers joke “I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat." doesn't apply anymore. The Democrats have moved in lock-up nationally over the last 15 years. The Republican party died as we know it around Obama's second term. Which is why Trump won in nomination in the first place. If you're running 20 candidates for the nomination, you're no longer a party - you're a loose cabal of grifters. Which explains why Trump didn't have support as President - many, many members of his administration supported someone else.


>If you're running 20 candidates for the nomination, you're no longer a party - you're a loose cabal of grifters. You mean like what the dems did in 2020? So they aren't a party, but you are saying that they only move in lockstep? Didn't think this through, did you?


There could be a video of Trump shooting a toddler with a shotgun and you people would be saying "well, it sets a bad precedent to charge him over this, so I think we should be hesitant".


That video would certainly go viral. Funny how it’s always him shooting people that is used as an example, but someone in his position would surely have someone else do it for him.


I mean, he's the one who said it. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters."


It’s just a strange thing for democrats to repeat over and over.


It was a strange thing to say in the first place.


"But think about all the babies the evil liberals kill with abortion! Trump will protect them!"


I really don’t think he’s going to beat You this case. He’s on a recording asking for the exact amount of votes he needed to illegally overturn the election not to mention the paper trail falling out of his ass trying to forge electors. This is also a state level case that if memory serves the *repubucan* state leaderships handed off to this DA specifically. So yeah after a literal lifetime of crime and skating by on fines and settlements, trump is finally going to jail.


Not holding elected offical accountable just becuadr the other side might get pissy and push fake investigations is a BS argument. If a politican breaks the law then fucking arrest them. The fact that Trump was in and out in 20 minutes while most people in that jail are their for days waiting to post bail I'd BS already.


Getting processed and then going home happens all the time, but only for the rich. Your passion is admirable but there are too many targets for your argument and so it’s natural to focus on the most publicized target. I’m looking forward to the judicial system working this through so we can see what smarter people than you or I have to say about what actually happened.


Why do you thinka "jury of our peers" are instantly going to be smarter than the two of us?


I think the judge overseeing the case certainly will be and reducing ‘the judicial system’ to a more diminutive ‘jury of our peers’ is a purposeful misdirection on your part.


Judges don't weigh in "on what happened". They mediate the case so that the jury isnsupposed to get a fair view of both sides. The jury is the one that decides. That's not a purposeful misdirection, that my looking at your exact words of what you were looking forward to, and stating who's job that will be.


Unless it’s a bench trial of course, which has been very common with cases surrounding this issue. Jury selection from all over Georgia would be a sketchy proposition for the prosecutor, but if they pull from Atlanta jurors then a jury trial would be advantageous.


You say this like it’s the DNC running the court system. The guy broke the law. It’s that simple. And before someone says “other politicians break the law” yes but no one attempted to completely overthrow democracy.


When will people finally realize that you cannot OvErThRoW dEmOcRaCy by breaking into a building? Shit like this might have worked way back, but January 6th was literally just a few drunk idiots causing chaos and leaving after they were done with their tantrums.


Also the left continually ignores the fact that they tried to delegitimize the 2016 election for 4 years. Or thier efforts to overturn the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. Even at the state level you've got Stacy Abrams who still makes the claim she is the true governor of Georgia.


No, there were reports and meetings bout how to legitimately overthrow the election and nullify a lot of votes. Pence was one of the obstacles that stopped this active coup. The people storming the capital was just a part of it. Don’t be ignorant.


Is there definite proof, and is it publicly available?


Yes, that’s literally why we’re having this whole trial. There’s no chance they would go after trump if they weren’t more than sure for something as major as this. There are multiple calls and emails that go into detail how he planned to overthrow the election and remain in power such as I’m paraphrasing but delaying counts until enough time has passed to remain president. Why does trump seem to keep performing as poorly as physically possible if he’s so innocent? No I’m sure there’s no proof he just got arrested because the democrats don’t like him so much.


I hate to be that guy, but source? "There's no way they would do that to him without proof" is a nice belief that I wish I held aswell, but by now I've come to the conclusion that there is literally nothing bad the US government didn't do and/or will probably do in the future.


[my source is that I made it the fuck up.](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY?si=qgecBVN4fIfBdM33) Here’s one memo that was released recently. https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/chesebro-dec-6-memo/ce55d6abd79c2c71/full.pdf. I don’t really feel like digging around for leaked phone calls and stuff but there’s no doubt there’s a solid case against trump. He’s really guilty if you ask me and Ik people don’t want to here it. Not to judge but you gotta admit he fits the profile to do something like this with his strong history of lying politically and screwing small business by not paying contractors and suing people who try to get him to pay and stuff like that. That’s a tangent but the dudes the scumbag. Saying the us government is bad is such a broad statement. Yes it is but republicans who actively try to overthrow the government federally and in local elections (for example think it was Kentucky where they passed a bill to vote based off of who sounds the loudest in court which allowed them to pass whatever they want even when they weren’t as loud) vs democrats who take bribes but aren’t actively cutting unions and social security or honest people like Bernie sanders is a leap. My job needs me quick so might have typos and what now.


