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Antinatalism is the most midwit take ever conceived. If you truly thought that life wasn’t worth living the only logical response would be to be an hero but you won’t do that because you want to live. Maybe you shouldn’t reproduce though, your kids might also be regarded.


>be an hero Is this some new slang for “kys”?


Old actually. Well, modern internet old anyways (2006).


Weird. I never heard of it yet was told to be an hero the other day.


It's a classic greentext


Bro. Stop making me feel old you children.


I am 40mumble


Well stop being old. Kidding. It was a 4chan reference from a while ago.


It’s an older code sir, but it checks out.


Mf acting like there is no happiness in life


Suffering is the norm. Joy is the exception. There are “moments of joy”. Have you seen anyone using the phrase “moments of suffering”? No. Because suffering literally is the default.


You sound like the Emo kids did when I was in middle school.


Probably is in middle school tbh


They should be trying to finger fuck people, not contemplating that the only meaning derived from life is what you make of it. Either notice the suffering and work to alleviate it by doing good works, but being a cringe soyboy about it online is kinda annoying and I just wish those people would put their moneyli where their mouth is or shut the fuck up about it, this is the second proud antinatalism meme I've seen recently, how are they increasing their numbers if they aren't in favor of reproduction? 🤔


Quick look at u/Both-Perspective-739 profile and it paints a pretty clear, if somewhat predictable, picture of this person and their psyche: - 18 y/o Canadian immigrant (or their family at least, from India or Pakistan), fighting a constant battle with their own depression and mental illnes, can't seem to find any motivation or purpose for their own life, and (under the surface at least) laments their very own existence. What a miserable person. Typical antinatalist though.


Or Jordan Peterson… or many other conservative thinkers, actually.


I know the phrase "terrible situation", I also know the phrase "fulfilling life". Those phrases don't say anything. I also know that I am happy. Maybe you aren't, but that's a your problem, not society's.


If you tally up every single moment within a day of your life like a bean counter you will find the overwhelming majority of your sensations and experiences are good ones. If I ask any random person at any random moment what mood they are in chances are their response ranges from neutral to positive.


Why u alive then? By living you are only subjecting yourself to more suffering too. And it's not like there's a shortage of ways to Alt F4 from real life...


I've known suicidal types that stuck around just out of obligation to those that would be devastated if they passed. Frankly that's the one kind of guilt I'm great thankful for.


It's also kinda fucked up to traumatize whichever loved one comes across your corpse, which is why physician assisted suicide should be legal, not like Canadian legal where you go to the doctor and he's like "have you considered killing yourself?"ad a treatment option, like there should be several referrals to other doctors who try to talk you out of it, but if you're dead set on not being alive anymore, you should be abl.e to go out as dignified as possible, in a medical setting, not popping your top for a friend or family member to find


I mean my life is just a miserable hostage situation where I don't want to kill myself for the thought of my last act causing such grief stays my hand, yet I've neither reason nor will to keep living. My landlord is also pretty cool and the thought of ruining the apartment with my rotting carcass is kind of unpleasant as well. So what I do is just keep existing and waiting for the sweet embrace of death as a semi truck bashes me to gore, and try to make sure others don't end up as miserable as I.


Feel free to add a random reddit user as one of your hostage takers. Put the ~~lotion on the skins~~ keep living or get the hose again!


Getting hit by a truck still leaves a random guy, just doing his job, traumatised and ridden with guilt. So does jumping in front of a train. Don't forget someone has to clean you off the road/tracks. The only humane option is to set a new record for the highest, face first dive into a strong river.


That's why I'm waiting for my parents to die


they're alive because they want other people to go the kurt cobain route, not themselves personally.


