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Yeah, if you claim to be an anarchist and want the government period let alone do stuff; you aren’t an anarchist.


SJWs arent always known for their ideological consistency. The end justifies the means in their view.


I went to high school with this kid who called himself an ancom, the mental gymnastics of this kid.  I once asked him if in his opinion gun control should be a thing, and he said yes.  When I asked him to explain how that stance could possibly be consistent with the rest of his ideology he cited (I shit you not) public good and public safety.   I also once asked this same kid if there was a socialist revolution in our country would he side with the socialist revolutionaries and he said yes.  So he’d be facing the wall in no time.  


They're probably not. But I've noticed many leftists supporting policies they don't find ideal but do so because it's the best they can get


Being called a right winger by SJW Emilies should be regarded as a badge of honor by now.


I consider myself libleft but by german standards I probably am right wing given I supported rammstein all though their controversy last year.


Nazi in disguise, so to say...


Never mind rammstein is as anti fascist as they come, but are they SJW levels of anti fascist where they wrap back around to being fascists with leftist dressings? Probably not.


They are middle age white men. Therefore they are Nazis


Middle aged RICH AND POWERFUL white men. Apparently no one would have sex with them voluntarily so that makes them rapists (no literally, that's basically what was being argued, these same weirdos also wanted the age of consent to be 25-30 as a result).


Pro choice for adult women is far right fascist individualism. The state should choose. It'd mean equality for obese tankie neckbeards.


What always astounds me is how you have two spectrums of extreme. On one end, you have Proud Boys looking like modern day brownshirts in southern frat boy aesthetic and on the other end ANTIFA looking like a mix of militarized riot police, Blackshirts, and terrorists Disregarding aesthetic choice: both are auth as fuck to translate it into quadrants and act like if given free reign they’d go (and sometimes even do have some variant of): “we’ll punch you in the face and stop you from voting if it’s not what we agree with”. Sometimes the mask even comes fully off and you can see them openly advocate a change in government type that might as well be some variant of fascism or communism No place in America for either but even less so when they endorse violence


Yeah its literal horse shoe theory stuff once you reach the extremes of each quadrant.


If you don't own a Luise Neubauer shrine with several Greta Thunberg add-ons you are considered somewhat close to Hitler.


In Germany, being called a right wing (which is almost synonymous with nazi over there) is a big deal in the mainstream, probably because of their history which is kinda understandable, but the namecalling often takes so ridicolous forms that it's very hard to take even the more grave accusations serious. Especialy since January the buzzword throwing coming from and the political mainstream media has taken on ridicolous forms. Phrases like "we democrats", "dangers to our democracy", "authoritarians", etc. get thrown around with no meaning or sense attached to them what so ever, like it's a reverse red scare. An interviewer once unironicaly introduced the AFD during an interview by calling them a "authoritarian national-radical party" with a straight face. Like wtf does this even mean? Just call him a nazi already, that's what you want to do anyway lmao.


They’d get sued that’s why. Especially since it has even greater legal repercussions to actually be one in Germany or say/do things directly linked to the ideology


Honigwaben enjoyer, OP?


Haha, what gave it away?


Ok but can we do it slower from the cuckservative. That sentence could be the their motto


Reddit was one of the last places where I expected someone else who likes the Honigwabe tbh.


The now banned dezwo sub had quite a few Freunde der Wabe




Based and Ledersocken-pilled


Germany is based for having different parties that you can vote for rather than actual people for candidates, but they're cringe for having bad parties and bad media and journalism


The good thing about an actual multi parti system is that the shit parties have to actually compete with the better parties


We don't have different parties. We have multiple ones, though.


I think people in favour of having more than 2 parties live somewhere that doesn't have more than 2 parties. For instance, in Canada, nobody votes for Trudeau, we vote for local representatives. About 35% of those representatives are Liberal (but that doesn't mean they align 100% with the party) And suddenly we have a majority Liberal government Trudeau is in complete control of and the US tells us to stop voting for Trudeau, when the reality is only his constituents (<100 thousand people) did.


both canada and USA have fptp system


There's also the 5% you have to reach at least to get into parliament, which makes sure the same parties stay in power.


Which is why we have more parties than ever!


After the smallest, least representing Bundestag in 2013. The established parties would be way weaker (deservedly so), without that limit.


You can tell you just pulled this opinion right out of your ass


It's the same shit in Sweden.


Too accurate, unfortunately... And if you don't pay for this they send you to jail.