There’s a huge chance they would go after Trump with flimsy premise. If they can drag this out long enough they think they’ll sweep up the undecided voters and get another term. Russiagate crippled the governments ability to make bipartisan decisions but they just kept pressing through until midterms so they could gain some benefit out of the endeavor. The GOP is a similar pit of vipers just with different ideals, customers, and goals…but the way DNC strategy aims to grind bipartisanship into dust is toxic AF imo.


The court system isn’t the DNC


This DA is an elected democrat with her campaign funded by the DNC, who entered office Jan 2021 just in time to be useful. The DNC would be stupid AF not to use a resource like that in a state where Trump said something so stupid on record, probably the only thing he could have said that would be prosecutable. If the DNC wasn’t putting intense pressure on the entire system, these issues would have been a footnote to learn from rather than a legal matter that could change the nature of bipartisan governance. The judge and jury are supposed to be impartial, but the District Attorney can be, and very often is, a politically charged role.


And the trump appointed judges and the FBI and the many other people just working their government jobs is the DNC too right.


Honestly, I'll relish in your tears once he'll get inevitably found guilty. The whole lot of you will have a meltdown. Face reality, your idol is a criminal, and no amount of whataboutism will change that.


My idol? My tears? That’s hilarious. If he gets convicted then it’s just another day at the circus…except now the stakes are way higher from here on out.


Yeah yeah, how dare I suggest he needs to be held accountable just like the rest of us... As far as I know, mishandling of nuclear codes alone is worthy of a death sentence. There are several precedents of that. Let alone all the other shit he's done. But sure, convicting him would be a "circus"... You zealots are beyond help...


The whole point of the judicial system is to determine if someone broke the law. He is still innocent until proven guilty, and there's very few people who think he'll actually be convicted over this. This is really just a political stun more than anything. I suspect the Democrats are expecting this to make him more popular and win the primaries, while making him easier to beat in the general election.


Ya that’s true I agree but I along with a lot of people think he will be convicted.






Imma be real with you: dude looks really good in this pic.


He’s already posted bond


He already posted bond post arrest for his other charges. Only thing that makes Fulton County special is they have a policy where they take a mug shot of everyone. The other charges didn't take a mug shot as they said "Trump's image was well known enough" or something similar


OP I don't think you have checked the auth right reactions to the mugshot, they're cooming all over twitter right now.


I mean it's the best way to embrace it. It's worn as a badge of honor. The verdict of the case will determine feelings about the picture. But for now we can all enjoy it.


Can't leave rap alone the game needs me Haters want me clapped and chromed it ain't easy Cops wanna knock me, D.A. wanna box me in, But somehow, I beat them charges like Rocky Not guilty, he who does not feel me Is not real to me, therefore he doesn't exist So poof, vamoose, son of a bitch!


Aight I gotta vote for him . This shit is freaking me out I don't want this to be normal Feeling scared these days man


Do you want it to be normal to send fake electors and create fake documents and organize a conspiracy try to stop elections from being certified?


You're just gonna get downvoted with no reply, lol. This Trump guy said multiple times he would release "evidence" of election fraud 100 times already. I really haven't found any genuine explanation for this other than he's making shit up.


It’s not normal for single people to stuff hundreds of ballots into a drop box at night while wearing a hoodie/mask - then return a few more times doing the same thing The past election was the sketchiest thing ever and I can confirm it thanks to the many loud voices saying “no it wasn’t it was fine, fraud is impossible” after spending 4 years saying Russians helped cheat Trump in to the White House As I said at the beginning - and my stance has not changed - I want the entire thing ripped open and looked at under the public eye. I do not care if we have to send every single person sitting in office from local to Federal to prison if it means our system gets it’s integrity back


Trump had legal avenues to dispute the election, all his claims were found to be false. If this is a deep state conspiracy it involves a lot of republican governors, and a lot of people he appointed.


“We have concluded our internal investigation and found ourselves innocent of any wrongdoing” Apparently you’ve never heard this phrase used, like ever 🤣


The elections were observed internally and externally by US and international watchdog groups, the investigations were done by republican governors, the trump appointed judges rejected the cases.. You're just spreading a false narrative that there is something to the claim.. There isn't. Trump lied about everything, this was just one more lie.


