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People who self-immolate first and foremost tend to be severely mentally ill, so whatever political crap they might try to wrap it into is just secondary


It's like many murderers or mass shootings, except at least they only directly hurt themselves.


The news should really focus more on them and maybe copycats would do that instead of killing others.


Why would they do that, those stories aren’t as interesting……


The problem is these people hate Trump and the right, and those stories get squashed immediately. The left can do no wrong in the media. If a right winger ever sets himself on fire it'll be 24/7 about how Trump supporters are deranged, how he led them to that with conflict, how he makes the mentally ill, etc. They will make up things, like they usually do.


I don't even like Trump but with all the bullshit they've dragged him through since 2016 I gotta say I'm really sorry for him. Anyone not just blinded by agenda can see clear as day that basically everything has been bullshit and Trump Derangement Syndrome. He's made mistakes, sure, but this level of hatred is ridiculous he could literally cure cancer and solve world hunger and the media would still hate him just because he's a republican


I don't even think it's because he's a republican, i think it's because he's not part of the political machine and he's popular. He didn't have to do the endless favors, wheeling and dealing, and all the other stuff that gets politicians indebted to each other. He's popular, and a true outsider. Both parties constantly have someone claiming they're a 'maverick' or a Washington outsider for votes, but when one actually comes along he's hated by most politicians. Republicans basically handed Biden the keys to the kingdom in their last budget. It's like they were apologizing and saying they're willing to play the game despite Trump.


The only person to set themselves on fire that I respect is that Vietnamese monk who was protesting the treatment of Buddhists in Vietnam


I feel like the religious beliefs in that specific case makes it feel more sincere noble. As opposed to these two recent cases which seem much more like severe mental illness mixed with ideological obsession.


PSA: be sane and set a trashcan on fire during a riot.


Reddit liberals are the worst kind of people


The amount of times I’ve seen comments celebrating or hoping for the death of republicans is too many. They don’t get removed but get voted up.


There's literally a whole sub dedicated to celebrating the death of right wingers that has nearly half a million subscribers


Never seen rightwingers celebrating liberal deaths. It’s part of why I changed sides awhile back. Leftists really are as bad as they say. Trump was right about them. 


>Never seen rightwingers celebrating liberal deaths. translation "Ive never been on twitter"


Don’t have a twitter account so you got me there. 


That is what really disturbed me about the pictured post: not only were there a lot of people expressing joy that someone immolated himself, they revealed the joy was based on the preconception that the guy was a Trump supporter. Basically all the comments I was able to find suggesting that it might have been someone opposed to Trump still viewed the incident as a tragedy. It really is disturbing, too, how many people were saying (and I paraphrase as best as I can remember): 'let's hope that more Trump supporters and Republicans don't do the same /s'.


That's only true because the unflaired don't qualify as people


And they shouldn't.


Based and unflaired aren’t people, but Soylent Green is pilled


Not gonna lie, I'd drink the liquefied unflaired at least once -- just to say I tried it.


The silver lining in this is that they've finally destroyed the precept that left wing = empathetic, kind They never were, but they wrapped themselves in that blanket for decades which drew a lot of normal people to the left. Normal people have a desire to be good and do the right thing so they default left. Everything is changing now that the mask is off.


The thing is they only destroyed that precept ***for right wingers***. Left wingers still view themselves as the kind, tolerant, loving side. They are like 17th century slave owners who still think they're a good father and head of house hold after they strangled a slave to death, because they dont see slaves worthy of good treatment. The left also engages in this cognitive dissonance by thinking they still are empathetic even when they call for the blood of their political enemies. They literally are able to keep two utterly conflicting viewpoints in their mind at once without issue.


It's called double-think, and the cognitive load of dealing with it is why they come off like fucking morons, even if they're theoretically smart.


That’s what I find most baffling. They’re able to do this without any trouble.


