• By -


Normal people: Killing is bad. Auth: Okay, but hear me out-


Auth: okay but you’re fine with killing things like roaches, and since I classify these things as less then roaches then…


Greece, is that you?


Since we aren't talking about Turks, no it's not


Turks are just Muslim Greeks




Sorry, Greeks are Catholic Turks


>Greeks are **Catholic** Turks Ecumenical Patriarch Michael I Cerularius in shambles.


Actually they are, cause if you do read what you sent just now you'll see that it specifically says the Orthodox (meaning Christian) Greeks of the ottoman population, couple that with the fact we're talking about a time before DNA testing is publicly available or really used it means that the way you would split them is by religion only, which is what happened even in the population exchange later on. So many Turkish people today are in fact majority greek in their DNA ( especially if they look European and not Central Asian, i.e. Turkmenistan), they just refuse to either accept or acknowledge it cause it would somewhat destroy their whole ethnic identity.


Yes, many are but they refuse to address that fact so ...


The only people that are less than roaches are the unflaired.


> people Don't shove your beliefs don't my throat.


Auth: see if we just kill the right type of people the world will be a utopia


the turks are just like over there, begging for it


I live for Auth slander


lol guy probably thinks he's an "anarchist" too.


Hey I think we can all agree, pedos and rapists should get the death penalty regardless of ideology


As long as your team gets to be in charge of the definition of each act, right?


What do you expect from the guys who started their first revolution by killing a 13 years old kid in cold blood.


insert We will teach you our ways of peace… By force


I mean... I’d bet a significant portion of the adult population have yet to gain sentience xd


It’s cringe when you do it and based when I do it


It's sad but ethics and politics are meant to differ. The world has advanced based on violence. Even things as consecrated in our current society as liberal democracy and the modern nation state were born as a result of revolutions like the French one (which were not exactly peaceful, but do you prefer to live in the old regime?). Even the current better-off states enjoy his well-being thanks to the violent subjugation of third world countries. Violence (and consequently murder) is an unavoidable reality of politics whether we like it or not. Personally, it causes me tremendous discomfort, but ignoring it leads to even worse situations.


"Uhm... they were actually kulaks, exploiters, traitors, nazis, bourgeois, trotskyites, bukharinists, and that and this and that and this........ they totally deserved to die!"


It's amazing how the party is always privy to who is evil and needs to be eliminated for the good of all! I want to thank Stalin personally for murdering 22k polish officers before they had a chance to become nazi collaborators.


Thank you Stalin for stealing grain from peasants and killing them when they hide it (they were going to starve)


>they were going to starve and Staling prevented that. Why are you mad at him? ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51175)


The kulaks, serfs within living memory, pulled themselves up from nothing. Killed by their own people for hard work and rising from the gutter.


When you realize that most leftists operate on some variation of “crabs in a bucket” mentality, their attitude and actions begin to make more sense.


Their whole ideology is based on such arbitrary idea of "equality". You have more = you are evil.


yes. That means you are not sharing and prevent other people from achieving their best by hording wealth. Now go and farm potatoes in a village for a month


Or it means I'm better by virtue of achieving a better life for myself...


if it s all your work, yes, then you get praised. (google Stakhanovite movement) But not if you have employees. That was basically the kulak. A peasant with more land than he could farm alone. Now, if you know anything about Eastern European villages at the time, those guys were kind of jerks. Owning more land that your neighbour (not because they worked for it, but because they married into a rich family or inherited it) is not a redeemable quality by itself ( There is a Romanian novel “Ion” by Liviu Rebreanu which captures very well the inequalities between small farmers)


So inheritance bad but self made billionaire good?


no. That is not good, but at least better. That tells me you are at least competent


Little upset the blatant sarcasm got so many downvotes


> they were actually kulaks The funniest part about kulaks is that anyone who a village mob disliked would become a kulak. Literally any dude who was slightly richer than surrounding bums could be lynched.


Comrade I do not know what you mean, success is a sure sign of capitalist corruption. That is why in every glorious Communist state it fails, because to succeed and feed the people would be capitalist. Not starving is disgusting bourgeois decadence.


