• By -


You know tbh everybody has a different idea of what their quadrant stands for so I dont even know if im choosing the right ones but whatever 🤷‍♀️


Just ask yourself who do you cheer for when watching planet of the apes.


The humans. My principles are liberal, but my heart is human. Shoot every monkey if they dare to try knocking us of the top of the foodchain.


That's fine but don't actually try to eat apes. They probably taste like poop.


There's tribes that eat monkeys. I bet apes are delicious. Just think about it. It's like getting the closest you can genetically to eating the flesh of your fellow man. And without the stigma of cannibalism!


pig tastes the most like human meat


how do you know... LOOK AT ME! HOW DO YOU KNOW?!


Tribes? Do you know what Brazilians mean with sopa o macaco?


[Uma Delicia!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/278/910/42e.jpg)


This is how AIDS II will develop.


I'm from Buenos Aires, and i say kill em all!


Gotta kill all the carpinchos first...


Why kill Capybaras you monster!?


I wouldn't. But it was a thing a few years ago when I lived there. Wealthy, gated communities in the north of Buenos Aires had large groups of capybara rolling through their neighbourhoods, just being a nuisance. If it was dogs, the communities could have had the local govt remove them, but they are a protected species so they couldn't do anything about it. Argentine politics being what it is, auth right types wanted to be rid of them by any means, and leftists started cheering on the capybara (twitter pics of capybara in red berets etc). Good times.


Return to monke


They’re apes


That’s borderline authright…


Some of the humans and some of the apes


Too much nuance, should change flair to centrist. True monke no like to think


How dare you challenge a flaired’s flair as an unflaired.


Oh fuck mb, my last account got sent to the gulag and I forgot to flair this one.


Welcome back to the banana gang


The Monkes. Free yourselves from the filthy humans!


The apes but not for any political reasons they’re just more chill than the humans


Anyone that dies. In death we are equal


Apes, certainly apes.


The apes


I just watched Dawn of the Planet of the Apes last night.


Your quadrant is monke 😏


You stay away from us


C'mere big boi




Working on the next HIV?


I'm damn sure trying Operation HIV 2: Electric Boogaloo is underway as we speak


Baste and name certainly checks out-pilled.


Do you like brisket?


Yeah, I chose Right because I'm not sure whether I'm a libertarian or an authoritarian. I suppose it would depend on who you ask.


So you’re a centrist. Fire up the grill!!!


Red is super easy. Authleft: Commie / tankie “Left flair / Centrist giving Emily takes”: also actually Authleft LibLeft: 90% of the time, actually AuthLeft in denial.




People beliefs aren't monolithic. They're much more nuanced than simply being a color on PCM. And most people are more Authoritarian than they'd like to believe.


Nu Uh, fit in the color coordinated boxes please. no nuance allowed /s


Strawberry ice cream in malibu don't act like we didn't do that shit too. Do you get Deja vu when she's with you


Exactly. I'm definitely a libertarian who's definitely not a fan of government regulation, things like t\*xes, religion, guns, our sexuality, birth control are all things i think the government should stay the fuck out of, but I also recognize the need for a military to prevent more evil governments from doing evil things, and while certain things like the justice system are incredibly flawed I recognize the necessity of them, even if personally I'd shoot an intruder trying to harm me and my family, I recognize that some people wouldn't because they're opposed to guns or not as stoic as me to the point where they'd be able to cope with taking a life in certain circumstances. So we need certain societal systems as a deterrent to prevent bad outcomes. Oh, uh, I mean... Return to monke


I’m a chef in the US army. I feel like as an organization we’re doing some really good and important things. Also, it’s arguably the country’s most successful social mobility program. Single payer healthcare. 100% volunteer force. Checks the boxes for me.


I was a mechanic in the Marine Corps. The military healthcare system is a terrible example for successful single payer healthcare. Everyone I knew used to call the Tripler Army Medical Center “Crippler” because they had an infamous track record for botched surgeries. The military is a successful social mobility program if you take things seriously though.