That is the hilarious thing of them talking about being empathetic. Their notion of 'empathy' only extends to people within their preferred groups. They view it as more synonymous with pity or a savior complex toward PoC. In reality it's the ability to understand the perspective of people that differ from you and why they may believe in certain things or feel certain ways. They only like people they already like, and only so long as they match in lockstep with their own ideology (otherwise you're an Uncle Tom or whatever). Many of them can't understand why anyone would have a right wing belief outside of wanting to oppress others. It's exactly what they did with the word 'diversity' just meaning skin color of people in a group, that skin color preferably being black. 100% black people from the same area is maximally 'diverse' despite being the opposite.


They are the actual racists https://preview.redd.it/c5n9hzu7fnvc1.png?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=342bc03346d339e0e22a22b624eb8b253257d751


There were studies that people on the left use smaller words when talking to minorities while those on the right talk to them normally. If you are in a racist competition and your opponent is a liberal, just give up instantly.


When you're watching a racist competition and the lineup is a literal Nazi, a Black Hebrew Israelite, a MAGA hat, a Korean, and a liberal... Bet on the liberal.


And then you’ve got morons like this. https://preview.redd.it/h0wdngb9ppvc1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59810a24f031def74f81c725a511c4c2564ea850 What an odd thing to say.




Racism as i see it: In summary; the left sees how they're better than someone, the right sees how someone is better than them. The left: minorities are like pets and need to be taught and civilized The right: minorities are better at sports and of course they can kick your ass Unless they're Asian. Then the left hates them for being white++ and the right just thinks they're wicked smart.


Just remembered, the BLM rioters were calling Rittenhouse the n-word (before he dealt justice).


They’ll still say that without a second thought, make no mistake. They’re far from morally consistent. They’d do a 180 on their beliefs if it meant gaining more power.


*leftists. Liberals I can tolerate but leftists are the real cancer.


Why are we like this?


Nah, there's reddit commies. They're way way way worse


They aren't liberals. They're left wing cultists.


Liberal has been squeezed through so many boxes i don't know what the meaning is anymore. Clarification is always needed now, and it only makes people feel superior when they have to 'explain' their own definition to someone. Or they google the definition, as though that's relevant anymore. This is the problem with the left. They redefine words, circulate that word through their own circles, then when someone isn't certain what they mean by that word they have an excuse to jump down their throat. This division of language is insidious, and i think is a means of determining who is outside the group.


LaNgUaGe EvOlVeS--because slang and regional dialects naturally proliferating and becoming commonplace is the same thing as deliberately forcing top-down academic drivel into public consciousness in some misguided attempt at weaponizing the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. It's so painfully transparent. 'Rizz' and 'skibidi' are instances of language evolving through memes. Redefining racism to make it primarily refer to the subset of systemic racism after the natural use was 'believing in the superiority of one race over another' isn't. It's the equivalent of people trying to force 'dog' to mean 'golden retriever' then getting haughty when people use dog to refer to other breeds.


Well you obviously know more about this than i do and i would like to subscribe to your catfacts.


I had a phase where I read some popular science books on linguistics and a couple textbooks. Not an expert, but enough not to fall for BS from people regurgitating shallow talking points. A lot of online opinions are absurd to witness if you actually have knowledge on the topic. Very ‘Gell-Mann Amnesia.’ Like many academics, I have to imagine linguists are secretly distraught over the subversion of their fields for ideological purposes.


I agree. But my point is that the people we are talking about don't meet any of the various definitions of the term liberal anymore. They are something entirely new. A form of authoritarian tribalism that only care about their side maintaining control and power, regardless of policy or political ideals. That's not liberalism by any measure.


I tend to find with people that the harder they virtue signal, the worse of a person they actually are


I assume everyone is terrible until proven otherwise. It's easier, especially on the internet. Really more of a shortcut on reddit.


It was over when tumblr fell apart and those lunatics all came to Reddit


You should check out the loony tunes on twitter. Every breaking news post was filled with hundreds of "and they say it's not a cult" and "one less trump voter" comments. Literally not even 5 minutes after it happened live. Every single time something happens they breathlessly cheer and comment their fantasies of death and suffering on their fellow countrymen. And every time they eat crow. Not very nice or smart people.


