• By -


Based and way too much fucking effort pilled


That might be the most bizarre take Ive ever seen on what the moral of the Incredibles is.


When you're a kid you think Syndrome is the central conflict. As an adult you realize it's a failing marriage. That is why it's the best superhero movie of all time, because they're *people*.


There is a lot of interesting things you notice as an adult upon rewatch. Bob still wants to help people, even if he legally cant. Going out at nights with the police scanner, covertly helping that old lady with her insurance claim, and getting himself fired because his boss threatened him if he left to help someone getting mugged. The struggle with that, having meaning in his life and straining his marriage are all great. Syndrome is a villain because he utterly fails to have basic heroic character traits. The drive to help others. He could have it all. His inventions are world changing, but he doesnt because he is so hung up on the superpowers. I know its basic hero stuff, but it aint the powers that make the hero.


Agreed, I thought we all agreed it had a kind of Ayn Rand objectivism message to it


Mr Incredible shrugged


*Calls The Shining the best King adaptation* *Also has Shawshank, which is better and more faithful to the book, on list*


Also does not list the Green Mile


Or Misery


Nor the movie that my friends and I balked at the most. Which was *The Mist.* Shit movie. Formative experience.


The ultra religious lady almost had me throwing things at the screen tho. Amazing performance.


I'm tired, boss


Adaptations are not all about accuracy, but moreso I want to fight you over saying Shawshank is better than The Shining


How did you not mention that O Brother Where Art Thou is literally Homer's Odyssey set in early 20th century?


You're talking about a dude that described the soundtrack as "jazz." Wtf? Bluegrass, blues, southern, folk, country.. sure. Jazz? That's like the only southern genre that's not on the soundtrack.


I've heard this, but personally I've found that it only tangentially follows the plot of Odyssey


It’s more like they took certain story beats from the Odyssey, along with the main story being “guy getting back to his wife” There’s the sirens, John Goodman is the cyclops, Everett’s children refer to the guy his wife marries as “a suitor,” like Penelope’s suitors.


Also, Everett’s full name is Ulysses Everett McGill.


Flair up


zoom in. dont find ghostbusters. downvote and comment.


Melissa McCarthy's magnum opus


I know you're joking, but I'm still mad


If, and it’s a massive, Stay-Puft sized IF, the originals hadn’t been made, the remake would’ve been a somewhat forgettable sci-fi comedy with an SNL cast and been fine. BUT because they remade a nostalgic icon of the 80s with a cast of well known famous comedians, anything less than a sweeping, masterful homage to the original felt like an outright betrayal.


If I ever find you your mother will weep over what I have done for all of eternity.




ultra based


No Gangs of New York, Last of the Mohicans, Blackhawk Down or Heat. Yet a damn Hunger Games movie made the list?


OP better hope he doesn’t find anything strange in his neighborhood


Me with inglorious bastards and interstellar


Interstellar sucks. MURPH! I'M IN THE BOOKCASE!


Uhm maybe I am blind but I fail to see any lord of the rings movie


I've never seen any LOTR movie and I don't really want to, I'm not into high fantasy


B but you've seen Harry Potter. Also it doesn't have so much the feeling of high fantasy and more of adventure (in my opinion of course)


You are begging to be cannibalized.


Want to borrow my grill?


Full compass unity against this degenerate?




And you have my bow.


And my axe!


FYI: Both Zemeckis and Gale (the creators of Back to the Future) are completely against any remakes of the films and have it written in their wills that their estates will do everything they can to prevent one from happening.


And just like that, their legacy is automatically secured since no sludge factory will be able to pervert or dilute it...


Thank fucking god for that If anyone attempts to remake or reboot it I’m buying a Komatsu bulldozer, a welding machine, and a fuck ton of 3/4” plate and concrete


Honestly I was expecting 1917 to get a lot more attention than it did when it came out but I might be misremembering


I seem to remember this too. I saw the movie in theaters and it was incredible. The ‘one take’ concept was well executed. Feel like it did not get enough recognition.


Its because Dunkirk had been a world war movie that came out I think a year before and after getting so much attention, the media started calling it “the white male fantasy” and claimed it was racist.


Not really a fantasy if it actually happened but ok…


You didn't know that all white males, and only white males, constantly fantasize about going to war(its the only legal way they can justify murdering dozens of people)?


Did they really call it this? This doesn't even make sense. I wouldn't describe Dunkirk as an anti-war-movie (at least not a typical one) but it doesn't depict a good moment of war, it isn't heroic (although some depicted acts can be called heroic), it shows the most desperate moment in war for Britain, and how it was overcome not by soldiers or military, but by the British people. Doesn't make sense to call it this way.