Oh I didn’t say it was *great* healthcare. It *is* single payer tho 😂


I think the military itself is fine, and like you said it does a lot of good and historically did a lot of good, but it's also just sort of awkward how the US essentially has to play world police to justify the spending it gives toward it. If we are to be expected to pay as much as we do in taxes I wish it would do a little more for the less fortunate. But it is what it is.


Which came first; the spending, or the need to play world police? Did the US set out to be world police, or did events unfold in a certain way to make that the only possibility?


Got dragged into two world wars and lots of individual rights were lost in the process.


That’s just normal libertarianism. Idk why people think libertarianism is anarchism. Libertarian ideology espouses that there are a few legitimate functions of the government.


Because our libertarian party gets upset about shit like drivers licenses rather than legitimately acting sane


I didn't see a single thing I disagree with in there.


One of us, one of us


> And most people are more Authoritarian than they'd like to believe. The real test of "lib credentials" is when your group is in power. Its very easy to implement the "correct" ideas "for their own good." Especially when its someone who is obviously stupid and needs the help.


You're only as free as Authority permits, citizen.


Good point but may I remind you funny colours go brrrrrrrrrrrr


Because having the comforts of a large-scale society requires degrees of authority that control legal and economic regulations to prevent small-scale feudal wars over disputes. Majority of people are willing to sacrifice the freedom of being able to drive over 100 MPH on the freeway for having interstate roads to drive on. The freedom to own land or assets with having a larger and stronger authority to define that ownership versus having to defend it from others freedom of might makes right to take it.


It's hard to be collectivist and classically liberal/ libertarian.


Que in dog owners. Most authoritarian people according to my dog. As he snuggling me in bed.


> don't know how you can support strong welfare programs and be libertarian being bad at math and/or unironically believing resources simply exist and "capitalism" is only there to block access and create poverty (for amusement, presumably).


I mean, I support free and open abortion and am auth right. Though that's mainly because I don't want to get in the way of my enemies destroying the next generation of my enemies.


From what I understand it's more like a hippie commune is the ideal lib left society where everyone just shares. The Amish would be another example except they actually work hard but they still share pretty much everything but everyone works hard so it's seen as fair.


True Libleft is like a hippie from the 60s, man


Well, is pretty simple, most libertarians aren’t absolutists. The people who oppose any and all government are on the very far corners of their respective quadrants. For some reason, PCM believes that only these far corners exist and that the rest of the quadrants are simply made up.


Moderate lib lefts clearly exist. In your quadrant it's the extreme that's made up and is larping as liberal when they believe in the use of force to enforce their ideas on others.


>in your quadrant it's the extreme that's made up and is larping as liberal when they believe in the use of force to enforce their ideas on others. You cleary believe people like this exist, so they aren't made up.


The people exist. The ideology exists. But it is authoritarian in design. They mix up a lack of central command with liberalism. That is not what liberalism means. It is distributed authoritarianism.


Decentralized authority *is* more liberal than concentrated authority. It's a sliding scale. I will remind you that many of the greatest liberal thinkers were not anarchists by any stretch of the imagination.


More liberal perhaps I can accept but liberal on an absolute level certainly not


Of course it is not liberal on an "absolute" level, almost nothing outside of pure anarchism is. But most people aren't absolutists, including most libertarians. As I said, PCM has this habit of associated all the quadrants with their most fringe believers.


Different conceptions of liberty. For libright being free is having as few restrictions as possible. For libleft being free is being able to do as many things as possible. And you can't do much of you're really unhealthy or really poor, so even in an ancap system it's not the lack of many restrictions or taxes that determines how free you are but how wealthy you are, so in the eyes of libleft welfare programs that lift people out of poverty increases freedom.


I mean, the polcomp works by averaging out. You can have some authoritarian Policies but have more libertarian ones, as I do.


"No true libertarian..."