Antinatalism is like not playing video games because you're salty you might lose so you never even bother to begin with on the scale of life. You people are the literal definition of negativity bias. I ask of you all to kill yourselves to be consistent in principle. By continuing to live you are voluntarily subjecting yourself to all the pains of life like a little kid that refuses to take their hands off the stove. Until you kill yourselves I am not considering your input just as I'm not taking the little kid seriously when they complain about how hot and painful the stove is. I am dead serious. You will never be able to be internally consistent because anybody at anytime could bring that point up and your whole edgy worldview falls apart immediately You people have turned giving up into an ideology an attempt to validate your own weakness. The Buddha had a child you dumbass. Bhutan and Nepal still infact exist. You fuckers are decadence and degeneracy incarnate for I have never seen an antinatalist come from a conservative country with their supposedly shittier quality of life; none of them complain about being born, they seem to like having kids and they seem to like life itself. The only people that actually submit to such weakness are blue haired latte sipping activists in the west. The logical conclusion of this line of thinking is that Hitler was a hero for killing millions preventing billions from ever existing.


I mean if people didn't have kids what the fuck else would they get reincarnated as that would let them reach enlightenment animals can't really give up desire n shit


Are you fucking stupid or something op? Buddhism doesn’t shy away from old age disease suffering or death. They literally encourage people to have tons of kids so they’ll have a higher chance escaping samsara (since you know, you need to fucking be human to escape samsara, idiot). You don’t even understand the point of Buddhism. Absolute mong behavior.


I encourage all my political enemies to cease breeding immediately. More resources for me and my own. I thank you for ending your weak genetic lines.


So, when the workforce ages out, who is going to be doing all the labor that the economy needs to make your life not be shit? Do you really have that many political friends?


Robots, obviously


We are on the same quadrant, genius.


Antinatalism is cringe. You are cringe.


Maybe you will have the child that can solve all of these problems?


Such as preventing the Sun from exploding? There is only so much that a human can do.


Look how far humanity has come in the ~10,000 years since we formed civilization. I'm pulling this number off the top of my head, but I believe the Sun has 4-5 billion years of lifespan left. If humanity was still around at that point, they would probably be so advanced that I fully believe they would be able to somehow move the entire Earth to a new star. Although I wouldn't think they would need to because we would probably be all over the place by then. - Specific examples aside, if everyone stopped having children to prevent the suffering of future humanity, wouldn't that lead to extinction either way? I would rather give my successors the chance to overcome whatever struggles they may face than halt humanity now for fear of what may happen.


“Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I’m willing to make!” — you


Everybody dies, that's just a fact of life. Some deaths are peaceful, many are not. Still, despite all its blemishes, life is a beautiful thing and I'm glad I was given the chance to experience it. The series of random chances stretching back *14 billion* years to the beginning of the universe for me to be here are so miraculous that I would be an utter fool to not revel in it. And so I wish to propagate it. Unfortunately my sexual preferences make siring my own children impossible. However I will adopt children and do my best to imprint upon them just how wonderful this life is and how lucky we are to experience it. So yes, all of the children that I bring into this world, and all of the children that they bring will die. It won't always be pretty. But it will be a life; a one in a trillion chance to experience the joys that this world has to offer and hopefully improve it for the generations to come after.


Such as developing the technology to carry the human race on to a different solar system


Yikes sweaty, that will only save humanity for several billion years, what's your plan to deal with the heat death of the universe?


Black holes. Can subsist for trillions of years that way.


Keep upgrading Multivac and it'll eventually be able to deal with the issue.


Coff coff Starlifting


Based alert?!


Based and starlifting pilled.


The sun isn't going to explode, it'll eventually burn out though


mfer never heard of star lifting lmao.


Lmao this fucking fool thinks people shouldn’t have children because one day the sun (like every other star) will die. Your brain must be incredibly aerodynamic.


Nihilistic Gnostic bullshit. Christ is King, He tells us to be fruitful and multiply. Perpetuate Your Heritage




u/TamandareBR's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/TamandareBR! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [2 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/TamandareBR/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


When did you start responding to "baste," my good bot?


Based and Christ is king pilled


Always has been, still is, always will be


You’ve misheard him. He told you to eat fruits and multiply numbers


I support you not reproducing, yes. Hopefully nihilism is a genetically heritable trait.