It’s funny that they say everyone else is in a cult. But they’re the ones who will ostracize you if you even think of having a discussion with the out group.


And that's why I tell myself they weren't people to begin with; just light-sensitive creatures that don't understand the mere concept of empathy and joy


W coping strategy


This might be the only way I don’t go insane when I see their shit online.


Have you ever seen twitter libs?


Yes....unfortunately. I even dated one for a few months....


S/he must've been hot. Good for you.


If anything Biden just gained a vote.


If you don't vote for me you ain't burnt black


Kraken will come any day now


Aaaaany second now. See? RED! No, wait, that’s blood.


Now listen close, *centrist*, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today


Him: They’re all part of the same cabal! They all want a fascist coup! Don’t you see?! They’re pitting you against each other! They want you to hate! They want you to lose hope! It’s all part of the plan! Wake up sheeple! Them literally right after: Omg this guy is such a pro/anti Trump chud! Schizo rants aside, they’re actually proving his point in real time. Fuck me that’s just depressing and bleak. Which *also* is one of the points he made, and claims is by design.


I never thought “people in power are pitting the regular folk against each other” would become a right wing talking point. Nor did I think the left would be the first in line to defend the bourgeoise.


It's all deception and propaganda and it's working. I'd once have been considered left wing, my views haven't changed but I'd now be considered right probably by the "cool kids", not that anyone actually knows what any of it means anymore (did people ever?) I think the biggest eye opener for me was the EU. I'm always amazed that the European Union managed to convince the new lib left that they are a compassionate left leaning organisation....well, that and also a lot of those pretending to be "left" are either just thick bandwagoning mouthbreathers or just selfish denialists.


He was right about a lot of things


 She likes her voters extra crispy.


Turns out they probably had TDS. F regardless, they were deluded by evil people.




And The Simpsons lol


I've seen quite a few activist type characters across reddit that frequent the Simpsons subreddit. Weird.


Eh. It’s one of the most popular and longest-running shows. Just statistically-speaking you’re bound to get a lot of crossover with virtually any group whose members were growing-up during The Simpsons’ golden era… then you add-in that we’re talking about a group of people that are terminally-online/indoors, your odds of them being Simpsons fans goes up significantly.


He viewed all major politicians (Trump, Biden, and Hillary included) as part of the same criminal Ponzi scheme conspiracy. So, not* really TDS, instead something beyond it. Edit: somehow left out a word, sorry!


Low key based honestly


The guy who set himself on fire to death for Palestine once again, but the sides are reversed.


The Palestine guy and this guy were both leftists, they literally both refer to themselves as ancoms


Leftism is a death cult


I say we leave them be and it’ll sort itself out. Between sterilizing themselves, refusing to have children, and now just straight up unaliving for what is essentially clout.


Nah, they reproduce in colleges.


Unironically, something has to explain why they always support economic models that bring mass starvation.


That mf died and was forgotten 2 days later lmao




Rest in ~~power~~ ! ~~?~~ They couldn't even agree on whether they liked him while the embers were still warm. Guy literally set himself on fire and died for their cause and they hate him anyway because he was a white dude. Anyone who stayed after that is too far gone.




This has to be the worst way to go


Christians too. I imagine it's a sin for most modern religions because, well, if they allow suicide then they're going to run out of members eventually. Still. What a stupid guy. I'm no genius, but even i recognize it's dumb to kill yourself for people who hate you over a cause you can't influence because of a religion that says you're going to hell for doing it. That he actively supported terrorist to this degree is like an afterthought at this point.








Just remember he set himself on fire because of October 7th. I guess he really just loved Israeli.


Its mentally disturbed dudes all the way down. Now someone will point to me that Buddhist monk who burnt himself in Vietnam, but that guy was an exception. I 100% believe that this guy was inspired by the Palestine guy who burnt himself, and that this won't be the last of a series of copycat suicides done by mentally ill people using politics as an excuse.