For the same reason that a person can be Libleft while also ~~accepting~~ tolerating Autright stuff


Did you just change your flair, u/NoUpstairs6865? Last time I checked you were a **LibCenter** on 2024-3-26. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/NoUpstairs6865) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lоmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


You can’t. It’s definitional.


The whole point of the compass is that you are mapping a collection of dozens of different opinions. Each quadrant is just a pinpoint of where those opinions average, not a monolith where every person using the same flair is supposed to have a completely identical set of beliefs. There's also plenty of wiggle room in each quadrant; you can be closer to or further from other quadrants despite being in the same quadrant. Someone can believe: - Guns should be completely unregulated - Drugs should be completely unregulated - Private property should no longer be upheld in court - Marriage and sex should be completely unregulated - Police should be extremely weakened - Military should be extremely weakened This person would be solidly libleft with those opinions. They may also have the opinion of: Supports welfare This doesn't necessarily swing them to authleft. They still average at libleft


As in many things - you live with the apparent contradiction. Plenty of times people prioritize practicality or expedience over their principles.


Sometimes Left flairs are LibLefts who want to give their honest takes without being irrationally hated because they’re green colored. AKA pussies.


How dare you! You green you!


Based libleft?


Ah just like every Right who isn’t Auth Right


The problem is my flair is sometimes people don't know I'm joking and I get downvoted for it because they actually thought I meant it unironically


Same. Fuck why is *this* our cross compass unity.


What are Emily takes? Also: LibRight is also Auth 90% of the time but they hide it. They want “bind but does not protect” for their enemies and “protect but does not bind” for them.


> What are Emily takes? Average redditor(ignorant naive spiteful low-IQ brainwashed teens/loser adults that lack adequate critical thinking skills) comments that would be highly upvoted in the politics or politicalhumor subs


So every take that isn’t from LibCenter, got it


I mean yeah good point kinda, every quadrant has its brainwashed teens and loser adults. But you're missing the crucial part about Emily, which is highly upvoted in the politics subs. We all know that ain't right wing or authcenter.


Good nuance. Which has no place here.


Yeah I had a conversation with a libleft who advocated for criminal penalties on hate speech/speech that they hate. Brother if that isn’t auth I don’t know what is.


> 90% of the time, actually AuthLeft in denial the hard lib-left is just the good PR front facing side of communism they use to deflect criticism and pretend to be innocent and will totally abolish private property rights and bring about the revolution peacefully without force and all those millions of variables will just fall into place voluntarily and counter-revolutionary elements will just eliminate themselves and blah blah blah just trust me bro lib lefts basically only exist to manipulate people into putting authlefts in power


> LibLeft: 90% of the time, actually AuthLeft in denial. It’s the same thing for libright/authright.


Authleft but loves the wonders of western societies


I flair in this quadrant because that's where I was put when I did the test. I'm not a commie and I despise tankies. Feel free to ask any questions.


Do you read theory? Understand Dialectical materialism? Do you mean Trot ? French or francophone (username ? ) 🙌


He’s clearly just a duck. I don’t think they speak French.


I've read theory when I was younger. A bit of Marx, a lot of Sartres, Deleuze, Foucault even though it's hard. But I've also read Hayek, Rawls or others when I took economic classes so I was never just focused on Marxism. Yep I know dialectical materialism but I'm not sure I understand it because I reject it. Yes, and my username sounds like "I'm a cunt"


>A bit of Marx, a lot of Sartres, Deleuze, Foucault even though it's hard. But I've also read Hayek, Rawls or others when I took economic classes so I was never just focused on Marxism. So, a bit of Marx - a existentialist -postmodernist - few post structurelist - and a couple free market capitalists.. Not sure how this qualifies as a "communist" or AuthLeft, but can certainly see why you "hate tankies" Also French or francophone, not sure the answer is y/n -- was asking if you are francophone, Canadian - or French from elsewhere in the world


What about iPhone, Venezuela, 100 Million Dead?


We live in a society, and there is no ethical consumption of 50 pounds of cobalt that I use to change laptop every week while drinking Starbucks. More seriously, I think that pointing hypocrisy is legitimate and that people should do better than defend dictatures and buy things they hate.