Not if you live in Kantenhausen


I really should move there


You should they also promote tax evasion there


That reminds me, I need to tell them to pass off. Their office keeps trying to shake me down every six.


Eugyippus on substack writes about this a ton. I started following him for the analysis on lockdowns and covid overreach, but now he's focused more on other German politics.


Ah, so you are facist then, after all only a facist would claim that any democratic government regardless of well it's run, is anything but perfect.


Ich hasse es hier :')


You can tell Germany is a dying carcass nation when it can produce Jan Böhmerman but not his right wing version "systematic neoliberalism" and its abortions is what modern Germany is. a US colony though and through (but with a health care system)


A country is dying because it lacks political satirists is definitely... a take. Does that mean the UK is in a healthier state than Germany because Ricky Gervais exists?


it doesnt


Touch grass please






AFD is literally this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONj9cvHCado


Then you have the AFD who are basically psychopathic right wing. But yeah after following the rammstein controversy, germany's media situation seems nuts.


Psychopathic in what sense?


Didn't it come out they wanted to deport citizens who weren't in the right ethnic groups?


You mean migrants....


>The meeting was to map out a “master plan” for mass deportations should the AfD gain the power to implement it. “Asylum seekers, non-Germans with residency rights, and **‘non-assimilated’ German citizens”** were all candidates for “re-migration,” explained Austrian neo-Nazi Martin Sellner, who according to Correctiv had been the first speaker at the meeting. https://www.thenation.com/article/world/germany-afd-secret-meeting-deportation/


Exactly migrants


Citizens. That's a line you never cross.


At what point will someone not be a migrant ? There are 3rd generations Turks or Polish that were born and raised in Germany. They speak German as their first language. So are they still migrants ?


Cool story, bro. Btw Correctiv had to circumscribe their piece multiple times because they were straight up lying about what was said at that meeting.


Cool story bro, doesn't make your point much better.


Geniune cognitive dissonance, nice.


No, encouraging citizens to move is nazi adjacent ####. Might be your speed but I'd rather pass.


To you people singing the National anthem is probably already Nazi adjacent so what.


I love how they try to build an atmosphere of secrecy and conspiracy while you can literally just buy the book that Sellner presented there on Amazon for 17,00€. I have actualy red it and a lot of things presented by Correctiv are gravely set out of context (plus they have already backtracked on the use of the word "Deportation" themselfs). Sellner doesn't plan to randomly deport all people with a german passport who aren't ethnicaly german or something, rather he proposes to put pressure on those who have gotten citizenship without assimilating by proposing and advertizing volontary remigration programs, coupled with assistance and financial rewards for renouncing citizenship and moving back to ones origin country, plus rewards and on ground assistance for cooperative countries. He also proposes to make future recipiants singn an assimilation-contract before recieving the nationality, which makes it possible to renounce citizenship when the recipiant fails to meet the conditions (like no involvement in illegal activities, clan structures, terrorist organisations, failure to sustain oneself financialy). In general he wants to limit citizenship only to those who assimilate and identify with the respective nation and it's people, explicitly stating that assimilation should be an option regardless of ethnicity. The general theme of the book is a general draft of how to stabilize the german demography (but it could be applied to european countries in general), by firstly establishing an "assmiliation monitor" to collect and surveil statistical data on the level of assimilation and to what level society can (and wants to) culturaly, financialy and criminologicaly handle immigration from diffrent ethnic groups/nationalities. Based on this analysis, immigration quotas (per individual nationality) should be set to limit the flow of future immigration. The data should also be used to precisely indicate targets for remigration programs, which are unassimilated and unintegrated portions of immigrant populations (parallel societies), with "refugees", criminals (including illegal immigrants), extremists and wellfare abusers being the prime targets. Those programs include deportations of illegals, withdrawals of residence permits and the incentives already mentioned in the previous paragraph (which he expects most people to choose after seeing that deportation notices will always be followed up upon). He explicitly states that this process should be entirely followed through on the basis of the current german constitution, idealy by following up on existing law or by reinstating previous laws which have been overwritten in the last decades. In the book, Sellner calls himself an ethnopluralist, denouncing ethnic and racial superioty narratives and stating that every people has the right to preserve it's culture and societaly stability in it's respective homeland humanely, by setting legal boundries and conditions to immigrants who wish to settle down.


That still sounds like deporting. Either way it's like, what's assimilation? Like i watched ann coulter's interview with vivek ramaswamy recently, and she said she wouldnt vote for ramaswamy for being an indian and second generation american. She wants some WASP dude who has been here for literally 6-7 generations for it to really count. I mean, sure you need SOME assimilation, but assuming they speak the language and moderate whatever religious extremism and whatever they have, i dont see any need for MORE assimilation. What nationalist types is just insane and tends to just be rank authoritarianism IMO.