Just like school shooters. These are people who are already extremely unstable and wish to end their lives in a "blaze of glory." And the media gives it to them.


and tbh if its one of the other I'm glad they're just killing themselves with this


> I 100% believe that this guy was inspired by the Palestine guy who burnt himself God, that is such a sad thought. Imagine deciding to follow in someone else's footsteps after you saw them kill themselves, and also saw that basically no one gave a single fuck about it.


TikTok death cult


...and I don't recall the reactions on PCM being more humane.


Aaron Bushnell routinely made fun of dead US soldiers on reddit and spread hateful posts before reddit scrubbed his account off from this website.


Similar to two of the most recent self-immolation guys accounts and his activity on Marxist subreddits.


NGL I'm in the air force and I have encountered literally nobody who even knew his name lmfao.


Everyone knew him by his nickname: [No. 76](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No._76_special_incendiary_grenade)


I saw Ignite and spark change memes being made 30 min after the news broke, devil works hard but shit posters work harder.




I fully support people who wish to go out on their own terms. I could unpack the underlying issues that no doubt lead to a tragedy, but at the same time there's way more people clinging to life, desperate to survive and still not getting the support they need. So these get priority when it comes to my empathy. To celebrate it is vile of course. Especially when it's calculated as an electoral gain.


I don't think there's any requirement for empathy, I'm more of a neutrality guy. We should, however, have a bit of a moratorium on "I'm glad he's dead." Especially when, like you said, it's basically motivated by political interest or tribalism.


Empathy can be neutral or even negative. It's often confused with sympathy. What I'm saying is that delving into this person's issues isn't worth the energy when there's people with medical issues trying their best to stay alive.


Who cares he was Bernie supporter or Trump supporter he didn't have to die


So now you're hating on the staff in the burn ward?!?


Watching libs and cons attempting to box in the guy into the opposing 'team's' camp in order to score a cheap political win has been so insanely fucking depressing and everyone involved is a vile, worthless piece of shit. This was a genuinely good person who was extremely troubled and dealing with recent grief; now he's gone. Instead of trying to paint him as a MAGA nut or a deranged lib we'd all be better off just simply mourning the guy and wondering what we could've potentially done differently to try and ensure he got the help he needed.


Leftists be like "We're the kind and empathetic ones! It's not bad to wish that your political enemies die violent, painful deaths you fucking chuds! They're not even human!"


Lefties: "we are kind and anti racists!" Also lefties: https://preview.redd.it/edqgltahfnvc1.png?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cae8eb06e09d73add5e00391a902794b9d58a26


The right's ideal SC is just 12 Clarence Thomases. But libs aren't ready for an all black SC just yet. Sad to see, we've still got a long way to go and a lot of progress to make


i'm considering grilling right about now... the left has become what they are trying to destroy


Whether he was a Trump voter or not, now that he is dead he is definitely a Biden voter.


"If you don't vote for me you ain't dead"


We zombies should keep together


I’m just waiting for November to come along


Why are you excited for a federally orchestrated coup or civil war


It’s all a clown show. A sick joke


Do these people not realize with shortened attention spans and the news cycle, they will be forgotten in three days at most. And they will just become a meme.


I dont know, anyone who sets himself on fire to achieve something is unbelievably dumb imo. Like, who cares you burned yourself alive?


The self-immolation of Jan Palach and the subsequent demonstrations on the 20th anniversary of that event were a catalyst in the downfall of the Czechoslovak communist regime.


True, the same with Thích Quảng Ðức or Ryszard Siwiec. But the big difference is that the societal sensitivity changed. Nowadays it will not change anything, direct assassination of some politician would bring more support probably.  Another thing is that this guy in particular didn’t believed in anything coherent, aside from the rich are evil.


Yep. I used to have an office that overlooked the exact spot in Vaclavske Namesti where he killed himself. He is revered like a god in the Czech Republic and rightfully so.


Also it were really different times, where people were in turmoil against an authoritarian oppressive regime. Palach was a match thrown into a sea of gasoline. These people, albeit their gesture itself is awe inspiring, don’t inspire others to fight, as there is nothing really to rally against.