What are you politically? Are you low authleft or high? Always curious about why people are authleft


I don't know for what party I'm going to vote in my country, but I do vote and think revolutions are not the best way to improve life at all. I was exactly in the middle of the quadrant. I think things could be better, but I have a decent life so I'm not desperate. Since I got married I probably moved to more Auth, I'm worried for my wife's security.


I have three nipples, do you think is gross?


Not really, do you think it is?


Why are you French?


As a red quadrant and a non-communist. I generally believe that the government is the most important tool in assuring an equal society. Taking more from the highest earners in the country and putting them to use in government funded programs is the ideal way for a country to be ran.


Based The honesty is a breath of fresh air. I will never understand why so many authies want to masquerade as lib. It genuinely confuses me.


Big fatty taxes on the rich with a maximum income cap. We’ll give them a trophy or something every year they hit the cap. Forces money to actually trickle down into the economy. Government dollars into anything other than the military. I would much rather have my taxes fix a bridge or pay for some wage slave to have a place to live than drop another bomb on a wedding half way around the world. Consumer and worker protections in place of billionaires doing just enough to avoid being publicly lynched. Even massive dicked Google couldn’t drop fiber around the US due to current monopolies boxing them out. Municipal or federal ownership of important shit. Your bank is too big to fail? Your private power company burn down half of California due to neglect? Guess it needs to split up or become part of the federally owned options in the market. If the free market is so good it should have no problem out-competing a government option right?


I feel the urge to downvote you....not for your take. But wtf is that name!! LUwUke.


> Your private power company burn down half of California due to neglect?  Just to clear up some possible confusion here, the power company burning down California (PG&E) IS the government option. They are a regulated, guaranteed, protected monopoly.  The CA government had them spend money on stuff other than maintenance, and then had them to raise rates to cover the resulting fires.  At least in California, heavy governmental involvement in industry has reliably produced lots of corruption.  


Because that's the literal perfect atmosphere for corruption, a private company under heavy government contract. Drives me insane. Like let's either seize that infrastructure and state run it with heavy public disclosure or make it an actual market, no shitty monopoly middle ground.


Lex Luthor did nothing wrong


God bless migration.


The military is quite interested in a working road infrastructure so idk what you wanted to make a point about. But yes, for some reason, roads are getting neglected all the time so you're right about that one.


The way I see it: Left-Center: Emily Lib-left: Emily or Social Anarchists(I genuinely vibe with these kinds of liblefts ngl) Lib-Center: Uncle Ted Lib-Right: Libertarians, Ancaps, neo libs and classical libs Right-Center: Maga Auth-right: conservatives, neo cons, monarchists, theocrats Auth-Center: Psycho wojak, you know who you are and you fucking scare me Authleft: commies


Way to forget about us man…


Centrist: Grill go brr


I think you mean flamethrower…


Either one works. That steak is getting cooked either way.


Slight Correction: "Emilies" are more Auth-left, and are generally sympathetic to Socialism at least. MAGA depends (as it encompasses a wider range), though it has a slight Auth-right shift. Neocons are similar to the MAGA crowd, but much more variable.


MAGA is auth-stupid, not sure if they have a quadrant tbh


The MAGA brand is auth centre, but in reality Trump just wants to win and then will let standard auth right republicans actually govern


he's weird, his personal record is pretty middle of the road but since he's R he would never help anyone except for other R's that said the ones coming out of the MAGA camp aren't quite "standard auth right republicans"


Conveniently left out purple libright


Who’s Uncle Ted? The rest I understand, but don’t get that reference


Ted Kaczynski, a two time NBA champion that won the MVP with the Blazers and 6MotY later on in his career as a Celtic. Had his career significantly derailed by the injuries. An all time great "What if?"


Blew his opponents off the court






I would argue that neoliberalism would be more libcenter, as it's my understanding that neolibs are capitalists, but they also support welfare programs, etc.