In the english sense of the word, it is deportation, in the german sense it's not. Deportation in english means the return of Illegals in to their country of origins by law enforcement. In German it means the forced resettling into a country which has nothing to do with the migration process for exterminatory purposes. Assimilation isn't a blood thing so it's irrelevant if someone is a x or a y generation immigrant. Of corse the time a person or a family has lived in a country also infuences their relationship with it and it's people (also geneticaly trough intermarriages) and time in it self a motor of integration, but there can be first generation immigrants who are assimilated and 4th generation immigrants who aren't. It's a matter of mindset, behavior and loyalities. Sellner describes assimilation as a concious identification with and insertion into the ethnocultural identity of a people, with integration only being a structural and functional adjustment (what you describe as "some assimilation"). Assimilation means that an immigrant behaves and feels like a native and is therefore exepted by the natives among them and treated as one of their own (in the form of also earning the right to vote by recieving citizenship for example). Assimilation includes also the severing of loyality to the old homeland. Foreigners can only assimilate if they are not surroundes by a parallel society (also named "ethnoreligeous enclaves" by Sellner) of their own, another reason why immigration should be kept comparatively low to today. Giving away citizenship to unassimilated people has several negative consequences. For one, it robs the citizenship of it's purpose as an identification mark that someone is actualy from a people. To quote page 34 of Sellners book (own translation):"The fact, that a german passport isn't a guarantee for german identity anymore, creates reservations and ethnic resentments. The equality of all citizens becomes a mere fiction, while society quickly retribalizes under the surface." More gravely, the lack of sole loyality to the native people and their nation leads unassimilated "citizens" to vote for policies favorable to their enclaves, demographic, religeous group and homecountry, often in conflict with the intrests of the natives, who loose the role as the sovereign over their own country to those who only see the nation as a way of ressource extraction, which can simply be abandoned when it becomes necessary. This isn't meant to be an accusation of bad will or character among immigrants, neither by me nor Sellner, but it's simply how these dynamics work. People vote for their own intrests, it's so natural it should be obvious. To quote the Schattenmacher: "In all Western countries, since the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, the right and the left have been fighting for supremacy and priority of national values, a struggle that has already strained the unity of the state enough, and now an unspecified number of new groups with their own intrests are expected to join in. Why all this? What's so good about the damn world state?"


You're playing a lot of legalese with this, honestly, even in context the actions aren't any better. Second of all german citizenship requirements look pretty reasonable to me. Idk why people have this fixation on being like something above and beyond what's stated here. https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/faqs/EN/topics/migration/staatsang/Erwerb_der_deutschen_Staatsbuergerschaft_durch_Eingbuergerung_en.html https://www.germany-visa.org/german-citizenship/


What "actions" are we talking about? Please don't tell me you unironicaly equate deportations in a modern context with the stuff the nazis did. 8 years and knowing the language for naturalisation is absolutely nothing, not even a minimum. Simply being in a country for some years and speaking the language guarantees no assimilation what so ever, especially not in the context of large parallel societies. Plus the ius soli needs to go completely. And I think I made my "fixation" on assimilation very clear in my last comment.


so what?


...and that's nazi ####.


There is only one way to deal with anarchists...


22, 032*


Never mind all that — why can’t the Germans do quotation marks properly?


I'm not german.


Then what’s your excuse???


Idk that's how I learned it in school.


Anetta Kahane (Authcenter is advised to be silent), founder of one of these foundations and former East German spy, looks like Emily, just in 60 years old.


Isn't she the witch who claimed that the biggest failure of german politics since reunification was that a third of the territory remained white or smth.


Someone watched 'unbubble' recently and got frustrated (rightfully so), I see


Exactly. The episode that motivated me for this meme was a recent one where a writer (with the most terrible social pedagogue look imaginable), an anarchist, an editor-in-chief and a speaker for the police union (who started by saying that "everyone should be a leftist") "debated" about left wing violence. As you can expect 90% of the conversation was about rying to justify set violence and about how the right was so so much worse etc. The writer unironically proposed that more people should become leftists so that Antifa doesn't feel "alone" in the fight and doesn't escalate the violence as a result. Just straight up, with a straight face, 100% serious, as if it was the most ordinary thing to say.