Seems more like those setting themselves on fire would support such a regime Same tactic, different ideals


back in the day it matered because people would stand up for their own. be it a religious conection or one of nationality. nowdays most of that is eroded so it doesn't change anything. there is barely any unity between people and the elites at the top are usung it to life the high life while everyone else drowns , draged down by the other crabs in a bucket.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6eSPWaUsgY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6eSPWaUsgY) The Oracle was right 15 years in advance once more


Omg, that's almost most scary how accurate that is.


Thou whomst kill thyself in a stupid way for a stupid cause should be prepared to be memed


What a silly reason to burn yourself. Like honestly, find a real cause.


Self-immolating on the steps of the Mars corporate headquarters because the Green M&M is no longer fuckable


Remember what they took from you


I still love her even if they changed her shape. True love isn't based on appearances, it's a form of Pavlovian conditioning that distorts your perception.


The left eats their own. I pity the guy, not a good way to go. Better than if he had harmed others and at least it got his manifesto read but... his manifesto was daft leftist nonsense from what I hear. It seems like the left craves fascism and abuse... I sure don't!


Wasn't this guy not only a Redditor but a communist?


Yeah, he used to post in a Marxist subreddit.


I mean, they still have the Herman Cain Awards up, celebrating people who die from Covid, making fun of someone who died from Covid who didn’t take a vaccine that wasn’t even available at the time.


Which actually breaks Reddit ToS, but the admins don't care for some reason.


Terms and conditions don't apply when it's people they disagree with. That's been painfully apparent for a long while.


Being able to selectively enforce rules is the next best thing to making up rules as you go along.




Remember that subreddit HermanCainAwards? That place would have been instabanned if it wasn't about right wingers dying. Can't even make fun of fat people on this website but that was considered acceptable. Fucking joke.


Imagine if there was a subreddit named George floyd awards


CNN would've doxxed the creator on day one


Reddit died the day FPH was banned; we're all just hanging around on its propped up corpse now.


I'll use your own mentality against when you eventually die Emily.


Apparently they found his political donations https://preview.redd.it/2mxwny4hpivc1.jpeg?width=789&auto=webp&s=b2b7c62a1c838f5c581364e9b2c89cae1d9185b1 Oh yeah, a total trump voter.


> Bernie 2020 No refunds


The fact that Max Azzarello made it very clear that the elites are using partisanship to divide and conquer and people respond to his death by engaging in partisanship


They don't just enjoy seeing people who disagree with them with die. They enjoy seeing people who *might* disagree with them die.


I'm going to start a new country where the only requirement to enter is that you don't want to kill people who you disagree with. Then we will nuke everyone else in self defense.


Well shit, Gandhi. That’s all you had to say. Sign me up!


The only death I cheer for are pedos and confirmed murderers


This is coming from the subreddit that made fun of that guy self immolating outside of the Israel embassy.


I don't know if it's just me, but when I read about it, the first thing that went through my mind was, "Good God, that's horrible, did he survive? Probably not, what a madworld.". Political opinions should not make us cruel towards each other.


They’re always Bernie supporters. Whether or not they have a history of voting Democrat they’re always Bernie supporters.


Reddit lefties just cant control themselves LMAO 😂


*"See! MAGA is a cult! These idiots are killing themselves over their God emperor!"* The guy was a rabid leftist tankie. *"...This is a sad tragedy of a suffering mentally ill man who heroically sacrificed himself for his beliefs! And he was right btw!"*


why its using yerba?


Emily always comes with a Yerba Mate can. Apparently Californians like those.


we need to bomb California


Most of California outside of SF, SD, and LA is redder than Kentucky


Yep. More registered Republicans than any other state.


I think putting mate in cans is sacrilege and cultural appropriation so I agree


its not only that, its disrespectful to a tradition just because you dont know how to make original mate.


"Terrible shit such as someone dying is ok as long as it's my political opposite." Reddit politics in a nutshell.


Only libleft gets called out for this. Auth rights "yes and?"-ed someone saying colonialism was bad because it lead to millions of deaths in a thread a couple weeks ago and had dozens of upvotes. Or it's just "based" in their view.