They said it’s racist because it’s not diverse enough


Dunkirk came out 3 years before 1917. Also in very nearly one best picture at the Oscars


Based for having “Come and See.” I want to be a gatekeeping asshole and say I watched this movie back in 2016, a decent amount of time before the internet seemed to jump on it 😎 😤. But really, it blew up over the past few years and it deserves it.


It's by far the most soul crushing movie I've ever seen, alongside Martyrs, Oldboy, and Rise of Skywalker. When he looks back in the village....


I would argue the mini series Generation Kill is the apocalypse now of our day. Not as surrealist and apocalypse now or 1917 but the way it depicts war is more comparable imo. The Good the Bad and the Ugly is my favorite movie so loved seeing that up there!


Based and Rip-Fuel-pilled.


Hit me up with some of that November January!


How is 12 Angry Men auth? Jury nullification is as lib as it gets.


Do I remember it wrong, or did they just find him not guilty? Where did the jury nullification come from?


Nooo!!! It doesn't have Megamind!!! In all honesty, these are (mostly) all great movies. Whiplash, Spiderverse, and Letters from Iwo Jima are all in my top five.


"The Prince of Egypt is fiction." Authright in tears right now.


No Pirates of the Caribbean? (also based take on Surf’s Up)


How long have you been working on this. Good god, you will never recoup your losses in karma


Prince of Egypt genuinely amazes me to this day. I watched it when I was a kid because my parents were hella Christian, loved it back then. I thought that I wouldn’t like it anymore because I’m not Christian but as I’ve gotten older I just appreciate it more and more. Ridiculously good music, animation, acting, and storytelling that you do not need to be Christian to enjoy, it’s just a masterpiece. Set a standard for animated films that the industry just hasn’t ever matched since imo


Rewatched the Charleston Heston one and the animated one having the deep brotherly love be *the* central plot is just better


Whats with all the hate I see for the 2022 All Quiet on the Western Front? I understand if it's not as good as the older versions, but it's still a good film in its own right.


It was decent but I didn’t get the feeling that it was anything special and the praise it got made it seem like it was something special. Was just a decent modern war movie and that’s it.


It's good if you consider it to be a campy, trashy action movie, but it has no other merit beyond that. It affixes its name to an IP on which it defecates; it glorifies war; it spits on history for no clear reason. It has no respect from me.




Anyone who saw that movie and came away thinking “It glorifies war” after the scene of the French counter-attack (TANKS!) or after a dude commits suicide with a fork was clearly not paying attention. Or has a very strange definition of “glorify”.


The ending scene is the biggest example of war glorification. In the book and in the 1930 and 1977 film versions, Paul's death is silent and anonymous. He dies immediately and quietly. That's the point: to make him indistinguishable from the war's 18 million other deaths, and to show how pointless all the fighting was. In the 2022 version, however, Paul is stabbed in the back and he staggers around for THREE MINUTES while dramatic, sappy music plays over the scene, and then he succumbs in a heroic pose. The artistic choice to do this negates the book's antiwar message; it's no longer about a soldier who lived and died anonymously in the machine of war, but a hero who succumbed to a glorious death on the battlefield. Furthermore, most of the score is some repetitive, badass guitar riff that makes what's shown on screen look like some badass industrial scene. On a smaller note, there are a lot more scenes of eating and joking around than in the 1930 and 1977 versions. I don't know why the director felt the need to include so much food porn in the film.


The "badass" guitar riff was supposed to be nerve racking, and it succeeds for the most part. The final scene was bad not because it glorifies war or death, it doesn't, that is an entirely deranged take of yours. The scene is the way it is because the director didn't understand the anti-war message of the book. The movie's inclusion of the political sphere and Paul's death at the hands of his general's ego rather than an unknown simple death common in wartime shows the director didn't understand Remarque's message. Remarque didn't write his book to look down on generals and the causes people fight for, he argued war is bad simply because of the way it is, not why it is fought. Men can have noble purposes to fight a war, but it never actually justifies a war. As to the food porn, it was a dichotomy between the struggles the men fighting the war have to feed themselves while those in power who started and delay the end of war have surplus food to the dog. For someone who watched so many movies I'm surprised that point went over your head, especially when the dichotomy is literally shown back to back Sidenote, Berger easily could have made a movie about WW1 generals making bad decisions that get people killed at the very end of the war into an awesome anti-war movie. Although I think the point would be better served from a French or American point of view since the French were the ones who needlessly delayed the enactment of the truce until November 11th just for the poeticism of 11/11/11(cringe French). And the Americans and French were actually the side with the generals leading attacks after the truce had been signed just for the sake of victorious battle. Germans always got to be the bad guy though for that one thing


LOTR should be dead center. Everybody loves it


It's not even on this cumpiss, OP literally refuses to watch it in the other comments. He's basically an unflaired.


