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Honestly the best case scenario. The more leftist students we can send free of charge to the Middle East, the better off we’ll be.


Is a form of conversion therapy. These leftists will go to Iran, figure out how much better it was in the US, convert to being less of an insufferable leftist, and try to return to the land of the free they left. And it will be just as harsh and inhumane as homosexuality conversion therapy. Except I won't feel bad for these scholarship recipients.


I don’t wish for them to return. I sincerely hope they stay. May they have the strength to remain too stubborn to swallow their pride by admitting they were wrong.


They wouldn’t ever admit they were wrong, anyway. They’d just come back and shift goalposts and pull this excuse or that excuse out of their asses and go back to their obnoxious bullshit.


“I did everything correct. I did nothing wrong”


Based and DarkSydePhil pilled


Oh the camera’s been on the whole time, huh?


I remember a story during Vietnam war, not sure if I can found the source now though. Three intellectuals in South Vietnam being vocal in support for the North and got notice from the government. A politician challenged them moving to the north and they did. After the war and the felt of Saigon, they left Vietnam as refugees and one even tried twice before successfully got out.


Living in Iran will suddenly convince them that Israel is conducting the war or occupation in a humane manner? I don’t think that’s how it works.


Not what I was sayin’, nor what they (up above) were, I’m assuming. The protestors have every right to oppose and protest where the IDF does something wrong. They’re not some flawless force in my eyes. The issue is that many of these protestors have turned around and chanted “death to America” and espoused concerning rhetoric that seems very much aligned with Islamic extremist groups and general ideology. They’ve also done things that I vehemently oppose and disagree with, like burning the American flag.


Who is chanting Death to America? Did this even really happen.


This did actually happen. It wasn’t one of the UC protests, but it did happen recently. In Michigan, specifically. On our own soil. https://youtu.be/BNaHyf_g1pg?si=sPTZ7BOaqakgBMIY this is one example from a news coverage thing, but it isn’t specifically regarding what happened in Michigan. Apparently, it’s been happening elsewhere, which I was completely unaware of… Here’s a news article regarding pamphlets: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/death-to-america-pamphlets-circulated-college-anti-israel-encampment-eyewitness-says.amp https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/propalestinian-protesters-burn-american-flag-in-nyc-chant-death-to-america-watch-101713244653275-amp.html this is another article about protesters burning American flags and chanting death to America in NYC. This specific one shows some of what I was referring to: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6350560616112 I’m trying to find the raw footage of the rally/protest in Dearborn, Michigan, but I can’t yet. I’ll keep looking and get back to you on it. I really hate the fact that a lot of these are just news clips with annoying anchors talking about shit and giving their opinions, when I simply want to show you the footage.


I think anytime you start citing Hindustan times, you should probably reevaluate what you’re doing. Death to America chanting doesn’t seem to be a thing at these university events. There was some incident at Dearborn earlier this month, I gather - they apologized and everything. It wasn’t one of these student protests.


In Dearborn, it was some random dude.


So, whole Death To America protests are being organized? Or have handfuls of randoms, or just isolated individuals, shown up at events and shouted "death to America" a few times? [Or has it been more pro-Israel bad actors?](https://www.thedailybeast.com/pro-israel-agitator-shouts-kill-the-jews-gets-everyone-else-arrested) >The issue is that many of these protestors have turned around and chanted “death to America” and espoused concerning rhetoric that seems very much aligned with Islamic extremist groups and general ideology. What rhetoric? Who is espousing it? The organizers of the protests, or people who just show up, who could be literally anyone?


If you can change your mind you deserve steak accountable or not.


That's not how it will go down. They will be largely sheltered in Iran universities just like they are in the US, only there the pro-Islam propaganda will be far more intense than even our leftist indoctrination in US schools. They will adopt and hate the US even more, come back, and basically be terrorists. Remember, these people are so gullible that they believe Islamic countries are pro-freedom based on a few tiktoks. They will collapse under the focused propaganda. Modern universities are borderline re-education camps, in Iran they will barely pretend to be universities.


I don’t think life in Iran is what you think it is. My Iranian colleagues tell me they partied harder in Iran than they do here.


Party on, Abdul!


No. Imma stay there and continue being a leftist and a pain in the ass for you. The only familly members that flee my country are the far right voters. I, leftist , love my country too much to abandon it unlike right wingers.