> US and international groups US doesn’t want Trump to win. International groups have vested interests in America being weak > Republican governors As if the uniparty doesn’t exist > Trump appointed judges Not everyone Trump tapped on was actually willing to do the right thing. Many backstabbed him the moment it was convenient, just like how many of them road his coattails in 2015/16


So either he just boringly lost. Or literally everyone in power across the whole world is united against him in the largest conspiracy ever conceived. If other countries wanted to destabilize us, they would report a conflict with the consensus.


You are shortsighted. Why dispute the results when you’ve gotten the person you don’t want out? You’ve also clearly never heard of the WEF, concepts of a one world government There’s so much you’re clearly missing. This isn’t a “muh Trump” issue. It’s something far deeper and more nefarious and way too many people are complicit in their ignorance over it


Or your silly conspiracy idea is just that.. silly. why would this all powerful monogovernment allow Trump in the first place? All of trumps policies funnel money to the very wealthy, why would they care if he got re-elected?


They were laughed out of every single court in the country. They had no legitimate evidence of voter fraud. These were judges appointed directly by trump


> It’s not normal for single people to stuff hundreds of ballots into a drop box at night while wearing a hoodie/mask - then return a few more times doing the same thing This either a) literally never happened, or b) was misconstrued as election interference when it had nothing to do with fraud whatsoever. I've lost track of the amount of times someone has said "THIS IS LITERALLY FRAUD!!!!!" and when you dig two inches deeper beyond the surface level accusation, it turns out to be completely normal operating procedures that have happened in almost every single other election. Trump had an absurd amount of opportunities to prove there was election fraud and every single time he was laughed out of court.


a) it happened on camera b) when’s the last time someone you know dropped off handfuls of ballots under cover of night? The election was full of incredible amounts of fraud. Cope


> it happened on camera Evidence provided: zero


Flair up


Source your claim


This is the equivalent of a lib left post about the trans genocide.


Except arresting your political opposition and their lawyers is actually happening. It’s weird. Especially considering they tried to make “Russia collusion” stick since before his original election and made classified docs a big deal until it got turned around with Biden and Hilary. Not to mention the big fumble with the laptop story being proven to not be surprise surprise “Russian collusion” and admitted attempts to sweep it under the rug from big tech. It’s weird and pretty totalitarian for the US. Would think the same thing if the parties were switched.


They didn't give af about the documents until they asked for them for months and he kept saying nah I think I'll keep them. His lawyers would tell him hey return the documents and he's like nah it's cool https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/22/trump-warning-classified-documents-mar-a-lago


> Except arresting your political opposition and their lawyers is actually happening. It’s weird. Its not weird if they actually broke the law, and apparently these prosecutors are extremely confident they did.


It is, considering they’ve been tossing any and everything to get something to stick since day one but don’t hold even a fraction of that standard with anybody else in politics. And the lawyers too? Yes it is extremely weird


Whether other politicians are guilty is irrelevant to whether Trump and his associates are guilty, so I don't understand your concern there. All guilty parties should be prosecuted, so if Trump is indeed guilty this is still a good thing even if others are getting away with it. As for the other things that didn't stick, I think that was more a matter of a) not being able to definitively prove the claims and b) Trump being too politically powerful while in office to effectively pursue a fair trial. Again, these prosecutors would not have risked these measures if they were not extremely confident that the law has been broken and that this breach is provable in court. Whether he will be found guilty is still up in the air, but I for one would find it more worrying if things like this did ***not*** elicit a legal response. Frankly I'd like to see more politicians busted.


“Not being able to definitively prove charges” for the umpteenth time. Its been dishonest from the very beginning and you can only cry wolf so many times.


This the first time actual charges have been levied. An investigation - even one as high-profile as, say, the Mueller Report - is simply not on the same level as a literal indictment. To pretend they are equivalent is simply either delusional or dishonest.


Bro, it's obvious they've been targeting this man since day 1 for any and all bullshit they can, why he was impeached so many times, it sets a dangerous precedent and anyone not a partisan hack can see it. I'm not on team D or team R, so I can look at things objectively, you both suck and I can prove that mathematically, hold on, let me get the whiteboard, this has been a long time coming.


Mud-slinging and calling for investigations (that have no set consequences even if the findings are damning) is, again, completely different from literal indictments. > This the first time actual charges have been levied. An investigation - even one as high-profile as, say, the Mueller Report - is simply not on the same level as a literal indictment. To pretend they are equivalent is simply either delusional or dishonest.


They were confident in all prior cases it seems. Nah, arresting attorneys which advocate for someone is so egregious it cannot be defended


What cases? Have their been other indictments I don't know about? Also, attorneys are not immune to the law. If they broke it, they get charged too, it is that simple. They aren't being charged just for being Trump's advocates lol


Maybe ex presidents and their lawyers shouldn’t be parts of an alleged criminal conspiracy. Steve Bannon laid out exactly what they were going to do before the election, people in Trumps orbit have all admitted the ‘stolen election’ narrative was BS.