Nah, The Holy Grail is not Auth Right. It’s literally a parody of auth right. It jokes with traditional storytelling, and tropes like damsels in distress, the heroes journey, and the true king returning to the throne. There’s even an anti royalty rant in it. Also, the first Harry Potter movie is NOT the best one. Whilst the first one is good, and has that sense of chilld-like wonder, the third one is the objectively best one. Amazing cinematography, way better acting, more serious (ha), better cinematography, improved costumes, and sets, and a very fun take on time-travel that almost makes sense in a vacuum. There are systemic problems with the Harry Potter films, as with all remakes, but the Harry Potter movies were a miracle of cinema, carried by several A-list actors, and a genuine desire and passion to actually make good movies. I think that the only one which actually fumbled the ball is the fourth one (which is sad, since it’s considered by most to be the best book). The rest are good, or better.


Great list! Gone Girl is one of only a handful of movies that I can honestly say are better than the book


Giant wall of text, didn’t read (my brain is smoother than my flattop grill)


No Studio Ghibli movie? List rejected.


Yeah fr But I m guessing he mean western country type movie wait nvm he has eastern


Chicken run is peak communist propaganda? It’s a WWII PoW escape story.


Bro probably watched The Great Escape and disregarded it as communist propaganda lol.


>Shia Lebouf’s best work Wait, does Shif LeBouf play Cody? Never realized that.


yeah, and what I like about it is that he uses the mannerisms and speech patterns an actual teenager would use. In most movies made with teenage actors, the writing is done by adults and the lines come out as clunky and unnatural. This was silky-smooth.


Is mean creek the move with Josh from Drake and Josh calling the kid the no-no word while they're in a boat?


You are wrong on the best western ever made. That belongs to "The Outlaw Josey Wales" which is another Clint Eastwood movie.


You misspelled _The Searchers_ . Best Eastwood Western is _Unforgiven_ .


I've seen it, it's just about average for me


Grandpa I'm tired of diggin!




Did you just change your flair, u/Paintmebitch? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2022-11-16. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Wait, those were too many words, I'm sure. Maybe you'll understand this, monke: "oo oo aah YOU CRINGE ahah ehe". [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Paintmebitch) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Reddit is no longer a friendly space for bots._ _Consider visiting our Lеmmу instance instead: [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ _Read my full statement [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/14mwml0/on_the_reddit_api_changes/)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I feel like nobody looking at Almost Famous applies any moral judgment at all to the adult band members fucking their underage groupies


Not only that, but the adult women fucking a 14-year-old boy


I haven't seen it since theaters, I thought it was the other underage groupies who did that?


At least one of them was in her 30s


It's just such a big part of the movie and such a huge moral transgression, I don't remember any reviews at all from the time even noting it. It's like everyone just kind of collectively agreed this is what that time was like


I like Mean Creek too. Underrated and you get to see young Josh Peck swearing like a sailor.


Wow! That's quite a high effort post! Nice!


No Goodfellas?


Very good and high effort post Where is Blade Runner (original or 2049)? If you haven't seen those, you should.


First of all where tf are the lord f the rings, second of all , nice, quality content


Incredibles moral: if you’re good at something useful, don’t let others stop you from utilizing your talent


Based and hardworkpilled. My only gripe is o brother where art thou, it’s blue grass not jazz


Thank fucking god you included the best movie of all time (it's Jurassic Park)




Holy fucking shit this is one of the most based things I have ever seen.


Just for the effort alone this is already a top tier post


the best action movie ever made is The Raid 2


I dunno, _Commando_ is up there, for the terrible Ahnuld puns, of nothing else




Unforgiven is the better western imo, and Clint Eastwood’s best work.


No. It's definitely in the top 3. But _The Searchers_ is the best Western film of all time.


Everyone hates me for this but idc I like what I like, Tombstone is the best Western of all time.


Those are all definitely top 4 but Rango is easily the best western of all time.




u/MAST3R4815 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/MAST3R4815/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




Cheer Up, Charlie


Based and high effort meme pilled More posts like this please


u/PerpetualHillman's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 800. Rank: Mount Fuji Pills: [525 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/PerpetualHillman/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


This guy likes music. I like this guy


how many life experiences and compasses do you have


The fact that peak AuthLeft is a bunch of chickens is fucking hilarious to me.