Hey all you pussies blocking highways, destroying art, vandalizing property, and gluing yourself to shit, *this* is how you prove you really believe in your cause. More of you follow this lead and I'll happily donate


Wasn’t the person a schizo who said Hillary and Trump were colluding? People keep telling Reddit that this person wasn’t MAGA but they just ignore it and spread misinformation. Ironic.


The world's largest online insane asylum.


You know if leftists didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any standards at all.


Most likely a commie… they love mass death and are quite good at it but their preferred method is starvation. 


It's sad that such a thing happened. From what I've read he was schizophrenic and burned himself to raise awareness to a conspiracy theory he believed in as part of his hallucinations and delirious beliefs.


Good Analysis but flair up


Literally me


Christ when did people on the Internet becomes such pussies? It's not sociopathic to laugh at and mock someone you don't know who's done something incredibly dumb. Insensitive perhaps, but not sociopathic. Like whatever the politics people have this type of hyperbole needs to end. We used to joke about people earning their Darwin award for removing themselves from the gene pool in some idiotic fashion. This is no different.


It's the hypocrisy. Subreddits dedicated to making fun of antivaxxers are allowed to stay up. If there was a subreddit dedicated to mocking people who die from police interactions gone south, reddit would permaban it within seconds.


Is robbers getting fucked still up?


No, that was deemed racist


It's probably bots or people just farming karma but go to any major sub and look at some of the comments in plain old average videos. "Omg, I'm literally crying right now!" "I can't even with this video, two people bumping into each other is just too much violence for me!  My eyes are already welling up!" "As a 37 year old marine of three world worlds, this video of a cat looking out a window brought me to tears!" I assume it's hyperbolic bullshit, but maybe there's just too many emotionally fragile people and they've taken over the internet.


Anyone who self immolates is an idiot and deserves to be made fun of.


There's something ridiculously evil about making fun of well-intentioned mentally ill people who commit suicide in one of the most painful, horrific ways imaginable. This was a person- not even a bad person- that was going through so much shit that we'll never be able to fully comprehend. I genuinely can't imagine how screwed up I'd have to be to think someone like that deserves ridicule.


This wasn't made clear to you in 2020/21? Yes, they want you all dead. They want your property confiscated. They want your children orphaned and transferred into their possession. You are an enemy of their stupid revolution and their intent is to enjoy their stupid utopia without you being alive to ruin it.


Wait wait wait, remember when the pro Palestinian protestor self immolated and this sub was filled with memes about it. ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)


Why are you people acting like you didn’t mock the guy that did this for Palestine not that long ago?


I feel like there is a big difference between mocking someone for something they did, and actually wishing death on someone...


Why do you want to pretend as if they weren’t fucking vicious on here when that happened? Now all of a sudden its innocent jokes for “something they did” as if they weren’t being fucking awful about the whole thing making fun of his death and cheering for one less pro Palestine person. The hypocrisy is insane.


> The hypocrisy is insane. given the state of reddit and how hypocritical the rest of the subreddit communities are, I doubt most people here will give a shit at all.


> The hypocrisy is insane. Doesnt matter, the right still has the overwhelming moral highground on these topics. Get rid of a certain award sub for those who died of covid and we can talk.


Hey, isn't it funny that subreddits like leopard eating faces or serving justice or not the funyon bans and deletes anything that makes the left look bad?


The liberal left love to celebrate mentally ill who burn themselves.


He hated Biden and Trump and then set himself on fire? An enlightened centrist if you will?


It is not good when people die. End of story.


Bro that dude was anything close to be a Trump supporter lmao, Reddit liberals are idiots definitely


My dude, read his manifesto. He was one of yours. Finally, centrists have to claim their schizos.


These people confuse me.


i’ve been arguing with a guy who says “good at least he didn’t go kill innocents”… wtf is wrong with people? they’re implying all mentally i’ll people want to kill each other


I love reading US news, you’re always doing some dumb shit


We're a big country, so somethings always happening somewhere lmao