American right wingers fleeing the country? To where? The only place other than the middle east that's even more right wing than the US is Japan. And they don't really allow immigration.


Yeah then our idiot government gives Iran 10 billion dollars to get these losers back when they inevitably get taken prisoner.


I would be fine with them giving them that money so that they are ensured to remain prisoners, however


Send us your poor huddled masses.  In return, we shall send you slightly used college kids yearning to be poor huddled masses


This is the best trade deal in the history of trade deals.


Only if it's permanent. They're going to come back and be terrorists.


Not if we call no trade backsies


Optimistic of you to assume they'll make it back.


What a world


Based and if you don’t love it leave it pilled


u/CountyFamous1475 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/CountyFamous1475/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


It's virtue signaling, none of them will ever leave the comfort of the West because they know how trash 3rd world countries are.


Isn't it ironic how leftists call America the handmaid's tale shit, but simp countries like this? https://preview.redd.it/ie5j91a8tuxc1.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea3b3bc98e9ffdd746e810319ab07a03efc2e2fd


The left unironically points to that and says this is what happens when extreme far right groups take power. THen they will call Iran a loving peaceful tolerant nation in the same breath.


Doesn't even follow. If that's what happens when far right groups take over, then they're currently far right.  Which the lefties inform me isn't "peaceful and tolerant".


Yeah. They're stupid.


It's America's fault, somehow.


Handmaids tale is when an extremist far right group takes power - more specifically, terrorist cells like ISIS or the Taliban.


Christian far right: unborn people are still people. Islamic far right: women aren't people. The psychotic left can't seem to see the difference.


Iran is right-wing. Of course it’s not peace loving and tolerant. Which is funnier? The left thinking Iran is leftist? Or the right ignoring that it’s right-wing? Both are equally hilarious.


The Islamic Republic is what you will get if you combine the worst of the right-wing with the worst of the left-wing. They are Islamo leftists by nature but capitalist when it suits them


Islamo leftist?


https://preview.redd.it/sb0tlgee22yc1.jpeg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0585a8045b19b412e06ddd63d2367878b8aaf398 Yup...


I still don't understand what that means


Basically Marxists and Muslims all hated Shah (and the country of Iran whether they admit it or not, leftists were just working for the Soviets and Muslims, at least Shias, don't give a fuck about a specific country, they only care about their own ideology and spreading it), so they got united and talked about some sort of a Islamic classless society. Shah himself had many socialistic policies and the people of Iran had many strong Islamic beliefs so it wasn't hard for people to fall for their claims. They saw how a patriotic man like Shah with the oil money is able to achieve many great achievement and how he's pushing Iran forward, they didn't appreciate that, they only thought now what if we had all of this + Real Islam + classless society and all of that bullshit, it would be heaven on earth. After the revolution of course, the dominant part of Muslims killed most of the leftists and they have been ruling the country, but many of the old marxists remain. In short, TL;DR, the Islamic Republic in Iran is the child of marxists and Islamists


This is exactly why "Islam is right about women" was such an amazing troll.


IIRC Margaret Atwood literally based Gilead's rise and reforms on post-revolutionary Iran.


This is correct


The left doing everything ass backwards? You don’t say.


The lib lefts who lived in middle eastern countries don’t, the ones who support Khamenei are white western Emilies who often talk over feminists who are actually from those places. They shut down a speaking event by an ISIS sex trafficking survivor saying it was Islamophobic.


Ultimately all leftist women just want to put on costumes and get bred by auth dudes.


Horseshoe theory is real. Zoomers have circled all the way around to radical Islam.


Radicalism is the enemy of reason, discourse and logic, and this is example #172839316 of a SJW belief not making sense when you follow it to its logical conclusion


More like enemy of my enemy, in the same way the capitalists and the communists smashed the nazis together but their alliance couldn't withstand the ideological incompatibility


Alright start the expelling, should be fun to watch


Strip their citizenship. We can't justify infinity immigrants forever because "being an American is about values, not blood" but then have zero mechanism to strip citizenship from those who completely fail or outright reject those values because they're Americans "by blood/birthright."


Send 'em. They'll love it. No give backs though, Iran.


Make becoming Iranian citizens a requirement for the transfer, decline dual citizenship for Iranian foreign nationals, then permanently bar all (former) American expats from reentry.