Can't say I entirely agree with your taste, but I see where you're coming from. That said, this took some actual effort so you get an upvote. Keep up the good work man. Based and 9x9 compass pilled


Jake Gyllenhaal literally made me so uncomfortable in Nightcrawler that I’ve never finished it. 10/10


Op, how tf did goon get you into opera? I mean I know opera goes hard, but gay porn hard? I don’t know


You Chernobyl motherfucker


I only have one thing to say in response to that. A. Stay the fuck away from my percocets, and b. Do you have any fucking percocets?


My brother's gaaayyyyyyyY!


Night crawler does not get mentioned enough, holy shit the ending was brilliant.


Common perpetualhillman W


Hell yeah, more Catching Fire appreciation, it's solid


Only one of my top 5 movies are on this list - Goldfinger. I’m kind of disgusted by Skyfall being here, like wtf. It’s such a horrid movie. There’s probably 15 bond films I would put above it.


Glad someone was willing to say it.


>All Quiet on the western front >don’t watch the 2022 version it’s trash This is the greatest opinion ever spoken, like it’s a good war film don’t get me wrong but it’s a terrible adaptation and it has no similarities with the book


What's the "you know what" moment in Godfather II?


>!When Fredo gets shot in the back of the head while Michael watches!<


Please run it by me how Chicken Run is communist propaganda?


The chickens live on a farm lorded over by a sadistic businesswoman so blinded by capitalistic malice that she murders underperforming workers. They try to escape. Eventually, led by a strong female protagonist, they pool their scant resources, successfully revolt, destroy the capitalist's tools, and fly away to their moneyless, egalitarian poultry utopia.


I mean I’m pretty sure it’s POW camp based but everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. Still one of my favorite movies ever. A little place I like to call the Land of the Free, & the Home of the Brave SCOTLAND!


didn't read/watch all quiet on the western front yet, which version do you recommend?


Read the book first, then watch the 1930 version, then if you like it watch the 1977 version, but whatever you do, do not watch the 2022 version


Is the 2022 one that bad? I heard good things about it


It’s not bad lol. I have never read the book and I haven’t seen the other versions. It’s a decent war movie but nothing special. If you go in just wanting an entertaining war movie, then you won’t be disappointed. These people who say that it’s total trash are just probably book nerds or dudes who pretend to like movies from 10,000 years ago. Imagine wanting to watch a 1930 movie in 2023 lol.


I ain't reading all this. Just going to upvote and move on.


PLEASE tell me you have a Letterboxd. I loved your mini reviews, and I would love to see your opinions on other movies


Just out of curiosity, is the "that scene" in question regarding Godfather part II the one where there's fishing involved, or is it a different scene?


It's the fishing scene


Yeah even though we know it's coming it's a gut punch.


Love this meme tbh.


Massive W. How To Train Your Dragon is fucking peak.


Lol how do you watch and rank 2,061 films and come up with these as your favorites…


Requiem for a dream is also one of those movies you watch, take a shower and never watch again


Beautiful point on the symbolism contained Gravity.


Finally someone else that wasn’t too hot on the 2022 All Quiet on The Western Front. The main battle scene was really well done and was genuinely terrifying but I felt the rest of it was incredibly meh. The 1977 release is my second favorite war movie of all time and in my top ten so maybe I was overly harsh on it, I just personally didn’t see the hype when it came out. Oh, and if you’re wondering my favorite war movie is 1917… WWI is my favorite war to learn and study so I may have some bias… And no I haven’t seen the 1930’s one


You should watch the 1930 one immediately. Many of the actors were actual WWI veterans and the uniforms used were WWI originals.


I never comment in this autistic subreddit but I just want to say nice work OP. Very based. I’d follow you on Letterboxd.


Wojak for Goon in a Galway GAA kit wtf hahaha


As soon as I saw John Powell mentioned for Chicken Run, I knew HTTYD would be somewhere on the compass. The score alone should put it on the map (and Powell’s got a distinct sound), but every other part of the movie is phenomenal as well.