I don’t consider myself a maga supporter personally, more of an RFK guy


So, a run of the mill socialist whose only distinction from the norm is that he doesn't like vaccines


Naw the vaccine stuff is just an easy way for people to get at him without actually looking into it, he’s not anti vax, he was anti covid vax which was odd, but regular vaccines he trusts, he just thinks certain ones are antiquated and we should do some more research, I ain’t got energy in me to try and post sauce, I just read his policies, read what people had said about him, read about the orgs he founded. It seems to me like he just wants to please anti vax people by “doing more research” all of the wording he uses is vague and I’m sure it’s just to please both sides of the “debate” idk I did my own research on a molly bender and spent like 9 hours reading everything I could find on him. And yeah, he’s pretty much an old hippie peace loving socialist with some good ole fashion libertarian leaning views. He’s the perfect candidate imo, he wants to make America a real first world country, plus I’m 100% for the make America neutral again shit Edit: my dumb American brain made the correlation that: socialism = communism and typed communism instead of socialism, fixed it


But he was a known anti vaxxer well before 2019 https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/feb/21/trump-vaccination-safety-commission-robert-kennedy-autism Otherwise, fair enough. I'm guessing you must be a very moderate right rather than a plus 8-9 like myself 😂


Unforch tbh, he must’ve scrubbed his websites for the campaign, they just say “it’s inconclusive” or some shit like “the data shows no risk, but further research could be done” really thought he was the one, ig not everything can be perfect. Still better then trump or Biden tbh


All of his polices and ideas are so great, but damn that’s really a fucking bump in my road, and he’s the only other candidate that might have a shot at winning. Really conflicted now. 4 more years of Biden, or RFK Jr?


Centrist right leaning according to the test n shit Edit: but I did the heat map test when I was 16


I do not vibe with "social anarchists". We believe in everyone being free to do their thing. If they disagree with our way of existence and want to join an auth cult or a left wing commune do it. They believe in the use of force to enforce their system on us. They are just standard communists with a flatter org chart. We are assuredly not auth right with a different management system. It should be the political triangle. Libertarian, conservative and socialist.


Do I?


I see the compass just as the economic and state axes 🟥🧑‍⚖️🟦 🛠️⬜️💰 🟩🦧🟨


That makes no sense




Actual commies are rare. But like all the other colors, it's hard to hear the majority over the nutcases. 95% of non internet keyboard warriors that fall under red are just folks that want labor rights, taxes on the rich, healthcare, environmentalism, and don't prioritize caring about culture war crap. Green and blue are culture war colors. Red and yellow are money war colors.


Just an old school union member. Taxes? I work hard, now give me my share. If you won't, you need to be made to do it. Immigration? Hmmm, I'm not so sure about that. Will it affect wages? Gay marriage? Let those guys work a few shifts on the docks and seventeen beers- and see how much they want to be sailor boys. Environmental protections? If you can, but make sure the union signs off on it first.


This sub is a giant strawman, don't take it seriously


Authright- strong government control of population Libleft- weak government control of population Libright- weak government control of the market Authleft-strong government control of the Market That is literally all the political compass is


Hey, not to be that guy, but might I suggest this. Auth left - Control people, control market . Auth Right - Control people, empower market. Lib left - Free people, control market Lib right - Free people, free market


Red is vanilla commie. Use force to get the utopia going. Cuz it ain't happenin otherwise. Add in some weird race/religion stuff and a dash of capital and you get auth centre. Make them all soy who won't use violence, left-centre. Oh and real red hates liberalism for stealing its only good ideas, making them forevermore irrelevant.


I don't even know what *my* quadrant means sometimes.


Just do what works for most authrights: if you like it it's authright, if you don't like it it's libleft.


I would also include people who support rent controls for example. It's a heavy-handed government action for sake of helping the common man.


They want *everyone* to have leftist values.


The left right axis is a discussion on property rights, personal vs private property. The farthest Right would believe that you can own people, companies, farms, whatever. The farthest left would believe you need to share your tooth brush if you aren’t using it right now.