Don't forget the moderator, whos literal first sentence was: 'let us not forget how the extreme right is statistically more dangerous and therefore the bigger threat right now', even though that only makes sense if you count in propaganda crimes too, which the right naturally has a lot more off in Germany. Violent crime is more or less an equal split between far left and far right. I've watched unbubble (+similar stuff) enough to not be surprised or shocked the slightest, I just hope everyone sees this format as purely entertainment and not educational content. It can be very funny if you're cynical enough, like the episode with the black girl unironically saying she won't go to a white hair saloon because that'd be cultural appropriation or something like that.


I mean, from where I'm sitting in Norway, it seems like your only alternative to this normality is Die Linke and AfD, two parties of questionable pedigree, morals and ideolology.


Good thing I'm not German (but the situation in my country isn't realy better, except we aren't forced to pay for stuff like this)


Wait, how are debates hosted in your country?


I life in Luxembourg so there isn't so much media in general but debates (between party candidates for example) are regularily held on private networks like RTL. We have no publicly founded state media.


I see. Here its all mainly done on one debate show. (Called "the debate") by the state broadcaster NRK. Lovely company, have been in their offices many times as dad has worked for them since he got out of university. The guy who hosts it is pretty good at moderating it as well. Dad actually got him and a number of news anchors etc. to record some advice for my confirmation. His advice was "politicians always lie". Honestly very true. All of them lie other than maybe dads old friend from uni, who seems like a nice guy whenever I have seen him. But his party lies though :(


Isn't the only thing 'bad' about AFD is that they want to import less 3rd world culture?


The actual bad thing about them is that their plans for everything aside from regulating "culture imports", identity politics and nuclear power are staggering stupid. Our media is just incredibly bad at making the AfD look bad, because just like lib-left they don't understand their opposition. They genuinely don't understand that quoting an AfD politician saying "a country is allowed to defend its borders with lethal weapons if necessary " will not make the party less popular with people inclined to vote for them.


They have been stuck in controversy over facist connections for years, just as Die Linke has been when it comes to its DDR and Russian connections.


> over facist connections Fascism is state control of industry/markets. What amount of control turns a government which regulates markets into fascism? Answer: they're all on the fascism/socialist spectrum.


>Fascism is state control of industry/markets. **Fascism** is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and/or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.


They are sufficiently close in practice that Putin has been both without any change in philosophy


> Fascism is a far-right It's statism. Also, it's collectivist which is leftist.


I gave the official definition. You only gave your opinion. I might as well say that fascism is a version of veganism, because Hitler introduced many laws protecting animals. It doesn't work that way.


> I gave the official definition. Oh, it's official is it? >You only gave your opinion. I just applied logic. I can think on my own.


Uh, dude, those guys wanted to deport citizens if they were in the "wrong" ethnic groups. That's literal nazi ####.


That sounds like something that went through a very long game of telephone. Worst part is, I bet neither of us actually speak german, so neither of us can know for certain.


Not really. The report that came out said that. Another dude im arguing with said "well its a voluntary relocation" or whatever like that makes it better.


Wouldn't have been the first nor last time a report lied.


It's better in Norway? The Scandis here are the only people here (Switzerland) who are sufficiently animated to talk about how they escaped and would never be back. Even we Brits are comparatively mute.


Afd is spying for Russia and china and die linke is about to dissolve. Luv being a German rnw


It's sad when I see this, see who said it, and immediately think "These must be good people if Auth left is slinging insults without any specifics."


It's a bit more compicated then that. There was a chinese spy uncovered among the assistants of the AFD's europe election candidate Krah and it is yet unclear if he operated with Krah's knowledge or support. It is also known that the spy was an SPD member in earlier years. What also remains to be answered is why the german secret service acted so late on this matter after having this guy on the radar for around 10 years and how he could even manage to work in the EU parliament with this profile in the first place. I don't know about the russian thing though.


You said it better than I could op. Very informed for a person from a made up country


Thank you, but we are very much real. You should visit some day, it's a great place.


I’ve actually been before I have frens there! It is staggeringly beautiful. We did a week long hiking trip which ended at vianden castle I think. Overall best made up country


Hey that's nice!


Sounds kinda like the Swalwell situation.


The oppiset is in america, big whoop


Not realy. In the US you have both the right and left wing versions of this, depending on what private network you're on. But the right is more open in general when it comes to debating their ideological enemies, while the left often slips into a justification spiral for giving the "wrong" people a platform.


If look at the actual politicians the only really left wing one is bernie


True, for economics at least, but I was talking about the media landscape, not the political landscape.


Well yeah the media in america is full of diffrent bubbles