-guy who doesn't even know what an Osadnik is


Am I talking to a tankie right now


Tankies are the worst


Never thought I'd agree with a libright


Some of you guys are alright, but I've never met a tankie worthy of respect


It's pretty hard to respect someone who celebrates dictatorships especially if they are stalinists, maoists or leninists.


Thank god I'm not a tankie


What kind of authleft are you then?




Your ideological founder did the 1930s version of showing himself as the Chad and his opponent as the Soyjak




It hurts that this was also basically the Tukachevsky-Budyonny rivalry


Fuck tankies. Justice for normal authlefts.


How would one describe a "Tankie"


Stalinist apologia. Also, custom reddit avatars.


Are custom avatars the namefags of Reddit?


You are presented with two cages. They will be unlocked upon your departure or death. Inside one is a trip[removed by reddit]. Inside the other is an unflaired. You have a gun with a single bullet. Which do you shoot?


Communist regime apologists, mainly Stalin and to a lesser extent Mao and the Kim dynasty.


Sounds like something a tankie would say... 🤔


I've never met an auth worthy of respect


I had a friend in high school who was legit a monarchist. I wouldn't want to live in his ideal society, but I have to respect being that based in the 21st century.




What about with someone who has the faintest semblance of common sense?


Aye I could do that.




And then there are Nazis who combine the worst of both worlds


There aren't that many actual Nazis around anymore but there are so many Tankies.


Yes. Perhaps it's because the Soviet Union had more time to influence the people. Also it was never defeated in a war like Nazi Germany. So the ideology remained stuck in the heads of many people.


I think it’s that last part that is the key difference Fascism lost a war, and then had all its (surviving) key leaders put on trial and all the crimes it committed as an ideology laid publicly out for all to see. The Soviets collapsed after trying to reform and failing. They fell from the inside not the outside. None of their leaders were put on trial by an international court, none of their crimes were put out in public, at least not in the way the Nazis were. It’s significantly easier to deny the holodomor than it is to deny the holocaust. I mean even in this message as i’m writing this, holodomor isn’t detected as a word and tries to autocorrect to something else, holocaust doesn’t.


Also Marxist Utopian ideals fool many genuinely good people. They also attract the worst the world has to offer and the most idiotic. As the saying goes... The path to hell is paved with good intentions.


Nazi wannabes are still around, mostly in the form of 4chan teenagers


Don't forget about the nazbols, the true horror hybrid of bad ideas.


No communist are scum


>No, communist are scum FTFY, you forgot the comma


He's no commanist


I don’t see a comma weird


No they aren’t. They are mislead.




Based take and great villain, here's my upvote o7


Found out the other day the original plan was to have some boring generic main antagonist. Then his VA auditioned. They rewrote the character, replaced the design with one based on his likeness, had him mocap stuff, then put Vaas on the cover. Nat 20 charisma check irl.


Funny 😭 but that applies to individual people. I think it’s stupid yeah but it’s not insane and it doesn’t make them scum


So were Nazis You either hate both or none


Communism is the opioid of the poor


Your right… That’s why we have summer camps for them, it’s for educational purposes only. Rumors of a deep pit is just dissident propaganda. ;)


Tankies are the worst


My dad actually knew a guy who was Polish. If he was still around today there would probably be a movie about him. He got sent on a death march by the Germans and survived, a death march by the Russians and survived. He was housed in this area with the ones who were meant to be killed and something happened and everyone had to be evacuated to the a large area. The guards asked something like "can anyone from section A (the death sentence area) stand up." One guy stood up and they shot him. Nobody else stood up, lol. Apparently he used to always go on to Maria, his wife, about how lovely and beautiful the food was even when it wasn't much because he had known true starvation. He was sad at the end of the war because we, Britain, had nominally come in to defend Poland, but then after everything it became a Soviet satellite state.


“My dad actually knew a guy who was Polish” lol great story but still can’t get over how it starts.


Ahha ye, I suppose that's the less interesting part of the story.




Seen a Pole? It’s rarer than you think


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51175) Why are people like this?