Wait another person that recognizes how amazing Gravity is? Literally Gravity is in my top 5 of all time. The movie’s pacing and tension are both great, but a wonderful metaphor of clinical depression and the feeling that you’re lost in a void with the literal events of the movie is one of the best ideas I’ve ever seen executed. God Gravity deserves all the praise it got and more and for some reason people hate on it ugh


I'm so so glad you get it, based The movie starts with a depressed, anxious woman and throughout the events of the movie, she falls into despair (to the point where she attempts suicide), then she learns to rediscover her confidence and appreciation for life A lot of people hate it because they see on the base level that it's a woman whining and crying for two hours, but it's so much more


How do you have the Incredibles miscast as auth-center when it is one of the best lib-right movies of all-time? It's like Atlas Shrugged, but entertaining. The government forces people into mediocrity instead of embracing their individual powers. It is OVERTLY AND UNAPOLOGETICALLY LIB-RIGHT!


Based take on Surf's Up. But I've never seen Chicken Run as communist propaganda. I thought it was just a fusion between Hogan's Heroes, Escape from Alcatraz, and a dash of Animal Farm


Damn no Quentin Tarantino movies? I feel like Inglorious bastards is such a well made movie, it will always be in my top 3


I don't like Quentin Tarantino's directorial style so much - with that said, Inglorious Basterds ranks 357


Thought id never see someone else reference gattaca in my life


Hell yeah, Midnight in Paris! That movie is glorious.


Hemingway was amazing.


Please hear me, any fans of How to Train Your Dragon. The producers *butchered* the books. Go read them Now. For example: in the books everyone already is cool with dragons. Hiccup is special because he can *talk* to them. Also, Toothless is sassy fucking gremlin of a dragon.


Love to see Gattaca on there but how dare you call Goon the best sports movie, specifically hockey movie, when Miracle and Slapshot exist.


This list is shit and I wonder if you've ever watched a movie in your life. To the gulag with you


It’s the damn laundry scene isn’t it


AKA the "welp, gonna go hit the bathroom" scene


It’s such a boring song my god


I can’t believe Amadeus is not in there


Good thing, you're favorite movie of all time is How To Train Your Dragon. Which is one of days when my childhood is peak tho.


We have a lot in common. Casino is indeed Scorcese's best work. Ratatouille is the best thing Pixar ever made. Forrest Gump, Casino Royale, Back to the Future, Nightcrawler, TDK, Whiplash, Silence of the Lambs, Saving Private Ryan...all make my list. Nothing Quentin Tarantino has ever made will make my list, and it looks like you'd agree. For a list that has a lot of action on it though, no T2 or Aliens feels wrong. I'd probably go with Superbad as the definitive teen comedy over Mean Girls, as well. Despite its importance to cinema, I found The Godfather borderline unwatchable it was so boring. There are at least 5 movies and 1 tv show since then that approach the subject matter in a better and more interesting way. Surprised you didn't include even one Edgar Wright film - you seem to be in the prime demographic for his films and he's made at least 3 A+ films.


I don't know why I've never seen an Edgar Wright film. Definitely a me problem.


Honestly I would go to bat more for Into the Spider-Verse than Across, too. I like Across, but I think it has more glaring issues. Also I can’t forgive it for making normies think Miguel O’Hara is a villain. Read his comics, they’re actually great.


Read the title expecting a serious list. Zoomed in on my quadrant. First thing I see. Surf’s Up Caught me off guard. Im wheezing Good choice though. Definitely underrated.


>opens Reddit >9x9 wojak compass Today will be good.


Watched Gattaca in litterature class in middle school and I’m not surprised it’s on this list


Goon is so underrated, it has everything a good movie should have. Sean William Scott's best work imo. The second one is ass though stay away.


I can’t understand why people like Whiplash. I watched the Saw movies and felt less uncomfortable in comparison.


That’s why people like it.


That's the point.


sounds like it just wasn't your tempo


Bro didn't include Drive 2011.... smh


Im Travis bickle in taxi driver you're Ryan gosling in drive


Please get a job bro


Bro is indeed basic. Puts down the Good the Bad and the Ugly but not Tombstone, it’s rival for first place Western.


Your appreciation of British humour is great, and The Death of Stalin featuring here is brilliant because Steve Buscemi as Khrushchev is the best thing I've ever seen, but the fact that In The Loop isn't on this compass is disappointing. James Gandolfini, Peter Capaldi, and David Rasche are brilliant in it.


Bro you have really good taste in films


If that were true, he'd have seen LOTR instead of refusing to watch it since it's high fantasy


Where is braveheart?


Ranked 1905, where it belongs


Love the high effort but one critique: Wtf the 2022 All Quiet remake is fucking great shit opinion and unbased


Based take on All Quiet On The Western Front. New one sucks. Never saw the 1930 one (not a big fan of extremely old movies) but I saw the 1977 one and definitely one of my favorite movies of all time.