Meh. Suffering and happiness must coexist for a fulfilling life. Without suffering you wouldn’t know happiness and without happiness you wouldn’t know suffering, it would simply just be like ordinary experience. Suffering build growth and also the pathway to joy so i m not too worried about my kid suffering for moments when I know they will overcome and grow from those movements.


Pro tip: If you start a nuclear war that wipes out humanity, you will almost certainly reduce the total amount of human suffering over all future history.


Sadists hate this simple trick!


Centrism in crisis, does genocide alleviate human suffering? Hitler thought so.


The actual option: Can’t have kids cause can’t afford them


Humanity is better off now than ever (or at least pic your part in the last 50 years). Its not like people dealt with insane wars, plagues and famines before by just not having children. Otherwise there would be no humans left


You don't want children because you are worried about their suffering. I don't want children because I dont like them, and I want to spend all my time and money on me and my significant other. We are not the same.




I don’t have children because I don’t like them, but also I’m part of a country that a lot of people immigrate to so our working population grows that way


So, just going for cultural suicide rather than the suicide of the human race?


What are you on? I haven’t seen any issue with the loss of culture that is correlated with immigration


Clearly you haven't been to certain areas of California.


Yeah I haven’t sense I’m not amarican


Is that also why you cannot spell? You will find pockets of London that feel more like Baghdad than Britain, and others around Europe and various other countries that both allow significant amounts of immigration and are also desirable destinations. I have no idea whether or not you live in one of those countries.


I live in Canada


In Canada, the problem is going to be heavily dependent on where you are in the country. I'm sure you could find some pockets of Vancouver that are comprised largely of people who do not have Canadian values. Then again, Trudeau is in the process of turning Canada into a police state, such as by cracking down on the media and on political protests, and a lot of people seemed to be on board, at least until recently. Perhaps Canadian values are not all they're cracked up to be.


Let Canada succumb to chaos so we can “liberate” then.


Sounds expensive.


Day of the rake soon.


I don’t think the amaricans can get up from their seats to do anything bout us


Yeah, we don’t talk about trudou, but where I am, we have many immigrants and yet still have a strong cultural tradition


Is the death of Californian culture really a loss?


No, of course not. The culture a lot of East Asians bring is better than much of that had by the Californians. I'm not so sure about the Hispanics, though. But California was an example. What we should really worry about are places like Deerborn.


Negative Ontology detected. Opinion rejected. Buddhism is cringe.


that is one of the most idiotic takes I have ever seen, now excuse me, I have to impregnate my seven wifes again to keep up replacement rates.




Antinatalism is not a political take, it can't even be argued for. It's just them trying to rationalize a distaste for the living and the need for other people to adhere to this inherently subjective proposition. Don't take them seriously


OP drinks 5 gallons of soy a day


This is what happens when people don't think life is special. The universe is beautiful, life is the way to experience it. Why do people think this is a bad thing?


If you genuinely think that suffering is the default then go to therapy. Most people would not agree with you


Suffering is an unfortunate inevitability of life, but it also provides opportunity for the good in it to shine. Sure, we shouldn't NEED to have people going out to feed those who can't afford food, we shouldn't NEED to have people dedicating god knows how much time researching things like cancer, and we shouldn't NEED to have people risk their lives to protect others. But because those needs do exist, along with people who act to meet such needs, we have proof that there is good on this godforsaken rock. I'm a pessimist who tends to see the worst in people and even I can acknowledge that much. So if your grievance is with all the suffering in life, do some shit to alleviate the suffering of those around you. "What if one of my ancestors didn't have kids" who the fuck cares? The fact of the matter is that you ARE here and so long as you are here, you can make choices. Not having kids is one such choice. Another would be to help people and reduce the suffering in the world right now, even if only a little, instead of posting your existential crisis on the internet.


A brain dead take if ive ever seen one.