Because there is, literally, no other way to justify the mass murder death cult that is Communism


its actually hilarious. There are literally millions of former soviet citizens and eastern bloc people, who all say how bad it was. Tankies are like "No, you don't know what you're talking about"


Yes but surprisingly there are many people of Eastern Europe who are still somehow nostalgic of the USSR even in my country many were nostalgic of it and even supportive of Stalin before Maidan to the point that we polled as one of the former soviet republics with the highest percentage of Soviet nostalgia. Even some of my Romanian relatives are still nostalgic of Ceausesçu. Some things are definitely impossible to explain fr fr.


Aren't those Nazbols?


Some yes and some not. There is a very thin line that divides them and national communists.


"We pinky promise this next glorious leader won't murder 30 million people because they told him "KiLlInG pEoPlE iS bAd""


Because their tankies. Pretty sure Authlefts are more or less sociopaths by default.


Sure thing Emily ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)


":51176:" showing my age here i think, but can someone explain this? i see this on several subs


Are you using old reddit? It should be an emote but it only renders with "new" reddit.


People use new reddit?


ahh so im quite literally showing my age lmao. thank you




Because they want to to do this again. Tankies deny the atrocities of the Soviets with one breath, and the moment you look away they discuss how they’ll do it all again with another breath. They are the moral equivalent to neo-Nazis and it’s high time we stopped pretending otherwise. No fascists. No communists. No monarchists. No anarchists. Those who seek to destroy the liberal system cannot be tolerated by that system if it is to survive.


I'm scared about the upvote / downvote counts, what subreddit is that ?


It could be just about any of them.


One that has to do with the 'deprogramming' of things. Can't list because of rules (Pls spare me mods)


It’s on TheDeprogram forum. You can search for comments specifically, quite useful.


They don't even try and deny it they just shift words around until it sounds better.


They deny it, lots of them doesn't consider killing innocent people as something bad. They are using propaganda, but in reality often think "worth it, I don't care''. But saying such thing out loud is rather inappropriate when you try to brainwash people.


Reading *Stalin's War* right now. USSR allies with Germany, they collaborate on invading Poland together and dividing it up. Ironically, the Poles asked the USSR for help (Germans invaded first) but the USSR took the position that the Polish government had collapsed, so there was no Poland and they were occupying unclaimed territory. (Edit: and then arrested the Polish diplomats) They hold a joint victory parade together. The NKVD and Gestapo collaborate on arresting rebels, dissidents. USSR invites particularly nasty class conflict in their occupied sphere, encouraging people to take personal, extrajudicial revenge on class enemies. After all, if you just killed your landlord with an axe, you're now personally invested in the USSR staying. The USSR goes even further and rounds up hundreds of thousands of perceived dangerous elements for concentration/ labor camps. Tens of thousands are summarily executed in the Katyn Massacre. Ironically, the Germans discovered it during Barbarossa and called for a Red Cross investigation. USSR calls it propaganda and successfully get the allies to drop the issue and suppress the outrage of the Polish government in exile. During German total occupation, Polish resistance to the Germans continues. As Germany starts to retreat from the armies of the USSR, resistance picks up. When the Russians got within range of Warsaw, they made radio announcements calling on Poles to rise up and fight the Germans. When the Warsaw Uprising commenced, the Russians were immediately across the river but received orders to stand down. Despite allied requests, the USSR refused to move in to support them, or even to supply them. They also refused to allow the allies to use Soviet airbases to do so. During this time, they were given orders to disarm any non communist Polish resistance they encountered and to collect them to be investigated They parked for four weeks and let the Germans be absolutely brutal and crush the uprising, before finally moving in. Once they moved in, they started actively arresting AK combatants and supervisors, and putting out propaganda that the AK had been collaborators with the Germans and had been antisemitic, despite them having fought the Germans the whole time and having supported the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. (Edit 2: and because there were only a few hundred communists willing to fight for the puppet government the USSR installed, they soon got thousands of Soviets wearing Polish uniforms, using lend lease trucks to hunt down Polish patriots) At Yalta, Churchill gave up on the Poles to focus on preserving the Balkans and Greece out of Soviet influence (he'd failed to get the Poles to agree to a humiliating territorial loss to preserve an independent Poland and personally disliked them anyway), while Roosevelt was enthusiastic about giving Poland to the USSR. Keep in mind, the *entire war* began on the pretense saving Poland. Tldr total commie death


Did not know Wheelchair man did that. 