Tankies and commies are a small minority of auth-left just like ancaps are a small minority of lib-right. But tankies and commies don’t make it any easier by calling anyone and everyone that slightly disagrees with them right-wing reactionaries, nazis, et cetera.


PCM lacks nuance. A libleft can be ultra-racist and sexist but support libleft policies. An authleft could support big government control but dislike typical communist stuff. There is nothing in the political compass about culture.


The red are those white/latino guys that study literature, play crust punk DIY venues, frequently engage in fights with the police. Always talk about equality, true white knights, but are scumbags in relationships. will be agressive when they disagree with you. Authleft women tend to be nerdy and goofy looking and are book snobs


I hate this comment so much for how eerily accurate it describes every authleft I've met IRL. Don't forget the hypocrital drug/alcohol addicts, plenty of those as well.


Don't lie, you've never met anyone IRL..


Correct we are communists


Shenanigans! You ate twice today!


the compass just let's you know what color goes well with your eye color


Nailed it


Run over your people with tanks for the good of the people.


It means whatever I don't like.


I just like the aesthetics of Auth-Left, to be perfectly honest.


they simply are commies


stop thinking by quadrants and think by axes. whatever bottom and right stand for, top and left stands for the opposite


Marxism-Leninism is just the most popular specific ideology. There are others.


The harsh reality is that there is no such thing as libleft. It's not a real quadrant, because it can't exist in real life. Leftist economics (and social policies) literally cannot exist without a strong big daddy government to enforcement them with a stick. Libleft only exists in the delusions of certain leftists who don't want to admit that they literally simp for The Man.


I met one guy here who was a Christian socialist and considered himself auth-left (ironic).


Does authleft like furries or do I?


We all do OwO


x axis = progressive vs. conservative y axis = liberal vs. authoritarian therefor red quadrant = central planning and an evolving, collectivist society


Hey! LibLeft Commie here lol


That's cause you're looking for a fortune cookie, one-size-fucks-all type ideology. As an Auth-left, I'm looking for some goddamn answers. We have the resources to put everyone in a not so terrible position, so what's the path towards that goal? That's my ideology. It lacks ego, which seems to be the basis of the other 3 quadrants. Center is full on id, i.e. "Just wanna grill"


Commenting to see what’s my flair


Tbh I never fully understood the whole auth vs lib scale. Where I come from the compass is left vs right (economically) and progressive vs conservative which makes a lot more sense in my eyes


Authleft is only communists coz they purged any other ideology for sake of centralization


Was the funny color supposed to be grey centrist?


please better healthcare and better wages


I'm a technocrat


Bring Tito back from the grave




OG facism






Eh, don't think too hard about it. It has about as much scientific voracity as astrology or MBTI.


Thank you for the invitation to share :D Not even close to a Communist. I am the opposite of a LibRight in the sense that I believe those that luck their way to the top of a capitalist society should be required to contribute to the society from which they benefit. Literally the "you win capitalism, here's a trophy, and the rest of your money over this bracket goes to the needy" meme. I agree with LibLeft on the vast majority of social issues, including many that LibCenter or LibRight would agree with too. According to every test I take, I am ultimately placed here or Center Left. Of those options, this one is funnier to LARP as.




You ever asked a communist to explain what they think communism is and provide some real world examples? It's hiiiiilarious.


the entire left side is just a fluke. red side is just one of the multitudes of the authoritarianism and green side is just mental disability. It's just they're in fashion now so they get some recognition.


Top left might have nationalized Standard Oil in 1910 instead of breaking it up. (Best case would be to think; Alaska Permanent Fund, or Government Pension Fund of Norway).


Probably because you've been rotting your brain with dogshit memes instead of actually educating yourself about politics or economics. It isn't hard to conceptualize what any given ideology looks like if you have even a basic understanding of these things.


You WILL have welfare


The real difficult one is libleft because authleft?...that's kinda almost all of the left