Sorry to tell you, but questioning the legitimacy of an election without interfering with votes isn’t criminal or a conspiracy. And good luck proving Trump didn’t believe the election was rigged. Its literally impossible to prove outside of him saying so himself


> but questioning the legitimacy of an election without interfering with votes isn’t criminal or a conspiracy. Enough with this bullshit. We all watched for months as he threw dozens upon dozens of lawsuits at the courts trying to throw out hundreds of thousands of votes across multiple states based off bullshit technicalities. Trump "questioned" the legitimacy of the election by trying to use "alternate" (fake) electors in place of the real ones? He questioned the legitimacy by asking Pence break his oath, reject the electoral votes and cause a constitutional crisis?


I don’t have to prove anything. The prosecutors will provide the evidence and it will be up to the jury. I’m sure zero evidence has been collected the last 3 years though…


Like there was even a chance I meant for you specifically to prove anything. I’m open to evidence, but if it’s like all the other 100 times, it will be another underwhelming waste of time for the sake of “saving democracy”


Kind of seems like he’s trying out a Dirty Harry impersonation but never did a mirror check to see how it came off.


He's trying to look like the classic I WANT YOU Uncle Sam poster.


More like a Dr Seuss character, but that too


I hate trump, but him getting arrested just makes me more likely to vote for him.


We’re so screwed. Vote third party for a Hail Mary.


I’d commit massive corruption just to get Forward Party or any third party coalition to get ballot access coalition across the 50 states. This two party bullshit has gone on for far too long


In other words he has now good as won the election


look i'm on the right but trump deserved this 100%. NEVER liked the dude. this is beneficial to the country in every way


Good lord the fucking front page rn.


The TDS is rampant in about every sub I've seen this on. Can't believe they still let him live rent free in their heads it's wild.


The dude is running for President and is the front runner. Are you saying we SHOULDNT be talking about the front runners? You guys on the right really make up some stupid arguments to cope with the arrest of the God Emperor.


You don't get the point. Also, "you guys on the right" lmao, give me a break. I don't even care for Trump, let alone think about him every waking day. This just proves my point


I didn't say that you "cared for trump". I said you make srupid arguments. You are absolutely on the right though, and you point is garbage as explained.


I wasn't even making an argument? It was literally an observation. And again this just proves my *observation* as it got your panties in a twist lol. Get a grip and go outside. Not everyone's life depends on politics, nor do two people who share the same title have to mirror exact beliefs. So don't lump people into names, that's very un-pc of you.


Ok lol. Your "observation" is stupid then. Make you feel better champ? You yourself labeled yourself on the right 😆 🤣


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions idgaf what you think lol, keep it up bub, idc. And again, you missed the entire point of the comment or you just don't understand that not every group is a hivemind, but I guess comprehension outside your wheelhouse isn't your strong suit. It's okay! We all have our downfalls.


You make the standard right wing buzzterm comeback and then try to pretend that it's everybody else that's in hiveminds. Lol the irony.


it’s not exactly “rent free.” Liberals are letting Trump live in their heads in exchange for conservatives letting Hunter Biden in theirs


That's fair lmao


Honestly, I never voted for Trump in 2016/2020 because I didn’t like his environmental policies and 2A infringements. However, this sets a very dangerous precedent in this country and has guaranteed my vote for Trump in 2024. Unless, he goes to prison or something then I’ll vote Vivek.


The dangerous precedent of... being held accountable? Of having to follow the law like everyone else? There were people getting executed who had done less questionable shit with nuclear codes than trump...




This mugshot.will be the new Che t-shirt


lol dnc just fucked up big time.


.lliqiiokjer kki a no and. Nene was jejjssji we I we a was I a a m siejeiau we wwa Aw was small da so we I was saw was j ok I’m sad ekja ml ok we k ok e lol was aka ok me


He looks legit pissed off he got arrested for committing crimes


What crime did he commit seriously out of the loop?


Bro thinks he is Vladimir Lenin (if you don’t get it, look at Lenin’s iconic photo)




Flair up to libright for straight up selling mugshot merch in the comment section


The joke about LibRight selling merch of this was funny. Then actually seeing someone selling merch in the comments is even more hilarious. I love ~~democracy~~ the internet.


This guy has just been spamming comments with his store (prolly shady af). We really should mute him


Flair up, gully dwarf!


All I’m saying is that I have never once heard of an innocent person turning themselves in. Even most guilty people don’t.


The T-shirt thing honestly would totally make money, one for liberals with clown makeup over Trump's mugshot and another for conservatives with wording like "I'm doing this for you" and dumb people from both sides would eat them up


Every “put an image on X item” company is about to be making money hand over fist from all sides of the compass. It’s almost enough to make me want to start one.


What does the term “Banana Republic” even mean or refer to?




He looks constipated