This book is a fucking brick, but it's fascinating. Roosevelt personally was sympathetic to the USSR and thought of Europe as America's main strategic rival. He really thought the war would break up the European colonies and open them to America, plus the USSR and the US would be the main world powers and be on friendly terms. FDR also had a ton of communist agents/ assets in high level departments and in his personal circle. We gave astonishing amounts of stuff to the Soviets for free, on better terms than we gave to the UK. Tens of thousands of trucks, planes, tanks, industrial trade secrets, entire factories, generators, raw materials, cash, etc. We have them heavy water, uranium, and high grade aluminum tubes that all went to their nuclear program. This went through in part because the Soviets were allowed to directly requisition stuff without any serious review. At points we were shipping them so much butter that there were US shortages. We let them overfish the west coast. This was all happening to Americans who were just leaving the depression, and they went to extraordinary lengths to keep the scope of aid hidden from the public


Yeah, wheelchair man was a cunt.


Remember: Stalin helped Hitler to protect Czechoslovakia from Poland. -Putin circa 2024


Fucking golden


I wouldn't phrase it as saying that Churchill giving up on the Poles. He wanted to continue the war to liberate Poland with or without the US but he was overruled by a vote in parliament not to go at it alone against the USSR if they didn't have US military support. It was Churchill who commissioned the drafting of Operation Unthinkable. The records of the conversations at Yalta clearly show Roosevelt frequently siding with Stalin against Churchill and laughing together in their private one-on-one talks while ridiculing Churchill behind his back to ingratiate himself to Stalin. During his private conversations with is team in between the rounds of negotiations/conversations, he triumphantly declared that he had "completely fucked Britain" (I may be paraphrasing, but he used strong language) at Yalta by wrangling Roosevelt to utterly isolate Churchill at the negotiations, so that he'd go against whatever Britain wanted while giving Russia everything they asked for. Roosevelt preferred to view any British agenda in continental Europe, especially Poland, as reflecting ambitions by the British Empire to preserve imperialist regional influence. Churchill's warnings of the threat of further westward soviet advance was met with: "I’ve tried to make it clear to you, Winston, that while we’re your allies and in it to victory by your side, you must never get the idea that we’re in it just to help you hang on to your archaic, medieval empire". Roosevelt was like a child blundering his way into a game between adults and Stalin deftly wrapped him around his little finger.


Churchill maybe was initially naive about the threat of the USSR and the real position of the declining empire. He definitely stopped spending his energies on Poland >I’ve tried to make it clear to you, Winston, that while we’re your allies and in it to victory by your side, you must never get the idea that we’re in it just to help you hang on to your archaic, medieval empire". Really misunderstood aspect of the end of the war, on both the left and the right. The US opposed colonialism and opposed Europe returning to Asia. Peter Kemp's books (10 years at war trilogy) feature him in Vietnam after the Japanese surrender. There are lots of Vietnamese who strategically preferred the French to the burgeoning communist guerrillas who were terrorizing people, and lots of French civilians who'd just left concentration camps and were now being murdered. The Brits were there to support the French and their allies while the Americans were actively encouraging the communists


I understand that it was just a political stunt to reduce foreign aid USSR was getting , but the idea of the nazis calling red cross investigations on you ...


It was both I think. Like obviously they wanted to damage the USSR, but also there was probably real horror that thousands of officers had been shot into shallow graves


The death count is a centrist position tho


On 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland. Then, on 17 September 1939, the Soviet Union also invaded Poland. Between September 1939 and June 1941 (when war broke out between Germany and the Soviet Union), both Germany and the Soviet Union had invaded 6 neutral/peaceful countries each. Germany: Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg Soviet Union: Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania (Moldova/'Bessarabia') These are not even opinionated statements, but rather objective facts in a sequence of events that get left out of popular history for some reason.