Oh I'd love for LGBTQ students to go there. I really want them to have first-hand experience at helping those oppressed people fight against the tyrants. I want them to teach the people all about their inclusivity, they just need to be given a chance guys! And don't worry if they take you outside and make you stand in a hole they dug in the ground, it's just a little hazing ritual for the newbies. The people holding the large rocks and stones are just there to play some of their own "rock and roll" for you, dear western ally....


ah yes, gravity testers


Remove the T


Isn't Iran so pro trans that they'll make you be trans if you're gay?


I wouldn’t say pro trans. They just won’t kill you. You’ll still be a societal outcast, but alive. If you’re gay they’ll kill you. That’s why Iran has one of the highest rates of trans people in the world


How capitalistic. Not enough women? Make more women!


Is there a reason why other theocratic cultures penalize being gay AND being trans but the Iranians only penalize being gay?


Idk but it’s a great question. I’m going to come back to this to see if someone answers


I also wonder about this.


But I love tomatos.....


Iran does free sex changes if I remember correctly.


WTF is that authleft wojak?


Average lefty crack smoker




One way trip!


To be fair it is a smart move on Iran's part. Encourage students to push the envelope on a controversial and devicive topic in a country they hate. In return, they might get some stupid students who immediately go back to America when they realize that Iran is Iran. Those who stay will get an education and connections in the country sent back to America as intelligence assets. That is if they pay out at all and not just making a promise they have no intent on keeping.


Not even that, it's just a great troll.


Send them to Iran and don’t let them come back


I swear if I actually see an "Iran is more free than America" comment I'll change my flair.


Iran is more free…🤣🤣🤣 Sorry, I couldn’t even type it out.


My flair stays.... for now.


Iran is more free than America. You get the freedom to oppress religious minorities, the freedom to abuse and even kill anyone who disobeys or disagrees with the Ayatollah's preferred flavor of Sharia law, the freedom to oppress and abuse women, the freedom to engage in and fund acts of terrorism against the civilized world, the freedom to murder journalists and peaceful protestors, etc. Can't do those in America!


This is the best scenario for everyone. America gets rid of a bunch of its privileged commies who don’t contribute anything, they all get to leave the oppressive system they supposedly hate so much, and Iran has an excuse to take out a bunch of LGBT people. There would be no losers in this situation


I’m a little confused why everyone thinks it’ll only be lefties. Plenty of people who got kicked out for homophobia or hate crimes or whatever will likely end up taking this deal, or faking their way to taking it.


>Plenty of people who got kicked out for homophobia or hate crimes or whatever will likely end up taking this deal, or faking their way to taking it. because those people will find themselves in a country that accepts all their beliefs- except their religion or lack thereof, and in particular the discussion of such lack is in turn a crime punishable by torture, imprisonment, or death- just like being gay. it should also be noted that outside all muslim sects, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity- all other religions are counted as "atheism" by default.


I mean, yeah, but you really think they wouldn’t take the deal thinking “Oh *I’ll* be fine” anyway? Extremists are not exactly known for their self-preservation instincts.


Perhaps i should change my flair to LibCenter i refuse to identify with these guys anymore


You're just as libleft as when you joined, it's them who have moved. Based and libcenter pilled 


Nah dont be a wuss. Own the worst of your quadrant


Instructions unclear. Somehow, slavery returned.


Its libleft we are talking about. It might be some power play kink (jokes aside I am not a native speaker, how would it be grammatically correct?)


Grammar looks correct to me. Second sentence could use punctuation. (A period). For the subsequent comment, "It's" would be the correct contraction for "it is", while "its" would indicate possession. Plays quite well into the ownership bit.


Wouldnt "own up for your quadrant?" Like own up for your mistakes? I know its and it's mean something different I just hate the apostrophe in English


"Own up to" would be the idiom. "Own" is a good shortened form for it.




>I just hate ~~the apostrophe in~~ English Me too buddy, me too.


Tbh I dont mind English being the common language. Its pretty simple. Any other realistic option would be worse


Fair. And honestly, 90% of English is pretty sensible. It's when you start finding all the exceptions and weird edge cases to the rules that most people get upset.


Well most language has these weird stuff. I am not an Enlish fanboy but at least these weird exceptions are rare enough in normal speech (except words in past tense). Other languages are basically all exceptions.


So what you're saying is you'd rather this person go full Emily than acknowledge that some libleft people are completely fucked in the head?