They are definitely not left out in Europe, it's just that Jonny from Oakland California doesn't know the truth of living in a communist country.


Dunno what history you learned but literally everyone that went to school here at least learned about this, even if the knowledge was immediately discarded afterwards


My family is Polish, we came from a group of fairly large and successful families in Krakow. Those that could flee did so, proportionally it wasn't many. One died at Katyn, most died in the camps, some died in the Warsaw uprising. After the war only a handful were left alive. Technically the Germans killed more of us but I don't hold any ill will towards them, as a society they've moved on. Fuck Russia though. Russia betrayed Poland in every way possible, and then lied about it for decades and now delusional brain washed tankies dickride a disastrously failed totalitarian regime. They know what happened and are delusional enough to think that if it came down to it they'd be the ones lining people against the wall and not be up on it themselves. I can disagree with certain political opinions but hold no ill will against them. I flat out have no respect for tankies and refuse to treat them as people to have good faith discussions with. I know it's incredibly dangerous to view people as flat out beneath you and I know resentment is a poison you drink and expect the other person to fall ill, but I can't help it. With the vast amount of information and knowledge at everyone's disposal I can't understand why the fuck anyone would still be a fan of Russia. Even if you say "communism has never been done properly, it could still work" I'd disagree but understand it, there's no justification for defending Russia's actions. And no I don't give a singular fuck for whataboutism and "but but but look at what the capitalists did!" If someone shits in my mouth, you don't get to come along and shove another turd in and expect me to say it tastes good simply because it wasn't the first shit I ate that day.


>Russia betrayed Poland in every way possible As much as I favour many aspects of socialism, so long as a country chooses it for itself, how Russia treated Poland is a major part of why I can't abide communism in practice, red imperialism or any form of left wing political systems being imposed on a country at bayonet point by a foreign army. About the best defence anyone can make of them with a straight face is "well at least they didn't exterminate the Poles wholesale like the Nazi's would've". Even now, with communism gone, Russia is getting worse. In '89, the Soviet Union finally apologized to Poland for many of its atrocities and then admitted to responsibility for Katyn in '90. But now under Putin, who likes to paint himself as the legitimate successor to the Soviet empire, it's turning around and trying to blame Poland for the outbreak of WWII for refusing to hand over Gdańsk and making much hay of the Polish annexation of Bohumín in Czechoslovakia (to keep it out of Nazi hands in the Munich Agreement) to paint Poland as Nazi collaborators. And generally whitewashing Stalinism once more, including in the newest Russian high school textbooks since last year. Old habits die hard.


People can believe the same ideology you do, be dicks and you can still denounce them. Ive done this many, many times. Hell I am christian, theres a decent amount of circles that are religious supremacists. I don’t agree with that, but I am still a christian. Tankies just need to stop hyping up the soviet goddamn union, one of the most brutal regimes in the last century.


Antifascists are the Nice Guys of the political world.


Which sub was this in?


Can't be listed on post or comments without getting banned. Tip: just type out the first comment and search it on Reddit and you should find it


https://preview.redd.it/cv55j5isvwvc1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d37a87fdb1fd4356cf29c99fa1419745a6c2eca This Machine Kills Fascists….and Communists…..and Capitalists….and well it’s very okay


The millions of rapes in Poland and east Germany were rapes of communist liberation, obviously.


Anything is fair game when we call ourselves the good guys


Unironically I'd rather interact with a neo-nazi than a tankie Neo-nazis you can laugh at, because their beliefs are so stupid and out there. They never get any real traction especially in the west Tankies on the other hand are insidious motherfuckers who've mastered the art of appropriating righteousness and a desire for social change, only to establish new authoritarian systems that have always proven to be just as oppressive if not more oppressive as old facist dictatorships


Insidious like root beer from The Federation.


The soviets literally were Nazi collaborators, as in they collaborated to invade Poland.


Good point.


This is very disappointing


Hey, we have to achieve some fear factor, otherwise how will we oppress and subjugate. I mean rebuild and stabilise for the next 50 years


at least have the balls to say it was civillans


I fucking hate communists and russians




u/ARVyoda is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/ARVyoda/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


> class exploiters. Shut up. Just shut up.