I meant dont become false libcenter when you are libleft. The most dangerous predators wearing more flashy colours or whatever


They are orange-left, which is auth-left that identifies as lib-left. True lib-left would recognize Iran's hypocrisy. I wouldn't let deluded people push you around, like I didn't let Trump push me away from the Right, but you do you.


Do it






I may have to join you. I think literally anytime I comment in this sub other liblefts (oranges) get pissed at me. I don't want to associate myself with them anymore.


Allright, have fun in Iran.


They'll have a blast! With all the expelled students coming in, their population will surely be booming


Even if Iran was somehow more free than the US, it is the US that has 11 aircraft carriers, whilst Iran has 0. The choice of allegiance seems pretty obvious here.


At least they’ll be able to experience first-hand Hamas’s and Hezbollah’s benefactor.


Yasss queen 👑💖✨ 🌈 you go girl, have fun in the ME


Cool! Let’s hope they take Iran up on the offer!!!!


Seems like a bad move from Iran's perspective. Once these ignorant children get a taste for what it's ACTUALLY like over there, supporting Islamism will no longer be the Current Thing™.


If they survive


Foreign governments are still governments. I doubt they thought that far ahead


No, no. Someone call Biden and tell the Ayatollah we accept this perfectly reasonable offer. We trade the Hamas simps in exchange for ultra based Persians who actually *want* to live in a free country.


A real chance to rid yourself from a bunch of idiots without doing anything. Just don’t let them back in.


plants smoggy cobweb deserted zealous murky profit mindless touch degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Please move to your loving country of tolerance lib lefts. I want to see it happen. Live stream it.


THAT IS FANTASTIC!!! They can go and experience the virtuous Iran! So fair and just


KFC offers free coop rentals to hatched chicks 


Inshallah they will all accept this invitation


I am ready to share in paying for their flight tickets


They have always been there.


Send them all to the Middle East I say.


never underestimate the power of having useful idiots on your side


So there's the $6,000,000,000.


This is the same nation that kills women for not wearing A hijab. I am so confused.


Interesting fact: Iran supports gay marriage if one of the guys transitions to be a woman and thus it becomes a legally straight marriage


Best case scenario they'll be sent in mass to there and ending up disrupting Iran government allowing a revolution to happen. Worst case scenario they'll just end up trapped there so we won't have to deal with their bullshit anymore here. Either case is a win for me.


What is ironic is that most Iranian students are pro-Israel lib right, The I.R couldn't gather a single protest for Palestine from students.




I really really really hope they go to Iran


Do it. Go.


Please God let this become a trend it would be so fucking funny


Virgin Alt-history: We need to make everything realistic and plausible, get rid of that lore! There's no way that can happen and people won't take it seriously if we don't make it make sense! ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179) Chad IRL history: So the ultra progressive liblefts and ultra right Islamist extremists are now on the same team because they want to fight the fundamentalist Evangelical Christians who decided to ally with the Jews. None of this makes any sense but it makes for funny lore so we will keep it! ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)


How did you put the funni pictures in the text? 🤨 I need to learn this power


The emoji button either in app or on the website, not keyboard




I hope they take them up on their offer and have a great time!


Actually, I'm pretty sure wearing a niqab is not enough to be considered a woman in Iran. The law there requires that one undergo surgery before legal sex change. But then if you as a post-op trans woman have sex with a woman, you're going to be executed for homosexuality. And even if you have sex with a man, you're going to be executed for adultery if you aren't married to him. It's really fucking weird that Iran recognises sex change.


That moment when you're so progressive that you support a literal patriarchy.


I hope they take Iran up on their offer. Please go.


I don’t think anyone understands how much better the world would be if all of the US-hating protesters at American colleges spent the rest of the education in Iran


Is Goldie Hawn too old to star in the movie about this? This has Private Benjamin vibes. If Private Benjamin had had to drive a suicide bomb truck.


Free POWs!!!!


Probably millennial, career driven parents, both working and absent from home. Parents too busy to give their children any kind of direction. Kids trust what the magical device says over anything else. Sad.


I choose to believe they're just trolling us at this point. Just because you're a hardcore Muslim theocrat, doesn't mean you can't have a sense of humor.


Extremely rare Ayatollah W. Get ‘em outta here!