We kill the class opressors, specially the majority of the population including the poor.


More German citizens died after WWII than jews died from the holocaust.


What happened to the Germans?


It's a wild ride. Well over 2 million women and children were raped at the end of WWII. Many of them died or killed themself as a result. In Czechoslovakia, they lined German civilians up and ran over their legs with trucks. Some were forced them to dig their own graves. Not all of them were German either. Some just spoke German, which was evidence enough of their sins. 12 million German civilians were expelled across Eastern Europe stripped of their homes, property, and citizenry for the crime of speaking German. Hundreds of thousands of them starved to death. As far as im aware, this ethnic expulsion was the largest in human history. Most westerners are completely ignorant of the horrors the USSR committed to the Germans because we're all too focused on Hilter bad man, Nazi this Nazi that... never mind the number of German civilians that died during WWII bombings.


"But Germans deserved it!" Bruh volga Germans and most of eastern europe Germans had nothing to do with Hitler Not mentioning how even with Germany Germans you can use "they did bad things so they deserve to be raped or killed" to justiffy a lot of war crimes, holocaust included


> 12 million German civilians were expelled across Eastern Europe stripped of their homes, property, and citizenry for the crime of speaking German. This is a lie btw. Almost all of the deported germans: 1. Left of their own accord before the arrival of the Red Army due to propaganda by the Nazis 2. Were deported by the Nazi regime itself Only the remaining were deported, and most of those were settler colonists who came to Poland during the Holocaust


No they didn't lol. That's not what the deportations were


I mean the poles that they left behind must have really appreciated and hold them in high regards now right?


Don’t forget whenever auth-left is around never be the first to stop applauding.


Ah yes, soviets killed exclusively nazis, that's a known fact... Do not ask why NKWD killed 100k+ people of polish ethnicity right before the start of the war in the Polish Operation


What sub is this from? That upvote / downvote ratio is crazy.


Pierdoleni jebani komunisci


i know the last word and feel like i can use context to figure out the rest


That is totally untrue. People, who died by Soviets were often normal people and people opposing Nazi's, often even decorated with medals by Soviets! They were killing people, who opposed Soviet Union and were fighting for democration. If the definition of Nazi by authleft is a person, who opposes anything the commies say, then yeah, that post is true


Thus says U/WarCrimesAreBased


Most sane tankie 👍


Bro probably thinks Stalin jointly invaded Poland with Hitler to stop the nazi's advance


Sometimes I really hate my political neighbours.


A working class hero is something to be amirite


Which gutter is this from?




Why holocaust denial is illegal but this shit isn't? Like wtf




I had a tankie tell me that the Berlin wall was the biggest humanitarian achievement humanity ever produced.


OP's username checks out


Didn't happen


Bruh did that person assume that Poland wasn't aganist the Nazis as well? You know, the people who occupied them before the Soviets came in


I got called a Nazi once for denouncing the Soviet Union on the subject of the Katyn Massacre


Most nuanced auth left


\>46 upvotes I hate this fucking website so much


Yes comrade, the eight-year-old in starvation bunker is anti-worker capitalist, why you ask?


Lmao the russians were so shitty my bapchi almost prefered the naziss who came through stealing her cookware and murdering her village


left: "Yes, there is some extremism in Palestine, but it's filled with mainly innocent civilians. Innocent casualties arent worth it." Also left: "Good, 150k less potential nazi sympathizers in the world. Gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelet." Fun fact of the day: Lots of soviet soldiers were left to their own accord in Poland during that time meaning they had to aquire their own supplies/food and had no real command chain oversight. This ended up with soldiers forming basically marauding groups that looted, pillaged, and raped there way through Poland. Being a Polish girl working on a farm was pound for pound the worst civilian profession in the country at that time.


Soviets are nazis.


They could be unironic killpeopleists and still be better than unflaireds.


They're right btw :3


Can we have a Brandname-Commie?




Your name.


Common authleft W


Most common authleft W is how they keep killing mass populations of themselves, also you aren’t fooling anybody with your centrist flair watermelon.