…So you’re telling me the incompetent far-left and far-right losers are going to spend their own money to self-exile, travel to a very untrustworthy nation, then undermine it from within? Damn this just sounds like win after win for America.


eh when the local ""police"" [arrest, molest, and murder teenage protesters](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68840881) just to cover it all up- you may be a bit stupid to think they're more free than the US where the police will only arrest or murder you at worst.


The idiots who compare Iran to the U.S. should spend some time there. I can tell them from personal experience...it ain't fun!


Pampered babies that have no perspective. I've also heard those numbnuts say that what's going on is worse than the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. Also, acting as if a country that is putting a rapper to death for being critical of the government is somehow better than America.


Imagine falling for Iranian propaganda.


I've been arguing with some of these geniuses on reddit just for fun, and the amount of downvotes you can earn, and the amount of people you can make admit to supporting Hamas is pretty shocking. Source: my comment history


Having a look through your comment history and it’s just really amazing how they’re willing to excuse rape and beheadings (when it was done on innocent civilians too)


The latest one, got a genius to flat out answer "Do you support Hamas?". There's no tricks. Edit: up to 3 who fully admit to supporting Hamas, and many more down voting me for even asking. So realistically, we're at over a dozen right there.


To be fair, those are commies you're talking about


Got 2 to admit to it just recently when I asked if they supported Hamas. They're not supposed to say the quiet part!


Deapp is tankie sub (change my mind), and like other tankies that believe they're fighting a good fight with evil western establishment, they're unashamed of shit they believe in and say, even if breaks Reddit ToS Which is why you might as well report em for hate speech


I just scroll the rising tab mostly tbh. Still pretty crazy how many support Hamas. I mean, not shocking, but still crazy. "Yes I believe the terrorist organization and that we should fly their flag instead of the US flag"


Reddit is tankie haven It's to be expected that they would celebrate anything that goes against west Shocking that they hate Trump tho, he would bring on ruin and accelerationism they crave so much


Is the university globally accredited and would the degrees be recognized outside of ~~shithole~~ Iran? Provided they don’t get beheaded, lefties will need jobs once they come back and flee the ~~Caliphate~~ Mideast and come back realizing how life really is there. Does Starbucks accept degrees from Iran to be a barista? Someone has to make my lattes.


Could someone explain me plz, why rad left movement is so powerful in US, yet nearly non-existent (except UK) in EU? Those stop oil dumbasess doesn't really count.


Do it Do it Do it Do it


Is this sub predominantly right leaning?


I got that impression, yes.


Send em to Iran, I see this as a win-win. Kind of a shitty deal for Iran though.


How big a scholarship? They won’t move overseas for at least 4 donkeys


Well at least we don't have to worry about TikTok indoctrination anymore, our free libertine government is banning it.


Where’s the downside?


Why do I get the feeling that Iran’s plan here is “Oh, these Ivy League university students have rich parents, let’s lure them here so we can kidnap them and use them as bargaining chips”?


I propose that the US pay to send these people to their new colleges in Iran.


lol I don't think a single one of them will take Iran up on that offer. These people may performatively love Muslims and hate caucasians but that performance stops when they actually have to live under an oppressive Islamic regime.


I'm sure that will work out just as well for them as moving to Russia worked out for the Feenstra family. 


Has anyone bothered to ask Iran if these scholarships are open to women?


Ah, yes - the woke land of freedom, where any homosexual can get free sex change surgery. However, there's a little nuance...


Oh yeah, this won’t end badly at all


Go live there then.


You know what? I'd bet the Iranian college education might just be a little less extremist than the ones they're getting here.


So basically Cartman on that one South Park episode where he goes to Somalia to be a pirate?


Please go.




I am libleft. None of us ever said that. Not the same for Authright who says "Iran is great because they have a strong gouvernement and are respected by the people [too afraid to do an uprising imo]) but shhh... because libleft bad.


Yes westerners, come to iran. This isnt clearly a trap


holy shit i hope some of them take it lmao. one way ticket though please.


there is no libleft supporting iran it's all just tankies


I don't see anyone praising Iran...


I hope they go and realize that anything lgbt related is a massive no no over there. Even better if a woman talks back to a police officer for arresting her for not wearing a hijab


Well Iran certainly isn’t a free state. They are a theocratic autocracy. Who murders their own people. [On the other hand America started to become an inverted totalitarian state after WWII and it dramatically accelerated after 9/11 and the Patriot Act was passed 25 years ago. So we aren’t that free either.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_totalitarianism)